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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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>final battle time

>”all your characters will be split into 3 groups in the upcoming battle”

>half my characters have literally nothing equipped

>spends 30 minutes equipping them and then realizes I’m hungry after doing so

A classic. I’ll be back, Spoilerman, and then I’ll defeat you.

29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Xenoblade get's better each game atleast 😛


Ruben, Quetzal, I’ve taken a direct hit. The rest… is up to you……


So Tita runs the Simulation?

Yeah. She’s actually the president of Falcom.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hey now, Xeno is a pretty chill character. Same with Leo.

Someone didn’t do Fie’s final bonding and talk with them the next day

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47 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Of course, until the monarchs had no choice but to paid them with land and titles, so mercenaries effectively "upgraded" to feudal lords.

Which then brings to mind this guy.:


Federico da Montefeltro. A Renaissance Italian lesser aristocrat born illegitimate, better known by the title he would later inherit- the Duke of Urbino. He lived life as a brilliant one-eyed condotteri mercenary (apparently well-liked by his troops), who later became a humanist and Renaissance arts patron of equal renown.

Sooooo, not really proof of late Medieval/Early Modern social mobility since he was born an aristocrat. But, not exactly a boring figure either, he made his own destiny you might be able to say. Fire Emblem could do worse than taking a little a bit of him and using it in an old man character.

47 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You're certainly limited there, since the only SRW with Gunbuster in it that can be played in English as of this moment is SRW T itself.

I had the impression it was in more than that. But I think that's because I've listened to a few F and Alpha 3 versions of certain OG tracks. Oh well, T shouldn't be that difficult to purchase, even if I'd go through emulate-ables first b/c readily easier.


30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah it's one of those things where the fantasy is generally more noble than what happens irl.

Same with pirates. The idea of pirates in fantasy is ADVENTURE but in real life, they are murderers.

'Course, like pirates it varies from story to story. And within a story from "good" guys to "bad" guys. To pick on FE, Sacred Stones has Caellach the heartless & ambitious soldier for hire, and then we have Gerik's little band as very nice people. It's like aristocracy within FE, they're incompetent, selfish & bad -except when they're on the heroes' side.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, the one in Fate just looks like the priest guy from Fate/Stay Night.

It's not Rasputin if there's no beard.

The Master clears btw


Groovin' Rasputin is not out of character, because the real one + the inseparable hearsay and stories around him make it impossible for him to not fit in if he's being weird. -And bearded.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I had the impression it was in more than that. But I think that's because I've listened to a few F and Alpha 3 versions of certain OG tracks. Oh well, T shouldn't be that difficult to purchase, even if I'd go through emulate-ables first b/c readily easier.

Yeah, Gunbuster has only been in F/FF, Alpha 1, Alpha 3, Z3 Jigoku, Z3 Tengoku, and T. So not that many appearances. Just the multi-game ones and T.

Regarding T, just remember Japan doesn't offer the English language (at least on the Switch, don't know about PS4 version), for some reason. The other East Asian markets do, though.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

'Course, like pirates it varies from story to story. And within a story from "good" guys to "bad" guys. To pick on FE, Sacred Stones has Caellach the heartless & ambitious soldier for hire, and then we have Gerik's little band as very nice people. It's like aristocracy within FE, they're incompetent, selfish & bad -except when they're on the heroes' side.

Tale as old as time.

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Dang, Sonic Frontiers goes hard.

It turns out 13 Sentinels has branching paths, not that I know how elaborate they are. It seems you’re expected to view all of them, and the game’s nonlinear narrative probably means that it doesn’t matter what order I view them in (Iori having a flashback within a flashback was funny).


I can’t believe Juro has a cute girl cooking for him and has the nerve to be upset about it. He should be more like his bro Shiba.


38 minutes ago, Sooks said:

>”all your characters will be split into 3 groups in the upcoming battle”

Another final boss where you have to use everyone? I’m hyped.

36 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ruben, Quetzal, I’ve taken a direct hit. The rest… is up to you……

You will soon be out of Trails games to play Sooks, embrace the Xenoblade (you know, if you want).

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Where is the beard?

He was summoned in the body of Kotomine Kirei


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Good way to end the year.

25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Groovin' Rasputin is not out of character, because the real one + the inseparable hearsay and stories around him make it impossible for him to not fit in if he's being weird. -And bearded.

Yeah but only Doctor Who allows for Rasputin to dance to a song about him made decades after his death.

There's actually a deleted scene (in the script at least) where they show Rasputin's death.....except that since Rasputin was actually The Master, drowning is of little consequence due to Time-Lord biology allowing him to retain air much more than a human. In the episode itself, it's left ambiguous as to whether The Master was Rasputin or simply pretending to be him. Given that The Master once ran for and won the position of UK Prime Minster, it's not unlikely.

1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

It seems you’re expected to view all of them, and the game’s nonlinear narrative probably means that it doesn’t matter what order I view them in

It matters to a small extent in that certain paths can only be viewed after viewing others but yes, you'll see all of them.

There's only one ending btw, it's not like other VNs and their gazillion different endings.

6 minutes ago, Green06 said:

He was summoned in the body of Kotomine Kirei


He should've still had the beard.


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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

He should've still had the beard.

But then the fanservice wouldn't make much sense

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31 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:


Mobile serenes won’t let me delete this.

You know, I played Sonic Generations once. It was a game that existed.


It turns out 13 Sentinels has branching paths, not that I know how elaborate they are. It seems you’re expected to view all of them, and the game’s nonlinear narrative probably means that it doesn’t matter what order I view them in

In a lot of cases you have to view certain paths in a set order or at the very least, finish one before starting another.


(Iori having a flashback within a flashback was funny).

>flashback within a flashback

Ah, if only he knew… this is just the beginning.

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I can’t believe Juro has a cute girl cooking for him and has the nerve to be upset about it. He should be more like his bro Shiba.

Yeah, Shiba is a big Megumi fan


Another final boss where you have to use everyone? I’m hyped.

Well, this isn’t the final boss of the true ending, but yeah.


You will soon be out of Trails games to play Sooks, embrace the Xenoblade (you know, if you want).

I wish I knew if I wanted to, but alas, no demos.

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's only one ending btw, it's not like other VNs and their gazillion different endings.

False, there’s the Good Ending where Lightchao brings Kisaragi and Ogata to the final battle, and the Bad Ending where he doesn’t do that and I show up at his house the next morning

Edited by Sooks
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Now I find myself stepping back into the past, to a time when I was happy but didn't know it. It was around this time of year that I first read Tsukihime and have been enthralled ever since. This theme is something I will never forget:

The theme for TsukiR still cant beat this, especially 1:12

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's actually a deleted scene (in the script at least) where they show Rasputin's death.....except that since Rasputin was actually The Master, drowning is of little consequence due to Time-Lord biology allowing him to retain air much more than a human. In the episode itself, it's left ambiguous as to whether The Master was Rasputin or simply pretending to be him. Given that The Master once ran for and won the position of UK Prime Minster, it's not unlikely.

Which one? The last three to leave office all seem like they were jokes meant to sow the agenda of some higher malevolent being . 

As for ambiguity, seems appropriate when using Rasputin, a little surreality or unease befits them.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Genderbent Rasputin should still have the beard.

There is this.:


Wilgefortis. A once somewhat-popular unofficial "saint" whom the Catholic Church later repressed veneration of. The story goes that she wanted to avoid an arranged marriage to a heathen, so Wilgefortis prayed to God to make her ugly. God gave her a beard, and her father then had her crucified for being hideous and defying his will.

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Literally what the hell just happened lmao

26 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They have the same text regardless I believe.

They do, but Fie and Rean have new lines, I think

but it’s funny to pretend their talking to Rean that way because they know


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That was literally just Avengers Endgame

and the amount of random ass characters that are playable for the true final boss, lmao


Wonder if anyone’s beaten the game with a party of Toval, Xeno, Celine, and Elliot


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wilgefortis. A once somewhat-popular unofficial "saint" whom the Catholic Church later repressed veneration of.

I can definitely see why they did that.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That was literally just Avengers Endgame

"Rean? On your left."

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Cedric, do you not know what Ouroboros is? Lmao

Basically the scene: “Hmm, I need a way to get out of the Empire and leave things to Alfin and Olivery. If I stayed, that would still happen, just messier. Hmmm… I know! Why don’t I join an international crime syndicate that literally just tried to bring about the eventual end of the world, even though I regretted it an hour ago? Oooh, don’t they grant their enforcers total freedom!? I’ll get to frolic around the continent picking daisies!” Bruh 


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25 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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Cedric, do you not know what Ouroboros is? Lmao

Basically the scene: “Hmm, I need a way to get out of the Empire and leave things to Alfin and Olivery. If I stayed, that would still happen, just messier. Hmmm… I know! Why don’t I join an international crime syndicate that literally just tried to bring about the eventual end of the world, even though I regretted it an hour ago? Oooh, don’t they grant their enforcers total freedom!? I’ll get to frolic around the continent picking daisies!” Bruh 



I like how that's what you're upset about and not the fact that his villain arc is erased because he was brainwashed actually.


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Thoughts (ish) later

I wanna rescind my peak fiction comment

I mean the game was still good but…

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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I like how that's what you're upset about and not the fact that his villain arc is erased because he was brainwashed actually.



Well I was upset about that for 2 seconds but right after that Shirley goes “sike actually that whole curse brainwashing thing only happened because actual character reasons” so he gets a pass

Osborne on the other hand…


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