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9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that was a headache and a half, but I think that looks good.


I even came up with an edgier, better(?) name for the thing.

 is there extensive list what else you change in that mod?

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, between Plus and Seven they certainly began to embrace more and more the idol elements. It was just the thing in Macross to represent DECULTURE among the Zentraedi/Meltraedi, but I suppose after doing that, specially with Minmei singing DYRL itself, it'd be hard to pretend it wasn't a core part of what made Macross, well, Macross. So we have conflicts with aliens, idols and music, a giant transforming battleship

its always been about idol since first series, just not the way or form of modern idol. its part of the trifecta of Macross: (transformable) MEcha fight - singing - love triangle. so of course the singing will be about love mostly like idols are good at. then theres the singing in middle of combat part... my friend dont believe for a second when i said about that.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, now that you brought it up, it'd be funny/neat if FE pulls a Macross Seven in SRW. A small number of refresher units whose songs buff/heal/refresh allies... but also inflict damage on a certain type of enemies.

i could see IS do that. people already guess that healer are now also fighter by default in Engage. so healing staves are like item/accesories use rather than equipped weapon. so dancer equivalent of that: a bard, could very well inflict their own attack, not limited to just "move again" but also debuff etc. 50-50 at best they pull it of tho.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

This is Alear in her midlife crisis arc.

pretty much. alear when their hair pallete lose its shine become more bearable

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

OG should be easier to follow than mainline SRW, not harder.

Masaki and Shu would be tricky to follow though, since 2nd OG and Dark Prison are PS3 games, and hence unlikely to be translated for decades to come due to presumed difficulty of emulation. You'd have to settle for the Classicverse for now, although that is pretty antiquated, and hence I stopped after the first half of SRW Gaiden, the youngest not-F & F Final Classicverse title. The later three Masoukishin titles will likely take forever to translate too.

Right now, the best chronological translated path available for Masaki and Shu would be:

  1. Possible start with SRW Gaiden, the first half. This is not strictly necessary whatsoever, SRW Gaiden didn't exist long after SRW2 after all, Masa's story was made in media res.
  2. Regardless of whether or not one played SRW Gaiden, they would want to follow up with OG1, Ryusei's route to be precise.
  3. After OG1, then either: 
    1. OG2, followed by Alpha Gaiden on its true ending. If we only we had OG Gaiden translated, that would work instead of Alpha Gaiden.
    2. Or, SRW3.
  4. Then you'd have to head over SRWEX in the absence of 2nd OG and Dark Prison.
  5. Then it's... SRW Gaiden's second half? Does this happen before SRW4, and before Masaki and Lune return from their temporary departure in 2nd OG? This is where I begin losing track of the chronology.

...And that'd be where it ends. For now. SRW4 from what I heard some months ago might be the next game fans finish translating. That would bring the Classicverse version of their tale to an end. OGverse would still have LoE 2-F to get through, plus MD and whatever 3rd does with them.

should be easier.. yeah.. even reading your chronological order gives me headache. why they dont settle with one naming scheme ffs. its like someone explaining trying to explain kingdom heart to me. didnt realize there are other games like it.

i've seen alpha gaiden, altho its my brother playing. also reason why i suggest Z because it Asakim, aka Masaki dark cousin. which afaik goes pretty dark and also very cool for a villain in non OG series 

i mean... 


He raped one of original protagonist character?! man.. talk about trauma

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That "someone" you're being reminded of better shout Dead Endo Shootoh/Slash! If they don't during crits/skill procs, then they are inherently a failure.

thats a tall order ngl. not they cant, rather they might deliver even cheesier lines

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Unrelated to anything else: A couple days ago the Langrisser 1/2 remake was on sale for <$20 on the eShop, which is about what I thought it was worth based on my experience with the demo. So I decided to grab it despite my issues with the presentation.

I've been going through the Langrisser 1 bits and mostly enjoying it? The game is kind of a cakewalk(enemies being suicidal, enemy mages wasting MP casting earth spells against flying units, etc), but having played Der Langrisser I wasn't really expecting a challenge. I'm more or less enjoying things. The original/light route story is nothing to write a home about, and the "Imperial" route kinda isn't either, but I was still caught off guard by it's ending at least.

I've also been listening to some of the old arranged versions of the OST...




...and tbh I'm kind of tempted to drop the $10 for the DLC that has all the arranged soundtracks, even if it is a bit of a moneygrab. 😬

I can't help it, I just like mid-90's CD game soundtracks too much. They have the same energy as the PCE Falcom games. 😅

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Langrisser... I've been curious about those games. Maybe one day.

Having played 1/2 of Der Langrisser and less than 1/4 of this remake I can give the games a soft recommendation? Just don't go in expecting much of a challenge. (Allegedly the original version of L2 is actually challenging, but I can't vouch for it)

It kinda sucks that most of the rest of the series doesn't have translation patches. (4 does, but 3/5 only have translated script dumps)

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14 minutes ago, joevar said:

its always been about idol since first series, just not the way or form of modern idol. its part of the trifecta of Macross: (transformable) MEcha fight - singing - love triangle. so of course the singing will be about love mostly like idols are good at. then theres the singing in middle of combat part... my friend dont believe for a second when i said about that.

Oh, for sure, but even then it wasn't as prominent back then. Certainly a foundation for sure, though.

The entire DYRL sequence is just... so good. If SRW Alpha had actually used the lyrics too, it would've been perfect.


14 minutes ago, joevar said:

i could see IS do that. people already guess that healer are now also fighter by default in Engage. so healing staves are like item/accesories use rather than equipped weapon. so dancer equivalent of that: a bard, could very well inflict their own attack, not limited to just "move again" but also debuff etc. 50-50 at best they pull it of tho.

Well, combat healers/refreshers is certainly not new, but having their offensive capabilities be the same as their support ones... not yet. But well, who knows. Maybe at some point they do add an offensive dance/song/etc.

14 minutes ago, joevar said:

should be easier.. yeah.. even reading your chronological order gives me headache. why they dont settle with one naming scheme ffs. its like someone explaining trying to explain kingdom heart to me. didnt realize there are other games like it.

Well, in this case they are separate continuities, so of course they'd be named different. At least when they are in the same continuity, they are named similar.

14 minutes ago, joevar said:

i've seen alpha gaiden, altho its my brother playing. also reason why i suggest Z because it Asakim, aka Masaki dark cousin. which afaik goes pretty dark and also very cool for a villain in non OG series 

i mean... 

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He raped one of original protagonist character?! man.. talk about trauma

thats a tall order ngl. not they cant, rather they might deliver even cheesier lines

I do wonder. Considering 3rd OG might be the last, it might be too late to add the whole Zverse into OGverse. As it is, the Z connection exists in 30, being a surprise stealth sequel to the Zverse... though the connection themselves aren't too big.

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I overflowing with very merry energies earlier today, I couldn't let myself return to Zestiria. It's not too good if you're trying to take a game seriously, and you've a momentary craving for hentai of said game.😆 Not helped by me seeing the delightful announcement for a smut game. I'm weird. So, I opted to get back to doing a little terraformation of Mars, something entirely devoid of the passions so as to drain them from me.


2 hours ago, joevar said:

i've seen alpha gaiden, altho its my brother playing. also reason why i suggest Z because it Asakim, aka Masaki dark cousin.

They aren't related until Banpresto gives us a straight answer!😜

2 hours ago, joevar said:

should be easier.. yeah.. even reading your chronological order gives me headache. why they dont settle with one naming scheme ffs. its like someone explaining trying to explain kingdom heart to me. didnt realize there are other games like it.

As Acacia said, it's different continuities.

  • Classicverse- SRW2 > SRW3 > SRW EX > SRW4 or SRW F & SRW F Final (4 and F + F Final are alternative endings to the Classicverse.)
    • SRW Gaiden: Masoukishin- The Lord of Elemental's first half takes place before SRW2, the second half takes place after EX I think. 
  • Alphaverse- Alpha 1 > Alpha Gaiden > Alpha 2 > Alpha 3
  • OGverse- OG1 > OG2 (the PS2 OGs version of these games being the canon) > OG2.5 (included in OGs) > OG Gaiden > 2nd OG & Dark Prison (the stories take place at the same time) > The Moon Dwellers
    • Lord of Elemental 1, being literally SRW Gaiden with the most incredibly minimal of tweaks, has its first half happening before OG1, since OG1 tells the story of SRW2 for its first half. The second half of LoE1 is (probably) after the first third of 2nd OG and the vast majority (20 out of 26 battles) of Dark Prison, since that is when an adaptation of SRW EX's storyline happens in the OGverse.
    • Lord of Elemental 2, 3, and F (F meaning "Fourth") all take place before The Moon Dwellers. One comment I saw claimed that time moves faster in La Gias than on the surface, explaining how this stuff could happen between just two games.
    • The two JRPG Endless Frontier games happen after OG Gaiden and before 2nd, maybe before OG Gaiden for EF1, but Exceed is definitely after OG Gaiden.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I do wonder. Considering 3rd OG might be the last, it might be too late to add the whole Zverse into OGverse.

Provided OG has been sufficiently profitable for Banpresto, even if 3rd OG ends the current continuity, they could always make an OGverse 2. In which case, Z is the perfect starting place, since like Alpha and Classic, it has a multi-game storyline that can serve as a common thread through all or most of the new OGverse. 

I'm sure Banpresto already given plenty of thought to this.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As Acacia said, it's different continuities.

  • Classicverse- SRW2 > SRW3 > SRW EX > SRW4 or SRW F & SRW F Final (4 and F + F Final are alternative endings to the Classicverse.)
    • SRW Gaiden: Masoukishin- The Lord of Elemental's first half takes place before SRW2, the second half takes place after EX I think. 
  • Alphaverse- Alpha 1 > Alpha Gaiden > Alpha 2 > Alpha 3
  • OGverse- OG1 > OG2 (the PS2 OGs version of these games being the canon) > OG2.5 (included in OGs) > OG Gaiden > 2nd OG & Dark Prison (the stories take place at the same time) > The Moon Dwellers
    • Lord of Elemental 1, being literally SRW Gaiden with the most incredibly minimal of tweaks, has its first half happening before OG1, since OG1 tells the story of SRW2 for its first half. The second half of LoE1 is (probably) after the first third of 2nd OG and the vast majority (20 out of 26 battles) of Dark Prison, since that is when an adaptation of SRW EX's storyline happens in the OGverse.
    • Lord of Elemental 2, 3, and F (F meaning "Fourth") all take place before The Moon Dwellers. One comment I saw claimed that time moves faster in La Gias than on the surface, explaining how this stuff could happen between just two games.
    • The two JRPG Endless Frontier games happen after OG Gaiden and before 2nd, maybe before OG Gaiden for EF1, but Exceed is definitely after OG Gaiden.

And then of course, Sanger's ProjectxZone adventure happens between 2nd OG and Moon Dwellers. And Kyosuke, Ryusei, and Masaki's ACE:R adventure before 2nd OG since all three end up in La Gias after returning from planet Area. And then SRW DD is giving us lots of OG blurbs that will most likely be canon to 3rd OG too. And so on.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Provided OG has been sufficiently profitable for Banpresto, even if 3rd OG ends the current continuity, they could always make an OGverse 2. In which case, Z is the perfect starting place, since like Alpha and Classic, it has a multi-game storyline that can serve as a common thread through all or most of the new OGverse. 

I'm sure Banpresto already given plenty of thought to this.

Oh, true. There can always be a new saga, and we could see many of the remaining OG games yet to be represented.

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Even though I prefer the OP over the ED, this is still good. Though I wish SRW used the OP more.

On that subject, how curious that only Compact 2 / Impact has used stuff beyond the TV series and the OVA finale Requiem for Victims. Then again, sometimes Dancougar is just there without its plot, or is very minimal. And also then again, Compact 2 / Impact was long enough to afford adding more than the regular SRW game does... and it helped it was post Requiem. So not just God Bless Dancougar but also Blazing Epilogue were used.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 hours ago, Benice said:



But Benice isn't this a representation of your generation? Something that got popular for Emperor knows why and yet won't seem to die? John W. Campbell Jr. is only rolling in his grave, so what seems to be the problem?

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We're just playing around. I mean, imagine thinking anime really exists! Haha.

Does this ring a bell Rubenio?

I would apologize for blasting your soul Rubenio, but by your own admission you've already done this.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I do wonder. Considering 3rd OG might be the last, it might be too late to add the whole Zverse into OGverse. As it is, the Z connection exists in 30, being a surprise stealth sequel to the Zverse... though the connection themselves aren't too big.

i mean, im suggesting to play it, not suggesting Z integrated into OG..

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As Acacia said, it's different continuities.

  • Classicverse- SRW2 > SRW3 > SRW EX > SRW4 or SRW F & SRW F Final (4 and F + F Final are alternative endings to the Classicverse.)
    • SRW Gaiden: Masoukishin- The Lord of Elemental's first half takes place before SRW2, the second half takes place after EX I think. 
  • Alphaverse- Alpha 1 > Alpha Gaiden > Alpha 2 > Alpha 3
  • OGverse- OG1 > OG2 (the PS2 OGs version of these games being the canon) > OG2.5 (included in OGs) > OG Gaiden > 2nd OG & Dark Prison (the stories take place at the same time) > The Moon Dwellers
    • Lord of Elemental 1, being literally SRW Gaiden with the most incredibly minimal of tweaks, has its first half happening before OG1, since OG1 tells the story of SRW2 for its first half. The second half of LoE1 is (probably) after the first third of 2nd OG and the vast majority (20 out of 26 battles) of Dark Prison, since that is when an adaptation of SRW EX's storyline happens in the OGverse.
    • Lord of Elemental 2, 3, and F (F meaning "Fourth") all take place before The Moon Dwellers. One comment I saw claimed that time moves faster in La Gias than on the surface, explaining how this stuff could happen between just two games.
    • The two JRPG Endless Frontier games happen after OG Gaiden and before 2nd, maybe before OG Gaiden for EF1, but Exceed is definitely after OG Gaiden.

sure its different continuity, with each continuity actually has numeric naming scheme to inform its relation. but then some (or actually many?) character and stuff overlap with some other continuity afaik. and its not even like FE:H where you can dismiss any continuity or interaction as not canon.

theres OG 2 and then theres 2nd OG. maybe im just weird or has low comprehension but this is exact stuff that makes me confused

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They aren't related until Banpresto gives us a straight answer!😜

given theres so many plot in SRW game that involve multiverse, another universe, mirror universe, etc , i dont really care anymore about whether thats his cousin, brother, or just masaki being fed up being the good guy instead adopt edgy style and identity but forgot his name still has exact same amount of letter as before

Edited by joevar
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6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So I guess it's time for Pokémon Battles on Pokécycles.

Card games on motorcycles finally have some competition

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10 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Sacred Stones

...okay, fine, you win. I left myself open there.

10 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Anime is fake!

Thank God anime isn't real. I couldn't imagine living in a world with anime.

9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So this is anime?

Girly Teengirl | Encyclopedia SpongeBobia | Fandom


7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Why yes, actually. And Gaius is there too.

I like how the goblin is looking at her like she owes her 20 bucks. Is that just her neutral face?

6 hours ago, Benice said:

What about Blazing events? I hear they have a much higher rate of hitting.

Blazing events are no good either. Sacred events are very easy, but I prefer them to Radiant events. Radiant events are just not fun. The real answer, of course, are Berwick events. Now that's the good stuff.

What were we talking about, again?

6 hours ago, joevar said:

 is there extensive list what else you change in that mod?

Not quite, no. The route split is gone, with both routes happening simultaneously, there'll be new maps, a lot of new characters between OCs and former unplayables - not the ones you might expect, either; a lot of alternate events happening in the story, some new classes, some promotion branches are changed, the standard QoL of modern hacks, playable monsters... Basically, a bunch of stuff. I'm pretty much just doing whatever comes to mind. I'll probably throw together a better list when I finish, if I decide to release it.

2 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Does this ring a bell Rubenio?

I would apologize for blasting your soul Rubenio, but by your own admission you've already done this.

I will say, this game is not my style, but Barry is pretty cool. He looks absolutely hilarious, which as you know, is a good thing for me.

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More obscure TRS gameplay trivia.


She did it again. And hit two people at once.

What the hell? I swore the chances on this are too low to expect to see once, much less twice.

And critical heals are a thing in TRS right? I swear I hear crit sounds before some heals.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the goblin is looking at her like she owes her 20 bucks. Is that just her neutral face?

The eyebrows are tilted slightly, but other than that, basically, yeah that's what she looks like.

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I have more or less accidentally stumbled into a story explanation for why the priests can promote into druid.

Man, so many things happen by accident, don't they?

40 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

More obscure TRS gameplay trivia.

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She did it again. And hit two people at once.

What the hell? I swore the chances on this are too low to expect to see once, much less twice.

And critical heals are a thing in TRS right? I swear I hear crit sounds before some heals.

I believe the formula I'd always believed to be true, the one in Fireemblemwod, may've been wrong all these years, actually. So perhaps this isn't so far-fetched. I'm not sure.

As for the sound, nah, it just plays a similar sound. Nothing to it, it just happens.

31 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

The eyebrows are tilted slightly, but other than that, basically, yeah that's what she looks like.

Ah, I see.

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, for sure, but even then it wasn't as prominent back then. Certainly a foundation for sure, though.

The entire DYRL sequence is just... so good

no objection to that, i've watch the climax of DYRL so many times and can still definetely say i still really enjoy it. its really one of a kind anime. its kinda sad that Lyn Minmay VA career as a singer doesnt really take off. heck, she even confess about hated being associated with it for a time. shame, i really like her singing in DYRL. 

Satelight please remaster this 😭

its not everyday you can see a singer singing sweet love song, while the scenes shows a war rages on, and you can even see civilian killed and their head chopped off with soft melodies...

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not quite, no.

will leon survive?

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Reached the end of Chapter 16 far later than I probably should have. Reading the end text, I was reminded yet again, in this, and all chapters:


51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I believe the formula I'd always believed to be true, the one in Fireemblemwod, may've been wrong all these years, actually. So perhaps this isn't so far-fetched. I'm not sure.

Has anyone worked on figuring it out since?

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for the sound, nah, it just plays a similar sound. Nothing to it, it just happens.

See, thing is it actually healed more when the sound occurred.

From Thracia's doubling healing to this, Kaga has healing take some twists now and again.

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TRS kinda gets swept under the rug by Berwick for the most part imo. Like most things TRS has, Berwick just outshines it.

Don't get me wrong i still think TRS is a great game for it's time and considering the "issues" with development.

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