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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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That review was actually fucking on point except for a few things:

  1. The Field studies weren't really filler, they do connect up to the so called ''civil war''. Well, Civil war turning into an overglorified field trip in gb2 is something else.
  2. Calling Elliot good bro wtf. He has nothing but music to him. And then he dares to call Jusis bad

Otherwise 10/10 review

Also i love how most of the comments were ''Akshually you need to'' as per usual when it comes to Falcom fans

Edited by Shrimperor
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5 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

…My work here this night is done. I bid you gentlemen adieu.

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The Field studies weren't really filler, they do connect up to the so called ''civil war''. Well, Civil war turning into an overglorified field trip in gb2 is something else.

  He hadn't played 2 by that time right?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now where's my youtuber that thinks Three Houses killed their parents...?

I wonder.

There's definitely been some commentary, but I haven't seen any overarching videos be put out about the game as a whole.

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As a parting gift Shrimp-kun I’ll give you two series to look into:

1. The Book of the New Sun

2. The Coldfire Trilogy (I’m currently reading book 1 and liking it)


Edited by WraithReborn
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I'm replaying Metroid Fusion now, and my three existing save files have times of 4:01, 3:10, and 2:56. I don't remember the game being that short, and Samus Returns too felt longer than it actually was. Maybe it's just a Metroid thing or because I died a lot, thanks Nightmare. I don't replay games very often so it's unusual that I played Fusion at least three times.

I also learned that I first played Fusion in 2011. Even though I didn't play it when it first launched, I can at least appreciate how long it took for its continuation to release. It only took 19 years for AI Adam to get more screentime...

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Then i am the only enlightened one in the universe.

I didn't think Other M's plot was too bad when I first saw it, but that was over ten years ago. I don't think Fates's plot is terrible either, so I might just have bad taste. I've never played it so I can't judge the gameplay personally.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Ya know

that review reminds me of the one 5/10 CS4 review. The only truthful review i read about that shit

5/10 are still 4 points too much, but what's written in the review was basically right


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That reminds me, I need to finish FC so I can get to CS so that I can agree with the Shrimpfather on something!

That, or he can just play Like a Dragon and agree with me that Yakuza is kino.

Edited by Benice
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Remember guys, nothing is free

 6 hours ago, Dayni said:

I didn't do it on purpose, they just weren't films I noticed at the time and I was young enough I wouldn't be going on my own if I was. On the bright side this means I have no opinions on them.

It's time for you to watch them and form an opinion then 😉

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I literally like the Raimi movies also I've gone on record saying Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie.

But you prefer the formulaic MCU movies to the movies that Webb, Andrew and Emma put their heart and soul into making. Also, Spider-verse is good but it's not even top 3.

49 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Shrimp-kun…hope rides to your aid. Sanity in a world of madness:


Game's on sale rn

I'm gonna buy it

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I wonder.

There's definitely been some commentary, but I haven't seen any overarching videos be put out about the game as a whole.

There are probably videos out there saying that everything after Awakening sucks and it's not really FE.

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2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm replaying Metroid Fusion now, and my three existing save files have times of 4:01, 3:10, and 2:56. I don't remember the game being that short, and Samus Returns too felt longer than it actually was. Maybe it's just a Metroid thing

Samus Returns was absolutely made longer by the Metroid hunt.

Cause looking at the other 2D Metroids, i've got Zero Mission at less than three hours, while both Super and Fusion i was able to complete in less than five hours.

Samus Returns took me about 7 and a half hours.

3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I didn't think Other M's plot was too bad when I first saw it, but that was over ten years ago. I don't think Fates's plot is terrible either, so I might just have bad taste.

Other M's plot is literally just like, ok. I went in being told by everyone that it was a steaming pile of war crimes and i'm actually slightly disappointed that it wasn't.

Gameplay-wise, it bangs tho. Would've been better with Nunchuck but i prefer 2D Metroid over 3D and Other M basically played like a 2D Metroid game.....but in 3D.

2 minutes ago, Benice said:

That reminds me, I need to finish FC so I can get to CS so that I can agree with the Shrimpfather on something!

You also still need to finish Xenoblade 2.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

soon ™️

Hopefully this year or at the beginning of the next 😉


Speaking of, if you did like it, would you wanna play any of the non-JRPG Yakuza games?

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The civil war in Cold Trash 2 is so much of a joke there's a full of...


casuality during the whole thing. And it's a meaningless one, too, lol.

Civil war my fucking ass.

Not even Fates was that bad

Fuck these games

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1 minute ago, Ghost_06_ said:

the movies that Webb, Andrew and Emma put their heart and soul into making.

Oh i'm sure they did. Nobody ever makes something with the intent of it being bad (unless it's like a statement or some shit).

But Webb, Andrew and Emma should've tried harder.

....aight Andrew's still a based actor so i'll let it slide. The problems with his Spidey were absolutely not his fault.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You also still need to finish Xenoblade 2.

See, I have a minor problem.

If I want to install XB2 again, it means I must uninstall Dark Souls.

...I am not done replaying Dark Souls for the umpteenth time.

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