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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's on yours, not mine.

You’re the one who brought it to my attention Shrimp-kun. Besides I have no interest Visual Novels, that’s your bag.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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Finally clocked out of the store because we opened today for some reason. Idk why. And while there weren't many, a few people did unironically come in. Like bro, it's New Years, those jeans can wait.


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3 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

current status: ugh


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Finally clocked out of the store because we opened today for some reason. Idk why. And while there weren't many, a few people did unironically come in. Like bro, it's New Years, those jeans can wait.


And i was complaining about working tomorrow...


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Scenario 26: Company, People and Pride

At the VTX Medical Facility, Amasaki has paid Saizo a visit. The latter asks if Rami really asked to resign, to which the former confirms. Saizo then takes his leave. Encountering the SS3 girls, Rami asks him if he'll try to stop her from resigning. He says he'd try, but isn't sure he could succeed, but he'll still try. Just like how Amasaki convinced him before, which surprises Rami to hear Saizo once thought of quitting the company too. He admits he was overconfident, or perhaps simply refusing to accept his own limits. But even after joining VTX, things hadn't improved for him, to the point he considered quitting. But then Amasaki told him he didn't understood what it meant to be a salaryman. But before he can continue, who else shows up but Rudi. She clarifies she's currently not on duty thus doesn't come with hostile intentions. She brings up how aliens other than UND may be already in Earth, not all with friendly intentions. Hence UND's drive to get that "treasure", or rather, the Quark Drive... and now Rudi drops the fact that Rami is, in fact, an alien too. Prompting Rami to finally admit it herself, as her hair and eye changes color... no other change, though. Anyway, her home planet, Darbness, found 80K light years away from Earth. And apparently is no longer around, as Rudi calls it fallen. Still, Rami considers Earth her second home now, so she won't let get their hands on the Quark Drive, part of Darbnes' legacy. Rudi admits they may have to resort to force after all, and takes her leave.

At this Rami now explains her story. She arrived to Earth three years ago. Darbness devoted their technology to make weapons, thus coming to be known as the Weapon Planet. Embroiled in war, Rami lost her family, and thus decided to get away as far as she could, thus reaching Earth. From Rudi's word, she can only conclude that the planet finally reached its end. The Quark Drive was something her biological father was developing, and telling her it mustn't be used for war, she took the prototype and fled. Though, upon coming to Earth, VTX Union found her and she was placed under Amasaki's care. President Goldwin thought with war coming to Earth one day, something had to be done to protect it. Hence Rami handed over the Quark Drive. The hope of never being used for war has, unfortunately, been dashed out. Suddenly, they receive a transmission. UND is headed over to the test facility again...

So, stage begins with quite a few enemies. E-Bit α's and β's, but also the A-Pys. Not being used to open a portal again, but outright attack now. SR Point is... interesting. Must gain 120K in money. The E-Bits drop 3.2K each and the A-Pys 10K. With 24 E-Bits, once thing is clear... must use the Bless and Fortune Spirits. Okay, let's do this!

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Okay, so, here's my plan. Gonna get all the E-Bits as low HP I can, so I can... wait, the Fortune Finder Support ability is only a 20% increase to funds compared to Bless/Fortune being double. Hmm... nope, guess I'll have to use the Spirits a couple times then. Do they stack...? Okay, Fortune doesn't stack with Judau's Ace Bonus, which also gives +20%, so perhaps not.

Wait, hold it, checking over I already have 18,900 gained despite only downing one E-Bit so far. Huh? Although...

Okay, the enemies have aligned properly... hopefully for a MAP weapon Fortune sweep.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Okay, so, upon reaching the third turn, Rudi shows up with a couple more E-Bits. At this the Carriax deploys too, with Amasaki and company ready to lay it out to her about something they claim she doesn't get. About how for a job well done, a big number of people provide their support from behind the scenes. Project TND isn't just the work of SS3, but also of the various divisions of VTX Union. Thus, the collective efforts and dreams of them all will show their strength, envisioned in the Tyranado. And on cue, it deploys too... though not quite the same. Rather, it's the Tyranado Rex. One of the UND mooks tries to attack it, but the Tyranado Rex oneshots him. The perfected form of the Tyranado, it was the effort of everyone at VTX to create this, and carrier of their dreams. And as Saizo adds, that include's Rami's own, of a peaceful world free of war.

So it's on. The Tyranado Rex versus the E-Phas Σ, who will win? Let's find out!

Got it! SR Point is mine! Now to rout. On that subject, with Rudi and Saizo on the field, if he defeats her, that's the TacP Bonus but also the next Enemy Point to obtain. This is much easier, thankfully.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I just stumbled into childhood memories in the weirdest manner possible.

See, I remember that, but I don't remember ever finding it all that remarkable. 

Heck, entire series of these games is currently 8 bucks on steam. Might be time for a nostalgic purchase. I have fond memories of that museum.

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