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7 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

**aggressively claps in Irish**

Massive spoilers for GAA1 case 3 ahead, to any whom it may concern.


He ain't clapping now.

Gotta say, when they went through the same song and dance of "all defendants are doomed when this chap prosecutes them" with Van Zykes as they did with every other prosecutor in the series... I didn't think that they'd mean it literally, this time! This game is too good, I swear.


4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So… what’s the route I’m on now called?

I have no idea. Main route, maybe. It certainly doesn't have such a catchy name, if it has one at all.


Good old SF, never letting anyone separate spoiler tags that are together in quotes.

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I did check the mirror, but I don’t think I thought to do so after opening the door.

Yes, the Aubrey scene was very well done. You definitely should attack with Sunny in that case, that was great.



Let's just say, she comes in after you open the door.

As for the Aubrey scene, yeah, it's super great. It wants to achieve a certain reaction, and with most people it gets it with flying colors.


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13 minutes ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio do you happen to know off the top of your head what the high score for the arcade game in the back of the hobby store is? I must beat it.

I've no idea. I cannot remember. I believe I did it without much hassle, though. Keep trying is my guess.

Just now, Sooks said:

Okay, I hit 9000 and he said I got it. Then he gave me cool glasses, which do absolutely nothing.

What did you expect?

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Third case, third part. But that's all right, that wasn't too bad. It was a bit wonky that the reaction didn't happen the first time I pressed the statement, but... eh, perhaps I skipped the text too fast. My bad for reading too quickly, I guess.

...The part that really got me sighing was (spoilers ahead for anyone it may concern)

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When the omnibus's skylight was opened and it turned out to have a huge-ass bloodstain on the side. I clicked on it, but no matter how many times and from how many angles I tried, Ryonosuke and Susato just refused to acknowledge it.

Turns out, after opening the skylight from the outside, I had to go inside the omnibus and click the bloodstain from there, and only then did they finally notice it and the evidence's description changed. Which is rather counter-intuitive, given the thing can only be opened from outside.

That got me game overed, actually. The stain was so obvious that when the game refused to accept it, I thought I had to present the omnibus and then it'd ask me to point out the stain. Instead I got a guilty veredict after a few failed attempts at presenting it, and lost a few minutes of my life wondering what the hell I was doing wrong. Thanks, game.

Still, don't get me wrong, this is the only complaint I got so far. This game is being amazing. The end of case 3 had me shitting my pants, figuratively speaking.

Ah, I see.


I didn't notice the bloodstain until I went inside the omnibus so I didn't have any problems there.

The following cases continue twisting the Ace Attorney formula as far as I've seen. If you're liking GAA1 already, I heard GAA2 is an improvement.

54 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

Finished the second case of GAA2. Holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

I'm playing that case now. I haven't finished it yet but I probably won't be prepared for what happens.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What did you expect?

Cool glasses that do something.

(I don’t actually know what I expected, but I like that they do nothing because this whole section seems to be about destroying RPG conventions).

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I can tell Iris is going to be my favorite character. I'm just going to love every second she's on screen. That theme song totally isn't going to get insufferable.

...Honestly, no, the theme song is so catchy. But... goddamnit, they just couldn't resist, could they? Friggin' Japan... They just had to have the loli with heart motifs in her clothes. Why is that a trope? Why did it have to be a trope...?

Anyway, loli pray tell what do you have to say about my badg-- sorry, my armband? It is very important that you see the armband. Everyone needs to see the armband. It is... tradition.

Just now, Lightchao42 said:

Ah, I see.

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I didn't notice the bloodstain until I went inside the omnibus so I didn't have any problems there.

The following cases continue twisting the Ace Attorney formula as far as I've seen. If you're liking GAA1 already, I heard GAA2 is an improvement.

They get better?!

No way.

...Gotta say, one of the things I've been enjoying the most is that the cases are, so far, generally shorter than the ones in the other Ace Attorneys I've played. That's not to say I hated the other games for having cases that are too long, but it's always been a common complaint that the games drag on a bit, and while I didn't mind it too much then, it's definitely a noticeable improvement now. I'm surprised by how much restraint they've been having in this game so far! I'm as far as case four and none of the cases have taken multiple days yet, ingame and in real life both. But that didn't stop them from feeling compelling and having plenty of twists and turns. Kudos to them.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really hate that Twitter seems to demand that you make an account even to just see tweets as of late. I'm not going to make an account, stop shoving that stupid box all over my face when I'm trying to cringe at what 06 just sent me.


deleting Twitter cookies seems to solve that

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1 hour ago, Dayni said:

(Jeez, try and say one positive bit of news in regards to the current state of affairs and I get the reminder that to think positive is naive)


The lesson I'm told that was learned from the last global crisis- the 08-9 financial one, was that austerity is a stupid idea. Spend big and spend fast, don't worry about the debt. (Well, for the relatively wealthy countries, even the big but underdeveloped ones like India and Brazil can't borrow so cheaply.) One step forward in crisis management, one step back.

And uhhhhh... how about I give you a bigger pole for future use?:

Watching OG SRW stuff has been a coping mechanism for the past few days. Blame it on the allure of forbidden fruit and some, but frustratingly incomplete, knowledge of something.

However, my current avi is from Custom Robo, totally unrelated.

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Now I'm reminded reading up how instead of vaccines, some US politicians are instead promoting the DNA Cocktail thingy Regeneron treatment.... and how some of them have Regeneron stock shares.

Still, nothing new, move along.

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GAA1 case 4 minor spoilers yada yada


God, these two are so fucking slow.

I've been waiting desperately for them to bring up the massive elephant in the room regarding "John H. Wilson" for five minutes straight. They even brought up the friggin' name. But everyone seems to have forgotten the first case. Ryunosuke, you moron, you were accused of the man's murder and yet his name doesn't ring any bells? It rung a bell in the second case, when they brought it up that one time! I want to know what's going on here, damnit! Somebody ask Iris about it!


8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

deleting Twitter cookies seems to solve that

Duly noted. I will try if I remember at one point

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


To be fair, I brought it up to begin with partly because of the percentage.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The lesson I'm told that was learned from the last global crisis- the 08-9 financial one, was that austerity is a stupid idea. Spend big and spend fast, don't worry about the debt. (Well, for the relatively wealthy countries, even the big but underdeveloped ones like India and Brazil can't borrow so cheaply.) One step forward in crisis management, one step back.

The idea of MMT certainly can read that way, to bring up one of the buzz economic theories of the day. Course, the fact that the idea essentially involves taxation being used to delete money to prevent there being so much as to cause mass inflation also needs to be remembered when talking about it.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And uhhhhh... how about I give you a bigger pole for future use?:

I mean, I'm not actually a mech. And at that rate I might as well rob Sun Wukong's pole.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now I'm reminded reading up how instead of vaccines, some US politicians are instead promoting the DNA Cocktail thingy Regeneron treatment.... and how some of them have Regeneron stock shares.

Still, nothing new, move along.

Truly nothing new under the sun here. Even if it's nothing like the current band of "this horse dewormer will solve my covid problems!" in that it can help those infected, guess prevention is no longer recommended?

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Truly nothing new under the sun here. Even if it's nothing like the current band of "this horse dewormer will solve my covid problems!" in that it can help those infected, guess prevention is no longer recommended?

Yep. Why take the free vaccine when you can spend dozens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars with the Regeneron treatment... which is only needed if you're already infected and thus already are chancing your life on it.

It's about profits. And keeping the poor poor. And all that stuff. Capitalism, ho!

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The comment about Begins always gets me

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33 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That moment when you’re trying to do the side content and you accidentally trigger the story. What do you mean I’m the only one who has that problem?

No, don't worry, it's happened to me before. Honestly, it's really annoying when it does. Especially if it's an autosaving game where you cannot come back after you screwed up.

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@Saint Rubenio does it matter if I sell the gold watch or any of this food stuff I got from events like the pie? Or at the very least I can get more later if I do. I’m assuming I won’t need them or they won’t be part of stuff in the future because the game lets me sell them, but just checking.

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I know I have to continue in CrossCode (just need to clear out some monsters to get into the third dungeon it looks like). Thanks to my depressive episode, progress on that came to a near-total halt. I can't let myself pause too long on it.

But, I find myself now presented with three new titles, The Samurai Default With You to be precise. The tales of some less than wealthy bushi who hire you as their financial manager after accruing heavy debts. It is within your power to decide to the fate of these socially privileged, but impoverished people. If you can't find profitable land acquisitions nor wealthier daimyo patrons to stomach the debts for your samurai, then you can try convincing your clients to boldly accept the ramifications of defaulting, or to sacrifice their status and become merchants, or abandon worldly gain altogether and take the tonsure.

More seriously, I think I'll start with Samurai Warriors 5 tomorrow. I like some good cathartic hack & slash. Maybe Bravely Default II comes second, but it is almost certain to the longest of the three games. NEO TWEWY could provide contrast to the turn-based rigidity of BDII.

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