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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, true. There can always be a new saga, and we could see many of the remaining OG games yet to be represented.

And I'd imagine some of the already repped characters would inevitably show up as well b/c popular. If they're going to do Z, they ought to carry out the primordial plan for Groudzon and Kyogbuster being pacified by Rayrouga. It's not like Banpresto isn't used to spinning new twists for old characters.


5 hours ago, joevar said:

i mean, im suggesting to play it, not suggesting Z integrated into OG..

I know, but I'm not going to try playing something still in rising sun runes. Especially SRW, half the fun is the writing.😄

5 hours ago, joevar said:

theres OG 2 and then theres 2nd OG. maybe im just weird or has low comprehension but this is exact stuff that makes me confused

That is strange I admit. The best way to think of it however, is that both OG1 and OG2 comprise "1st OG", akin to how Z2 is two parts and Z3 is three parts. 

If there is a guiding thread for what defines "1st OG", 2nd OG, and 3rd OG, it'd be the presence of either or both the Classicverse or Alphaverse storylines. OG1 has SRW2 and most of Alpha 1, OG2 has a sprinkle of Alpha 1 + Alpha Gaiden + partial Alpha 2, and SRW3. 2nd OG is the rest of Alpha 2, it also does some prepwork for Alpha 3, and covers the entirety of SRW EX and SRW4/F & F Final. 3rd OG will cover 3rd Alpha.

OG Gaiden doesn't involve either the Classicverse or Alphaverse, barring like its final battle. And The Moon Dwellers seems to have merely a tiny bit of Balmarian reconnaissance for their coming 3rd OG invasion. So neither game gets a number. Dark Prison is fundamentally part of 2nd OG, so it doesn't need the number.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Has anyone that's played XC3 noticed that when an ally dies and then the player flees from a fight (Sheathing their weapon then running) the dead ally constantly warps next to the fleeing player? This gets annoying to see after a while, haha.

Edited by lightcosmo
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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank God anime isn't real. I couldn't imagine living in a world with anime.

Tfw you thank a fictional character for anime not being real. God is the original overpowered MC.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the goblin is looking at her like she owes her 20 bucks. Is that just her neutral face?

Pretty much.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Blazing events are no good either. Sacred events are very easy, but I prefer them to Radiant events. Radiant events are just not fun. The real answer, of course, are Berwick events. Now that's the good stuff.

What were we talking about, again?

If you want some real fun, though, you should go with Fates events. They’re completely shit, but that’s part of the charm.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not quite, no. The route split is gone, with both routes happening simultaneously, there'll be new maps, a lot of new characters between OCs and former unplayables - not the ones you might expect, either; a lot of alternate events happening in the story, some new classes, some promotion branches are changed, the standard QoL of modern hacks, playable monsters... Basically, a bunch of stuff. I'm pretty much just doing whatever comes to mind. I'll probably throw together a better list when I finish, if I decide to release it.

Sounds neat. How many of those unexpected playables are generic bosses?

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Has anyone that's played XC3 noticed that when an ally dies and then the player flees from a fight (Sheathing their weapon the running) the dead ally constantly warps next to the fleeing player? This gets annoying to see after a while, haha.

i did see that i think. not too often tho, since dying in XC games just mean you warp to nearest warp point i rarely flee from fight

7 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Both Ryza games 50% off on steam? That doesn't happen often!

within expectation tho, since its part of KT sale + theres announcement for Ryza 3. i think all games part of a series always get a discount whenever theres a sequel anouncement. riding the hype basically

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1 minute ago, joevar said:

i did see that i think. not too often tho, since dying in XC games just mean you warp to nearest warp point i rarely flee from fight

within expectation tho, since its part of KT sale + theres announcement for Ryza 3. i think all games part of a series always get a discount whenever theres a sequel anouncement. riding the hype basically

It's usually instances like "oh i started this fight like shit" that i run. But against superbosses allies are dead in seconds, and if i start shit, then the weird warping thing happens often.

Fair enough.

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40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know, but I'm not going to try playing something still in rising sun runes. Especially SRW, half the fun is the writing.😄

Agreed, knowing Shinn Asuka from GSD not falling too deep into cringe hatred territory, seeing Shinji Ikari recover from depression, Hathaway Noa gaining faith in humanity and people with power, Lelouch being.. uhh Lelouch, and so many what if outcomes that altered the original scenario is a pleasure in itself to me too. This is peak fan-fiction for fans, from the holder of copyrights

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36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Tfw you thank a fictional character for anime not being real. God is the original overpowered MC.



If you want some real fun, though, you should go with Fates events. They’re completely shit, but that’s part of the charm.

My favorite Fates event is the one where you gain a dad and plant trees


Sounds neat.



How many of those unexpected playables are generic bosses?

Hahahaha... Oh, please. What a question.

Anyway, one. See if you can guess who it is!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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11 hours ago, Sooks said:


It's nice that Altina has her metaphorical dad looking out for her.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Shockingly, it’s possible to get every character note on your first play through of this game. Some of them are still locked behind binding events, but you have enough points for them this time. Hooray for that, but I had to make the physically painful decisions of missing an Altina bonding event and picking Elliot over Kurt.

You can do it in Cold Steel II as well, if you know what bonding events to see.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Y’know, if you’d played Crossbell already, you’d have an idea on something you’ve mentioned here.

It releases in two days Sooks, calm down.

Anyway, on to the New Game+ stuff:


It's funny how that random zombie dragon boss in the previous game is actually very important to the backstory. It's nice to get elaboration on what exactly happened during the War of the Lions, Emperor Dreichels was basically a Fire Emblem protagonist.

The wording ("At the same time, however, the False Emperor schemed to elevate the cursed Vermillion Knight to even greater power...to godhood. And thus the Vermillion Apocalypse was created.") makes me think Testa-Rossa was somehow upgraded by a Sept-Terrion. But I'll have to play at least four more games before I find out about that.

As it turns out Instructor Thomas isn't secretly evil (probably), he's actually the Second Dominion and second-in-command of the Gralsritter. Rosine is his squire too, and I didn't suspect anything unusual about her. Thomas also brings up the Phantasma incident, which makes sense since Kevin and Ries likely reported to the church about it. Lastly, Erebonia has two Sept-Terrions and seven Divine Knights, not to mention that Osborne and Ouroboros are still scheming, which is something to look forward to later three or four games from now.


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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:



40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My favorite Fates event is the one where you gain a dad and plant trees

I’m a fan of the one where Dad T-poses on his chair, even though he decreases his bonding level with his two sons.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahaha... Oh, please. What a question.

Anyway, one. See if you can guess who it is!

I’m actually a pretty basic Fire Emblem fan, meaning I don’t really have any generic bosses memorized. Especially in fe8, which I’ve only played one and one third times.

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40 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

You can do it in Cold Steel II as well, if you know what bonding events to see.

In Cold Steel 2, I just didn’t care, I think.

40 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It releases in two days Sooks, calm down.

Huh… so it does. How the time flies.

Are you gonna start it immediately?

40 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

But I'll have to play at least four more games before I find out about that.

which is something to look forward to later three or four games from now.

Trails in a nutshell.

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28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m a fan of the one where Dad T-poses on his chair, even though he decreases his bonding level with his two sons.

He likes playing in hard mode.


I’m actually a pretty basic Fire Emblem fan, meaning I don’t really have any generic bosses memorized. Especially in fe8, which I’ve only played one and one third times.

How dare you be normal?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, joevar said:

no objection to that, i've watch the climax of DYRL so many times and can still definetely say i still really enjoy it. its really one of a kind anime. its kinda sad that Lyn Minmay VA career as a singer doesnt really take off. heck, she even confess about hated being associated with it for a time. shame, i really like her singing in DYRL. 

Satelight please remaster this 😭

its not everyday you can see a singer singing sweet love song, while the scenes shows a war rages on, and you can even see civilian killed and their head chopped off with soft melodies...

Indeed, it was very memorable. Shame it took me a while to finally see DYRL after the original series... which admittedly was as Robotech.

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(CS3 spoilers above)




Y’know, I remember Armagon saying that Cold Steel IV was basically Avengers: Endgame, and if that’s the case, this game is the first Avengers. Or Infinity War, depending on how you wanna look at it.

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10 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

But Benice isn't this a representation of your generation? Something that got popular for Emperor knows why and yet won't seem to die? John W. Campbell Jr. is only rolling in his grave, so what seems to be the problem?

I- Erm... Sorry, I think my brain just short-circuited. I have no idea what that means...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What were we talking about, again?

Sooks' comedic typo

Unless it wasn't a typo.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:


This means that your memory has much womb for improvement.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How dare you be normal?

At least be hard instead of normal! Everyone knows that Normal mode is for casuals!


'Morning! I apologize if I say anything amiss here today; my mind's been incredibly spacey lately, and I have no idea why.

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7 minutes ago, Benice said:

I- Erm... Sorry, I think my brain just short-circuited. I have no idea what that means...


I have no idea why this game is popular and why it has lasted as long as it has. I don’t understand your generation and the author of “Who Goes There?” (aka The Thing) which inspired Among Us is rolling in his grave.

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