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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Scenario 20: Dark Ambitions

At his castle, the Northern Sage ruminates. He notes the significance of him meeting Tod, Allen, Jeril, and Rabaan again after 700 years... wait, Rabaan is not from the Dunbine TV series! Anyway, he considers that after seven centuries of stagnation, the time of change has come. The loss of the Pillar's influence is making the world's natural order waver, for which he is grateful to Zagato for. After the Holy Maiden, Ciela Lapana, took the Aura Machines and the souls of their pilots from Earth into Byston Well, it was considered a salvation, liberating them from the war they were waging... all but one. Without their pilots, the Aura Machines decayed away... but he has stockpiled them and repaired them over the centuries, all in preparation for this day. Soon his torment will come to an end. He then gazes over to Remul, who seems to be present in the room as well. He muses how she too will be entrapped in the cycle of war, like her past life was. It seems she will be needed to awake the Black Knight... For her part, Remul senses oddity in the Northern Sage. Like he's not human... and his voice too seems to stir something in her heart. Like something dark wanting to take over. She can only hope for Shion to be safe...

Back with the heroes, they've been contacted by Ferio, who hasn't been too fruitful in finding more info about the Northern Sage. Still, he can only ask they be careful. Their only lead is Shion and Silkie, who came across an old man with a frightening presence about him, when they were escaping the Black Knight's castle. Still, the group proclaim they will rescue Remul... who seems to have enough and outright admits he was only using them. Still the party isn't that plussed. He has helped them out plenty so they are glad to return the favor. Besides, they won't ignore her plight anyway. It does make Shion reflect his attitude hasn't been the best, but then Hikaru suggests he could sign up to be a Magic Knight too. Though being from Byston Well, he might not qualify for one. They suggest a Page, or Guardian... but then settle on Aura Battler. With Silkie mentioning that was the name of the heroes of old summoned to Byston Well whenever it was in great peril. So something that is akin to the Magic Knights being summoned when Cephiro is likewise in peril.

Fun fact. The game may call them Aura Battlers, which is the term used in the official Dunbine English dub, but in Japan they're called Holy Knights. Magic Knights and Holy Knights... yes, the comparison is deliberate.

Regardless, Shion does find the idea appealing, with the group encouraging him to do it, saying they'll support him on the way. And first order of business, stop Zaga to and save Princess Emeraude. They then suggest trying to talk with the Northern Sage, to get him to stop his support. Shion is surprised at this, with the hereos saying they should always try diplomacy first before resorting to force. If they can get the Northern Sage to stop supporting Zagato, and perhaps even the Black Knight, then all the better. Shion isn't as convinced... but is willing to give it a shot.

Somewher else, Rabaan is holding talks with... Show! Show mentions how it was him who brought them (huh) here, and wants to know what's his plan. Rabaan simply says to just follow his instructions, and should not try anything funny. Which Show mentions it's basically imprisonment, or at least, that it was 700 years ago. Marvel, who is also here (oh), brings up they still appreciate him explaining things out after they suddenly found themselves alive again in Byston Well... but also minds the fact they became his prisoners. Show ponders on the events he last remembers. Of his fight with Bern, and Ciela sending them all to Byston Well... but now they are 700 years in the future, and Rabaan has said they aren't the only ones in that situation. In any case, Rabaan announces they have arrived to their destination, and asks of Show one last chance to accept to serve him in conquering the world. Which Show says once again no to. He and Marvel had already refused to plunge the world into war 700 years ago, and they abide to that decision. And then also present is Chum the Ferario, comparing Rabaan to Drake. In any case, Rabaan tells them he will give them Aura Battlers. Gifts from the Northern Sage. And his orders are to... fight Rabaan himself and his men? Only making Show wonder just who is he...

As it turns out, the Aura Battlers are the Billbine and Dunbine. Show notes it's a different color... and the Billbine was destroyed anyway. Chum wonders if it's newly-built, but Shows doubt it, since knowledge to build them is lost in this era. More so, he recognizes the Drumlos as refurbished old models. Still, their pristine condition shows someone is around that knows about them, and they conclude it must be the Northern Sage. Chum says they should just run away, but Show points out they don't have a place to run to. Instead, they should fight the Black Knight and make a path themselves. Before righting, Show asks Rabaan about the Northern Sage, who only says he has great knowledge of Aura Machines, and is assisting him. In return, he does what the sage asks him. Hence, why he aids Zagato of Cephiro. He then explains how Cephiro and Byston Well became adjoined 700 years ago, due to the latter becoming unstable. In any case, whether by his orders or not, Rabaan seems to long wanting to fight Show, so he says their battle is meant to be! And stage begins!

Okay, Drumlos again, with Rabaan, aka the Black Knight, in a Leprechaun. SR Point is to rout within six turns, but Rabaan must be defeated last. Let's go!

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Upon defeating a couple Drumlos, Tod shows up. Show and Marvel are surprised to see him, and Tod is eager to have a rematch. Show tells him they have no reason to fight anymore, but Tod seems to be holding a grudge anyway. Show then just complies. If Tod wants a fight, he'll give it to him. Still, he's not willing to repeat what they've been doing 700 years ago.

Okay, TacP Bonus is to defeat Tod. There's something of a time/turn limit to this... so gotta be quick.

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3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also how's the difficulty?

I feel like anything lower than Hard is a bit of a cakewalk. So just stick to the highest difficulty. Very solid sweetspot of challenge.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rabbid Peach is absolutely fucking terrible and that makes her a lot better than Peach lol

It's funny too because Rabbid Peach is arguably the worst unit in the game.


S-tier: Luigi, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Mario.

Luigi is GOATED because of range, especially when combined with Reflect and Invisibility Sparks. Rabbid Luigi's multihits are great with statues and Rabbid Mario gets Canto.

A-Tier: Mario, Bowser, Edge.

Mario is overall the balanced character, who can also attack while in the air. Bowser is a *tank* with great AoE and Mechakoopas are amazing tools. Edge is just great because of chain.

B-tier: Rabbid Rosalina. The ability to absolutely stop all enemies in range is amazing and her weapon is pretty good but it also only hits one target at a time.

C-tier: Rabbid Peach, Peach. These characters are more Support tbh, with the former having heals and the latter having team barrier. It's good tools but I still put them in C for their rather pitiful attack power (especially Peach).

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

That was cute.

What's great about Ruridragon is just how.....normal it is.



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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That was truly something.

> Shows up

> Drain Pikachu of its power

> Refuses to elaborate

> Leaves

That was Zekrom pretty much. lol

 Wow, that's how it starts?

And here I was hearing Team Rocket got to be competent. But if Zekrom nerfs everything that sounds like Unova's their easy mode.

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Was only speaking in regards to RBY as the game generally doesn't favor it's typing, and it's stat spread is better found on something like Starmie for example.

Doesn't help Moltres just goes "I am you but better" in that meta.

Not even Slash is enough?

Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

Snow is beautiful until it rains the next night and makes the entire ground a slippery hazard.

  Wasn't much snow for all the frost and low temperatures, but I'm not that far inland.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am very confident in saying it in RBY, as those game was not kind to any of the Fire types (just look at how comically high level you have to reach before any of them learn a fire move better than ember...). In the Fire Red and Leaf Green, I think it is still the weakest pick of the three, but by a far narrower margin, as the gym & effective elite 4 typing (as Lorelei is almost as much water as she is Ice) don't do them many favors either. Its his latter appearances where I would be slow to judge him as such.

Back on Gen 3, Flying at least provides Fighting coverage (though it being Wing Attack, Aerial Ace and Fly as the sum total is a bummer), but without some breeding options are very much limited. Also Lorelai's mostly Water, come now.

Funny how it didn't have Solarbeam in Gen 3.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Water is an excellent defensive typing, although ironically I think one of its big problem is the typing is so common that all but its best members become forgettable.

Doesn't help that there's so many.

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

ORAS is an odd one for me, as I have no nostalgia for the original RSE as I was so firmly old dexit back in the day that I didn't really return to the franchise until after the generation was finishing, and the dex could be completed.

Although ironically I recently finished up a national dex on Emerald a few weeks ago. I started a while ago, and I found gathering together all the old hardware to accomplish that was kinda fun (and by lucky happenstance saved some odd stuff from the fire) although I got delayed for a while as I needed to replace the save battery to grow the berry's necessary for Milotic (which I put off for a long time). Actually I was a bit worried that I might have to reset a game and trade berries over due to an odd bug with how timing events work in RSE, as replacing the battery entirely resets the clock (even the year....), and clock events are based on end times, so I have this funny case of one berry I tried to plant before replacing the battery, which never grows (as it is waiting for the clock to tick up to whatever year it was at before it died), but fortunately new berries grow just fine.

  RSE were titles I experienced after the fact too, coming to them after returning to the series with Gen 4. Aside from a brief borrowing of an Emerald cart I'm more used to emulation.

The fun of the technical issues, though it's more hardware in this case it seems.

As an aside that clock issue had me running into issues on emulation, my save corrupted after the E4 essentially.

2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The never did really resolve the GS Ball Mystery...

If it shows up in the miniseries......

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2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

 Wow, that's how it starts?

And here I was hearing Team Rocket got to be competent. But if Zekrom nerfs everything that sounds like Unova's their easy mode.

Oh, they do. They basically stopped hounding Ash every single episode as well. It was also the time they stopped appearing every episode as well.

2 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

If it shows up in the miniseries......

Now that would truly be something...

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Upon defeating a couple Drumlos, Tod in his Vierres shows up. Show and Marvel are surprised to see him, and Tod is eager to have a rematch. Show tells him they have no reason to fight anymore, but Tod seems to be holding a grudge anyway. Show then just complies. If Tod wants a fight, he'll give it to him. Still, he's not willing to repeat what they've been doing 700 years ago.

Okay, TacP Bonus is to defeat Tod. There's something of a time/turn limit to this... so gotta be quick.

Alright, nailed it! Show tells him he shouldn't throw his new life away, but Tod is still stubborn. He wonders why he can't defeat Show, who says he's consumed with uncertainty, thus his Aura is clouded. He tells him even if Tod defeats him, it won't satisfy him. Rather than being angry at him, Tod is angry with himself. Tod actually ponders this, and Chum senses the Aura of anger is dying down. Show brings up it can't be a coincidence they are all alive right now, and he wants to avoid comitting past mistakes. Tod brings up if it's about how they engulfed Byston Well in war. Show brings up how Byston Well is the resting place of souls. Aura Machines disturbed its tranquility. Thus he wants to bring the fighting to an end.

Just then Marvel detects something approaching. It's Golems, with Allen and Jeril. Rabaan wonders what made the Northern Sage call them here, and if he has an agenda beyond Zagato. Upon seeing Show and Marvel, Jeril and Allen too are eager for rematches. Show tries to convince them like he did Tod, but they won't listen. They just want to fight. They do note Tod's hesitating and... oh lol, Allen tries to appeal with him that they're both from the US. Land of the Free, in a world not their own facing problems not their own, thus they're free to do whatever they like. Still, Tod says he brings up a good point. He'll do what he wants... and that is punch Allen's face! Haha. His Aura flares up, free of uncertainty. He asks Show for a truce. He still says they have unfinished business, but for now, they won't drag the rest of the world into it. He is now aware that's just repeating history. He won't make the Upper Earth burn again.

Finally the heroes arrive. Show is surprised to see them, with Tod explaining it's also 700 years into the future in Upper Earth. Both sides note the similarities between the Sirbine and Billbine, while Shion senses familiarity with the pilot. As previous talked, the group attempts to talk... but Rabaan just orders fire. Show, Marvel, and Tod, however, come over, willing to assist. Shion wants to just rush ahead and tris, but Show stops him, telling him to not be reckless. They extrance introductions, with Show also sensing something from him... Silkie also introduces herself, surprising Show and Chum, who wonder if she's the same Silkie who summoned all the Upper Earthers to Byston Well to begin with. Still, she doesn't seem to recognize them, making Show remember Silkie had been condemned to be reborn precisely for opening the Aura Road. Thus, they won't bring that up. In the nearby castle, the Northern Sage notes how with Rabaan, Shion, and Show gathered, all that's needed is a spark to set everything in motion...

Just then, Ruri detects more figures approaching. A ship and a machine, not looking like Aura Machines. Geo and Eagle recognize the group isn't from Byston Well nor Cephiro, due to being too technologically advanced to be from either, the latter commenting they may have what they've been investigating. Zazu, meanwhile, just gushes over the mechas, heh. Eagle orders for the NSX to pull back, and he'll go alone in the FTO to "investigate". Bright tries to make contact, to which Eagle does. He introduces himself as Eagle Vision of Autozam (which Rabaan recognizes as a realm bordering Cephiro)... and head of their Cephiro invasion force. Wait, this is still Season 1 of Rayearth, what are they doing here!? Anyway, he is aware of the Magic Knights, who call him out on invading Cephiro taking advantage of its current crisis. Eagle says they have their reasons, and while agreeing that invading other countries isn't right... well, he is still gonna fight us. Something about being pressed for time... In any case, the Magic Knights won't let him, and this resolve awakens new powers in the Rune Gods. And indeed, Rayearth gains the Ruby Lightning attack, Selece the Sapphire Whirlwind attack, and Windam... gets no new attack. Huh? Regardless, all three gain stat boosts, so that's something at least. Here we go!

Gah, so many enemies, and it's turn three... still, I must persevere! Gotta rout...

So, another fun fact. While Rayearth has had video game adaptations before, they all covered the event of Season 1 only. SRW T is the first time that Season 2 gets to show up in a video game... and they aren't holding back, making Autozam show up while we still haven't fought Zagato! Still, a certain someone is still not showing up this early regardless. Oh well.

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Okay, first to get sent packing is Eagle. He repeats he knows invading Cephiro isn't right, but has no other choice. So he makes his retreat with all the intel he has gathered, hoping to see the Magic Knights again. They do note they don't sense evil in him... but still, he must be stopped if he plans to invade Cephiro.

Okay, turn five. Only a Golem and the three Leprechauns left. I can do this!

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Jeril and Allen withdraw upon defeat, only eager for the next battle, with Show and Tod heavily lamenting/disagreeing respectively...

Only Rabaan left, still on turn five. I got this in the bag.

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3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I recall you saying you weren't all that fond of ORAS.

Oh yeah. I even like the story, which was directly inspired by the R&S chapter, but I don't like that they didn't use Emerald's enhancements.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

And here I was hearing Team Rocket got to be competent.


"It featured seismic issues and destruction of cities. It was due to air in Japan in March 2011, just after the Sendai Earthquakes and the resulting issues at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. As such, it was postponed and eventually retconned out of the series, never to be heard of again."

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

  RSE were titles I experienced after the fact too, coming to them after returning to the series with Gen 4. Aside from a brief borrowing of an Emerald cart I'm more used to emulation.

I only got to play Gen 3 after playing Yellow and Gold, so I was disappointed with the pokemon selection in the games and was never really fond of it, thinking that Pokemon had peaked in Gen 2.

Thankfully I saw the light and now I see that Gen 3 are better games than Gen 2 could ever be.

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Back from the first family gathering I've been to in quite a while. I did what I usually do- sit in a corner and mostly recede inoffensively into the background, though I did make a little awkward and kinda nerdy small talk. Didn't bring my Switch, that felt too juvenile at this point in life. Still, nice.🙂


7 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

It's me who cut them out here

The Fig Leaf Campaign all over again. Though it's not like I haven't had to chisel a few things I've posted here.


5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah. It's too short, music is meh. How do you fuck up Rainbow Road in the game with the anti-grav gimmick?

It doesn't feel rainbowy enough either. I think you'd be better ditching the outer spaciness and assigning that to a different track, I know it worked for MK7 (which I skipped), but it doesn't for 8 I'd say.


3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Nice to see it accounted for Fairy in some form. I feel like some of the other new characters would help cover niches not taken up already and help represent rarer mons and types. Would it be trainers let out one at a time for the mons they raised? Or would it be an RTS with larger parties?

Considering there'd be 26 trainers counting everyone already, I was thinking up to six trainers per battle. Might force a lower maximum in some circumstances. Letting each pack 6 per battle might be too many, maybe 3 or 4 instead. No more than two maaaaybe three out at once per trainer; perhaps an "all-out" feature that temporarily lets someone deploy their full team. Everyone would have fixed preferred types, affecting combat performance of those Pokemon, although Green and Silver would be flexible via use and disuse. Use Steel type Pokemon frequently and they'd develop higher Steel proficiency, but they'd be limited in that they can't get maximum proficiency with every type at once, due to a total proficiency cap. Less-used types would gradually lose proficiency points (not dropping below a certain threshold) and given to a more-used type.

While I know it's kinda a rule that "Pokemon can't be seen harming humans", being fanfict, I was going to bend this slightly. Special PokeTech that generates a barrier around trainers, when the barrier runs out, the trainer retreats from battle with their Pokes, having taken no actual damage to themselves. I was thinking of an obscure DS game called LostMagic here, an RTS where the main character is a young wizard who relies on summoned monsters to protect him while he casts magic. Also would give trainers rudimentary self-defense techniques via equipment, though their primary thing would be passive supportive bonuses and command abilities, some of which might be dependent on having X type(s) on the field/current team. 

3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I have only one thing to add as I read this late: Why are you so stupid Lance?

I read on Bulbapedia one manga had him side with Lugia and losing faith in humanity IIRC. That's the seed from which it sprung.

Lance was intended to start awesome, kinda calm, but still strongly devoted to justice and whatnot, helping the heroes and all during the Power Plant and the attack on Rocket Renegade base in Mahogany (Snagem might've been in the base too, due to cooperating with the Renegades for the time being). Seeing legendaries captured and receiving a mission from one of the beasts eventually got to Lance's head, and then he started losing, and the awesome champion image breaks down. With discipline, a great ally, when he loses control of himself, he's as much a hassle as an enraged legendary Pokemon, which sounded like it should befit a champion- a legendary human. Maybe I went too far though.😆


3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Snow is beautiful until it rains the next night and makes the entire ground a slippery hazard.

Like fish and visitors, snow stinks after three days. -If you don't have to shovel a lot, or deal with rain and ice as you point out.

Day 1- "Ooooooh it's falling! So pretty!" And it sparkles on the ground, illuminating the night a little.

Day 2- A sense of the "seemingly lasting right now, yet we know it ephemeral" presence of snow. Still probably somewhat sparkly.

Day 3- It has begun to compact into ice, the sparkle is gone. The majesty is over and you just want it out of the way of your daily burdens.

-Or so I see it, you may differ with my naive-trying-to-become-understandingly-realist Romantic outlook.

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SR Point get!

Rabaan is in disbelief, but he won't accept this is how he will fall. Not he who will soon become King of Byston Well! Chum senses his aura is getting distorted, with Show wondering if he'll go Hyper. Just then, Inova shows up, with more Golems in tow. He's not impressed with the Black Knight, whose Aura keep flaring up, sending an overwhelming pressure on the other Aura Battlers. His anger and hatred grows, his aura becoming more distorted. Just then, another Aura Machine comes out of the castle. The Northern Sage is inside. He calls it the Zwauth... ah! That one would often show up in SRW even if nothing else from the Dunbine OVAs would. Anyway, the Sage calls it his crowning achievement. Tod explains it was the Sage who sent him, Allen, and Jeril to Zagato. He's also rumored to be old... way old. Remul is also on board the Zwauth, and the Sage hopes to use her to trigger... something in Rabaan. The Black Knight meanwhiles demands to know why he wasn't given the Zwauth, but the Sage says he wasn't ready to handle it yet. Meanwhile, he wants him to give himself to his anger... oh God, he's going Sith Lord on us! XD Anyway, for his true self is on the verge of awakening. He orders him to unleash his hatred and anger, to attain greater power and cunning... and open the Aura Road!

Rabaan does and... an area of space begins to distort. The party recognizing it as the same kind of portal that got them into Cephiro to begin with. Bright orders for everyone to board back into the battleships. Shion is hesitant, but Show tells him he must live if he wants to save Remul later. Meanwhile Inova notes how this is what Zagato wanted to happen. The Sage calls for the world's natural order to crumble. He declares his 700 years of hell will end when the world does. A bright flash engulfs everything and...

The ships appear in outer space. They detect Paros Base nearby, confirming they're back at the Earth Sphere, though they still are in disbelief, feeling like how this all was a dream. The Arcadia then shows up, and everyone moves into the base.

They tell their own story. It seems the Company also did the whole "Sent to the Astragius Galaxy" on them, but this time it succeeded. So they also had quite the wild ride. There's some awe to the whole thing, since not even Golden Age technology was capable of inter-galaxy warping, but Tochiro explains they found the trick. Namely, a wormhole connecting both the Sol System with the Astragius Galaxy. It's what the Company used to sent them there. The Arcadia group explains how the galaxy is in a cease-fire of a long inter-planetary war, called the Centennial War. It was fought with humanoid mobile weapons called ATs, and one such pilot is now among them, Chirico. Oh yeah, over yonder is where the VOTOMs events are happening, instead of being transplanted to Sol like with GUNxSWORD. You know, that could've worked too, having GUNxSWORD take place at Astragius... but I guess they wanted it to be on Mars instead. Anyway, T3 is shocked to see an Astragius local... who isn't quite chatty. They wonder if there's a language barrier, but then another Astraigan... that's the correct term for it? Anyway, another Astraigan named Gotho says Tochiro made translators for them, so yes, they can understand each other. Another one, Vanila, simply says that Chirico is silent like that, and they also have a girl, Coconna, with them too. Gotho explains he's an arms dealer, and introduces yet another Astraigan, Shako, who is a mercenary and AT pilot like Chirico. Tochiro adds there is another one, Fyana, but is currently in sickbay. The Astraigans inwardly note Chirico is worried for her, and lament she's growing weaker by the day, without something called Jijirium, hoping that perhaps the medical technology of this galaxy can do something for her. Anyway, Tochiro explains they came across them while wandering Astragius, though it seems they were seeking to gain money out of helping them. Something not everyone from the Arcadia group is that fussed about it, even agreeing to the practice, like Spike. Still, they are now part of the Arcadia crew, willing to lend a hand... with part of the payment being finding a way to treat Fyana.

Just then another girl, Angela, shows up. She brings up terms like Real World and Cyber Personality, confusing the T3 group. Then another man, Dingo, brings up she's a DEVA System Security Officer. Basically, a digitized lifeform, as all in DEVA are. It's a cyber society, thus Cyper Personalities. An attack from the outside, as in, the Real World,  forced her to come out to investigate. Thus she got a physical body construct, the Material Body, to house her digital self... and apparently she isn't happy the body looks younger from her own age, as not enough was given to mature. Thus she's stuck looking like a child. Welp, we had to have one of those... though she's supposed to be in her 20's, not like, centuries old like FE dragons. Anyway, this DEVA wasn't known even to most of Astragius society. This whole thing about transferring personalities to computers makes them think of an Overman, known as Wiseman. In any case, there's one more introduction to be made. Frontier Setter, an AI robot, who doesn't elicit much surprise, thanks to Earth having their own Super AI's. Frontier Setter was the one who hacked DEVA, as it sought people to board something called the Genesis Ark, a ship for interstellar travel beyond planet Melkia, where DEVA resides. Unable to actually do it, it was Dingo who got into DEVA to do the gathering part.

In any case, Angela states that since there was no hostile intentions, her mission is done, and plans to return to DEVA... but well, she got sidelined and is now stuck with the group. Still, she has one other mission... namely, assassinating Chirico... wait, what? Although, she says there's a current ceasefire. And now the Astragians ask why she has that order, but she simply says she follows DEVA's orders. Why they want him dead, she doesn't know nor cares to find out. It was while she was chasing him down that she met the group, who were fighting the Company. And apparently, Antique Armors show up, surprising the T3 group. Shako brings up about Endless Illusion, a paradise said to be next to Astragius Galaxy. A legend from his home planet. So, the fact of the wormhole's existence, and Armors being found in Astragius, means Endless Illusion is the Sol System, the legend born from possible ancient travels using the wormhole. Ultimately, the group wonders just what is the Company up to. All they know is that they might attack Sol again. Angela says she'll help out, finding it her only hope to return to DEVA, as well the Astragians.

Elsewhere, the Byston Wellians are being briefed on the recent happenings of "Upper Earth". Shion wonders if they can go back, but it seems it won't be an easy matter. Still, they bring up that if they could open up the Aura Road again... Show brings up he has managed it, but it's still a huge gamble. Still, 700 years have passed, perhaps now there's an easier and less riskful way to do it. Though the group would have to research. Still, Shion isn't happy that he's stuck in an unknown world, making Show bring up how he used to be like that, back when he first arrived to Byston Well. At least Shion isn't alone. Shion finally accepts to stick around, as will Show, Marvel, and Tod, who being from the distant past, don't have a place to go either. Chum finally introduces herself to the group... and turns out Ruri is aware of her. Apparently after the whole incident, life-sized figurines of Chum's likeness became something of a hot seller on Earth. Well, that's the novelty of finding a real fairy I guess. No joke, those "Life-Size Chum Figurines" are actual equipment parts in a couple SRW games. lol Anyway, Marvel and Show are also familiar with those too, and comment how Chum became more famous than them, haha. Shion inwardly swears he will find a way back, to defeat the Black Knight and rescue Remul... and thus the stage, finally, ends...

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1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Doesn't help Moltres just goes "I am you but better" in that meta.

Not even Slash is enough?


Considering crt rate is so high in RBY anyway due to it going off the speed stat, high crit rate doesnt seem too desirable.

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Phew, writing the post route splits parts sure is a handful. I'm honestly considering no longer doing this after this playthrough, just being more minimalistic with V and X. It's fun to narrate the playthrough, but well, not much of an audience it seems. So I'll finish this one and give it a rest afterwards.

Anyway, going over the recruits from the other route.

There's Chirico with his Scopedog and Shako in the Berserga DT. Scopedog has two Option Parts. Round Mover, which makes it better suited for Space fighting, and Light, sacrificing some HP and Armor for Mobility. And Angela in her Ahran. As for Supporters, Gotho, Vanila, and Coconna come together as one Supporter, and same for Dingo and Frontier Setter. And that's it. Gonna do some preparations and it will be continuing onward... tomorrow.


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Ah, looking over things, it seems I had been wrong about the colony drop that Glemmy ordered (and which during SRW T we do stop unlike in the original Gundam ZZ series). It didn't fell on Belfast, but rather on Dublin.

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>Greninja is avaliable for transfer into SV

>You can transfer Ash's Greninja that was distributed for SM

>It doesn't transform in Gen 9, it just gets the stat boosts

Bro that's so fucking lame man.

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"Do I get to be a character yet, Ike?"


Zero to hero, Ike is officially tied for second place in highest strength in the team.


Beaten just by one stat by Guerrero Tauroneo.


"The other day" meaning four months in this context.


My, what a dramatic conversation completely ruined by the fact that it's still playing the chipper preparation music.


Being mixed race myself I can't say I relate to the experience of being deplored by both sides of my heritage but I do know that it's a thing that can happen, even in spaces not involving race.

For example, sometimes Bisexual people are looked down upon in certain LGBTQ spaces, especially if they are in a heterosexual relationship.

I'm also reminded of a specific quote that goes "To be African American is to be African without memory and to be American without rights"


Anyways, I ship them now.


Ladies and gentlemen! It's a three way tie!


Oh and another thing that's been on my mind. I don't know what gender Janaff is supposed to be but either way I like how ambiguous it is, it's pretty rare to find a character like that in...well everything.


Hehe Smash bro.


I...why would I equip this?


Quick! Make out so she loses interest!


Based Haar.


That's actually really cute.


Cool design but she kinda looks like a sci-fi character.


Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.


I do feel bad for Petrine.


So something I've been keeping track of throughout this journey is how much these games play into the "savior fantasy" that's so prevalent everywhere. The idea that we as the people don't have to do anything because someday a hero will rise up and solve all of our problems. It's an idea as old as time with Jesus Christ being up there as the big savior fantasy of a lot of people, that the son of god will one day return and save us all.

This idea of the individual achievement over the collective one is incredibly common, you have things like "Great Man history" that teach history in a way that tries to paint certain historical figures as heroes of a story, and you also have small things like how we credit certain media directors. I mean think about how we describe Kaga era Fire Emblem, Kaga era, as if he was the only one who created Fire Emblem, or how we give credit to developers to Sakurai and Miyamoto even if we know they weren't the only ones on the development team

These are individuals being credited for the work of a collective project.

It reminds me of the story of how the board game monopoly was created. The company who currently owns monopoly may say the game was created by a one Charles Darrow but in reality the game was created over a slow burn of a bunch of different games played by a bunch of different people merging into one, it was a collective idea that Charles himself realistically added very little to, he was just the first one who patented it and sold it, and so he was the only one who earned the money.

Fire Emblem is interesting because it almost counters that idea by having it so every soldier in your party is a character that you could fall in love with, not even just for their stats. They aren't nameless soldiers fighting for the important lord (Sometimes) They are characters with aspirations and beliefs of their own.

I personally think one of FE's biggest problems right now story wise is their endless protagonist worship, where the modern games have this obsession with making their protagonist be a descendant of the gods and be quite literally the most important person in the world of the story, but that till doesn't take away that the common soldiers of your army have gotten more and more fleshed out as characters. Three Houses could've been a major step forward, by having a game where there is no one specific lord, it's instead three lords who oppose each other and have different goals and are capable of both good and bad, and no canon single route to take. Of course Byleth had to exist but the idea is still there.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like fish and visitors, snow stinks after three days. -If you don't have to shovel a lot, or deal with rain and ice as you point out.

Day 1- "Ooooooh it's falling! So pretty!" And it sparkles on the ground, illuminating the night a little.

Day 2- A sense of the "seemingly lasting right now, yet we know it ephemeral" presence of snow. Still probably somewhat sparkly.

Day 3- It has begun to compact into ice, the sparkle is gone. The majesty is over and you just want it out of the way of your daily burdens.

-Or so I see it, you may differ with my naive-trying-to-become-understandingly-realist Romantic outlook.

Oh no I totally agree with you. It's always so beautiful when it starts snowing around here, especially during the night when the light reflecting off of the moon reflects off of the snow and gives the entire world this faint glow, it's downright magical.

Aaaaand then it rains the next day and makes me get my socks wet when I go outside into the slushy snow.



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Uh, turns out, I was mistaken about the Chum dolls thing. I was thinking of the Minmei Dolls from SRW Alpha, which do exist as equipment parts in that game. Either way, the Chum dolls were indeed a thing in the Dunbine anime.


Yeah, that happened, hahaha. She wasn't a fan apparently. lol

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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

"Do I get to be a character yet, Ike?"

"Not yet."

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Zero to hero, Ike is officially tied for second place in highest strength in the team.

At least the RNG redeemed itself there, haha.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Being mixed race myself I can't say I relate to the experience of being deplored by both sides of my heritage but I do know that it's a thing that can happen, even in spaces not involving race.

For example, sometimes Bisexual people are looked down upon in certain LGBTQ spaces, especially if they are in a heterosexual relationship.

I'm also reminded of a specific quote that goes "To be African American is to be African without memory and to be American without rights"

There's also the whole tidbit that Branded aren't just mixed. I don't suppose it's spoilers to say right now, even if it gets told in more detail later (though not until RD, if I recall), but... hmm... should I? Up to you I guess. 

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Anyways, I ship them now.

Oh, B Titania huh. When I played I went for B Oscar, because EarthxEarth supports are kinda busted. Due to all that Evasion boost. Did you know Ike was planned to have supports with Zihark? PoR actually has quite a few scrapped supports. Don't remember if dialogue was written for them, but the data shows the "missing ones". Now imagine if Ike could have all support levels with fellow Earths. The Evasion would be through the roof.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh and another thing that's been on my mind. I don't know what gender Janaff is supposed to be but either way I like how ambiguous it is, it's pretty rare to find a character like that in...well everything.

I've never felt he (he is a he) was meant to be ambiguous. But I guess I saw quickly the use of male pronouns to him and by him.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hehe Smash bro.

Fun fact. You never recruited Stefan, but if you had, there'd be a Base Conversation where he offers to train Ike, and you get an Occult Scroll out of it. Story-wise, the idea is that Ike learns Aether that way. Sure, he would still not be able to use it until he promotes, but the idea is that Aether was being already in the process of being born, as it were.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I...why would I equip this?

For thrones? Admittedly there aren't that many left.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Cool design but she kinda looks like a sci-fi character.

Is it the jacket/trenchcoat thing?

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

What!? Oh man, that's... yikes...

Huh, that's interesting. I wonder what exactly is in meat that would be effective. The protein? Iron? Maybe if you can get it from other sources... or were you told it has to be red meat in specific?

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I do feel bad for Petrine.

In case you hadn't noticed yet, but if you had Soren fight Petrine, it'll be revealed she too is of mixed heritage, brand/mark and everything. In fact, you can barely see it peeking over her cleavage window, as hers is just above her breast.

Also, say... thoughts on the Bridge chapter? It tends to be among the most infamous ones. Mostly due to the pitfalls.


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3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I...why would I equip this?

No one knows. Like knives on sages, it's just a mystery for the ages.
Supports and skills are only used by the player, even on the hardest difficulty. And boosting terrain barely exists.
Love how it also has a really low point cost. Even though that doesn't matter since it disables all your skills anyway.

Radiant Dawn turned it into a command skill. Still virtually useless but at least it's no longer an active liability.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Anyways, I ship them now.

This also unlocks an extra scene in Radiant Dawn if you do a transfer.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

Oh no.

I hope you manage to find a solution that works for you.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I do feel bad for Petrine.

Btw, her being a Branded would have been implied if she fought Soren here.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I personally think one of FE's biggest problems right now story wise is their endless protagonist worship, where the modern games have this obsession with making their protagonist be a descendant of the gods and be quite literally the most important person in the world of the story, but that till doesn't take away that the common soldiers of your army have gotten more and more fleshed out as characters.

Well, that and a general contempt for the idea that one may care about the lives of people that you do not personally know. "Die with magnificence" and all that.


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6 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian

Find a nutritionist asap, and take care. See what can be replaced with stuff you can eat, and be careful.

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12 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hello again Teehee.

I saw one of the stupidest freezes I've ever come across this morning. There was a courtyard in front of a station that had turned into slippery ice overnight. Like, walking on it was a risk to your safety. I was worried I'd have another fall.

I missed a train partly because of this.

Oof... That sucks.

12 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Okarin's detailled face is 👌



The Garon steaks are actually from his flesh, to bless his subjects with

What you're saying is that Garon is Jesus Christ.

11 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The two things you didn't expect from a Quetzal of Radiance run.

1. Corrin apologist

2. Hilda diss.



I'm surprised you didn't write "Kiss the cook" on Garon's apron

It slipped my mind. Not quite customary apron saying here in my country, I don't think.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's funny too because Rabbid Peach is arguably the worst unit in the game.


S-tier: Luigi, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Mario.

Luigi is GOATED because of range, especially when combined with Reflect and Invisibility Sparks. Rabbid Luigi's multihits are great with statues and Rabbid Mario gets Canto.

A-Tier: Mario, Bowser, Edge.

Mario is overall the balanced character, who can also attack while in the air. Bowser is a *tank* with great AoE and Mechakoopas are amazing tools. Edge is just great because of chain.

B-tier: Rabbid Rosalina. The ability to absolutely stop all enemies in range is amazing and her weapon is pretty good but it also only hits one target at a time.

C-tier: Rabbid Peach, Peach. These characters are more Support tbh, with the former having heals and the latter having team barrier. It's good tools but I still put them in C for their rather pitiful attack power (especially Peach).

Not bad. I have a couple grievances, though.

Rabbid Rosalina is definitely S-tier. Her damage is completely irrelevant when her ability is as absurdly broken as it is. She can shut down anybody she pleases, any time she wants. Even with her ability's hefty cooldown, her dash also inflicts the effect. Not to mention, the item that resets cooldowns. She's absolutely insane against anybody that isn't a boss - and even then, her weapon damage is good, as you said, so she's not the worst there either.

Peach I'd say you're selling a bit short, she belongs on a separate tier to Rabbid Peach. She can stack shields that render characters completely invincible and also harm enemies nearby when hit. I had a lot of situations where her shields saved my life. One of the secret bosses I straight up destroyed thanks to her shields, even. Plus, while her damage is on the low side, her range is immense, allowing her to make the most of status-inflicting sparks.

Rabbid Weegee, on the other hand, I'd say you're overrating a tad. Actually, I think they are about on par with one another. Rabbid Luigi's boomerang has the same bad damage that Peach's shotgun does, even with his super high crit, and the bounces are stopped by terrain very easily. Weaken is a worse version of Peach's shields and Rosa's ennui, but can be spammed more and has a VASTLY greater range. More than the damage reduction, I used it to weaken the enemy defenses after getting that one upgrade. He's not bad, but I really don't think he belongs with monsters like one-shot Luigi, one-punch Rabbid mario and Rosa.

Think I agree with everything else. Honestly, Rabbid Peach is the only character I'd call outright bad. Everyone else is a definite good, but Rabbid Peach just has a very mediocre, single-target attack and heals that are mostly irrelevant because you can just use shrooms, or pay 100-200 coins for a full heal. And coins are everywhere.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Beaten just by one stat by Guerrero Tauroneo.

His stache stat is a lot higher though.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Anyways, I ship them now.

Ayup, figured you'd be on that camp. Flame war time!

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Oh and another thing that's been on my mind. I don't know what gender Janaff is supposed to be but either way I like how ambiguous it is, it's pretty rare to find a character like that in...well everything.

I can see it too, though I'm pretty sure it's entirely unintentional and Janaff was intended to be firmly male by the creators.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I...why would I equip this?

Path of Radiance is a poorly thought-out game.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, I learned very recently that I have inflammatory tissue in my brain that on very basic terms has my brain put to sleep for the majority of the day.

Now setting aside the pain and suffering this specific inflammation has caused me for my entire life and only now am I learning it exists, I learned that a way to help it would be to start eating a mostly meat filled diet

I'm vegetarian.

Oh God, that's one hell of a conundrum. Are there supplements you can take, perhaps?

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I mean think about how we describe Kaga era Fire Emblem, Kaga era, as if he was the only one who created Fire Emblem, or how we give credit to developers to Sakurai and Miyamoto even if we know they weren't the only ones on the development team

These are individuals being credited for the work of a collective project.

Indeed. It's a prevalent issue, not just in videogames, but everywhere. It's just easier remembering one name rather than a hundred, and it leads to less... public people being unfairly forgotten. Especially if the job they do is in the foundation of the project, a background task that's vital, but not particularly noticeable. People doing more "surface-level" work, for a lack of a better word, such as actors, musicians, artists... tend to have better luck, since their roles are more "visible", so to speak. But nobody ever remembers the programmers and designers that made the game actually exist. Or the writers, set builders, camera crew, etc. that made the movie actually exist, the names everyone knows when it comes to movies are the actors and the director. You can look at any industry and find similar examples. Like, we know Jeff Bezos's name. We don't know the names of the people who actually drive trucks full of shit to places.

Not that I'm innocent of this, either. I like to call Kaga's games "Kaga's games" for simplicity, even though at this point I'm fairly convinced Berwick, my favorite of them, is as good as it is in spite of Kaga, in many aspects. I often joke about the fabled "editor", but I truly do wish I could go back in time and see how Berwick's development cycle went, so I know who exactly to thank for keeping Kaga's bad habits in check for once. I can also tell you the three people that composed Sparks of Hope's beautiful soundtrack, and the man who led the creative team. I cannot tell you who actually brought into existence this game that's one of the most fun strategy RPGs I've ever played. So on, so forth.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to detract merit from everyone else I mentioned at all. Ultimately, it's not their fault. The nature of their roles inevitably bring them to the front, and people naturally have an easier time remembering them as a result. But these other folks deserve recognition too, and in most cases end up being just more names in the long wall of credits that nobody ever pays any attention to.

All in all... it's some shit.

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I personally think one of FE's biggest problems right now story wise is their endless protagonist worship, where the modern games have this obsession with making their protagonist be a descendant of the gods and be quite literally the most important person in the world of the story, but that till doesn't take away that the common soldiers of your army have gotten more and more fleshed out as characters. Three Houses could've been a major step forward, by having a game where there is no one specific lord, it's instead three lords who oppose each other and have different goals and are capable of both good and bad, and no canon single route to take. Of course Byleth had to exist but the idea is still there.

Three Houses's wonder trio is pretty good in this regard. They're just three heavily flawed people fighting for what they believe is right, but aren't always right. Well... two of them, at least. The other's an afterthought with a route that's a carbon copy of another, doesn't fit his supposed themes and ideals and never challenges them or him at all, making him feel like a glorified secondary that's also the perfect good guy compared to the other two. But then, that's the unpopular opinion, so I digress. Point is, they're okay.

...And then there's Byleth, the all special boy/gal that's really cool and great at teaching despite being established as having zero social skills and other abilities required to be a good teacher, is loved by all students - even those who weren't in their class and don't really know them at all, and is also the reincarnation of the goddess and in each route becomes the almighty pope of the world. All while not speaking a single word. Nice.

Having already been established as another most important person in the whole world, I can only hope Alear is at least allowed to fail one time or two, but I'm not holding out hope there.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Having already been established as another most important person in the whole world, I can only hope Alear is at least allowed to fail one time or two, but I'm not holding out hope there.

I have some hope due to "Dark Alear" trailer thing

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The other's an afterthought with a route that's a carbon copy of another, doesn't fit his supposed themes and ideals and never challenges them or him at all


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10 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:

I have some hope due to "Dark Alear" trailer thing

Frankly, I don't. I expect a repeat of Robin. They talk a couple times about how afraid they are of turning bad, everyone else reassures them, then they turn bad for like five minutes, but the power of love and friendship prevails after the people around Alear tell them they can resist the evil because they love them too much not to. Then Alear resists the evil and beats up the bad dragon, and everyone loved them greatly.

...I mean, that's just where I'm keeping my expectations based on IntSys's track record with stories. It's anyone's guess how it'll turn out, as story is by far the aspect of the game we know the least about. I'm a bit skeptical, but that's just based on the very surface-level stuff we've been shown. The obvious trailer deaths, Alear being another typical all-important avatar and all.

I'll give it a chance, of course. I really don't think they'll need much for me to enjoy the story, to be honest. See, it's a little known fact, but I enjoy FE stories. Not enough to compensate for lesser gameplay, but I do! The only time I've skipped a FE story on my first run was Awakening, after Best Character Gangrel died. I even sat through all of Revelation, despite the fact that it peaked with Garon T-posing. It doesn't take that much for me... as long as the accompanying gameplay is up to par. And it certainly is looking that way here!

I would honestly be fine with routes if they actually let me have a full on evil Alear route. No strings attached, just Alear embracing the darkness, siding with the bad guys and conquering the world. I'd love that.

So anyway, tl;dr: Vandad exists so Engage best FE.




I mean, say what you will about Crimson Flower, but what you absolutely cannot say is that it's a carbon copy of another route. Heck it's the only route that's actually unique lol, the other three are variations of one another.

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