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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think at most I'll just look at recruitment guides. Especially since like, we've seen pretty much the entire cast at this point.

Not that I expect some bullshit or anything, I just want to know when I can have se- I mean when Timerra and Ivy join the team

I'm not so sure about this. I fully expect what little remains of the cast to be plot critical and/or surprise joiners - and at the same time, I think it'd be extremely strange to reveal the entire playable cast except for exactly two characters. Not impossible, but weird. I really think it's likely that there's a handful of characters left and that they'll be bigger deals. So it might be best to go in blind there, I think. Still, to each their own.

Maybe I'll just avoid spoilers after all. I don't know, they've been so transparent with the information and everything looks so good right now that I kinda just want to trust my gut - but then, I also thought Three Houses looked awesome pre-release and a repeat of that is not something I want... though admittedly, I'd played a lot less FE back then and didn't have as good an idea of what I prefer in these games.

Maybe I'll just ctrl+f "capture" and see what happens. Inb4 no Fates capture but rather Kaga moments

31 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Worth noting that "challenge" varies from person to person btw.

Yeah, in all honesty, I don't think any amount of reading others' impressions can really remove all risk there.

38 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Now this? Banger. 

The final boss theme is insanely good.

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Yooooooooooooooooooooooo!🤩☢️⚛️ Manmade nuclear fusion with a net-positive useful energy output

We're very likely not going to see fusion reactors powered humanity within our lifetimes. One scientist I heard secondhand compared this to an embryo, we've still a long way to go before it graduates from Harvard. Yet still, MASSIVE scientific breakthrough! Nigh-infinite clean energy not dependent on the wind or sun is getting closer!

This is the only version of the ToM rockin' remake's rendition of Nuclear Fusion on YouTube.

I'm in self-sustaining infinite Overdrive now baby!😎 Because science!

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On 12/11/2022 at 2:17 PM, BrightBow said:

It's kinda funny how the Pirate Warriors 4 version of Blackbeard is so bad against Logia users. Power negation on contact is his entire shtick, yet he of all people struggles so much to touch Logia.
He can overwhelm other types through the sheer power of Mosou spam. But Logia types don't take damage until their armor is broken. Which Blackbeard sucks at. I don't think anyone in the cast struggles with that as much as he does.
It really feels like he should have a guard break move in his arsenal.

Oh wow. In the anime and manga, Blackbeard should be able to wipe the floor with Logias, especially after THAT. 

19 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, in older SRW's, this would be basically an Isekai trip to Byston Well. Guess for current SRW it's Cephiro, heh.

MAgic Knight Rayearth, huh. I watched a bit of that. Maybe I need to watch more.

18 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Scenario 18: Magic Knights and their Duty

Aboard the Ra Cailum, Shion tells his story. The Black Knight seeks to conquer Byston Well and seeks out the Treasure of Baran-Baran, for which he gathered people capable of using Aura Battlers. Shion was one such person and thus was kidnapped, but he took the Sirbine and escaped, making Silkie comment she and Shion had been together ever since. At this the group finally notices her presence, surprised to see a fairy of all things. She introduces herself, mentioning she's a Mi Ferario. In any case, Shion saved her from the Black Knight, and she unlocked his cell door. He also brings up about Remul. The princess of a noble house that guarded the Treasure of Baran-Baran, and thus the one that led him to the Sirbine... but also meant being captured alongside him. He had to leave her behind, but the group are more than happy to help him out. Still, he inwardly hopes that once that's done, he can ditch them all before being dragged into a bigger mess.

The topic then changes to the Magic Knights, who have yet to return from the Forest of Silence. They didn't went alone, for Tetsuya and Guy are with them. Some small talk (and Tetsuya fangirling from Umi, lol) ensues, but soon they're approached by Ferio, a local hunter. He warns them of the battle that happened prior (which the group would naturally already know about), but also about the monsters from the forest. He offers to serve as their guide... and then slips up in saying he knows they're part of a larger group. Fuu is quick to laid it out he had ulterior motives, forcing Ferio to admit it, also praising her for figuring it out. He admits he has heard from Clef that they're going to save Princess Emeraude and Cephiro, and wants to help them out. Still, the group wonders why the previous secrecy, and he says it was a test of sorts, intending to just use them if they had been gullible enough. Instead, he offers whatever information about Zagato he knows, bringing up about Princess Emeraude being held at the Water Prison, and that Zagato has allied with a group using Aura Battlers. Not being there for Shion's explanations, they still reach the conclusion that it must be that Black Knight he spoke of, and that they must've found more Aura Battlers despite there not being any since 700 years ago. The group doesn't quite trust him yet, but it's a start.

Just then, a golem shows up! More of Zagato's henchmen arrive, Caldina and Ascot. The latter summons more golems, and Tetsuya, Guy, and Ferio quickly get ready to confront them. But then Ascot just summons even more. Hikaru finally decides enough is enough, and gathers the resolve to help out too, prompting the other two to do the same. Just like Hikaru before, all three unleash magic against the golems, felling them. With the guys also defeating the rest of the golems, Caldina and Ascot bail out, intending to leave things to Alcyone. Tetsuya and Guy decide to head back to the battleships, for they are to come under attack again. And Ferio also decides to bail out...

Expectedly, more giant Golems show up, and T3 deploys, thanks to the guys warning. Alcyone declares they'll go down this time, and stage begins!

This is SRW, I'm sure, but... which one is it??

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2 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


This looks like it's art for the game, but I just don't feel it, like I don't feel that strongly for the region.

And I played through it twice, how?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

When in doubt, Gigaton Hammer.

Sounds about right.

Then you have to pick something else for a second.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Yooooooooooooooooooooooo!🤩☢️⚛️ Manmade nuclear fusion with a net-positive useful energy output

We're very likely not going to see fusion reactors powered humanity within our lifetimes. One scientist I heard secondhand compared this to an embryo, we've still a long way to go before it graduates from Harvard. Yet still, MASSIVE scientific breakthrough! Nigh-infinite clean energy not dependent on the wind or sun is getting closer!

Nuclear Fusion actually happened.

It's happened in my lifetime.

Sure, it's still early days, but it actually worked which can only encourage more interest in working on it and thus have more people working on it and it could already have a practical use: boil some kettles.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is the only version of the ToM rockin' remake's rendition of Nuclear Fusion on YouTube.

Hey look, it's the party I used in my first playthrough

Where's this version of the track come from?

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1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

MAgic Knight Rayearth, huh. I watched a bit of that. Maybe I need to watch more.

I'd certainly recommend it, heh.

1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

This is SRW, I'm sure, but... which one is it??


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I think the only thing I've got is dysgraphia, which means that fine motor stuff is a pipe dream. I think I'm borderline ADHD (My Dad as sister both have ADHD as well), but we've never bothered to get me diagnosed 'cause it probably wouldn't do all that much for me. We'll see, though, since if I move out, I'll find out if my executive functioning is up to snuff!

I suspect I have depression as well, but there's no real point in gettin' a diagnosis for it since it doesn't really mean anything for me.

tl;dr I'm boring 🕺

Edited by Benice
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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hopefully this doesn't mean we'll be tricked into thinking the mechanic is great at first, only to discover later in the game that it fizzles.

Personally I'm thinking the Engage attacks, or at least some of them, might be too powerful...

Edited by Shadow Mir
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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I fear for the Gen 5 remakes.

Speaking of which, that reminds me that Gen 5 first introduced Gems to the series... then they disappeared in the following generations. Which is rather telling, considering they were basically Z-Crystals before Z-Crystals became a thing, only you were not limited to one per battle (and Gamefreak must have realized how broken they were, because aside from their not showing up after BW, they were also nerfed). 

Edited by Shadow Mir
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6 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Oh. Guess this is Japanese only like most of them are... Gah.


Super Robot Wars T: Arcadia All attacks - YouTube

They've been getting official English translations for a while now!

Just, mind with T, because buying it from Japan does not come in English for some reason. You need to get it from other East Asian shops for English.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Super Robot Wars T: Arcadia All attacks - YouTube

They've been getting official English translations for a while now!

Just, mind with T, because buying it from Japan does not come in English for some reason. You need to get it from other East Asian shops for English.

Oh. Cool beans.

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


See the source image

ExxonDutchAramcoPromPEC can suffocate on hot coals coated in petrol that reek of natural frackgas! I don't give a crap about them right now! They won't ruin my mood!😤

6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Nuclear Fusion actually happened.

It's happened in my lifetime.

I know! I can't believe it!🤓

I heard the running joke was "nuclear fusion is the energy of tomorrow/the future" -because it sure ain't happening today. And yet, the future suddenly feels so much closer (even if I likely won't be here for it in all honestly)! This is heavenly!😇

10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

and it could already have a practical use: boil some kettles.

Sell tickets at ~10k USD apiece to millionaires for the chance to drink tea, coffee, or hot chocolate brewed with water heated by manmade nuclear fusion. It should bring in a few extra research funds.🍵 Comes with a free lab coat and honorary "nuclear engineer for the day" status. Milk the silly novelty of the experience for what it's worth for the sake of the greater good!

16 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hey look, it's the party I used in my first playthrough

Where's this version of the track come from?

Did you really play the remake? Just the demo? This is the default rendition of Nuclear Fusion plays in it, the 16-bit original OST can be swapped to and from at any time. Oddly, this is the only vid of the official remake remix I can find, everything else is the original or other (unofficial or official) remixes.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

ExxonDutchAramcoPromPEC can suffocate on hot coals coated in petrol that reek of natural frackgas! I don't give a crap about them right now! They won't ruin my mood!😤

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sell tickets at ~10k USD apiece to millionaires for the chance to drink tea, coffee, or hot chocolate brewed with water heated by manmade nuclear fusion. It should bring in a few extra research funds.🍵 Comes with a free lab coat and honorary "nuclear engineer for the day" status. Milk the silly novelty of the experience for what it's worth for the sake of the greater good!

The Duality of Man.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did you really play the remake? Just the demo? This is the default rendition of Nuclear Fusion plays in it, the 16-bit original OST can be swapped to and from at any time. Oddly, this is the only vid of the official remake remix I can find, everything else is the original or other (unofficial or official) remixes.

Ah yeah.

I changed it to the SNES soundtrack from the start and kept it there, that's on me.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sell tickets at ~10k USD apiece to millionaires for the chance to drink tea, coffee, or hot chocolate brewed with water heated by manmade nuclear fusion. It should bring in a few extra research funds.🍵 Comes with a free lab coat and honorary "nuclear engineer for the day" status. Milk the silly novelty of the experience for what it's worth for the sake of the greater good!

Oh jeez, you know someone like Musk will do it for a month and claim he's innovating in the field.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I heard the running joke was "nuclear fusion is the energy of tomorrow/the future" -because it sure ain't happening today. And yet, the future suddenly feels so much closer (even if I likely won't be here for it in all honestly)! This is heavenly!😇

That there can be a tomorrow where it can actually happen is certainly something.

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24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The Duality of Man.

There is no duality! I shall use THEM for the sake of humanity! They shall have their foolishness exploited and be made to contribute to the betterment of humankind! I will not let those rich monsters control me! Hahahahahahahaha!🤣

*Proceeds to die as the reactor behind me goes out of control and explodes*


21 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Oh jeez, you know someone like Musk will do it for a month and claim he's innovating in the field.


21 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

That there can be a tomorrow where it can actually happen is certainly something.

Well we well need a little Christmas fusion right this very minute b/c dire climate change and all. But I think they're be enough survivors far enough ahead into our coming unhappy future as is to build practical fusion reactors and then use that nigh-infinite energy to salvage the devastated Earth despite the massive losses. I'm going to be a semi-optimist for once.😄


22 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

did someone say nuclear fusion


I will channel Ruben here and sternly criticize you for ruining a most joyous moment with anime. Yet I too shall say it's sorta cute with fun lyrics.😛

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Poor Dewey.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Something about the fact that his name's Musk is funny.

Like, you're okay with this. Being named after something that people take the piss out of.

I'm disappointed people don't do it more.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well we well need a little Christmas fusion right this very minute b/c dire climate change and all. But I think they're be enough survivors far enough ahead into our coming unhappy future as is to build practical fusion reactors and then use that nigh-infinite energy to salvage the devastated Earth despite the massive losses. I'm going to be a semi-optimist for once.😄

If we manage somehow, maybe.

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