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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Had to go back to the office from another building, then home. I was also with my coworker, who is in really bad shape and cannot move at the speed I can. We were carrying a bag full of electronic gizmos we didn't want to get wet, too. Had to carry it half the way, tucked under my arm. Left my arms tired, which made holding the umbrella for 50 minutes straight fun.

My other coworker had the right idea. Just left right for home without even going back to check out. Sadly, my home was a lot further away and I didn't want to leave the other guy carrying that bag the entire way. Foolhardy masculine pride made him carry it half the way so as not to "look bad", but it was starting to hurt his back and eventually he had to relent and let me have it.

Well that's annoying, having them in that context. I'm assuming they were a priority to bring in?

Least you had a (probably good) umbrella the way you put it, but getting caught in the rain certainly didn't help.

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3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

If she's his kid she'll be a perfect anime protag

Pokemon: The Next Generation.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Man, 50 minutes walking under pouring rain.

Hope you don't catch a cold. I learned about this the hard way, after years of denying that you could catch a cold because of rain.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


like, how is that even possible in-universe?😝

Same energy


from Into the Spider-Verse.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At the same time, let's face it, 


you know why Kamitani drew Elfaria like this.😛


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Had been a while since I last had a Roundabout moment

But did the mountains come and just stand there?

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Why do I suddenly hear trumpets.

No no, that's Hoenn. This is Paldea, you'd hear electric guitars instead


This song is great because it's canonically being played from the Starmobile speakers (it was composed by one of the Team Star bosses).

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wow, Kingpin really let himself go there.

"How did Kingpin have se-"

"Life finds a way"

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Rain is the worst

I'm not the type to complain about rain. If anything, having a dad who does some agriculture, I think it needs to rain more. But this was just ridiculous. Damn near an hour out in the streets, heavy downpour, no breaks.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Well that's annoying, having them in that context. I'm assuming they were a priority to bring in?


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

Least you had a (probably good) umbrella the way you put it, but getting caught in the rain certainly didn't help.

My umbrella's... sufficient.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hope you don't catch a cold. I learned about this the hard way, after years of denying that you could catch a cold because of rain.

Ehhh don't think so.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But did the mountains come and just stand there?

Not that I could see. Maybe they were hiding behind buildings.

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No no, that's Hoenn. This is Paldea, you'd hear electric guitars instead


This song is great because it's canonically being played from the Starmobile speakers (it was composed by one of the Team Star bosses).

This feels straight out of F-Zero GX.

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Silly Quetz, always putting politics in vidyagames where they don't belong.

Heh, I'm reminded of this video I watched talking about a certain Call of Duty game I don't even remember the name of that was explicitly about modern warfare and terrorism in a "generic middle eastern country" and they showed an interview moment with the developers of the game when they were asked if the game was "political" and with a straight face they said "no"

Gamer moment.

10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

You know what? I'm going to note that Bastian here suggests that this setting at least has some acknowledgement of a heliocentric model for the planets within Tellius.

I don't recall there being any other mention of this in PoR or any other title in the series going into it or claiming geocentrism is the case here or in any other setting. Just interesting to note that there's the possibility Tellius as a whole has accepted the sun is unlikely to revolve around them.

You know I somehow never thought about that...

I wonder how many fantasy franchises have a moment where they portray the characters believing that the Sun revolves around the Earth

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Wait- I already did this joke...

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Side note, I have kinda wanted a messy succession crisis to be the full focus of a Fire Emblem game.

Part of me hoped that's what Claude's route was gonna be with how much his legitimacy was brought into question.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

LOL, that is the perfect video for that.

I'm not exactly sure why you call him the burger king but I felt compelled to join in on the meme regardless.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Pfffft, well if ain't that the silliest character design I've ever seen. Her breasts barely look apart of her body.

Still wouldn't call it a loli fantasy, no that's a guy's idealization of a "milf" if I've ever seen it.

If all the characters are exaggerated like this than I can forgive it but only if they also have a male character with his shirt off and a clear bulge in his pants.


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Just now, Edelguardiansing said:

I wonder how many fantasy franchises have a moment where they portray the characters believing that the Sun revolves around the Earth

I got reminded of an isekai that briefly showed wider shots of a galaxy and it doesn't seem like it's geocentric that's for sure. But that's certainly not what I'd call a grounded setting.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

If all the characters are exaggerated like this than I can forgive it but only if they also have a male character with his shirt off and a clear bulge in his pants.

Armagon linked something earlier. I'll get it again:


That guy in the middle's close.

Side note, guy on the bottom right's arm looks like he's stretchy.

(So more guys showing skin then?)

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14 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm not exactly sure why you call him the burger king but I felt compelled to join in on the meme regardless.

Old meme.

I think mostly due to Black Knight = BK = Burger King. Really.

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26 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Armagon linked something earlier. I'll get it again:


That guy in the middle's close.

Side note, guy on the bottom right's arm looks like he's stretchy.

(So more guys showing skin then?)

...Eh, close enough I guess.

Also the proportions of that muscle girl is literally something I'd see in a corporate art style.

What is Corporate Memphis and Why is it Everywhere? – t-art magazine

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If one would give Jason Schreier the benefit of the doubt - girl's / women's faces in anime tend to look childlike. Kindchenschema and all that, and the English language should really step up its game and find a better equivalent for that term than "cuteness".  I still absolutely think he's off with the "lolicon" appeal, but I find that both the necromancer and the barbarian's faces look quite a bit younger than their bodies suggest. Even the ranger/elf/huntress/whatever looks like a 12-year-old with the legs of an adult woman.

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Ash was so hard to beat in Vantage Masters but so fun to figure out. That was nice. Did I really spend 40 minutes on that?

And goddammit, Elise’s first heart event has a character note. The things I do for Sooks%…

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59 minutes ago, Benice said:


Ruben is the protagonist of Heavy Rain 2?

Had this on my mind as I typed out the story, actually. A timeless masterpiece. Cagey Davey truly is a genius.

50 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Heh, I'm reminded of this video I watched talking about a certain Call of Duty game I don't even remember the name of that was explicitly about modern warfare and terrorism in a "generic middle eastern country" and they showed an interview moment with the developers of the game when they were asked if the game was "political" and with a straight face they said "no"

Gamer moment.

What, now you're going to tell me America's God-given right to all the soil and petrol of this planet and all others is political? Tsk tsk.

44 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


I mean

I wouldn't call it a lolicon fantasy, to be sure. It's not even like, big milkers attached to a tiny childlike body, that's a decidedly mature body.

I would, however, call it utterly hideous. This is the most uninspired, forgettable, shady-gacha artstyle I've seen. Botched proportions really can't save the fact that all of these characters are the equivalent of a stock image for their respective tropes.

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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would, however, call it utterly hideous. This is the most uninspired, forgettable, shady-gacha artstyle I've seen. Botched proportions really can't save the fact that all of these characters are the equivalent of a stock image for their respective tropes.

I mean, they're supposed to be generic nameless classes in this case. Dragon's Crown isn't about the story I'm told. You pick a class whose fighting style you like, ideally find some other people to team up with IRL or online, and then jump into beating up baddies.

If you dislike Vanillaware's style as a whole, well I won't and can't attempt to persuade in that case. And I'll politely leave our differing opinions at what they are.🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would, however, call it utterly hideous. This is the most uninspired, forgettable, shady-gacha artstyle I've seen. Botched proportions really can't save the fact that all of these characters are the equivalent of a stock image for their respective tropes.

There's a web comic that I won't name or link which has a NSFW warning screen that roughly reads "This comic started as an attempt to draw pornography. It immediately devolved into sex comedy". I'm reminded of it because those artworks honestly feel like they're self-parodies except that they still seem to take themselves seriously. I might be wrong, maybe it's meant to be entirely tongue-in-cheek, but it's not the vibe I'm getting.

Honestly, the dumbest part is that the necromancer is holding her staff so that her buttcheeks are individually visible through the cloth.

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Castlevania but the girls are strapp-SHE HAS ROCKET LAUNCHERS!

Also that is a day before Atelier Ryza 3 comes out. If i had a nickel for every time an Inti game came out a day before the next entry in a RPG series i liked, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, it's just weird it's happened twice.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not that I could see. Maybe they were hiding behind buildings.


59 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Heh, I'm reminded of this video I watched talking about a certain Call of Duty game I don't even remember the name of that was explicitly about modern warfare and terrorism in a "generic middle eastern country" and they showed an interview moment with the developers of the game when they were asked if the game was "political" and with a straight face they said "no"

Gamer moment.

It's the same energy as "Japanese media isn't political" lmao.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

If all the characters are exaggerated like this than I can forgive it but only if they also have a male character with his shirt off and a clear bulge in his pants

55 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

That guy in the middle's close.

Katimani also drew this for promotional material


somehow people interpreted this as homophobic.

26 minutes ago, ping said:

If one would give Jason Schreier the benefit of the doubt - girl's / women's faces in anime tend to look childlike. Kindchenschema and all that, and the English language should really step up its game and find a better equivalent for that term than "cuteness".  I still absolutely think he's off with the "lolicon" appeal, but I find that both the necromancer and the barbarian's faces look quite a bit younger than their bodies suggest. Even the ranger/elf/huntress/whatever looks like a 12-year-old with the legs of an adult woman.

It's not just anime, even Western animation tends to give female characters cuter faces.

It's an artstyle thing and i think applying ages to faces doesn't really work if the characters is anywhere from a teen to a young adult.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would, however, call it utterly hideous. This is the most uninspired, forgettable, shady-gacha artstyle I've seen. Botched proportions really can't save the fact that all of these characters are the equivalent of a stock image for their respective tropes.

Following up on what Observer said, it's basically just a DND beat-em up game. When the narrative actually matters, even if it's just on the surface, you get these







Designs that are a lot more focused.

I wouldn't knock Vanillaware art in any timeline, their games always look amazing




Even Dragon's Crown



Say what you will about the character design but Vanillaware artstyle clears.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

somehow people interpreted this as homophobic.

That looks like they missed the audition for the Pillar Men. XD

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Was gonna say, "why is her lower body backwards", but no, she's on horseback. lol

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That looks like they missed the audition for the Pillar Men. XD

"Where is your Aztec dubstep" - Kars said, moment before killing them kicking them out of the audition room.

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:


You post Torahime despite not being playable, and yet...


you forgot Jinkuro!🤨

Also, you forgot the Rebirth four.: 


but I don't blame you for that b/c lol Vita-exclusive.

-Thank you for making an attempt at persuasion BTW!😃 I dared not try to do that given the above tongue-lashing given by Ruben made it seem the chances of success were too slim to be worth trying. That, and I was trying to keep my response limited and polite. In the heat of the "you criticized something I really like!" moment, I was afraid of giving into the snap-anger and rudeness that dwells within Aspies, or at least in me specifically. I needed to keep cool and not ruin my image as a kind human being and decent Citizen of the Interwebs here.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Castlevania but the girls are strapp-SHE HAS ROCKET LAUNCHERS!

Oh bruh that's two days after Ishin releases.

23 minutes ago, ping said:

"This comic started as an attempt to draw pornography. It immediately devolved into sex comedy".

Why not both?

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Had this on my mind as I typed out the story, actually. A timeless masterpiece. Cagey Davey truly is a genius.

By the way, regarding Heavy Rain and Cage's genius...


I could be off my rocker, but I thought you mentioned a while back that Scott wasn't initially supposed to be the Origami Killer, right? Given the nonsensical nature of the twist around him, that wouldn't shock me.

Er, anyways, I was just wondering if you knew who it was originally supposed to be, just for curiosity's sake.


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