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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Personally I think FF VI is the best of the lot, but FF IX I place in second.

Probably less controversial than my own lukewarm opinion of FF VII...

as you can see from my sig:


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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Perhaps it is an old internet opinion, but I have seen FF VII set aside as the sacred cow far more than VI. I can remember so many people talk about that game as the first game to make them to cry, and showed them that videogames can really be art...

This is both because FF7 was a lot of people's first JRPG and also because Square shills the fuck out of it. Even in Smash, the only FF representation is exclusively from 7 (even Persona at least got some songs from older games).

Personally speaking tho, as someone who doesn't play Final Fantasy because the games simply don't appeal to me, i don't really have a stake in this race.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

have played through it in excess of 20 times.

I haven't played it that much but it's definitely a game i did multiple runs of, both the N64 and the 3DS version. 

14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah, i think VI is a bad game, and VII isn't much better.

I think the more controversial opinion is putting 13 at the top because all i ever saw for that game was hatred. But again, i don't play Final Fantasy, so i don't have a stake in this race.

Edited by Armagon
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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think the more controversial opinion is putting 13 at the top because all i ever saw for that game was hatred. But again, i don't play Final Fantasy, so i don't have a stake in this race.

I dunno, i'd say most people will shit on you for hating VII.

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I made the terrible mistake of unlocking Petra's interview. Out of morbid curiosity, really.

She claimed she fights to "empower women all over the world", "end the male oppression" and "spread the power of feminism among the uncultured masses." Then Meiko asked if her methods are the best way of accomplishing that, which naturally led to her becoming furious that she's being questioned. Because she's an insane feminist, of course. She said "if you're not with us, you're against us", accused "the media" of being biased for questioning her and called Meiko an anti-woman traitor.

The second-hand embarrassment. Goodness, it threatens to swallow me whole. It feels like they got the likes of Steven Crowder to write this character. What the absolute hell happened here? Why is this in the same game that features a black woman that leads the most prestigious university of the continent? What, isn't that "too political"? "Forced diversity"? I am utterly baffled by the fact that these two characters can coexist in the same game.

...And also the fact that Petra's damage is still incredible. She deals the same damage as my dedicated mages with base level spells. Which is absolutely amazing. Not only that, she's incredibly accurate too! Petra's the best! And also the worst! I'd love to know what the thought process behind this character was. I cannot wrap my head around it.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

I dunno, i'd say most people will shit on you for hating VII.

Hating on 7 and praising 13, that's the real one haha.

(Third reminder that i do not have a stake in this race).

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hating on 7 and praising 13, that's the real one haha.

(Third reminder that i do not have a stake in this race).

Exactly, it's like a sin to dislike VII in any capacity, along with VI.

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3 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Plus as I recall you get back some of the temporary party members in the GBA version. Which again adds to what's there.

Most actually.

It's fun to make Edward use his high stat increases when he can actually get to those levels and I think there's some bug in the GBA version to make him broken.

3 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Meanwhile the Western Snes release... I can imagine criticism about it aging badly is justified when it's an inferior version to the literal Super Famicom version.

Another game that's arguably more useful as a game of the time than an actual experience.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She claimed she fights to "empower women all over the world", "end the male oppression" and "spread the power of feminism among the uncultured masses." Then Meiko asked if her methods are the best way of accomplishing that, which naturally led to her becoming furious that she's being questioned. Because she's an insane feminist, of course. She said "if you're not with us, you're against us", accused "the media" of being biased for questioning her and called Meiko an anti-woman traitor.


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The second-hand embarrassment. Goodness, it threatens to swallow me whole. It feels like they got the likes of Steven Crowder to write this character. What the absolute hell happened here? Why is this in the same game that features a black woman that leads the most prestigious university of the continent? What, isn't that "too political"? "Forced diversity"? I am utterly baffled by the fact that these two characters can coexist in the same game.

...And also the fact that Petra's damage is still incredible. She deals the same damage as my dedicated mages with base level spells. Which is absolutely amazing. Not only that, she's incredibly accurate too! Petra's the best! And also the worst! I'd love to know what the thought process behind this character was. I cannot wrap my head around it.

If she stands out with every other character on the standard of their writing, unless they give her a bunch more writing wise I don't know if that's going to alter any perception of her.

Let's be real, Crowder would have made her actually the weakest unit.

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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Exactly, it's like a sin to dislike VII in any capacity, along with VI.

Just be like me and say Final Fantasy is simply too basic to get into (Squeenix RPGs in a nutshell)


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And just as I was moving on from the whole feminist fiasco, this nonsense happened.


What a rollercoaster this game is. Exit Fate, huh. Exit the Fate of being formulaic, more like. The amount of wild shit in this game is staggering.

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Petra's a Sith Lord confirmed. 

Feminism is a pathway to many abilities some consider... unnatural.

- Petra probably

13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

If she stands out with every other character on the standard of their writing, unless they give her a bunch more writing wise I don't know if that's going to alter any perception of her.

I don't think the game will give her much more than she's already gotten. She's a really minor character. She has five lines and then the interview. There are a good number of joke characters in this game. I mean, Deke is just "mad German scientist", through and through. Which is fine. The main cast, the secondary cast and even a few minor characters are all plenty compelling. Having jokey characters to fill the rest of the cast is fine. Fun, even, I mean, who doesn't like a good joke character? Petra just stands out because of the... political connotations, let's just say.

Though, honestly, I'm starting to think that the intent behind this character may've been innocent, if perhaps misguided. The mad German scientist, the shitty necromancer, the emo maid, the failed rockstar, the extremely kindly old man that offers tea to everyone, the snobbish cat... And the crazy feminist. Just another silly character among the silly portion of the cast. It seems plausible that there wasn't any real ill will intended here. Especially considering this:


Let's be real, Crowder would have made her actually the weakest unit.

...Yeah. If there was true malice involved here, she would be weak as shit. Instead, she's a literal truck that can tank bullets. It's not like the game has to make everyone strong, either. There are plenty of weak characters that no sane person should put in their team, who exist more to provide services in the castle than to fight, or... Just exist. Weak characters that are there for people who are mad. Petra didn't have to be powerful, but she is.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Daniel looks like he's stuck in a perpetual state of cluelessness.

I'm guessing they didn't have the budget for different character portraits.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Just be like me and say Final Fantasy is simply too basic to get into (Squeenix RPGs in a nutshell)

I can't really complain about basic when i enjoy XS ep I, lmao.

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8 hours ago, Sooks said:

As soon as the ending cutscene starts (not the story after the final boss but the proper cutscene), simply leave the room and come back 10 minutes later to save your clear data (if you want it)

1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

You watch all of it. It's intended that way

I'll figure it out when I get there, it's not like I'll play it until next year.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Don’t forget Lightchao, Rixia herself is also bigger in a sense, as per the laws of the universe—

I'm sure I'll be very surprised when Rixia's chest is revealed to be a Sept-Terrion.

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Even in Smash, the only FF representation is exclusively from 7 (even Persona at least got some songs from older games).

I can forgive Smash for only having VII content because it seems like getting the stuff we eventually got was hard enough already, with the licensing issues and whatnot. Cloud initially got in because Sakurai wanted a Final Fantasy character and Cloud is the most popular FF character, though we don't know why Sephiroth was picked as the second character (not that I'll complain, since he's probably my second or third favorite of Ultimate's DLC characters).

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The second-hand embarrassment. Goodness, it threatens to swallow me whole. It feels like they got the likes of Steven Crowder to write this character. What the absolute hell happened here?

The devs probably just thought it was funny. But you know what game has well-written female characters?


I am of course, also talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I can't really complain about basic when i enjoy XS ep I, lmao.

Ehh i'd agree the gameplay is basic but Xenosaga story and characters are definitely more intriguing to me than like, anything Final Fantasy. "But Armagon, you've barely played those games" i know i know but no matter how much i try, i just can't be compelled enough to even give those games a chance. Which sucks cause i'd like to play at least the sci-fi leaning ones (sci-fi RPGs are a rarity) but again, to me, Final Fantasy and Square Enix RPGs just in general feel like they pressed the "make an RPG" button.....which i suppose is why they've gotten so successful in the first place.

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I can forgive Smash for only having VII content because it seems like getting the stuff we eventually got was hard enough already, with the licensing issues and whatnot.

I refuse to believe Final Fantasy had bigger licensing issues when Dragon Quest blew it out of the water in terms of representation. 

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I haven't played a single video game in almost a week minus the one round of Mario Party. I need to fix this


9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Meanwhile, Final Fantasy VI remains the Sacred Cow of the franchise inside and outside the fandom, to the point where you have to write a whole ass essay about what you don't like it lest you don't want to be burned at stake for fandom heresy.

Gameplay- Too simplistic.

Honestly, that's also the problem for FFVII, which is a significantly revised version of VI, except each character feels more generic than VI. Magicite and Materia are very similar, and the character abilities everyone has in VI are more distinctive and useful than any little differences in VII's Limit Breaks. And VIII made all the Limit Breaks more unique. Materia, Magicite, and Guardian Forces all make everyone the same, but without the nuance of a good class system, like FFV.

Maybe IX could use some gameplay tweaks, but I felt it still holds up better than its predecessors other than V. X has a solidly good character development system in the Sphere Grid. Instead, it finds its gameplay qualms in random fights being too routine- "Tidus lithe foes, Waka flying foes, Auron armored foes, Lulu things weak to magic, Rikku steals machines", everything dies in one or two hit if you follow the above, some bosses also fall into this trap of being overly methodical, and a horrendous set of postgame challenges.

People can criticize Xenoblade as button-mashy as much as they want nowadays, but let's not kid ourselves, the 16-64 bit golden ages of JRPGs often weren't very complicated. Then you get into the lack of modern QoL issues for the games without good modern remasters. And for plot and characterization, oftentimes things relied on simple charm, not depth, and were technically lacking in the modern means of presentation available. Not to say these "classic" games were bad, I've very much enjoyed my share of them, but in a way, I can understand Armagon's disinterest.

10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I did it knowing it would interest you.

I can't say I would contribute to WYBO, but you do have me wanting to try stretching my mind somewhat by jotting down this one idea I've had up in the noggin for a while.😛


19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Daniel looks like he's stuck in a perpetual state of cluelessness.

Honestly that facial expression has been making me think something else. As in, me going over to them if I saw them on the other side of the street and saying "Sir, would you please stay away from any public park my children may or may not visit for the next 25 years? Ideally from any place they might visit at all if you could.". It's a little creepy.😝

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Well, that was hilarious. The gunman had a taunt that provoked characters into attacking him. Then he murdered all the men with his insanely overpowered moves and I got to watch Griever and Petra madly flail at him for a solid five turns turns, dodging fatal blows, until Griever finished him off with 18 health left, just before he could get the winning shot out.

Petra's right, women are superior.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Daniel looks like he's stuck in a perpetual state of cluelessness.

I'm guessing they didn't have the budget for different character portraits.

I'm fairly certain the game did not have a budget at all. Scf drew every single portrait in the game himself. Which is like, over a hundred of them, not to mention all the battle sprites and all the map sprites. Asking him to draw emotions would not have been feasible, I'm afraid.

Daniel's face is admittedly unfortunate, I'll admit. The main character is also the one with some of the biggest uncanny valley. Oof.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

The devs probably just thought it was funny.

That's what I'm thinking, yes.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

But you know what game has well-written female characters?

This one, leaving aside the one weird joke character? Everyone else is well-written or is at least a more tasteful joke.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:


See, there's a small difference here: Exit Fate is actually a good game.

7 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I am of course, also talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

If you guys get to tell me I should ignore the gross sexualization because "the girls are well-written otherwise", I get to tell you to ignore the strange feminist caricature because "the girls are well-written otherwise." Which they absolutely are. The main plot's writing is incredibly solid and all the main female characters are pretty great.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What a rollercoaster this game is. Exit Fate, huh. Exit the Fate of being formulaic, more like. The amount of wild shit in this game is staggering.

I was wondering where they guns would be.

Doesn't Deke have one or am I wrong?

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't think the game will give her much more than she's already gotten. She's a really minor character. She has five lines and then the interview. There are a good number of joke characters in this game. I mean, Deke is just "mad German scientist", through and through. Which is fine. The main cast, the secondary cast and even a few minor characters are all plenty compelling. Having jokey characters to fill the rest of the cast is fine. Fun, even, I mean, who doesn't like a good joke character? Petra just stands out because of the... political connotations, let's just say.

Though, honestly, I'm starting to think that the intent behind this character may've been innocent, if perhaps misguided. The mad German scientist, the shitty necromancer, the emo maid, the failed rockstar, the kindly old man... And the crazy feminist. Just another silly character among the silly portion of the cast. It seems plausible that there wasn't any real ill will intended here. Especially considering this:

...Yeah. If there was true malice involved here, she would be weak as shit. Instead, she's a literal truck that can tank bullets. It's not like the game has to make everyone strong, either. There are plenty of weak characters that no sane person should put in their team, who exist more to provide services in the castle than to fight, or... Just exist. Weak characters that are there for people who are mad. Petra didn't have to be powerful, but she is.

That's the thing, I wonder how innocent.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe IX could use some gameplay tweaks, but I felt it still holds up better than its predecessors other than V. X has a solidly good character development system in the Sphere Grid. Instead, it finds its gameplay qualms in random fights being too routine- "Tidus lithe foes, Waka flying foes, Auron armored foes, Lulu things weak to magic, Rikku steals machines", everything dies in one or two hit if you follow the above, some bosses also fall into this trap of being overly methodical, and a horrendous set of postgame challenges.

Kimahri: Guess I'll hit the bench.

Which was a pain when I got to the fight he has in lategame and hadn't developed him much at all.

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't think the game will give her much more than she's already gotten. She's a really minor character. She has five lines and then the interview. There are a good number of joke characters in this game. I mean, Deke is just "mad German scientist", through and through. Which is fine. The main cast, the secondary cast and even a few minor characters are all plenty compelling. Having jokey characters to fill the rest of the cast is fine. Fun, even, I mean, who doesn't like a good joke character? Petra just stands out because of the... political connotations, let's just say.

Though, honestly, I'm starting to think that the intent behind this character may've been innocent, if perhaps misguided. The mad German scientist, the shitty necromancer, the emo maid, the failed rockstar, the extremely kindly old man that offers tea to everyone, the snobbish cat... And the crazy feminist. Just another silly character among the silly portion of the cast. It seems plausible that there wasn't any real ill will intended here. Especially considering this:

Plus, if you really wanted an offensive feminist character you'd probably go the Valerie Solanas route.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ehh i'd agree the gameplay is basic but Xenosaga story and characters are definitely more intriguing to me than like, anything Final Fantasy. "But Armagon, you've barely played those games" i know i know but no matter how much i try, i just can't be compelled enough to even give those games a chance. Which sucks cause i'd like to play at least the sci-fi leaning ones (sci-fi RPGs are a rarity) but again, to me, Final Fantasy and Square Enix RPGs just in general feel like they pressed the "make an RPG" button.....which i suppose is why they've gotten so successful in the first place.

I was actually just speaking from a gameplay PoV as a joke. XD

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but without the nuance of a good class system, like FFV.

This is actually my issue with V. The base is good, i won't lie, but the balance between classes? Yeah, that's non-existent.

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This one appeals to me specifically.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly that facial expression has been making me think something else. As in, me going over to them if I saw them on the other side of the street and saying "Sir, would you please stay away from any public park my children may or may not visit for the next 25 years? Ideally from any place they might visit at all if you could.". It's a little creepy.😝

Now that you mention it, he does also look like he's on a watchlist.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I get to tell you to ignore the strange feminist caricature because "the girls are well-written otherwise."

This is what i do anyways.

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See, there's a small difference here: Exit Fate is actually a good game.

You think Sky is bad, i would like to see your reaction to playing CS, considering how horrendous the gameplay is!

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