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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

As for alternatives, What's your Druid list looking like? /s


3 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

For some reason he just feels like a summoner to me. He seems the kind of creepy type that would enjoy watching his creations repeatedly die (which is what Summoners are best at...)


1 hour ago, Punished06 said:

He looks like an alchemist, so any magic-wielding class will do. Maybe Druid?

Oof... See, I've added enough mages. Druids in particular, there's well enough already. Summoner is even worse, because there's already one more than in vanilla, and summoners are powerful, any more than that would be far too much.

Besides in the original game he was far from the magical type

Still, thanks for the suggestions. I'll figure something out.


Is there something being down with Warrior that could work? I was thinking Ranger, but on second glance maybe there's something there to help, I don't know your hack's inner workings.

Warrior's a fair option too. I don't got any prepromotes in that area.

There's already another ranger, though. Repeat classes are fine, but I'd rather not.

7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

As a fellow modder, i understand how that feels! 

As i said, its okay to not like something, but to make a point of it in a rude way isnt necessary. 

Constructive vs destructive! ❤️

It's all right. Thank you very much for the support, but I really don't think anyone was very rude at all.

I do have to take a lesson from this, though. While I tried not to be a jerk and let it show, my reaction to this was... Less than ideal. Now I'm wondering if I really have what it takes to have something I made out there to be dissected and poked at.

Still, good this happened now. Learning to take criticism is important in all facets in life. I thought I had it handled, but it seems not quite as I thought. Something to think about.

So anyway, yeah. Personal stuff aside, the point is, it's fine. I don't think anyone did anything wrong. Thank you anyway for your kind words.

5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Alright, attempt number two on the incel generals

The virgin "I'm kind to women" Caellach vs the chad "I do so love strong women" Valter

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6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So I've yet to try Sacred Stone's skirmish maps. I know in Awakening and Fates the skirmish maps are some of the most relaxing parts of the game, smooth music and brainless gameplay to just grind away, so I'm quite excited to see what SS has in store for-




What the fuck

You've clearly never played the skirmishes on Awakening Lunatic.

Did it double?

Man Iron Blade is trash.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I like how L'Arachel has taken place as Erika's righthand woman for no reason what so ever.

Real 👏 protagonist

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is actually a good ending because now the two will be reunited.


6 hours ago, Punished06 said:

Blame her

Azula gif 10 | Avatar azula, Avatar legend of aang, Azula

If it wasn't for her, I would never risk it



Do not do it.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Warrior's a fair option too. I don't got any prepromotes in that area.

There's already another ranger, though. Repeat classes are fine, but I'd rather not.

Hope you have something he can fill that niche with.

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9 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

You've clearly never played the skirmishes on Awakening Lunatic.

I think it says a lot that I can't even imagine enemies having actual skills in Fire Emblem.

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Did it double?

Man Iron Blade is trash.

No it didn't actually, and uh...to tell you guys the truth, Erika totally dodged that attack and remained alive for the rest of the skirmish. I added the same game over screenshot I took from before because I thought it'd be funny, but uh, having seen folk's response to it, it seems my shock was misinterpreted as reacting to the low hit chance when in reality I was reacting to the crazy animation of the eyeball summoning a blackhole to the goddamn shadow realm half the map away from me.

So sorry to deceive you all, Erika lived. Gerik had a close call from the same attack but ended up living as well.

17 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Real 👏 protagonist

I swear, once I figure out the photoshop situation I'm going to create an even better Lord of The Rings meme.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


18 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


I was honestly quite distraught when going through that cutscene, you could audibly hear my gasp in the room. I though it was going to be the queen that was going to go through a heartbreak, but in reality it was me two times over.

*five times over if you count the other deaths that happened along the way.

What a beautiful gameplay to story integration this game has, even if it makes me cry.



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8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


"I kill them quickly."

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Jesus fucking Christ.

Yeah, 3x effective damage will do that.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

One thing I missed a lot from Three Houses was hard hitting attacks. TH attack sound affects and animation didn't have quite the impact that the games before had.

"The games before"? You mean they feel even more noodley then the 3DS ones? That's hard to imagine, honestly.


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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

No it didn't actually, and uh...to tell you guys the truth, Erika totally dodged that attack and remained alive for the rest of the skirmish. I added the same game over screenshot I took from before because I thought it'd be funny, but uh, having seen folk's response to it, it seems my shock was misinterpreted as reacting to the low hit chance when in reality I was reacting to the crazy animation of the eyeball summoning a blackhole to the goddamn shadow realm half the map away from me.

So sorry to deceive you all, Erika lived. Gerik had a close call from the same attack but ended up living as well.

Okay, you got me.

In fairness the cut got us.

30 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I was honestly quite distraught when going through that cutscene, you could audibly hear my gasp in the room. I though it was going to be the queen that was going to go through a heartbreak, but in reality it was me two times over.

*five times over if you count the other deaths that happened along the way.

What a beautiful gameplay to story integration this game has, even if it makes me cry.

A player character dying before their arc can be delivered, ample opportunity for misery.

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2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

No it didn't actually, and uh...to tell you guys the truth, Erika totally dodged that attack and remained alive for the rest of the skirmish. I added the same game over screenshot I took from before because I thought it'd be funny, but uh, having seen folk's response to it, it seems my shock was misinterpreted as reacting to the low hit chance when in reality I was reacting to the crazy animation of the eyeball summoning a blackhole to the goddamn shadow realm half the map away from me.

So sorry to deceive you all, Erika lived. Gerik had a close call from the same attack but ended up living as well.

First you lie, then you misspell Eirika's name. Is there no limit to your evil?

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now I'm wondering if I really have what it takes to have something I made out there to be dissected and poked at.

See one of the perks of modding is things can ALWAYS change. You arent stubborn like the devs who refuse to fix issues they have with game design. 

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7 hours ago, joevar said:

the problem with the story i guess. i didnt feel much too.  almost feel forced even. and the whole backstory just flew over me.

So same as me on the backstory. They explained it only once, and I didn't catch it entirely. I didn't check the ingame synopsis to see if there was recorded explanation there.

As for forced, "rushed" might also be another word I would use. This is the heroes' first encounter with Symmone, they should've slipped in an earlier interaction or two in order to tease Dezel and build up to this scene. Also, the third Zaveid skirmish takes place very soon after the second in all likelihood, a little redundant.

7 hours ago, joevar said:

i actually kind of like zaveid better than dezel. maybe because he's like the "uncle" of the team with (lore-wise) strength to back it up. 

The exuberance of Zaveid is ...exuberant. I wasn't particularly attached to Dezel, though he could've stayed and it would've been fine -provided he had opened up a little more.

Tales has been throwing an "old man" into the team fairly frequently. Regal, Jade, Raven, Malik, Rowan. Zaveid sure stands out among these (those I know at least, I can't account for characters in games I haven't played). Although the archetype as a whole is small enough to avoid repetition.

  • Malik was totally irrelevant narratively, although not a bad character. Still better than Sophie, possible Pascal, maybe in the middle of likability with Cheria.
  • Raven I just never came to like, and was very forced in his other archetypal role. He (and Estelle) sits towards at the very bottom of the Vesperia crew for me.
  • Jade was fun, he made me smile, but his personality got a little tired by the end of -very lengthy- Abyss.
  • Rowan was a good gentleman.
  • Regal- he and Presea form what is arguably an extraneous storyline that Symphonia didn't need and would have been fine without. Regal also benefits from my Symphonia bias. Nonetheless, I would say he was a generally solid character. The trick he pulled in Symphonia DotNW was funny too.

How Zaveid ranks shall be interesting to see.

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53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So, you still think Alisha is gonna rejoin the party? Haha, it gets everyone considering her importance to begin with! One of their decisions that were on the "poor" side to be sure. Xd

Though I hadn't seen any real plot details or anything, I had vaguely glimpsed mention of a "main heroine fake-out" regarding Zestiria years ago. So I knew something would happen.

As for why it has happened... eh. The realm of politics does not appear so far to be a focus of Zesty, which drags Alisha and her excuse of "I must serve my kingdom!" down. Thankfully, they also concocted that "her natural resonance isn't high enough to avoid draining Sorey in the long run" second excuse for her Squireship to end. Alisha overall so far is predicted to feel "underbaked, needed more story presence" by the time Zestiria is over.

Alisha vs. Rose... Rose.

  • Alisha did have some implicitly romantic moments with Sorey, while Rose hasn't had any. 
    • Yet I prefer none to any in this case. Romantic moments in video games tend to feel unnatural and forced.
    • Sorey and Rose did have that intentionally-cringe "lie about being husband and wife" scene. Nobody was complaining about it or even bring it up after it was over though, that was to its benefit.
  • While the game did put a little space between Alisha's departure and Rose's recruitment, it did still initially feel like "really? The game is shoving a second love interest at Sorey like this?". 
    • Thankfully, there is a lack of amorous events and blushy-"It's not like that!"-feelings between Sorey and Rose. They don't act nor look like star-crossed lovers, you could entirely envision them being just friends at the end of the journey.
  • When Alisha and Rose first meet on the bridge, there is no jealousy, no mention of love whatsoever. And so far there has been none of that since, much appreciated.

Also in Rose's favor:


-Although I don't want the game to lean into romance at all. It'll just drag things down. Keep things at a low atmospheric background heteronormative romantic radiative level, enough to move the Geiger Counter of Love off of 0, but just barely so, that is fine for this game.

And if the game were to lean more heavily into romance -which I do hopefully doubt and therefore I'm speaking purely hypothetically- I'd wish for Mikleo to be a pick.


I get that descriptions for Titles are traditionally often fancy prose to add an air of gravitas to them- which befits Titles as a mark of status. However, did Namco even realize how deep a bond this sounds? I think they or the translators might have overdone it.😆

BTW- Do you know if the Alisha bonus story DLC is worth it after I finish the game?


17 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

And Idol Fire Emblemsona get!

I hope you have fun with it!😁

If you need advice (well I have the Wii U version so it wouldn't be absolutely perfect), I am willing to offer you any guidance you may request. I cleared the game on Hard, and have a partially complete (unfinished b/c lack of attention span) Lunatic playthrough.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I hope you have fun with it!😁



4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I am willing to offer you any guidance you may request.

Well, you might find me posting one question  or the other here^^

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Infact, you can probably get Copes for 45€ new in some places atm


That doesn't happen here.

I mean, is BotW sub 55 anywhere? Sure ain't here. I know that that's a stretch, but prices don't drop all that far here.

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