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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, joevar said:

wasnt SRW Z at least has Gundam X? the one where moon is one giant autonomous base

D.O.M.E., yes. Not the entire thing, just a big underground bunker.

Off the top of my head, you have the UC Gundam cities and the Moon Kingdom of Turn A Gundam as well. So yeah, every time the attack is used, everyone there is like: "OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!???" lol


altho the original Macross really shows itself as 80's anime. it has random moment you will hardly find unless its goofy anime like gintama:


best parenting in anime

Also can't forget the part they brought her into a Zentraedi controlled satellite.

Taking a baby to the battlefield. It's Ruben approved.

Then again... it's Millia. Max has no excuse, however.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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21 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I think it's because in media res is usually really not used that well? There's one example i can think of that i actually like, and that's because it was plot twisted to not be in media res in the end

B-but, that lasted 30 seconds with nothing cool happening and the plot did nothing with it!

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaga: "I am going to write a cutscene that lasts an hour and a half, and you are going to enjoy it."

Falcom: “I’m going to write side stories that are three hours long with no gameplay, and you’re going to watch them because they’re the only way to get money in this game.”

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I must say, I've always been fond of sage Moulder. His massive con is better suited for anima magic, and in fact, he's the only anima user in the entire game who does not lose speed from Excalibur. Everyone else is so badly weighed down that it negates the tome's +5 speed bonus, but Moulder actually gains three speed because he's only weighed down by 2. Impressive! Of course, getting him there is not easy, but oh well.

Maybe I should use Moulder if I ever touch fe8 again.

8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Should we take this to mean that Altina is your religion?

Altina and I share a common religion of Strawberrymilkism.

8 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

If I'm in the mood to do so... which is to say, most likely.

If I do I'll have gone two days without playing Trails, which is the longest I've gone without playing it in almost four months.

That is completely unacceptable, you must start Trails from Zero ASAP. Think of Rixia, Lightxhao! Rixia!

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Let’s goooo.

The ship is back boys.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Final Fantasy X: Pft, amateurs. *proceeds to make 90% of the game In Media Res*

13 Sentinels: Welcome to the club.

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Tapestry has played twice in game now.

Odd pick imo, especially for Richard.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Final Fantasy X: Pft, amateurs. *proceeds to make 90% of the game In Media Res*

That one technically was started in a lull in action.

Point being, don't in medias res too hard. I found that call from Sakurai a bit odd. And the other example he gave (Starting using someone else), while sensible, was also used by FFXII so pick your poison /s

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There is far too much anime being thrown around.

I will counter with this completely random image of not anime.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Maybe I should use Moulder if I ever touch fe8 again.

The only part of this sentence that is wrong is the "maybe."

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