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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


That doesn't happen here.

what about ebay or used games shop ala Gamestop?

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I mean, is BotW sub 55 anywhere? Sure ain't here. I know that that's a stretch, but prices don't drop all that far here.

Mario & Zelda usually stay high up, but used i did get some of em sub 35€

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

what about ebay or used games shop ala Gamestop?

Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Mario & Zelda usually stay high up, but used i did some of em sub 35€

They might, but many of the 1st party games also stay close to new prices used here. Certainly closer than they should.

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6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

They might, but many of the 1st party games also stay close to new prices used here. Certainly closer than they should.

looking around every once in a while won't hurt tho. Sometimes i was able to nab rare games for pretty cheap.

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

looking around every once in a while won't hurt tho. Sometimes i was able to nab rare games for pretty cheap.

>Implying I don't.

It's just frustrating at times.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And luxuries aside, I doubt premodern transportation methods could send scarcely more than salted fish, livestock, and olive oil huge distances (although Rome and then Constantinople were dependent on Egyptian grain to keep the lower classes of the capitals happy, although that was more a mid-range distance I guess and had the major benefit of water transport).

One advantage most of the other Fire Emblem versions of what I am going to call the "Merecenary States" has is they do skirt around this transportation issue a little by having an extremely prominent air presence. Jehanna not so much though...


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oof... See, I've added enough mages. Druids in particular, there's well enough already. Summoner is even worse, because there's already one more than in vanilla, and summoners are powerful, any more than that would be far too much.

Besides in the original game he was far from the magical type

Still, thanks for the suggestions. I'll figure something out.

Then I have two alternate suggestions, first is a lot of work, but adding in Ballistician class just for him. The easy alternative is just Sniper instead.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said: 

No it didn't actually, and uh...to tell you guys the truth, Erika totally dodged that attack and remained alive for the rest of the skirmish. I added the same game over screenshot I took from before because I thought it'd be funny, but uh, having seen folk's response to it, it seems my shock was misinterpreted as reacting to the low hit chance when in reality I was reacting to the crazy animation of the eyeball summoning a blackhole to the goddamn shadow realm half the map away from me.

So sorry to deceive you all, Erika lived. Gerik had a close call from the same attack but ended up living as well.

Surprise siege tome death is just too relatable a concept for old school FE players.


4 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I was honestly quite distraught when going through that cutscene, you could audibly hear my gasp in the room. I though it was going to be the queen that was going to go through a heartbreak, but in reality it was me two times over.

*five times over if you count the other deaths that happened along the way.

What a beautiful gameplay to story integration this game has, even if it makes me cry.

Its funny to see the impact of Kaga's core design philosophy seeping into the post-Kaga era. Kaga was all about gameplay-story integration, and letting the player create a story through their gameplay, and perma-death was a part of that principle which lingered on in the series for long after his departure.


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I feel like fucking shit.

2 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

And Idol Fire Emblemsona get!

Have fun and let us know how you feel about it.

2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Then I have two alternate suggestions, first is a lot of work, but adding in Ballistician class just for him. The easy alternative is just Sniper instead.

Sniper, eh. That's not too bad, but then, Innes. There's wrangler, which uses both axes and bows. Really, that seems like the perfect option. But he's bald and the class has lots of hair. I don't know.

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Time for a small break

Honestly, I don't know. This goes beyond being told a unit is broken or I made a chapter too difficult. I actually feel like a terrible person. If I undo it, I'm a coward. If I keep it, I'm an ignorant shithead. Either way, I'm a weak pile of trash and I wish I hadn't started this dumbass thing at all.

Sorry for troubling you all with this, but I really needed to get it out of my chest and there's no one else I can talk to. Maybe what I need is to call my therapist and tell her I need to see her sooner than agreed, because I legit haven't felt this horrible for a long time. And it's over nonsense. Fuck me.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This goes beyond being told a unit is broken or I made a chapter too difficult. I actually feel like a terrible person. If I undo it, I'm a coward. If I keep it, I'm an ignorant shithead. Either way, I'm a weak pile of trash and I wish I hadn't started this dumbass thing at all.

As i said before: "It's your hack, you're the boss"

I, as you should know, don't mind problematic content in fiction at all, and what you are doing isn't even 1% as problematic as stuff people should stomache.

It's just said thing is a hot topic in some places atm.

And from the rest of your post, take a break for a while and go do something else.

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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8 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


You need to play Conquest Ü

Or wait didn't you already?

I did, in fact it was my first Fire Emblem game.

I've yet to have been able to beat it, though my most recent run I got decently close, just to the last chapter before letting it go.

It was still a valuable experience, it definitely helped me learn to play these games more efficiently and effectively.

8 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Yeah, 3x effective damage will do that.

Nearly all of my units would've been one rounded just by fighting him. Thank god I brought in Saleh so that he could tank the hits.

8 hours ago, BrightBow said:

"The games before"? You mean they feel even more noodley then the 3DS ones? That's hard to imagine, honestly.

They do honestly, even the 3DS games had hard hitting attacks, Three Houses just feels like everyone's getting a papercut

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

First you lie, then you misspell Eirika's name. Is there no limit to your evil?

Fire Emblem really is the worst series to get into if you have dyslexia.


1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its funny to see the impact of Kaga's core design philosophy seeping into the post-Kaga era. Kaga was all about gameplay-story integration, and letting the player create a story through their gameplay, and perma-death was a part of that principle which lingered on in the series for long after his departure.

It's interesting to see that philosophy in the newer games go away as they start being made with casual mode in mind. On one hand it's sad to see the art of permadeath disappear, but on the other hand it's also nice to have a smaller cast of truly dynamic characters that remain relevant to the story.

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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

One advantage most of the other Fire Emblem versions of what I am going to call the "Merecenary States" has is they do skirt around this transportation issue a little by having an extremely prominent air presence.

If only we knew the load capacity of fliers.

Pegasi we could sorta figure out from IRL horses, but they can't be carrying wagons behind them, and we don't know if they're all built like warhorses or if some that we don't see are bred specifically as beasts of burden and capable of carrying a little more at the cost of speed. 

Wyverns are a can of worms beyond our comprehension. I'd expect them to hold more weight, but how much exactly?

Also, numbers. How easily do fliers breed? Are they are as easy to maintain and breed as horses, or are their needs higher and numbers lower, and by how much?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry for troubling you all with this, but I really needed to get it out of my chest and there's no one else I can talk to.

A labor of love is feeling more the former than the latter? That happens, just pull back. -Try to finish it later if you seriously want to, I never manage to.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe what I need is to call my therapist and tell her I need to see her sooner than agreed, because I legit haven't felt this horrible for a long time. And it's over nonsense. Fuck me.

At least you have one. I still don't.

Today I was supposed to go for a physical for the first time in years b/c The Scheduler Of My Health Appointments wanted it done before booking me a psychologist, but the doctor canceled at the last minute. Thus I need a rescheduling, and as a result a delay in talking to a professional about my depression and other things.😐 Frustration at this delay led to me internally vent a few times.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I don't know. This goes beyond being told a unit is broken or I made a chapter too difficult. I actually feel like a terrible person. If I undo it, I'm a coward. If I keep it, I'm an ignorant shithead. Either way, I'm a weak pile of trash and I wish I hadn't started this dumbass thing at all.

Sorry for troubling you all with this, but I really needed to get it out of my chest and there's no one else I can talk to. Maybe what I need is to call my therapist and tell her I need to see her sooner than agreed, because I legit haven't felt this horrible for a long time. And it's over nonsense. Fuck me.

Ah mate. I may not be a romhacker but I know the feeling all too well. It's a good thing you feel strongly about weather or not changing something as serious as skin color is a good idea, it means you genuinely care about the situation and are willing to take it seriously. I've lived through so much white washing of certain cultures, hell I've seen white washing of my own people! You have no idea how happy it made me to see you genuinely ask the question.

We support you, we all do. In all of it's nonsense it's amazing to see Teehee as a safe place where you can talk about how you're feeling, and I'm very glad you were willing to talk to us about it. I wish you all the best going forward, friend.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry for troubling you all with this, but I really needed to get it out of my chest and there's no one else I can talk to. Maybe what I need is to call my therapist and tell her I need to see her sooner than agreed, because I legit haven't felt this horrible for a long time. And it's over nonsense. Fuck me.

Its okay, really. Its not burden at all!

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I don't know. This goes beyond being told a unit is broken or I made a chapter too difficult. I actually feel like a terrible person. If I undo it, I'm a coward. If I keep it, I'm an ignorant shithead. Either way, I'm a weak pile of trash and I wish I hadn't started this dumbass thing at all.

Personally, I think the ignorant shitheads are the ones insisting that changing a characters skin tone magically, and instantly transforms them into an ugly character, or have to invent elaborate theories about how Jehanna somehow can't be a desert nation, which for equally baffling reasons somehow proves the people there can't be brown. Honestly the effort that went into dissuading you of that small edit baffles me, and it fills me with enough discomfort, that I wont judge you for bending to that, and I do not care enough about the change to think keeping the edit say much about you as a person either.

Personally I hope you end up finishing the project, even if you just keep it for yourself instead of spreading it about the web. I don't know if you ever played it, but I am reminded of The Beginner's Guide by Davey Wreden, as it touches on the idea of creating games, for the joy of simply creating, and how an audience can sap that joy from it by making it about them instead.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I feel like fucking shit.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Honestly, I don't know. This goes beyond being told a unit is broken or I made a chapter too difficult. I actually feel like a terrible person. If I undo it, I'm a coward. If I keep it, I'm an ignorant shithead. Either way, I'm a weak pile of trash and I wish I hadn't started this dumbass thing at all.

Sorry for troubling you all with this, but I really needed to get it out of my chest and there's no one else I can talk to. Maybe what I need is to call my therapist and tell her I need to see her sooner than agreed, because I legit haven't felt this horrible for a long time. And it's over nonsense. Fuck me.

Sorry I can't help you on this, as someone who felt he couldn't give much of an opinion on the discourse. It's a good decision to take a step back and assess this, because there's a serious question in the topic as others here have raised.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Today I was supposed to go for a physical for the first time in years b/c The Scheduler Of My Health Appointments wanted it done before booking me a psychologist, but the doctor canceled at the last minute. Thus I need a rescheduling, and as a result a delay in talking to a professional about my depression and other things.😐 Frustration at this delay led to me internally vent a few times.

My sympathies for frustrating delays.

10 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Great, just great. Rubenio feels awful and Shrimp-Kim’s walking straight into the slaughterhouse. What else could possibly go wrong?

This (Lore stuff again):


The journey has not gone as planned. Destination seems to be lost, not where I was directed or never was there to begin with. Sands go on for miles and miles. Last watering hole was days behind, have seen nothing in person since. I can feel like I've reached a limit and can't keep going much longer. Sunset might help but I don't see an easy way forward from here.

I suppose I'll lie down.... for a while.... res.....


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35 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

The journey has not gone as planned. Destination seems to be lost, not where I was directed or never was there to begin with. Sands go on for miles and miles. Last watering hole was days behind, have seen nothing in person since. I can feel like I've reached a limit and can't keep going much longer. Sunset might help but I don't see an easy way forward from here.

I suppose I'll lie down.... for a while.... res.....


Honestly, the earlier discussion on Jehanna makes me want to find a good, academic general/global environmental history on human civilization in arid/desert environments.🤓 (Assuming such a comprehensive work exists, I might have to settle for books dedicated to specific regions of the world.) How societies adapted to their harsh environments, how they went beyond surviving to thriving. I know the names of Egypt, Petra, Mali, Morocco, the modern Arabian Peninsula California etc., but I want to get stuck in their underground aqueducts, in the foundations of habitation without which culture and economy could not possibly exist much less flourish. I feel like there is a lacunae in my understanding I need filled.😆

That's one thing I miss about college. Higher-end history classes are amazing book clubs -setting aside the cost of tuition in the US.

With video games going increasingly digital nowadays, and my family still wishing to gift me physical stuff, histories might be an answer. Local libraries can't cover every topic I might want.


25 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Hatsune Tiki

 So you've begun.😈🍿

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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