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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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theres another DS game that uses stylus uniquely: Ninja Gaiden DS. i think this one is actually the one with 100% stylus control.

the game  played vertically even , not horizontal top down, but left right

i might be wrong again tho on thee 100% part

Edited by joevar
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I remember being interested in TWEWY. Thought on getting the mobile port just to be able to play it, since I never got a DS back in the day and for my 3DS... well, other games were more important to get and play. But now even the mobile port is down on the priority list to acquire, pft.

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9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact, me and brother both work as caterers for weddings and one night he came back with a full fucking wedding cake because apparently they didn't know who else to give it to.

So lucky us, we now have a wedding cake all to ourselves.

Send me some of it on post.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm not sure exactly what's in it, but as a lover of baked goods, I'll take it!

Seriously, any time I stop at a local bakery, I have to stop myself from buying out the store. 

It was really good. And really big. Not kidding when I said I had that for dinner.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I suppose it helps his name is Portuguese for "destiny/fate", which is also the name of a genre of Portuguese music. A little exotic for this old man who barely has any presence.

I always liked his name. And his design. And his official artwork. And his palette in the creature campaign. Too bad he has zero presence and dies immediately and anticlimatically because FE dad.

But then... I have power now. Reality can be whatever I want it to be.


I could try speaking up, but yet again I'd rather not, don't want to draw too much attention to myself. Surely this delay won't push things back too far. Then why do I feel like 2022 might end without me getting a word in to a therapist?

Hang in there, buddy. Hope things get sorted out quick.

7 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Ever try a little unaged corn likker? 

No, and I've no intention to.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I think I'm convinced at this point that Valter's not even trying to kill Eirika, he's just trying to get close to her so he can confess his love.

Valka. Based ship.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This...however is not very amusing.

Ruben...I am so sorry.


Failed run, reset from the beginning.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

hitler-takes-off-glasses-o.gif gif by sirkillsalotlol | Photobucket

I figured as much.

Well at least I figured out what it did in the most truly authentic way of playing outside of reading the fucking weapon description.

Hahahaha... Ah, don't beat yourself up over it. Losing someone to the devil axe is a rite of passage.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ruben tomorrow


Justice for Boulder

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My bigger problem with combat ATM is the AI. Bosses and shadowy enemies usually have an attack capable of 1-2HKOing allies, and the AI is too incompetent to dodge them. Rose usually dies and burns through all the seraphs except the one Sorey is armatized to. It's almost a waste trying to keep them Life Bottled, but then everyone who remains KO'ed misses out on a like a entire level of EXP.

And it gets worse after that point, sadly. Luckily i played Zestiria/Berseria with my brother so that was a non-issue for us!

Arise sadly does not have multi so the shit A.I got in the way on numerous occasions.

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Tactics Ogre Rebron is changing its stupid level system from -by class- to -by character-?! 

I approve. This change is amazing cause that leveling system was dumb, it made using low leveled classes way too difficult. 

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wedding cakes as we know them began as fruit cakes, which meant they were soaked in alcohol. Thanks to the booze...


...we still have a surviving slice of Queen Victoria's wedding cake.

If you eat this today, you would die instantly on the spot.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Losing someone to the devil axe is a rite of passage.

I've never lost someone to a Devil Axe cause I'm built different.

Instead my rite of passage was Hector missing everything and thus not getting enough levels for promotion.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

If you eat this today, you would die instantly on the spot.

There was a guy who ate hardtack from the Civil War on YouTube.

Hardtack isn't alcoholic, instead it's really really really really really really dry. Also known by other names such as ship's biscuits, galette, molar breakers and many others, hardtack is bread that is baked for a few hours, and then baked again at a lower temperature for a few hours more. The result is a bread with like 0% moisture content. On an old-fashioned ship, hardtack can last six months to a year, eventually the ocean air will moisturize it (possibly with an infestation of worms). On land, if properly stored, hardtack can last basically forever. Dryness = immortality.

There are two problems with hardtack.

  • The first, is that all you need to make it is just flour and water, maybe a little salt (not necessary if intended for consumption at sea, leave it exposed to the salty air for a little while and there's your sodium intake). The result is that hardtack is supremely bland.
  • The second, hardtack is hardtack. You will break teeth if you try biting it. You might mistake the stuff for "edible" bricks. There are stories of sailors dunking their hardtack in seawater to soften it, or soldiers dropping cannonballs on it to break it. Whatever beverage you're drinking it with, toss the hardtack in it. Another way you can try ingesting hardtack is by throwing it in a stew to simmer for a while. The adamantine durability of hardtack is owed entirely to its extreme aridity.

Hardtack is not something you make because you want to eat it, it has been made for millennia solely as a primitive ration. You eat it for the calories needed to continue living, nothing more. Since sailors could spend months at sea away from civilization, the constant presence of humidity aged food fairly fast, and you never knew if your ship would see its journey waylaid, hardtack was good to have around. For armies, well they march on their stomach, and keeping it well fed is never easy, so hardtack was a cheap and reliable energy source.

Fire Emblem actually alluded to hardtack once, in Path of Radiance. Presumably, many of our heroes across the franchise have consumed the stuff at some point.

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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't think you can buy Darts this early

actually...you can

I just thought it was an equipable weapon and not on use item and since i didn't have any archers...

Yeah you can imagine xD

I only learned about the item weapons when i wanted to use an healing item and saw Hand Axe in the list and went 💡

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I've been seeing theories/hopes that there'll be a matching villain ring for each of the hero rings.

What I'm driving at is that there is a very real, non-meme, existing chance Garon will be in Engage.

You know what that means.












Adoption time.




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9 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


You see! Everyone thinks playing TMS is fun and campy! Well look at what the abomination did to Shrimp-Kun! And he hasn’t even beaten the first dungeon!

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I'm running super low on classes. I've had to replace so many cutscene classes, unused stuff, duplicate civilian classes (for some reason chapter 6's civvies have separate classes from the river civvies, but only the adults. The little girl is the same. Odd), everything. Luckily, I'm fairly certain I will not have to add any more at this point. But then, that's what I said before I decided "you know how I could set Knoll apart? Make him a malig knight, fuck it. Throw it on Ewan too - so now I gotta create an unpromoted equivalent."

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