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12 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

TMS2: Elibe finally good?

Truth is, every FE game is better in TMS.

10 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

.... did the enemy seriously just suicide on me


Just wait until it happens on your end because you used an AoE and it hit someone with reflect on that element.

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Lore: the wakening




.......hwere am I?


It's dark, but not pitch black. I can see my hands. I'm parched, but that's to be expected. I don't feel like I'm buried in sand so-

"I see you're awake now."



"Well at least you can sit up straight already. When I found you half buried I was debating if you died. My name is Simos. Yours?"

"Dayni. Can I trouble you for some water?"

"Sure, to your left."

Taking the water to my mouth, liquid relief flows. I greedily gulp for several seconds, then continue.

"Why did you pull me into.... here?"

"Because there was no point in leaving you there. Even if you were dead, not much I could do searching a corpse in the open dunes. What are you here for?"

"I was searching for a place to learn something. I thought it might be here but I found only these sands."

"Would this be Angri-La?"

"Yes actually."

"Heh, someone does that now and again. But you're not as far off as you think, just that you take a portal there. It's nearby."

"Thank you very much, once I'm ready I'll get out of here."

He shook his head.

"No need, I'll take you there."

"Oh. I see, I'll get up then. Anything you need to do beforehand?"

"I'm ready when you are. Your stuff's near the bed. Get dressed when you're ready to go. It'll be some days trek before we get to the gateway."

He turns to leave through the hole. I lift myself off the bed and get my stuff to get dressed. I wonder where this Simos will lead me to, seeing as he probably has no reason to do this.

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly, the earlier discussion on Jehanna makes me want to find a good, academic general/global environmental history on human civilization in arid/desert environments.🤓 (Assuming such a comprehensive work exists, I might have to settle for books dedicated to specific regions of the world.) How societies adapted to their harsh environments, how they went beyond surviving to thriving. I know the names of Egypt, Petra, Mali, Morocco, the modern Arabian Peninsula California etc., but I want to get stuck in their underground aqueducts, in the foundations of habitation without which culture and economy could not possibly exist much less flourish. I feel like there is a lacunae in my understanding I need filled.😆

That's one thing I miss about college. Higher-end history classes are amazing book clubs -setting aside the cost of tuition in the US.

With video games going increasingly digital nowadays, and my family still wishing to gift me physical stuff, histories might be an answer. Local libraries can't cover every topic I might want.

  The histories is a pretty good present suggestion, as something I've done as well as presents for some people. Don't have any recommendations on this topic though.

12 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

You say Cali as a joke but the North American desert natives are also well worth looking into. The Pueblo, Navajo, Apache, and more are all fascinating topics.

The biggest issue with learning desert cultures (Something that applies to all global south cultures) is how difficult it is to research it, especially if you don't have the means to travel there yourself.

You might know this already but if you're looking online, it's good to find scholarly research pdf files, as they are often far more reliable than something on wikipedia or a random news article. 

And the question I'd add is that desert peoples tending to be associated with movement from place to place.

There's also how many of these cultures were affected by others before information on them could be thoroughly and accurately gathered. That is unfortunate.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank you all for the kind words. I mean it. I really appreciate all the support.

Truth be told, this has been building up for a while. I don't want to bother you all with any details, but from interactions at work and elsewhere, without even noticing it myself, I've been accumulating a certain kind of stress. And then this whole debacle hit me in a delicate spot. I guess it all together made me explode.

I'm all right now. I went for a long walk with my dad around the city, ate... this thing with hot chocolate for dinner, and with my inner child satisfied, I am now just chilling to this. Life's all about the little pleasures.

Anyway, I'm really sorry if I said the wrong things before. I don't hold anything against anyone. It all just came together.

Don't want to poke and ask about it, sending chill vibes and word that Norton is still getting Spd in Tearring.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sweets > alcohol.

Kinda on board with this too.

though I am a sweet tooth to some degree as well, it's not surprising.

10 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So fun fact, me and brother both work as caterers for weddings and one night he came back with a full fucking wedding cake because apparently they didn't know who else to give it to.

So lucky us, we now have a wedding cake all to ourselves.

Lucky's right.

Wait, are you primarily working in catering then?

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

I feel like this shouldn't be allowed.

It probably shouldn't, but it does encourage more playing around the underside of the stage.

Which of course my bad ass hates.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I think I'm convinced at this point that Valter's not even trying to kill Eirika, he's just trying to get close to her so he can confess his love.

I find this reading of Valter..... disturbing.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh hey! Big bro showed up just in time to console Eirika after being traumatized but four of her comrade's deaths.

Ephraim riding in to save his sister with two men behind him.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Wait...what? Ross initiated the attack yet he died upon hit?

Was that paladin's armor so hard that it shattered his body into pieces?!!

I mean I wasn't entirely invested into Ross' character but I'm just a little pissed off that one of my best units died by hitting someone else.

Devil Axe/10

It got you huh?

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't care if they're against it. For how will they with their wooden arrows and stone castles resist plasma sabers and gravity guns? Oh wait, they can't.😝

To that someone will point out Avatar.

Yes, the blue one.

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

hitler-takes-off-glasses-o.gif gif by sirkillsalotlol | Photobucket

I figured as much.

Well at least I figured out what it did in the most truly authentic way of playing outside of reading the fucking weapon description.

I mean, it's probably the best way of learning how it works. And yes, there are benefits to using it (the might, the WExp in some of the games), but there has to be some drawback right?

Better than being told by someone not to use it!

Wait, had you played Archanea before?

6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Thieves can steal items from enemies?

It's true of Thracia, GBAFE, Tellius, 3H.... Only in Thracia and maybe? RD can you steal weapons.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...we still have a surviving slice of Queen Victoria's wedding cake.

Mummy cake.

4 hours ago, joevar said:

i manage to beat TWEWY on emu, and its 100% touch screen controlled the entire game. its actually easier playing it on emu. since you wont think twice hitting your mouse rapidly like madman, than hitting your touch screen

Man, as someone using a laptop, that'd be RIP if I tried that.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If it ever gets a remake, they better not show us then either. 

At most a PoV from the corpse.

SS remake to be the horror turn the leaks were hinting at.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still undecided on who's going to be the Gotoh. Obvious answer is Mansel, a bishop would be perfect for Gotoh duties in this game and he's close enough that he could plausibly take a little time off from ruling duties to go smite a couple demons. But then, that's the obvious answer, and I've tried to avoid those where I've been able...

We discussed this already.


11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

See you guys laugh but I do this because I don't ever trust Fire Emblem with difficulty, I'd rather have the game be too easy than too hard.

I wish I was as strong as them personally, I find I can get too easily overwhelmed by the difficulty (See: me not having progressed on Lunatic Conquest for months)

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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


"Well at least you can sit up straight already. When I found you half buried I was debating if you died. My name is Simos. Yours?"

The plot twist is that Simos is Wrys, but he is actually Garon, who wants to make you his child. Calling it now.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Don't want to poke and ask about it, sending chill vibes and word that Norton is still getting Spd in Tearring.

Now that cheers me right up.

3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Ephraim riding in to save his sister with two men behind him.

Big Beard and 0 Luck Meme.

I am going to reduce his luck growth to 2%. Maximum meme.

4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

We discussed this already.


I did think back on that, but there is exactly zero chance I can pull off a decent doggo portrait. Spider was hard enough.

...then again... I do like the idea more than just plopping Mansel there...

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

I did think back on that, but there is exactly zero chance I can pull off a decent doggo portrait

no need to be so harsh on yourself! No one here expects perfection, its not like your paid to draw portraits for a living.

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11 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

no need to be so harsh on yourself! No one here expects perfection, its not like your paid to draw portraits for a living.

True, but still. If it comes to that, I'll probably do like the eye and pull a portrait from the repo. With the amount of original, I-think-fine-looking portraits I have, I don't feel too bad about it, haha.

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50 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I see Itsuki is a lord so can't switch him out

Don't worry tho, it's not a game over if he dies.

37 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Touma's side story kek

Each character has three iirc (the party members at least) and they're all spread out throughout the game.

And I'm gonna dunk on Persona again but TMS side-stories >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>≥>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Confidant system.

16 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

That guy sounds like Daru lmao

Is it Steins;Gate crossover time xD

Daru is eternal. You cannot escape Daru. He will come for you.

Edited by Armagon
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1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I asked this the last time you sent me this video but seriously, why do they say easy mode in English?

You aren't familiar with Japan's use of English? Sporadic use of English words is something of a norm, particularly in video games, where Japanese players usually expect a little English to show up. Not so much the normal dialogue between characters as specific terms, often gameplay-related ones, "Easy Mode" would definitely count.

Also, English has a certain exotic quality in Japanese that results in anime heroes often shouting their attack names in English. Play enough games with voice acting and eventually you will notice this, SRW drove it home for me.


1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

So they turned Tharja into Dark Magician girl eh?

I liked the choice to not give her actual arms. I can't quite describe it, it doesn't dehumanize her, but it does break from the standard idea of a humanoid and put a measure of dissimilarity  space of between her and the perfectly-ordinary-human player.

50 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I see Itsuki is a lord so can't switch him out

It's annoying when you only have three teammates out at any time, and something I was hoping the Switch port would fix. Oh well.

At least swapping out other characters doesn't waste their action.


32 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

SS remake to be the horror turn the leaks were hinting at.

Maybe I'd do that for an SS prequel, when the Demon King ruled the continent. How would a world long-ruled by monsters look? Feels like humanity would be living in tribes that at most amount to petty kingdoms living in pockets of the world. Always at the mercy of the DK, who doesn't bother eradicating humanity, only terrorizing it once in a while and keeping its numbers in check b/c it has never been a real threat. The same way humanity wouldn't eradicate wolves, even if they kill the occasional cattle or two. I'd also want most of the world looking somewhat corrupted by darkness.

Setting aside horror and continuing talk of an SS prequel, I would love it if the Sacred Twins sets represented one of the five heroes and their closest companion. Each set of Twins would embody a different kind of interpersonal relationship, such as parent-child, sibling-sibling, lover-lover, mentor-student, master-servant, friend-friend, rival-rival, etc.. In at least one instance, I would want a heroic fake-out, along the lines of "this person clearly must be the one of the five heroes of legend!". -Only for them to die and their dear companion, who seemed superbly unsuited for being a magnificent leader, ends up maturing into the legend. We don't even know the names of Magvel's five, so this entire relationships-based scenario could work well, we have a fairly blank canvas.


6 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

"My love transcends gender and dimensions"

Tiki=Waifu does nothing wrong, such pure love is a virtue.

1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I hope later side stories  will feature more than Itsuki + character

Some of them do. I know your point of concern. And Itsuki isn't a silent protagonist (which for Atlus is the norm), but he is silent-adjacent with how little personality he has despite talking.

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- Barry

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but he is silent-adjacent with how little personality he has despite talking

Yeah he is a generic chad it seems. Although not the offensive kind so far.

Like everyone got something to them...he has Tsubasa i guess?

Then again i am still ch2.

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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Itsuki isn't a silent protagonist (which for Atlus is the norm), but he is silent-adjacent with how little personality he has despite talking.

15 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

eah he is a generic chad it seems. Although not the offensive kind so far.

Yeah Itsuki is the least interesting member of the group. I suppose there's the fish-out-of-water angle, what with him being the only one who doesn't have a career in entertainment but it kinda doesn't do that much?

Nice guy at least, i don't mind him.

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13 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


The VA cast for this game is stacked

Like really really really stacked

Yashiro is Japanese Male Robin. When I learned that, it made me envision the Black Rain performance with Robin, except instead of the cape-toss at the start, he throws off a full-body hooded cloak and reveals this.:



It's one of my two joking fantasies with the Black Rain concert, the other involves TRS.


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah Itsuki is the least interesting member of the group. I suppose there's the fish-out-of-water angle, what with him being the only one who doesn't have a career in entertainment but it kinda doesn't do that much?

His first Ad-Lib is called Back Chorus, which rather emphasizes his supportive role overall.

Itsuki is a little different from Atlus's usual silent protag approach, which usually goes with edgy-cool, perhaps repetitively so in how much they've done it.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hear it's only two episodes, sadly. But they're filled with memery.

Oh thank god, I wont have to listen to Gordan's voice for 3 seasons.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

And the question I'd add is that desert peoples tending to be associated with movement from place to place.

There's also how many of these cultures were affected by others before information on them could be thoroughly and accurately gathered. That is unfortunate.

There's a theory among linguist that "Arab" quite literally means nomad.

Constant movement for desert peoples makes sense, as unless you are a place like Egypt that has the Nile, your food is likely not a stationary think, and the rain seasons require some adaption.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Lucky's right.

Wait, are you primarily working in catering then?

Yep, though I'm looking for another job to work alongside that.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I find this reading of Valter..... disturbing.

After reading his boss lines with Eirika, it certainly is very...eyuck.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Wait, had you played Archanea before?

Yes, both Archanea and Valentia.

In Awakening only though

I have given FE11 and FE1 a try but I haven't fully played them yet.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I wish I was as strong as them personally, I find I can get too easily overwhelmed by the difficulty (See: me not having progressed on Lunatic Conquest for months)

Ultimately I play these games to experience them rather than get a sense of accomplishment so I don't fuss about much with difficulty.

43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You aren't familiar with Japan's use of English? Sporadic use of English words is something of a norm, particularly in video games, where Japanese players usually expect a little English to show up. Not so much the normal dialogue between characters as specific terms, often gameplay-related ones, "Easy Mode" would definitely count.

Also, English has a certain exotic quality in Japanese that results in anime heroes often shouting their attack names in English. Play enough games with voice acting and eventually you will notice this, SRW drove it home for me.

I'm familiar with it I'm just curious on where it came from, even FE1 which never was released in the west and may have never been planned to had some English in it.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe I'd do that for an SS prequel, when the Demon King ruled the continent. How would a world long-ruled by monsters look? Feels like humanity would be living in tribes that at most amount to petty kingdoms living in pockets of the world. Always at the mercy of the DK, who doesn't bother eradicating humanity, only terrorizing it once in a while and keeping its numbers in check b/c it has never been a real threat. The same way humanity wouldn't eradicate wolves, even if they kill the occasional cattle or two. I'd also want most of the world looking somewhat corrupted by darkness.

Setting aside horror and continuing talk of an SS prequel, I would love it if the Sacred Twins sets represented one of the five heroes and their closest companion. Each set of Twins would embody a different kind of interpersonal relationship, such as parent-child, sibling-sibling, lover-lover, mentor-student, master-servant, friend-friend, rival-rival, etc.. In at least one instance, I would want a heroic fake-out, along the lines of "this person clearly must be the one of the five heroes of legend!". -Only for them to die and their dear companion, who seemed superbly unsuited for being a magnificent leader, ends up maturing into the legend. We don't even know the names of Magvel's five, so this entire relationships-based scenario could work well, we have a fairly blank canvas.

Weather it would be a sequel, or prequel, it would be cool to see another game set Magvel as one of Fire Emblem's only continents that has only one game to build itself on.

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We're talking about Tokyo Mirage Sessions now? Yay... I love that game to pieces. I could just go on and on about it!

Anyone else unironically excited for Fire Emblem Engage's release early next year?

Just gonna throw this in here and hope that it'll get buried in replies so no one really notices. I pre-ordered the Divine Edition of Fire Emblem Engage yesterday (Because I like to think I'm a bit of a gambling man. Only virtual, in-game currency gambling of course). This'll be the first Fire Emblem I'm preordering and getting the special edition for, so that'll be pretty cool. I must have the art book and poster of Pepsi-Kun and Colgate-Chan, you see. 

Honestly, that one edit where Male and Female Alear have only Blue/Red hair respectively looks better than what we're getting. Not that I hate Alear's design. Their outfit looks pretty sick and I don't mind the dual hair colors all that much. I'm just happy to see that we're getting another mainline Fire Emblem on the Switch, really.

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