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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly, the earlier discussion on Jehanna makes me want to find a good, academic general/global environmental history on human civilization in arid/desert environments.🤓 (Assuming such a comprehensive work exists, I might have to settle for books dedicated to specific regions of the world.) How societies adapted to their harsh environments, how they went beyond surviving to thriving. I know the names of Egypt, Petra, Mali, Morocco, the modern Arabian Peninsula California etc., but I want to get stuck in their underground aqueducts, in the foundations of habitation without which culture and economy could not possibly exist much less flourish. I feel like there is a lacunae in my understanding I need filled.😆


You say Cali as a joke but the North American desert natives are also well worth looking into. The Pueblo, Navajo, Apache, and more are all fascinating topics.

The biggest issue with learning desert cultures (Something that applies to all global south cultures) is how difficult it is to research it, especially if you don't have the means to travel there yourself.

You might know this already but if you're looking online, it's good to find scholarly research pdf files, as they are often far more reliable than something on wikipedia or a random news article. 

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21 hours ago, Benice said:


...Wait, why IS everyone from Jehanna white?

The Sacred Stones is anime, so clearly they're actually Japanese.

18 hours ago, Sooks said:

The one benefit of not having played Crossbell.

English speakers will not be safe for much longer...

Anyway, now I have reached Cold Steel II's final final dungeon, which seems to be procedurally generated to some extent. You also get to use everyone which is fun.

Since I won't have another opportunity to do so, I will try to guess who the Phantasmal Mirror characters are to see how accurate I was later.


The Chevalier Mirror is probably Crow... though oddly my first guess was Neithardt, since the Chevalier master quartz belonged to him in the last game.

The Witch's Mirror is probably Vita, what other witches are there? Celine, perhaps.

The Black Rabbit Mirror is obviously... Dark Millium, Millium's angsty twin sister who wears black. It's Altina if you want my actual guess.

My guesses for the Courageous Mirror are Olivert or Viscount Arseid... maybe.

The Silver Mirror is the one I'm least sure about aside from them being female, but it could be Rixia, in which case the Courageous Mirror is probably Lloyd.


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6 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

And Idol Fire Emblemsona get!


4 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Gotta say tho, i really really love the box arts of the game. Especially the inner one. So colorful and viberant

TMS is just full of personality.

35 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

...are lvlups random?

Fire Emblem moment.

20 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Is there no run button btw?

Oh yeah this part sucks. It's the one thing Persona 5 has over it (and guess what, Soul Hackers 2 doesn't have one either like what the fuck bro).

Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Touma has big Tokusatsu protag energy

There we go.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

TMS is just full of personality.

7 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Motorcycle Cain lmao

And i love how the first boss is an armor knight

The ultimate enemy of elitists xD

Also Caeda speed screwed SMH


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22 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Also Caeda speed screwed SMH

The good news is is that being a JRPG means you can mitigate it with buffs (it's MegaTen so you'll be doing this a lot).

22 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Motorcycle Cain lmao

Shadow Dragon characters are better in TMS than they are in Shadow Dragon LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

You say Cali as a joke but the North American desert natives are also well worth looking into. The Pueblo, Navajo, Apache, and more are all fascinating topics.

Those slipped my mind when I was typing that. I knew they existed, I merely forgot.😅


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

...are lvlups random?

Considering the stats are bigger, it's not an SRPG, and no permadeath, the randomness isn't a big deal. 

16 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Ok lmao she has it harder for Kiria kek

You're more familiar with animanga than me, but I was told once that "women crushing on a "cool"-personality female" is a trope. I remember Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold once had the middle-aged fat married innkeeper lady express awe at the stoic and dedicated young woman who runs the restaurant. And Luminous Arc 3 definitely had an NPC female student crushing over Ashley in the same way. I'm have no idea if the cliche appears in yuri, though I hesitate to call it true lesbianism.

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32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Shadow Dragon characters are better in TMS than they are in Shadow Dragon LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO

29 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I feel this so much already


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Thank you all for the kind words. I mean it. I really appreciate all the support.

Truth be told, this has been building up for a while. I don't want to bother you all with any details, but from interactions at work and elsewhere, without even noticing it myself, I've been accumulating a certain kind of stress. And then this whole debacle hit me in a delicate spot. I guess it all together made me explode.

I'm all right now. I went for a long walk with my dad around the city, ate... this thing with hot chocolate for dinner, and with my inner child satisfied, I am now just chilling to this. Life's all about the little pleasures.

Anyway, I'm really sorry if I said the wrong things before. I don't hold anything against anyone. It all just came together.

...And with all this, I still don't have a class for the bald man. Haha, ah well.

3 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

And from the rest of your post, take a break for a while and go do something else.

Yeah, that helped immensely. Thanks.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fire Emblem really is the worst series to get into if you have dyslexia.

Bah, it's all right. Eirika's name is pretty, but easy to confuse, with that sneaky i. Fado was feeling exotic that day.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Great, just great. Rubenio feels awful and Shrimp-Kun is walking straight into the slaughterhouse. What else could possibly go wrong?

I'm better now. And I didn't even need alcohol!

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A labor of love is feeling more the former than the latter? That happens, just pull back. -Try to finish it later if you seriously want to, I never manage to.

Thank you very much. I'm back with renewed energies.


At least you have one. I still don't.

Today I was supposed to go for a physical for the first time in years b/c The Scheduler Of My Health Appointments wanted it done before booking me a psychologist, but the doctor canceled at the last minute. Thus I need a rescheduling, and as a result a delay in talking to a professional about my depression and other things.😐 Frustration at this delay led to me internally vent a few times.

That's really unfortunate... See, some like to deride it as "paying to talk to someone", but one, if your therapist is worth anything that's not true, and two, people really underestimate the value of just talking to someone who understands - who is trained to understand, as opposed to bottling it all up. Those "internal" vents would be external with a therapist, and it helps, it really does. Especially when your therapist knows their stuff and can guide you along.

Of course, there's the money issue. I don't know how expensive psychologists are over there. And I was too young to really remember the details, but I sure as hell can tell you I didn't need to get "a physical" done when I first went to my psychologist.

Anyway, what I'm saying is the same thing I've said before. I cannot speak for everyone, but therapy has been vital to me. Still is, today. You never grow too old or too healthy for such a thing as mental care. Just look at me! I'm going through the happiest, most fortune-filled period of my life. I honestly thought nothing could shake me right now. And out of nowhere, I have an emotional breakdown for the most out there reasons. We're human. Shit happens. It's very important to take care of oneself.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ah mate. I may not be a romhacker but I know the feeling all too well. It's a good thing you feel strongly about weather or not changing something as serious as skin color is a good idea, it means you genuinely care about the situation and are willing to take it seriously. I've lived through so much white washing of certain cultures, hell I've seen white washing of my own people! You have no idea how happy it made me to see you genuinely ask the question.

I am so happy to hear that. I'm not the smartest or most knowledgable guy, and I know I don't always say the right things - or, y'know, just know when to shut up - but the last thing I mean to do is insult or hurt someone.


We support you, we all do. In all of it's nonsense it's amazing to see Teehee as a safe place where you can talk about how you're feeling, and I'm very glad you were willing to talk to us about it. I wish you all the best going forward, friend.

Yes. I'm glad to be here. Thanks again. You cannot imagine how much I appreciate your support, Quetzal.

2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Its okay, really. Its not burden at all!

Thank you so much. Your continued support is much appreciated.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I wont judge you for bending to that, and I do not care enough about the change to think keeping the edit say much about you as a person either.

Thanks. I'm not quite sure yet what I'll do about the Jehannans. I honestly do like the tans. Either way, I can't be contemplating to quit over something like this. I've got plenty of time to decide, it's not like I have any pressure to release this, haha. I should just keep going, leave this in the backburner where it belongs.

After all, I've not even gotten to the part after which the hack was named! One of the grand goals! I don't think I've shared the name yet, come to think about it. It's not set in stone, it's honestly kind of a lame name, but well... Project Fado is the current name. That's right, you don't have to call it "Ruben's Stones" anymore. Or do, it's a funnier name.

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Personally I hope you end up finishing the project, even if you just keep it for yourself instead of spreading it about the web. I don't know if you ever played it, but I am reminded of The Beginner's Guide by Davey Wreden, as it touches on the idea of creating games, for the joy of simply creating, and how an audience can sap that joy from it by making it about them instead.

Yes, I believe I'll be finishing this. Hiccups or no hiccups, I'm enjoying it too much. Coming up with ideas, feeling restless to go back home and implement them. The healthy frustration of encountering an incomprehensible problem and making sense of it. It's fun, really fun. I'll ponder on whether to release it, where and when at the end. In the end, it's about the journey.

If nothing else, I think I'll have gained a newfound respect for game developers from this little project. It's all fun and games for me when I'm throwing crap at Three Houses. Doesn't feel as good to be on the other end - not that anyone was nearly as harsh as I was on my average Three Houses rant. Definitely some lessons to learn from this.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Sorry I can't help you on this, as someone who felt he couldn't give much of an opinion on the discourse. It's a good decision to take a step back and assess this, because there's a serious question in the topic as others here have raised.

It's all right. I appreciate it, man, I really do.

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