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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’ve started watching the romantic final bindings in CS4. Not done yet but…

Someone, please save me—

Eh, given context it's not as bad as it looks here. Rean was 17 and Fie was 15 when they met and thanks to PERSONA you could have them be together since their student days.

Like this even happens in real life too, there are couples where one is 19, the other is 17 but they've been together since before that. Two-three year differences in pre-existing relationships is fine.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Inb4 That scene from Transformers...

It's hilarious how Michael Bay just brought the movie to a screeching halt to teach the audience about Romeo and Juliet laws.

It's funnier because the actress playing the girl was 19 at the time, like bro could've just made the character 19.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Eh, given context it's not as bad as it looks here. Rean was 17 and Fie was 15 when they met and thanks to PERSONA you could have them be together since their student days.

Like this even happens in real life too, there are couples where one is 19, the other is 17 but they've been together since before that. Two-three year differences in pre-existing relationships is fine.

No no, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this relationship. I actually agree with you, their ages are fine. The existence of this line itself is just mega cringe, and completely unnecessary when you mention the context above. But the fact that the whole mood is interrupted for her to say that just made me cringe. Hard. And she uses it as justification for a kiss, which makes it seem like she somehow sees something wrong with this otherwise.

Hell now that you mention it, this line makes it look worse than the relationship actually is. The more I think about it, the more this one singular line of dialogue makes me cringe.

But it’s okay, I was never invested in PERSONA anyway. If anything, it’s kinda funny.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Inb4 That scene from Transformers...


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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Probably because it wasn't really there in the first place, at least back when the OT came out. But then things got bigger and now it's hard to write that because doing so will fuck up the continuity so either you write a non-canon story (which Visions shows you can and people will like them) or you set it so far into the distant future of the galaxy that it doesn't really matter.

It is very early on in the first movie when we see C3-P0 and R2-D2 literally sold (after being kidnapped) to work on uncle Owen's farm, with restraining bolts preventing them from fleeing. Droids were chattel slaves from the very first movie, and we are shown repeatedly that they are thinking, feeling creatures (there is even a droid torturer in Return of the Jedi to emphasize that droids feel pain...), that have the opportunity to grow  (see C3-P0 saying he isn't a good storyteller to Luke in A New Hope, to him telling the adventures of Luke in Return of the Jedi to an enraptured group of young Ewoks). The nastiness of droid's position in society was baked into the orig trig, and it was simply something Star Wars never wanted to look at.

Side not, I should probably watch that video that was linked before...

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hell now that you mention it, this line makes it look worse than the relationship actually is. The more I think about it, the more this one singular line of dialogue makes me cringe.

Yeah these sorts of relationships work better when you don't have to stop and tell the audience that. Hell, even in real life. People don't just go around showing them their Romeo and Juliet cards. 

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:


game STOP

"Elise will understand.... because she'll be my girlfriend too. Erebonia doesn't ban polygamy now does it?"

2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It is very early on in the first movie when we see C3-P0 and R2-D2 literally sold (after being kidnapped) to work on uncle Owen's farm, with restraining bolts preventing them from fleeing. Droids were chattel slaves from the very first movie, and we are shown repeatedly that they are thinking, feeling creatures (there is even a droid torturer in Return of the Jedi to emphasize that droids feel pain...), that have the opportunity to grow  (see C3-P0 saying he isn't a good storyteller to Luke in A New Hope, to him telling the adventures of Luke in Return of the Jedi to an enraptured group of young Ewoks). The nastiness of droid's position in society was baked into the orig trig, and it was simply something Star Wars never wanted to look at.

Side not, I should probably watch that video that was linked before...

The intent. It wasn't a focal point and even the stuff like the Droid torturer in ROTJ was more to show that Jabba was a piece of shit and not that Droids are people. Because in the OT, the only Droids that really counted as people were R2 and 3PO. All the other Droids were just machines.

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Since I can't sleep I decided to continua my Zeta Gundam rewatch. It was on hold for months because that middle part kinda drags, ngl

And now I want a Zeta gunpla too, oh boy...


5 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

It's like the droids in Star Wars all over again.

Aren't they literally robots?

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Are you proud of me, 06? I did it.

Man Nodding GIFs | Tenor

3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Seems like it’s going fine to me.

Looks like I delayed my character note trophy for nothing then. Well, it doesn't matter, already got my platinum.

27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's hilarious how Michael Bay just brought the movie to a screeching halt to teach the audience about Romeo and Juliet laws.

It's funnier because the actress playing the girl was 19 at the time, like bro could've just made the character 19.

>implying things were happening in the first place

Edited by Green06
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41 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The intent. It wasn't a focal point and even the stuff like the Droid torturer in ROTJ was more to show that Jabba was a piece of shit and not that Droids are people. Because in the OT, the only Droids that really counted as people were R2 and 3PO.

George Lucas categorically disagreed with you there in the 1977 Making of Star Wars documentary calls droids in a very general sense his "favorite people".


12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

All the other Droids were just machines.

...Not really. Sure a vast majority were bit parts in the background, but we still have little interactions that show them to be more than simple machines, things like the little cleaner droid fleeing in abject terror from Chewbacca growling at it in A New Hope, or the Silver protocol droid that swears at C3-P0 in an alien language (before he calls him rude in return) in The Empire Strikes Back.


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Re-completed the entire first route split in A Portable. I throw it in spoilers to save space.:

  • I was afraid Chapter 8 was going to be more difficult without the A Protagonist around. It's still a tight battle, but that it cuts before the second half begins if you head into space makes it much shorter and a somewhat easier. Understandable, yet it also concerned me that this side of the split would feel a little short.
  • I was wrong. Space 9 took a few tries including a total reset before successfully saving Gai. The enemies basically ignore Nadeisco on the first turn it shows up, yet surprisingly almost everyone will gang up on it on the turns thereafter. NPC survival, as difficult as one would expect.
  • Space 10 was fairly easy, the one breather on this path.

Space 11...


Unexpected.😆 But TBF, somebody comments this is entirely because of momentary depression from having failed to stop nuclear devastation. And the Nadesico warps in mid-battle from its terribly-failed rescue mission. It's a moment of levity after a double dose of mass death. Tragedie & Comedie.☠️🤡 I also liked Bright's two lessons to Yurika on what she did wrong on Mars after the battle was over, actually sounded rather wise.

I didn't use a single Aestivalis on my first run, they seemed puny. Now though, ~3400 pre-upgrades spammable attacks is plenty fine I realize, and Supers ain't so super in A Portable (30 by contrast on the higher difficulties definitely leans Super, dodgetanking losses much viability and Guard + a barrier is your best defense), the Aestivalises are good. Not sure which of the six to focus on kills for, maybe Gai b/c he wasn't available on my first playthrough.

  • Getting back to the 11th scenario, not exactly easy with so many enemies, even if the player unit count was high. Gato's spare nuke is reallllllly nasty, thankfully one of the Aestivalis pilots comes with Confusion, great for when you know he'll launch the warhead.
  • Scenario 12 Space...


I was happy to see the Wingers show up. -But I thought they'd enter the colony and remove the turn limit. Nope! -Then they'd be broken and turn this map into a sweep! -NOPE!😑

I finished on turn 8, but only after lots of reloading suspend saves to keep certain units alive, and more importantly, assure my hits landed. (I rushed down Gato before he could fire a MAPlutonium this time.) The 9-turn limit here is reaallllly tight and dang this map is downright merciless. The idea of the enemies killing off some of each is nice, yet after the first turn the reinforcements basically ignored the Delaz Fleet and went after me, the Delaz Fleet did the same and focused barring one or two units on me.

And with this map done...


You're one of the many secret things I'm getting in exchange for missing out on the Undefeated of the East. I hope you're worth it. 

The Elmeth is okay. Rather nice stats actually, though the Bits are a tad too weak for my liking. If the Qubeley Mk. IIs are open to alternative pilots, I could consider throwing her in one of them (befitting the Qubeley being described as inspired by the Elmeth), 3900  pre-upgrade attack is about as good as it gets for a UC unit. (...Why did two non-mass produced copies of Neo Zeon's commander-in-chief's unit end up being used by two test subject girls?)

I'm guessing Bits are the predecessor to Funnels? I noticed the Psycho Gundams had them too. And Lalah I take it is MSG UC's first female but certainly not the last to be lab-ratted for Newtype powers? My very limited experience with Char leads me to not understand why he'd treat a lady like this.

On Original stuff...


Lammy had this exact conversation after the Ryusei-Viletta-Irm battle early in OG2. -Except it was the portrait'ed Echidna/W16, not this ? Face that goes unnamed. This scene feels so awkward like this. It's one improvement of OG, the W Series... doesn't do anything for A. Lamia could be a highly-disciplined human spy and you could abolish any mention of androids and nothing of significance would change.

Compared to staying on Earth and fighting the Devil Gundam, Space felt more challenging after scenario 8. The combination of NPC protection and a turn limit much contributed to that. Narratively, I think I prefer space, since it focused entirely on one storyline -and although forced to be brief with it, did a decent job at making you feel some stakes and some satisfaction in success. Earth was a bit meandering and the stakes weren't so high.

Earth route did have G Gundam stuff though, and that storyline clicked with me the most on my first run. -But then I chose basically every split that let me see its entire storyline. I do like about SRW to some degree, though it has its downsides to- different stories get twined and untwined with route splits. Following one story strand 100% of the way in a single playthrough will leave most others not fully seen, only partially at best. I do like the Nadesico stuff a little more now having picked space, filling in gaps I hitherto had, making the crew a bit more digestible.


6 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Another thing worth noting is that Garreg Mach is dependent on donations from nobles to function, so they don't have much of a choice but to acquiesce to any demands they have.

Not true of the medieval universities IRL, but it was true that nobles contributed to the Church's massive landholdings that the Protestant Reformation and French Revolution undid. Keeping land in perpetuam and nobles either being pious or needing to pay you a farming hamlet here or there in exchange for tonsuring a second son amounted to massive land cessions over time. Tonsuring second sons b/c daddy can't afford to divide the family estate among multiple heirs contributed to a breakdown in monastic self-discipline, too many aristomonks wanted to eat like they used to- sinfully decadently.


2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

F-Zero GX is really hard.

Seriously, I'm only on the novice mode and I'm getting my ass handed to me.

You aren't alone in this.😄

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29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I was wrong. Space 9 took a few tries including a total reset before successfully saving Gai. The enemies basically ignore Nadeisco on the first turn it shows up, yet surprisingly almost everyone will gang up on it on the turns thereafter. NPC survival, as difficult as one would expect.

Secrets like those can certainly be a challenge, heh.


Unexpected.😆 But TBF, somebody comments this is entirely because of momentary depression from having failed to stop nuclear devastation. And the Nadesico warps in mid-battle from its terribly-failed rescue mission. It's a moment of levity after a double dose of mass death. Tragedie & Comedie.☠️🤡 I also liked Bright's two lessons to Yurika on what she did wrong on Mars after the battle was over, actually sounded rather wise.

Ah, ain't the inter-series interactions nice? Truly shows SRW's soul.


Getting back to the 11th scenario, not exactly easy with so many enemies, even if the player unit count was high. Gato's spare nuke is reallllllly nasty, thankfully one of the Aestivalis pilots comes with Confusion, great for when you know he'll launch the warhead.

Don't know if it still applies here, but enemies in SRW don't tend to use their MAP weapons if it incurs Friendly Fire. So a good strategy is to use enemies as cover for MAP weapons. Though of course, how easy that can be depends on the MAP weapon itself.


I was happy to see the Wingers show up. -But I thought they'd enter the colony and remove the turn limit. Nope! -Then they'd be broken and turn this map into a sweep! -NOPE!😑

I finished on turn 8, but only after lots of reloading suspend saves to keep certain units alive, and more importantly, assure my hits landed. (I rushed down Gato before he could fire a MAPlutonium this time.) The 9-turn limit here is reaallllly tight and dang this map is downright merciless. The idea of the enemies killing off some of each is nice, yet after the first turn the reinforcements basically ignored the Delaz Fleet and went after me, the Delaz Fleet did the same and focused barring one or two units on me.

If I had a nickel for every SRW A map that has something on a collision course on Earth with ten turns to finish the map, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but curious it happened twice.

Though seriously, it is curious. Perhaps a tease/preview or way to prepare... if not for the fact it's route split dependant.



You're one of the many secret things I'm getting in exchange for missing out on the Undefeated of the East. I hope you're worth it. 

The Elmeth is okay. Rather nice stats actually, though the Bits are a tad too weak for my liking. If the Qubeley Mk. IIs are open to alternative pilots, I could consider throwing her in one of them (befitting the Qubeley being described as inspired by the Elmeth), 3900  pre-upgrade attack is about as good as it gets for a UC unit. (...Why did two non-mass produced copies of Neo Zeon's commander-in-chief's unit end up being used by two test subject girls?)

I'm guessing Bits are the predecessor to Funnels? I noticed the Psycho Gundams had them too. And Lalah I take it is MSG UC's first female but certainly not the last to be lab-ratted for Newtype powers? My very limited experience with Char leads me to not understand why he'd treat a lady like this.

Pretty much. The Elmeth was one of, if not the, first mechs created and designed for Newtype use. And all thanks to Lalah herself as she's the one used for the research. And yeah, the Bits can be considered a predecessor of the Funnels.

From my understanding, unlike future examples, Lalah's own time in a research institute wasn't bad, or at least not bad in comparison... and probably because of Char, probably. Most of the ones used as lab-rats tended to be Artificial Newtypes as well. But she was a natural one, and she was fine after the whole thing. So yeah.

From what I recall, Puru/Ple had the potential to be quite a powerful Newtype, hence why. And also the whole deal with Ple Two. Since they're not twins, but rather Ple Two is Ple's clone. And not the only one. There were at least twelve of them. Because Glemmy wanted a powerful Cyber Newtype army, hence cloning Ple... and Gundam being Gundam, THEY ALL DIED.

... ...


Well, Ple Twelve survived, and gaining story relevance during Gundam Unicorn... and that's all I'm saying on the matter...


On Original stuff...

Lammy had this exact conversation after the Ryusei-Viletta-Irm battle early in OG2. -Except it was the portrait'ed Echidna/W16, not this ? Face that goes unnamed. This scene feels so awkward like this. It's one improvement of OG, the W Series... doesn't do anything for A. Lamia could be a highly-disciplined human spy and you could abolish any mention of androids and nothing of significance would change.

Haha, yeah, A coming first, of course it will seem lacking in certain stuff compared to OG2.


Earth route did have G Gundam stuff though, and that storyline clicked with me the most on my first run. -But then I chose basically every split that let me see its entire storyline. I do like about SRW to some degree, though it has its downsides to- different stories get twined and untwined with route splits. Following one story strand 100% of the way in a single playthrough will leave most others not fully seen, only partially at best. I do like the Nadesico stuff a little more now having picked space, filling in gaps I hitherto had, making the crew a bit more digestible.

Ah yes, even SRW has to avoid ending with story bloat, hence there always being route splits in most games. Only if the game isn't large enough can they afford a single linear path, but otherwise, it's route split time.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

TIL a new word

Well, there you go. Now use it.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Wait, you're telling me that the twist literally relying on a lie to the player isn't good writing?

It is very funny, at least.

8 hours ago, Green06 said:


Anyway, read Fire Punch. And One Hundred years of solitude.

Hey I actually read One Hundred Years of Solitude!

...it was a long time ago tho, so I uhh... Can't say I remember the whole sister part.

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Did you bring a light?


Well maybe a koopa will lend us his! If we... P E R S U A D E  him.

7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

She looks more like a young teenager than your usual FE dragon girl. That has to count for something, right?

How funny is it that this artstyle that makes everyone look more juveline has a slightly more mature dragon loli than usual?

7 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That sounds like a set up for a porno.

"Set up an appointment with handsome professor Hanneman, and he'll study your body to see if you have a crest~"

That's how the S support goes, yes.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Alright mods, lock the thread. There will be no single response greater than the one right above this. Shrimpy won Teehee.

All he said was haha.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

F-Zero GX is really hard.

Seriously, I'm only on the novice mode and I'm getting my ass handed to me.

I would send you the one video, but I believe you saw it and commented on it, even.

So yes. Yes, it is.


I have not but it is a game that has piqued my interest.

I can recommend it. For the longest time it was my fav RPG. Still ranks super high. You might want to play Earthbound first for some context, but... Well, I didn't and it did not impact that much.

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8 hours ago, Sooks said:

This is referring to a specific twist isn’t it?

Yup! (Spoilers for Heavy Rain)

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

What’s the twist?


As a bit of background for the overall plot, there is a serial killer on the loose somewhere in America; I think it's Boston or something, but I don't remember and it's not relevant to the plot.

(Apparently it was modeled after Philadelphia, actually)

Anyhoo, nobody knows who the series killer is, but they are called the Origami Killer for their habit kidnapping youths, whereafter "Each body is found on some type of wasteland, always adjacent to train tracks, 3-5 days after they are abducted, approximately six hours post-mortem, showing that the person who orchestrated these events did not kill his victims right after abduction." They give clues to the fathers of the abducted children, requiring them to take on immensely dangerous tasks in exchange for gradually revealing the location of their child.

The game is kind of a whodunnit sort of mystery, with various playable characters trying to uncover the truth through different methods; these are Ethan, who wants to find his son, who was kidnapped by the origami killer, Madison, a journalist, Norman, an FBI agent, and Scott, a private investigator. Throughout the story, all four of them work to try to unmask the serial killer to save Shaun, Ethan's kid.

Now, to answer your actual question, the twist is that Scott, one of the playable characters, is the Origami Killer. However...

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

And what’s the lie?

At one point in his investigation, Scott and Lauren, the mother of one of the murdered children, go to an antiques shop to get a list of customers who bought a specific type of typewriter the origami killer is using. The proprietor of the store goes to get a list of customers who had bought that typewriter, but is killed before he returns At this point, the player is in full control of Scott, and you basically just walk around the store, talking about where this lead will go. However, in the ending, it is revealed that... Scott killed him even though he literally couldn't have if the game wasn't lying to you.

It's probably best to show a visual of it, so here are two timestamps of the parts I'm referring to. (You could also watch this condensed playthrough of it, if you'd like! I personally quite like this content creator. Er, enough shilling though, sorry.)



8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Did you bring a light?

It's been one of those days.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

No woman could measure up to Dorothea, I guess?

smh not realizing that the best choir kid is Annette

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All he said was haha.


CSIII is the best not only for bringing Josette back but also having more Teehees than any other game

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Hey which game should I play, Star Fox or Ace Attorney?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can recommend it. For the longest time it was my fav RPG. Still ranks super high. You might want to play Earthbound first for some context, but... Well, I didn't and it did not impact that much.

I did play a bit of Earthbound that I ended up not finishing but who knows, I may return to it someday.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I would send you the one video, but I believe you saw it and commented on it, even.

So yes. Yes, it is.

When it takes you 50 tries just to beat normal chapter 2 of the story mode, you know you're in for a fun time.

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57 minutes ago, Benice said:

It's been one of those days.

This is it Luigi

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Hey which game should I play, Star Fox or Ace Attorney?

Star Fox 64 is short and sweet. A run won't take you more than 2 or 3, hours. Other titles in the series are longer, but none of them are too big.

Ace Attorney does have more length to it, so perhaps start with star fox?

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I did play a bit of Earthbound that I ended up not finishing but who knows, I may return to it someday.

It's very highly regarded. I'm personally a 3 fan, EB was boring to me. But then, RPGs are generally not my jam.

10 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

When it takes you 50 tries just to beat normal chapter 2 of the story mode, you know you're in for a fun time.

And chapter 2 is one of the easier ones. Mission 7 is where it's at.

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The guy who mixed this died this year. RIP Erwin Beekveld

2 hours ago, Benice said:

smh not realizing that the best choir kid is Annette

Solo singing is different from choir singing tho

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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’ve started watching the romantic final bondings in CS4. Not done yet but…

Someone, please save me—

This is why Claire's is one of the better ones. Xd

edit: speaking of Rean X Fie, if you choose this pairing, after this point, when going to see Xeno and Leo, they ask if anything "happened" and if you chose Fie here, she replies "well, actually" with an embarrassed look, if not she simply says "nothing to report".

Edited by lightcosmo
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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Shrimpy wants his people to be eaten confirmed.

I am the emperor because i eat them

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Who am I supposed to use that on? Myself?

you know it


Someone, please save me—


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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I finished 13 Sentinels' prologue, or I assume I did since it seems most of the menu options have opened up now. I don't think I really understand anything yet, and I'm not sure if I fully get the battle system, but it's interesting so far. What I do know though, is that Amiguchi is a chad.

I wonder if there's an in-universe reason for everyone being naked inside the robots, besides the obvious "they wanted to draw Iori's butt".

10 hours ago, Sooks said:


Until I play the game myself I'm going to wonder why you mentioned me for this spoiler in particular. It can't be anything Rixia related, since she's not in the game.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Someone, please save me—

My biggest takeaway from this is that Fie has an established birthday. Trails in the Sky gave some of its characters birthdays, but not many others have been established since then.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

"Elise will understand.... because she'll be my girlfriend too. Erebonia doesn't ban polygamy now does it?"

"Princess Alfin, is that legal?"

"I will make it legal."

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How funny is it that this artstyle that makes everyone look more juveline has a slightly more mature dragon loli than usual?

Veyle must have the power to make herself older by de-aging everyone else. Engage's lore is deeper than we thought...

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8 hours ago, Green06 said:

>implying things were happening in the first place

Michael Bay truly is a peculiar man.

I think it's hilarious that he didn't actually want to do TF4 but Hasbro was like "but you gotta bro". 

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am the emperor because i eat them

Then you'd be shrimp-eating comrades then.

1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

I finished 13 Sentinels' prologue, or I assume I did since it seems most of the menu options have opened up now.

If you can select the difficulty, then yes, you've cleared the prologue.

Set it to Hard Mode btw, it's the only mode that actually makes you think.

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