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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doesn't help that most of them play the same and aren't even good stories lol. Games with less gameplay make better use of the medium and tell better stories than these high production hodgepodges.

Wait, you're telling me that the twist literally relying on a lie to the player isn't good writing?

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24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Isn't class segregation so funny?

You'd think the Monastery would try to enforce otherwise, considering it doesn't sound like it's an actual rule. Then again, either they din't, or tried but the nobles complained and got their way.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Pretty sure it's determined on how important the person is to the story.

Down to even not passing down if it's important they don't.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Ah goddammit, Petra's not gay enough.

Well, you're not Dorothea.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Advertising a history of Europe book and then spending most of the time on the Roman Empire is peek realism.

I mean, unlike the Roman Empire, Adrestia was the entirety of Fodlan for quite some time.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Tell that to the Inuit.

I'd assume the place isn't as large as our own Artic land area, or as habitable. Even the Inuit weren't that high in numbers, was it not? Not in the several hundred thousands I would guess. Compared to Fodlan at least is why they are making the comparison to begin with.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I hope at least one of you got the joke I made last time where I suggested Ashe and Manuela might be related because Manuela's voice actress also voices Ash from Pokemon.

That was the joke? Thought you were thinking they looked similar or something.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Man, thank god women can't be predators or else this would be really creepy!

Ain't double standards grand.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Give me a fucking sitcom with these two.

Three Hopes has you covered, pretty much.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh wow, I didn't think they were going to keep you a secret in this route.

Well, consider that any route (BE's split notwithstanding) can be the player's first. So it makes sense.

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7 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

This would be one of the first things to go if I had control of 3H's development. Why are we walking into the bedrooms?

Back to your point, it's a shame this isn't acknowledged. Imagine if one of the characters from a rich background was up with the noble kids and face being ostracised or a lord who lost out having to come to terms with that fall from grace. I don't get how Bernie's counted in this lot, same with Linhardt. Petra's location could make sense with her being pushed about as a result of her position as a hostage, Annette and Mercedes are in weird places with the links to nobility but both still have ties, especially Annette. Finally Lysithea, while part of a house that has fallen far from prominence she has much more to be stressing about than being left in the lurch. None off these actually confront this potential angle. Better to scrap it imo.

Because it's not a hard rule. As Seteth says afterwards:

As a rule, we try to avoid discrimination based on social status here. But the nobility can be quite insistent when it comes to matters of propriety.

Which gives credence to my guess the Monastery tried but failed to stablish a rule that the dormitories not be segregated by class. So there's no rule to stop it... but neither is one to enforce it. So it comes down to first come first serve, probably. And the nobles are quick to take the upper floor rooms, but some clearly don't.

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Fujimoto still clears in the art department tho


Anyway, read Fire Punch. And One Hundred years of solitude.

8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

This supports my theory that the western video game industry is filled with television industry rejects. Just like how video game critics are just rejected movie critics, why else would they like The Last of Us so much?

Because 7th gen kids grew up playing CoD, Battlefield and GTA. The standards for a good story were pretty low, so when a decent enough story appeared they hailed as the 2nd coming of Christ.

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I love how the controversy never was about the game itself, but both who loved and hated it were going about character sexualities 😂

Atleast seemed to me that way as an outsider, so i am probably wrong lol.

They were malding over some character's actions and the pretty pointless story. And then Neil Druckmann and Troy Baker attacked the fans, fanning the flames.

3 hours ago, Benice said:

Seriously, I have no idea what this guy is talking about. There are so many games that are narratively driven or have relatively normal people starring.


>relatively normal people


44 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Man, thank god women can't be predators or else this would be really creepy!

... I'm sorry, but is this sarcasm?

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Now, if you want my own guess on the matter, I'd assume Bernie books on the ground floor because it's much easier to scurry off. In the second floor, due to the narrow hallway, means it's much harder to avoid people when going in and out of her room.

Linhardt is probably too bothered to go up and down the stairs every day I guess, heh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Green06 said:


>relatively normal people

Hey now, Kiryu's only power is not killing people!

Plus, there are dozens upon dozens of life sim games where you're just a person, Yakuza wasn't a specific example.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Because it's not a hard rule. As Seteth says afterwards:

As a rule, we try to avoid discrimination based on social status here. But the nobility can be quite insistent when it comes to matters of propriety.

Which gives credence to my guess the Monastery tried but failed to stablish a rule that the dormitories not be segregated by class. So there's no rule to stop it... but neither is one to enforce it. So it comes down to first come first serve, probably. And the nobles are quick to take the upper floor rooms, but some clearly don't.

Thanks for that, I did mess up there.

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44 minutes ago, Benice said:

Wait, you're telling me that the twist literally relying on a lie to the player isn't good writing?

This is referring to a specific twist isn’t it? What’s the twist? And what’s the lie?

Just curious because I enjoy hearing about bad writing probably too much

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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just for you!

Next year's Iceberg Rixia will be the face of Trails part?

Rixia simping is truly my greatest contribution to society.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Kingdom Hearts moment.

At least you don't have to play any mobile games to understand the plot yet.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

The director of whatever talked about adapting "the best story in video games"

But the director isn't adapting Xenoblade 2, nice try.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hope she made lotsa SPAGHETTI

3 hours ago, Benice said:

Over there! It's Bowsuh!

Did you bring a light?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Veyle is more on principle. Can't just skip the dragon loli for once, can they...

She looks more like a young teenager than your usual FE dragon girl. That has to count for something, right?

23 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Which gives credence to my guess the Monastery tried but failed to stablish a rule that the dormitories not be segregated by class. So there's no rule to stop it... but neither is one to enforce it. So it comes down to first come first serve, probably. And the nobles are quick to take the upper floor rooms, but some clearly don't.

Another thing worth noting is that Garreg Mach is dependent on donations from nobles to function, so they don't have much of a choice but to acquiesce to any demands they have.

19 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Because 7th gen kids grew up playing CoD, Battlefield and GTA. The standards for a good story were pretty low, so when a decent enough story appeared they hailed as the 2nd coming of Christ.

That's probably another reason, whenever something becomes mainstream it'll get credit for inventing things that weren't mainstream before. Like Persona and schools.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why wouldn't he?

That sounds like a set up for a porno.

"Set up an appointment with handsome professor Hanneman, and he'll study your body to see if you have a crest~"

57 minutes ago, Sooks said:

As an aside, if you liked Lysithea from VW, using her here and getting her Edelgard support might be cool.

I'll have to check those out in my off time. Lysithea was op in my original run and I'd rather not have her take the spotlight in this run.

57 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Not for you she’s not, but for others…


It's not that she's not bi, it's just that she's not that into the protagonist.

I need more characters like that in FE.

44 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Back to your point, it's a shame this isn't acknowledged. Imagine if one of the characters from a rich background was up with the noble kids and face being ostracised or a lord who lost out having to come to terms with that fall from grace. I don't get how Bernie's counted in this lot, same with Linhardt. Petra's location could make sense with her being pushed about as a result of her position as a hostage, Annette and Mercedes are in weird places with the links to nobility but both still have ties, especially Annette. Finally Lysithea, while part of a house that has fallen far from prominence she has much more to be stressing about than being left in the lurch. None off these actually confront this potential angle. Better to scrap it imo.

*sigh* classic FE, using classism more as set dressing than an actual talking point. It's like the droids in Star Wars all over again.

44 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I mean, it's still White Clouds so far.

And this could be your first route after all lol

That is true, but I still thought it would've been interesting had Byleth been with the invade the church plan from the beginning.

26 minutes ago, Green06 said:

... I'm sorry, but is this sarcasm?

No, because as we all know it's perfectly okay for women to be pedophiles because men don't have feelings other than lust and anger, and any boy who says otherwise is just a sissy left-wing cuck

Yes, it's sarcasm.

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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That is true, but I still thought it would've been interesting had Byleth been with the invade the church plan from the beginning.

Well, that's what happens when Silver Snow was created before Crimson Flower.

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15 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That sounds like a set up for a porno.

"Set up an appointment with handsome professor Hanneman, and he'll study your body to see if you have a crest~"

This joke is made like three times b he Hanneman is oblivious (I mean not a porno but y’know)


I'll have to check those out in my off time. Lysithea was op in my original run and I'd rather not have her take the spotlight in this run.


Use Manuela.


It's not that she's not bi, it's just that she's not that into the protagonist.

I need more characters like that in FE.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

3H of all games having a unit who could be interested in the player but not being so is amazing, shame they didn't follow through in full with M!Byleth or have this happen ever.

Well there’s that interpretation of the writers’ intention, but I always read this as the classic FE setting up a gay pairing and then going all the way to putting them together but stopping at the last moment, so they can say “ackshually she was single and the one she loved most was for platonic love homophobes please give us moneys”, since every straight ending is “they got married”. Cause if that’s the case, it’s weird that she’s attracted to male Byleth but not female. No woman could measure up to Dorothea, I guess?

I mean hell, Dorothea and Edelgard have the gayest supports in the game and their ending is about them going to theater together or something. But I like your guys’ interpretation better. And Petra/Dorothea supports are pretty gay.

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Never heard of that one before?

Droid classism in Star Wars? I mean in the stories itself not really. The closest we got was Lando's droid companion being a "free Droids activist" and she ended up becoming the Millenium Falcom's AI.

I mean it's kinda hard to make a Droid class issue when most Droids are programmed for like one single task and there isn't really any room for anything else.

Transformers is where you wanna look at for "robot rights" depending on the continuity. I know in one of them, it was the original Autobots (as in before Optimus) who were the bad guys and Megatron was a revolutionist who could not understand why in a society of shapeshifters was your life determined based on what you could do. Problem is he went too far and became the very thing he swore to destroy.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Droid classism in Star Wars? I mean in the stories itself not really. The closest we got was Lando's droid companion being a "free Droids activist" and she ended up becoming the Millenium Falcom's AI.

I mean it's kinda hard to make a Droid class issue when most Droids are programmed for like one single task.

Transformers is where you wanna look at for "robot rights" depending on the continuity. I know in one of them, it was the original Autobots (as in before Optimus) who were the bad guys and Megatron was a revolutionist who could not understand why in a society of shapeshifters was your life determined based on what you could do. Problem is he went too far and became the very thing he swore to destroy.

I think the point of comparison was that it's something that it's there but not put too much detail/attention into it.

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51 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Droid classism in Star Wars? I mean in the stories itself not really. The closest we got was Lando's droid companion being a "free Droids activist" and she ended up becoming the Millenium Falcom's AI.

I mean it's kinda hard to make a Droid class issue when most Droids are programmed for like one single task and there isn't really any room for anything else.

Transformers is where you wanna look at for "robot rights" depending on the continuity. I know in one of them, it was the original Autobots (as in before Optimus) who were the bad guys and Megatron was a revolutionist who could not understand why in a society of shapeshifters was your life determined based on what you could do. Problem is he went too far and became the very thing he swore to destroy.


This whole video essay on it is really good and I recommend watching it even if you don't like Star Wars.

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Alright mods, lock the thread. There will be no single response greater than the one right above this. Shrimpy won Teehee.

Edited by Sooks
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