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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



I'll start this either tomorrow, or if not, definitely on Tuesday.😄

I'm more excited for Rune Factory 5 than I probably should be, since I know how it reviewed.🙄 Yet having not played Rune Factory 4, and having long established as my own opinion that RF was always kinda budget (not to say bad, just limited in developmental resources), maybe I'll be more positive in my assessment of the game than other reviewers. As for "Why not buy RF4 instead?", well, RF5 has one important thing for me that RF4 does not.😘 If I can't have a BF IRL right now, I'll escape into pretty pixel studs!I

Are you going to install some mods? xD

16 hours ago, Benice said:

Just finished Heart of Darkness today.

My brain is too smooth for this...

14 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Gentlemen, I’m afeard. I maybe in danger of actually wanting to play The Witcher trilogy.

Long running series + multiple choices = kino

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Leo Tolstoy the famed author became a Christian anarchist in his later years.

Christianity is Christianity. In their totalities, I have my doubts that any religion perfectly aligns with any political/social/economic ideology. I guess one must have faith that their interpretation of the scriptures aligns with the ultimate reality/deity of the universe the believer professes to believe in. -Doesn't help the victims of certain interpretations, I can't ignore millennia of that very human cost. Nor can I deny that there are interpretations that I -a hopefully kind & polite agnostic who wouldn't say "religion ruins everything"- would prefer predominant over others.

The People of Israel Want a King

1-2 Samuel had two sons. The older one was Joel, and the younger one was Abijah. When Samuel was getting old, he let them be leaders at Beersheba. But they were not like their father. They were dishonest and accepted bribes to give unfair decisions.

One day the nation's leaders came to Samuel at Ramah and said, “You are an old man. You set a good example for your sons, but they haven't followed it. Now we want a king to be our leader, just like all the other nations. Choose one for us!”

Samuel was upset to hear the leaders say they wanted a king, so he prayed about it. The Lord answered:

Samuel, do everything they want you to do. I am really the one they have rejected as their king. Ever since the day I rescued my people from Egypt, they have turned from me to worship idols. Now they are turning away from you. Do everything they ask, but warn them and tell them how a king will treat them.

10 Samuel told the people who were asking for a king what the Lord had said:

11 If you have a king, this is how he will treat you. He will force your sons to join his army. Some of them will ride in his chariots, some will serve in the cavalry, and others will run ahead of his own chariot.[a] 12 Some of them will be officers in charge of 1,000 soldiers, and others will be in charge of 50. Still others will have to farm the king's land and harvest his crops, or make weapons and parts for his chariots. 13 Your daughters will have to make perfume or do his cooking and baking.

14 The king will take your best fields, as well as your vineyards, and olive orchards and give them to his own officials. 15 He will also take a tenth of your grain and grapes and give it to his officers and officials.

16 The king will take your slaves and your best young men and your donkeys and make them do his work. 17 He will also take a tenth of your sheep and goats. You will become the king's slaves, 18 and you will finally cry out for the Lord to save you from the king you wanted. But the Lord won't answer your prayers.

19-20 The people would not listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want to be like other nations. We want a king to rule us and lead us in battle.”

21 Samuel listened to them and then told the Lord exactly what they had said. 22 “Do what they want,” the Lord answered. “Give them a king.”

Samuel told the people to go back to their homes.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My friend is yelling at me for things I did in the hack.

People in FEUniverse have also yelled at me for things I did in the hack.

Sweet, sweet blood.

What did you do? I want spoilers.

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1 minute ago, Green06 said:

What did you do? I want spoilers.

Fair enough. If you want them, I will give them to you.


I killed someone off. It has made people feel emotions.

See if you can guess who!


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53 minutes ago, Green06 said:to install some mods? xD

Long running series + multiple choices = kino

I’ve read all the books, which I liked, even though the pacing of some of the novels is awful.

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Scenario 27: Paradise and the Expelled

Some of the characters are gathered at the ruins of the old Tower Base. They had actually paid a visit to the still hospitalized Fyana, and were looking for Chirico in the aftermath of the visit, who had come to the ruins. The talk quickly turns regarding Fyana's condition. It remains a bit dire, even if it's still better as when back in Astragius. Shako is surprised to see Akito here as well, but turns out Domon brought him here. Angela tries to deny she went too because she's worried about Fyana as well, heh. It seems something Fyana told her back then still lingers on her mind. In any case, the talk now is brought up regarding their current location. As explained, this place was the Primeval's first attack, and there's no current plans to rebuild. Not with other more pressing things to tend to, like the current conflicts. The Astragians comment they can't comment it's someone else's problem, with them helping out T3 and all in exchange for Fyana's health. Angela brings up she could contact the UND to return to Astragius herslef, but figures staying with T3 is the best way to do it... which again prompts the characters she should just admit she likes being with T3.

Angela admits that, in her time away from DEVA, she feels the latter is so confined. For all the things DEVA allowed her to experience, her time in her Material Body has been long enough to have gotten used to it, so she can only be sure anything's real if she experiences it through it. And despite having to now deal with hunger, tiredness, and even sickness and injury... it means she's alive. That's apparently what Fyana told her, and what the group repeats now to her as well. Angela says she's now finally understanding that, and such her previous life in DEVA feels strange now. Still, she's still part of DEVA's System Security. Though the group comment she should live however she wants. What's her mission to matter being so far away from DEVA, by hanging out with people who are her targets, like Chirico and Frontier Setter. As Dingo says, she should just focus on living. Angela seems to agree, saying life on Earth might suit her, though the Astragians still have more fondness of their home, despite its situation. And then who else but Rudi walks in on the scene. Angela takes this chance to ask her why she sent the Arcadia to Astragius. Rudi says it's a secret, but might be willing to talk... on the Moon. To talk about the relationship between Earth and Astragius... and make Angela communicate with DEVA...

T3 as a whole has headed to the Moon. Rudi picked up an area with prehistoric solas system civilization ruins. There shouldn't be one on the Moon, though, but Rudi says they have a special purpose. Otherwise, they'd be at another dimension. The UND anchored it to this one, and is the thing that controls the wormhole between Sol and Astragius. On cue, Rudi has her ship open it up. And with it, she considers the conference to start. At the Arcadia, Angela is saying her goodbyes. The group comment they do hope to see her again. Frontier Setter asks what will become of her material body, to which Angela explains it will just shut down, then remotely terminated. Still, she might be sent out again, so for the time being, she asks them to take good care of it. She asks one last time of Frontier Setter if he won't interfere with DEVA again, to which he says he'll just pick up willing applicants for the Genesis Ark. He still doesn't know for what exactly, but once he is in the ship he can download the details again from the master data. She also intends to find out why DEVA is after Chirico, though he's not quite interested to know himself. In any case, she departs on a high note.

On the Ra Cailum, the conference with the UND has begun. Rudi has brought some familiar faces with her. Among them being Yazan Gable, Professor Wolfgang, and Catherine Vuitton. They've been scouted by the UND and were now hired by them... among others not present here today, who apparently also include Mr. Zone. Rami is quick to demand answers if the UND might leave Earth alone if the Quark Drive is handed over... but Rudi says the UND has no use of it. Their Antripoton Cycle is more cost effective. Turns out, the so called Treasure was all along... the Earthlings. She talks how they don't seem to know of their own potential. Capable of mastering the pilot of mechs with little to no previous experience. They have the potential of soldiers... but need the drive. So some motivation... and mind control, and they could be one. As it turns out, their scout of the previous characters were a test of the potential of such talent, and the UND finds it promising. So the UND's goal is to turn humanity into a large service-for-hire fighting force to all matter of organizations across the universe. The UND is, basically, a collection and cultivation of strength for use in combat operations. All for the sake of, you know it, profit. So the reason they got sent to Astragius... well, tmilitary strength is in big demand over there. Curiously, she brings up about humanity being eight billion strong... didn't we just broke that threshold last year? So in the 2700's it's still eight billion... well, canonically the One Year War killed billions of people so... I can believe them only bouncing back to eight billion merely ten years after. Of course, the group has MANY reservations about that. On the "plus" side, the UND considering humans a premium product means they'd be not much meddling much themselves (and likely why Wassilmon reprimanded her, I'd wager). Rather, doing those initial scouting which is why Rudi's been trying to get T3 to willingly join. Still, she brings up how despite their potential, their weapons aren't the best around. That the UND still has them beat. And now... she plans to be quite serious about it. So all she has to do is... defeat T3, and cower the rest of humanity into compliance to the UND...

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This is turning out to be a story heavy map... and I'm seeing why. We're entering the Expelled from Paradise story finale. The first one of the game... kinda. The VOTOMS The Big Fight storyline ran through the Free Commandos route split, but The Big Fight is a single OVA wedged during the events of the VOTOMS TV Series, and that one is still not over. So Expelled from Paradise is the first storyline being wholy wrapped up here.

Also, as a bit of trivia, TIL the character designer of Expelled from Paradise also worked on Xenoblade 2. Apparently Angela is like a proto Mythra in terms of design. Or rather, was based on Angela. That's neat to know.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Anyway, we change scenes to DEVA. Angela has finished her report to the High Officials. While they commend her for having investigated the why of Frontier Setter's intruding into DEVA, they wonder why the mission is still not finished. They don't consider her telling Frontier Setter to not do it again as having been a wise decision, not trusting things will go well with a rogue AI who gained consciousness. In addition that she didn't quite stopped him from ever intruding into DEVA again... they see it as a dereliction of duty. Angela still vouches for him, then brings up about Earth... who the High Officials seem to already know about. She then asks why they want Chirico dead... but the High Officials take her inquiry as the last straw. They label her a risk, and as punishment, she'll be confined to the DEVA Archives, indefinitely, with no chance of appeal or parole. With her gone, they mention the next stage of their plan must proceed...

Back on the Moon, Rudi has now sent enemies for T3 to fight. An AT Squadron, which means Rudi also hired Astragians into the UND. The group deploys, and Rudi withdraws. Still, the group knows better than to underestimate the Astragians. As it is, they recognize one of them. Niva, who says UND hired him to put an end to Chirico. T3 vows they won't fall here. For the sake of keeping humanity free of the UND. In addition, Dingo comments they've gotten no word from Angeal. Frontier Setter says he could hack into DEVA again... and the stage, finally, begins!

So, enemies are a bunch of Baralant and Gilgamesh soldiers, piloting Fattys, Scopedogs, Standing Tortoises, and Niva in a Ecrevisse. SR Point is to rout within four turns. Let's go!

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The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life.

Hope everyone's been well.

Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time. Bless Noctis and the lads for having some of the best, most believable camaraderie in any RPG I've played.

Picked up a few games over the holidays, mainly Xenoblade X and Crisis Core. Both have been really fun so far.

I need to get back to Hopes but that damned hub killed a lot of the enjoyment I might've had.

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Happy New Year @twilitfalchion!

7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time. Bless Noctis and the lads for having some of the best, most believable camaraderie in any RPG I've played.

Final Fantasy: Bro Trip good on the gameplay? Okay, let me put it better: How does combat feel moment to moment? It's one of the FFs I've not touched, so my experience is limited.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hope everyone's been well.

Still have a minor dose of flu that hasn't gone away. Was not as bad as most of my family over this Christmas at least. Need to plan bringing stuff back to my place from home after the last few weeks.

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13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hope everyone's been well.

Happy new year! I've been pretty well, yeah.

14 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Picked up a few games over the holidays, mainly Xenoblade X and Crisis Core. Both have been really fun so far.

That's pretty cool. I didn't pick up any games until now, as I was playing one of my favorite FE hacks, which was updated recently. Also released my own!

14 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I need to get back to Hopes but that damned hub killed a lot of the enjoyment I might've had.

Fodlan.txt lolololololololololol

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12 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

How does combat feel moment to moment? It's one of the FFs I've not touched, so my experience is limited.

I can answer this! 

Its... Okay. The biggest hamperment is probably the camera imo.

As far as controls go, they work well enough for it to be a non-issue.

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On the second turn, the group detects something coming out of the wormhole... a group of Ahrans! Who begin attacking T3. Frontier Setter has found Angela has been placed under confinement under suspicion of treason. The group is surprised to hear that, and Frontier Setter thinks it must've been for his sake. Acts of illogical behavior that benefit people who likewise display the same... Dingo mentions it's a moral code, and Frontier Setter has the desire to follow suit...

Back on DEVA, the High Officials have decreed. Angela has committed heresy, and she and those she associated with must be eliminated. They then detect an illegal access to the Central System Security. They see incoming data which takes the shape of... the dog Ein.

Meanwhile, in the Cyperspace Archives, the... I would say it's the stripped-of-most-memory-usage and compressed data of Angela, which takes the form of a blocky chibified form. Anyway, Frontier Setter shows up, explaining he had Ed create a distraction so he could sneak into here, in order to bail her out. Even if it meant breaking his promise of not entering DEVA illegally again, but he's acting on his moral code now. Angela laments she couldn't get her superiors to spare him, but he adds it's now the whole of T3 now who is their target. If she wants to return and help, he'll be happy to assist. Angela muses that with her citizenship stripped and being Archived, she can't go back to DEVA anyway. She'll stick with T3 to the bitter end. And now I get why the movie was called Expelled from Paradise. Angela equates her (self) banishment from DEVA as Adam and Eve being... well, Expelled from Paradise. *roll credits* In any case, Frontier Setter says there's a DEVA garrison near the wormhole they could send her data to. An upgraded model of Ahran, the New Ahran. She shows up on the Moon... still in her compressed form, to the surprise of the group, heh. But now Frontier Setter transfer her data back to the Material Body, restoring her to normal. In any case, she's not too fussed on being back, finding it better than back in cyberspace. And now, everything she was taught and experienced... she'll fight to protect it!

So, a bunch of Ahrans, piloted by System Security Officers... ugh, their placement is a bit far away from where the group spawned. No matter, I'll get that SR Point! Also, with Angela here, the TacP Bonus is for her to fight Niva. So let's do it!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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31 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time.

Did you do the Cup Noodles quest?

31 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life.

Well, at least they were partly fun!

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40 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

mainly Xenoblade X

Nice! Enjoy! 

40 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Crisis Core

My heartfelt condolences to you (unless you mean the PSP ver) then perhaps not. 

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As something of a trivia piece, the Security Officers are all women. Making them the second all-female generic mooks seen so far in SRW T, after Vuitton's Pink Cats. Unless I've somehow missed a third due to route splits, but I doubt it.

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I love Victoria 3. It's one of the few historical strategy games I've played where war isn't the main focus. Honestly a game where I can just chill out, build stuff, and help progress the social politics of my nation is all I've ever wanted and here it is.

Right now I'm playing as the United States. One of the first things I did was halt all colonization and give independence to the "Indian Territory" and I have goals to divvy up the land even further once I get farther in the future.

Also I started the Civil War 30 years early and won...somehow.

19 hours ago, Benice said:

Periods are not the loveliest things...

Oh god how'd I not even think about that.

19 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Is Edelgard the tankie here?

That was partly a joke but she did always strike me as a Stalinist. Though of course I'll have to keep playing the game to learn more about her politics.

17 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

But that's the part of the bible with Christ in it, and he isn't conservative enough for all the weirdos who hide behind Christianity to be blatantly evil to other people.

True, Jesus does has some real classy lines in there.

Fun fact, the Cherokee chief Drowning Bear commented on the bible saying "it's a good book, strange the white people aren't better for it"

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

More from Lonato was one of the things I would've liked to see out of Hopes. But Hopes was more interested in delivering a no-character waifu and Hilda simping. Because Fodlan, if nothing else, is consistent in its "one step forth, three steps back" approach to everything.

That's a pretty good description of how I feel about this game so far.

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5 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I love Victoria 3. It's one of the few historical strategy games I've played where war isn't the main focus. Honestly a game where I can just chill out, build stuff, and help progress the social politics of my nation is all I've ever wanted and here it is.

Right now I'm playing as the United States. One of the first things I did was halt all colonization and give independence to the "Indian Territory" and I have goals to divvy up the land even further once I get farther in the future.

Also I started the Civil War 30 years early and won...somehow.

Well, you can still do that with quite a few of the Paradox games. It's just that you might still have to contend with countries attacking you... unless you have your own military be up to shape, as the AI will leave you alone in that case. Specially if you're playing a country such as the US. Unless you strip yourself too much of military prowess, you can afford to just sit back and develop.

A reflection on how Manifest Destiny was quite unneeded in the US's path to become a Great Power. But then, some people mind not being the 800-pound gorilla instead of settling for being the 600-pound one.


That was partly a joke but she did always strike me as a Stalinist. Though of course I'll have to keep playing the game to learn more about her politics.

Well, she ain't perfect, that's for sure.


True, Jesus does has some real classy lines in there.

Fun fact, the Cherokee chief Drowning Bear commented on the bible saying "it's a good book, strange the white people aren't better for it"

I'm also reminded of that quote from... Gandhi, was it? About "I love your Christ, but I don't love your Christians. They're not like your Christ." So... same energy, basically.

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Alright, I routed! And made sure to get the TacP Bonus. Niva withdraws, swearing to kill Chirico, also calling him the Red Shoulder (for the red shoulder of his AT I'd bet), making it his job for as long as he breaths. In any case, it seems the wormhole's time was up, and collapses, closing the path to Astragius again. Angela says it's fine. This is where she belongs now anyway. She pledges her desire to join the group for real while making a pose, that apparently Fonrtier Setter taught her, who Dingo taught him... and makes Noriko inwardly think she has seen the pose in an old movie, thinking it an interesting coincidence both Earth and Astragius have the gesture. Hmm...

With everyone back onboard, Frontier Setter brings up the fact Angela referred to DEVA as a paradise. She comments it doesn't feel like one anymore. The rest of the Astragians comment they're right now in the same boat, stranded in Sol for the time being. Talk quickly changes to the UND, specially on their plans to turn humanity into soldiers. So they will find a way to take control of Earth, even if not through outright conquest. Still, they aided on the colony drop, so that makes it suspect. In any case, they must stop the wars current on Earth if they want to stand up against the UND. Just then, the alarm blares out. Ruri says she just received a message from Nergal. The Martian Successors have taken over the Mars Polar Cap Ruins! Possibly this being the operation Akatsuki spoke of. So T3's next destination: Mars... Thus the stage ends.

So it looks like we're going to The Prince of Darkness finale now. Interesting storyline to end mid-game, but I suppose there had to be some ending mid-game instead of late-game. As it often happens in SRW.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Did you do the Cup Noodles quest?

That is a sentence that sounds more likely in a mobile game.

2 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Right now I'm playing as the United States. One of the first things I did was halt all colonization and give independence to the "Indian Territory" and I have goals to divvy up the land even further once I get farther in the future.

Also I started the Civil War 30 years early and won...somehow.

The Jackson seethes timeline.

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Fun fact, the Cherokee chief Drowning Bear commented on the bible saying "it's a good book, strange the white people aren't better for it"

Funny how often you hear lines like that.

I guess Christ-like and Christian doesn't have much overlap?

3 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I love Victoria 3. It's one of the few historical strategy games I've played where war isn't the main focus. Honestly a game where I can just chill out, build stuff, and help progress the social politics of my nation is all I've ever wanted and here it is.


I've never heard much about it, so this is news to me.

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Procrastination is such a bitch. I really should be productive right now. It would help me out so much in ~2 hours. So why..?

Anyway Trails of Cold Steel 4 is a game that exists. Its gameplay follows the rest of the Erebonia Saga wherein it was not that hard with many different options making the game quite easy. And it was this 4th game that played like that that I started to get really tired of it and miss the Sky gameplay. I’m not gonna claim it’s objectively bad for having gameplay like this, I somewhat see the appeal, I just miss Sky. It was a little fun putting said builds together (and even though the system is worse, I do still like putting together orbments), but after using them for a bit it just got eh.

Altina is amazing.

The story was… good, and not at the same time. The whole first act was pretty good, as was the end of the second act, and the True End was fairly neat as well. Everything else wasn’t as good, but the only things that I disliked all that much were The Curse™ and the goddamn villains, pretty much all of which had stupid motivations, were cartoon villains, or were influenced by The Curse™. Other than that, when we spent all of Act 2 running around saving people it was alright, and the rivalry chapters… kinda dragged tbh, but after the first one, I’m so glad that we were given an actual reason to want to do these other than The Curse™.

Altina is wonderful.

The characters, or at least, the non antagonist characters, were mostly pretty good. Especially New Class VII, 4/5 of them get cool development and I like them. Old Class VII really just exists in this game, all of them have at least one part where they’re forced in the party, sometimes during parts where they’re actually relevant and get some development and other parts where you’re Gaius.

Altina is the GOAT.

The music was forgettable. I remember a couple tracks from this game. Which is weird, cause I loved all the rest of the Trails OSTs, but oh well. I do have a tendency of tuning out music in games and only realizing how good it was after the fact, but I haven’t found myself doing that much with this series so who knows.

Altina is fantastic.

Spoilery character tier list



But even with the story and characters not being 100% bad, they were (for the most part) not nearly as good as Sky was. And in a series that shares the same name, now that I’ve been through two arcs that haven’t reached the same highs…

I’m really starting to miss Sky.

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life.

Hope everyone's been well.

Hope you’ve been well too!


I need to get back to Hopes but that damned hub killed a lot of the enjoyment I might've had.

Don’t, it’s not worth it.

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So like, Crusader Kings is more about your dynasty. Ensuring it can survive all-game long. So you could play as a mere Count or Patrician Family or what-have-you for the entire game. Sure, you might not have accomplished much in the grand scheme of things... but it's a way to play. Though in that case, you will mind if your liege drags you to war with them. Or wants to strip you of your title.

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Jo @twilitfalchion Happy new year 😄


39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Altina is amazing


39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Altina is wonderful.


39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Altina is the GOAT.


39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Altina is fantastic.

You need to change your Pfp tbh

Now rate the game without Altina


 I started to get really tired of it and miss the Sky gameplay. I’m not gonna claim it’s objectively bad for having gameplay like this, I somewhat see the appeal, I just miss Sky

39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

And in a series that shares the same name, now that I’ve been through two arcs that haven’t reached the same highs…

I’m really starting to miss Sky

We will never get another Sky. Once you accept that fact, you will be much happier. 

You could go as far and say Sky was it's own series, and the rest a series


The music was forgettable

You won't get good Falcom OST for the forseeable future, if ever again. Some good tracks yes, but the rest awful

Sad when the music was part of the reason i got into Falcom, alas...

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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The version of the game on Steam fixed Watson. He walks now.

I... I am actually heartbroken.


39 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

That's a pretty good description of how I feel about this game so far.


24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

tier list

  Hide contents





Why is the cat not in S


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