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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Archers really need to be offensively kinda overpowered. No enemy phase is a massive detriment that more than justifies having more busted player phase combat abilities. Sure he's powerful, but Shinon is still going to kill a single unit per turn.

Pretty much

They need to have both good stats and strong weapons or they are useless

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah, but he can also function as a psuedo tank with those defensive stats. 20/14 is amazing for a starter unit that isn't a knight, and either way he's right behind Gatrie DEF wise.

But he can't clear the field alone and needs help. A tank who can't counter has some niche uses yeah, but not really broken

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1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

But he can't clear the field alone and needs help. A tank who can't counter has some niche uses yeah, but not really broken

Wait, why can't he clear the field alone?

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Enemies will just 1 range him -> no counter

It's not like they can trap him, the pass skill does exist and Heather conveniently joins Ike's team early!

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

It's not like they can trap him, the pass skill does exist and Heather conveniently joins Ike's team early!

That removes Pass from someone else and doesn't solve the "can't counter" thing xD

You can make an Archer start with max stats and they still wouldn't be the best unit due to lack of enemy phase

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

That removes Pass from someone else and doesn't solve the "can't counter" thing xD

You can make an Archer start with max stats and they still wouldn't be the best unit due to lack of enemy phase

First, why would you use Heather for anything sides treasure getting and stealing? her combat stinks with her low STR growth/cap.

2nd, i don't recall every using the words "best unit", i just said not fun to use due to being too dominant in too many areas. 1-2 range isn't the entire game, if it was, Micaiah would be OP by that logic.

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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

First, why would you use Heather for anything sides treasure getting and stealing?

Which works perfectly with pass

6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

A unit doesn't have to be the best to be a broken unit, that's just silly imo.

He is nowhere near broken tho

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Which works perfectly with pass

He is nowhere near broken tho

In theory, sure. The way the game plays, that's not the case at all. I've not once used pass on Heather to aquire treasure, there's no point.

I would say any unit that is "good" is too reliable overall. As in, they don't have a clear weakness for the other side to exploit well enough for it to show. (as in, any low RES unit has a "weakness" but is irelevent due to shit enemy mage stats)

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Just now, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Shinon has the big 1 range weakness tho

But it clearly isn't big enough a weakness to put him in the same place as Leonardo as a unit.

obv BST has alot of influence.

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2 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Buff scrubb brigade, not nerf Shinon

Like how far do you go till every unit is basically unbeatable though? And the argument "well 1-2 range" gets old so if its a huge issue, easy solution? Get rid of it.

Idc if it's "fun" it's toxic for the gameplay imo.

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I'd say, the twins make me think of Serena and Veronica of Dragon Quest XI. Pair of twins with the duty of being protectors/guardians of the protagonist. Even coming as a mage/healer combo.

Also a bit to Yuliya and Yubello, when it comes to class and personality match-up.

8 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That's an interesting premise. You do forget that by the time you recruit her she's been living like this for over 2 years.

Admittedly, I kinda want to have Emmeryn avoid that part of her fate for the story. So that her participating in the story is greater... since again, I feel that if it's just OC driven, then it might as well not be a FE fanfic. Maybe. Or maybe once I give it the "CotF treatment" I can make her more in line to how it happened in-game.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Yugoslavia is one country I know very little about that I probably should fix, due to it's formation being a mess waiting to happen, it's place in WWII and the Cold War period and of course the problems that would come from being a multi-ethnic state, I'm curious to see how avertable the collapse that happened (mainly the actual wars that came from that) might have been in hindsight come to think of it.

Well, it'd have helped if at the beginning its formation had been genuinely done out of a desire of Pan-Slavism, and not Serbia being a hypocrite and ruling it as a "Greater Serbia".

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Yugoslavia is one country I know very little about that I probably should fix, due to it's formation being a mess waiting to happen, it's place in WWII and the Cold War period and of course the problems that would come from being a multi-ethnic state, I'm curious to see how avertable the collapse that happened (mainly the actual wars that came from that) might have been in hindsight come to think of it.

I don't remember a whole lot, but I did read about it several times during my time at a college.

First, prior to WWI, there was some desire to unite the Yugoslavs... mostly from outsiders. It was like "OMG you Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs would be ah-mazing as a threesome!". And the Yugoslavs themselves were like "Okay, uhh... sure.". Even in the interwar period, the Yugoslavs was unhappy with their new union, but for as long as the interwar lasted, they were able to keep it together.

The initial fundamental divide was partly a matter of self-importance. Serbia had been independent prior to the formation of Yugoslavia, the others had not, for Serbia- prior independence = deserving leadership, former subject peoples = not worthy of leadership. Slovenia and Croatia had been part of the Habsburg/Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was part of The West. And The West = The Best (this was the zenith of Western imperialism after all), doesn't matter if their name wasn't in the empire's name, they believed themselves culturally superior to the Not-West Serbs.

Tito's charismatic strongman leadership kept Yugoslavia together through much of the Cold War, he (himself a Croat) was an international, interethnic man. After he died however, economics emerged as a sticking point. How should this socialist government interact with the Yugoslavian economy? 

  • "Let the economy follow its natural course."- This favors places where industry and business is already strong, which meant Slovenia.
    • Slovenia being the most economically developed part of the country might go back to it being part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, neighboring the Austrian core. I don't actually remember why.
  • "Invest heavily in the underdeveloped regions."- This is biased in favor of the weaker constituents, which meant Serbia.

The Slovenes not enthused with the idea of wasting their taxes on the Serbs, the Serbs resenting the relative wealth of the Slovenes. How to reconcile these stances? (I forget where the Croatians fit into this. I think we can assume there was a north & west-south & east richer-poorer economic gradient in Yugoslavia.) Post-Tito, they could not.

When the Balkan breakup came however, Slovenia went peacefully and stayed out of the nightmare, I'm not entirely sure why. Instead, it was the Croats and Serbs who were at each other's throats.

-And, yes, I know I've completely forgotten about Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedon, and how all these other guys in Yugoslavia fit into the above picture. I can tell you that independent Albania's socialist government was very friendly to the USSR, because the renegade Tito was seen as very threatening to this poor little proletarian utopia isolated from the rest of the Leninist world geographically.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It'll be worth it when you have a baby blue-colored summoner.

Druid looks alright for Ewan, Shaman and Summoner decidedly do not.

Sage is aesthetically the most pleasing for him IMO. His color scheme works really well with it. It also says "What if Roy were magical?" to me.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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TRS endgame stuff


How many Door keys should I get?

2 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Maybe Martial Arts has an advantage over them both?

Isn't it also Grey?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Third one from the bottom. See them there?

Ah them.

Not surprised I didn't remember, never tried to remember the looks in that support list.

40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, it'd have helped if at the beginning its formation had been genuinely done out of a desire of Pan-Slavism, and not Serbia being a hypocrite and ruling it as a "Greater Serbia".

Begin like it ends, eh?

Again, should get some more info myself.

32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't remember a whole lot, but I did read about it several times during my time at a college.

First, prior to WWI, there was some desire to unite the Yugoslavs... mostly from outsiders. It was like "OMG you Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs would be ah-mazing as a threesome!". And the Yugoslavs themselves were like "Okay, uhh... sure.". Even in the interwar period, the Yugoslavs was unhappy with their new union, but for as long as the interwar lasted, they were able to keep it together.

The initial fundamental divide was partly a matter of self-importance. Serbia had been independent prior to the formation of Yugoslavia, the others had not, for Serbia- prior independence = deserving leadership, former subject peoples = not worthy of leadership. Slovenia and Croatia had been part of the Habsburg/Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was part of The West. And The West = The Best (this was the zenith of Western imperialism after all), doesn't matter if their name wasn't in the empire's name, they believed themselves culturally superior to the Not-West Serbs.

Tito's charismatic strongman leadership kept Yugoslavia together through much of the Cold War, he (himself a Croat) was an international, interethnic man. After he died however, economics emerged as a sticking point. How should this socialist government interact with the Yugoslavian economy? 

  • "Let the economy follow its natural course."- This favors places where industry and business is already strong, which meant the Slovenia
    • Slovenia being the most economically developed part of the country might go back to it being part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, neighboring the Austrian core. I don't actually remember why.
  • "Invest heavily in the underdeveloped regions."- This is biased in favor of the weaker constituents, which meant Serbia.

The Slovenes not enthused with the idea of wasting their taxes on the Serbs, the Serbs resenting the relative wealth of the Slovenes. How to reconcile these stances? (I forget where the Croatians fit into this. I think we can assume there was a north & west-south & east richer-poorer economic gradient in Yugoslavia.) Post-Tito, they could not.

When the Balkan breakup came however, Slovenia went peacefully and stayed out of the nightmare, I'm not entirely sure why. Instead, it was the Croats and Serbs who were at each other's throats.

-And, yes, I know I've completely forgotten about Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, and North Macedon, and how all these other guys in Yugoslavia fit into the above picture. I can tell you that independent Albania's socialist government was very friendly to the USSR, because the renegade Tito was seen as very threatening to this poor little proletarian utopia isolated from the rest of the Leninist world geographically.

Ah yes, the intellectuals of 1910s and their fascination with pulling peoples together and making borders they found pleasing. So many mistakes in that time.

From what I've heard about Croatia I could believe that N+W/S+E dynamic has some justification, but naturally I should look further into that. And as you said, with the other ethnic groups that were part of it comes even more little details that are still having political consequences today.

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11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

TRS endgame stuff

I'll say...


You don't have to bring any. The doors can only be opened on one side in the final battle. Warp is more important.

As for the pre-final battles... I don't recall any real struggles not bringing any. A 3 or 4 would probably be enough if you were to pack them.


15 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

From what I've heard about Croatia I could believe that N+W/S+E dynamic has some justification, but naturally I should look further into that. And as you said, with the other ethnic groups that were part of it comes even more little details that are still having political consequences today.

With regards to Croatia, part of its cultural "Westernness" I think can be found in the peninsula of Istria. I had read recently that it had been a possession of La Serenissima, the coastal cities there have some lovely historic Venetian architecture as a result. And to this day the people of the Istrian peninsula speak both Croatian and Italian, it's a hybrid identity border region. Reminding me of the Italian-French cultural hybridity of the Piedmont (speaking of, Istria is one of the only places outside of the Piedmont where you can find the very rare white truffle, which have proven impossible so far to farm), which I had only recently learned of as well.

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Another character I'm curious about, uncharacteristic as though it may seem, is the poledancing girl from the trailer. She looked completely out of place, but like, in a good way. I'm really wondering what her deal could be, she looks quite unique.

Maybe I'm completely off the mark, but I got faint Brazilian vibes from her. Samba dancer with martial arts? That'd make her the greatest dancer since Anakin, and I'd be all for it, frankly speaking. Dancers are way too fucking boring most of the time.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also a bit to Yuliya and Yubello, when it comes to class and personality match-up.

...Hah! I hadn't thought of that, but that's actually so true. Yumina and Yubello are some of my favorite child characters in FE, so if the 'amme twins are anything like them, I'm going to have no complaints. If there's reclassing you can count on me giving the kid an axe.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Druid looks alright for Ewan, Shaman and Summoner decidedly do not.

Sage is aesthetically the most pleasing for him IMO. His color scheme works really well with it. It also says "What if Roy were magical?" to me.

Oh yeah, you do not go dark Ewan for aesthetics. Not that it makes any sense for him as a character, either - when he promotes to tier 1 he even says he won't rest until he's a great sage like his master. And then he goes into the darkness, because why not. The option feels like they just threw it at him because having Knoll as the one and only dark mage would've been sad.

48 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

TRS endgame stuff

  Hide contents

How many Door keys should I get?

If I recall correctly


None, actually. If worse comes to worst, you can have Alfred open Holmes's door, and then Holmes free everyone else. It's slower, but it's foolproof. You won't get softlocked like in Thracia.


48 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Ah them.

Not surprised I didn't remember, never tried to remember the looks in that support list.

I didn't look at the screenshots too hard the first time either. I went back to them when Vincent reposted them in the main page after the announcement and looked them over with more detail. That's when I noticed the good chap. Given Framme, Chloé, Vander and the fishnets chick from the trailer are also there, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet for a list of confirmed playables. Which just makes me even more fascinated with that person.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe I'm completely off the mark, but I got faint Brazilian vibes from her. Samba dancer with martial arts? That'd make her the greatest dancer since Anakin, and I'd be all for it, frankly speaking. Dancers are way too fucking boring most of the time

Is needs to give us a flying dancer

without a stupid transformation limit

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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