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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Well we have alot of Xeno fans (mostly the Blade series) so its not too surprising.

I can somewhat understand that, when I was at a convention last month, I met someone from the Xenoblade X voice cast. He’s more notable for his work for Fire Emblem, but it was still pretty cool

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Mod it out, its not that difficult.

I don't mod my games. 

6 minutes ago, Sinon said:

I don’t hate it

I don't hate it in the main game because it's locked to Land of Challenge and Shulk is specifically designed against to counter it.

In Torna, you can't do anything about it.

4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, the problem with it is: it kinda dissuades the player from wanting to use Blade specials (or in Torna's case, also the driver specials)

Literally my solution besides removing it would be to just make it so that it can't activate off of Critical Blade Combos. If you do any combo, there's the risk of activating Elemental Awakening but a Critical Combo prevents that.

8 minutes ago, Benice said:

 Additionally, people like MLK are people with power; even if they're not politicians themselves, they certainly hold great sway over happenings. 

Yeah like MLK's power was so great, it extended posthumously and led to quick signing of the Civil Rights Act. And while racists and white supremacists still exist in the US today, think about it. MLK was like 50-ish years ago. Civil Rights were passed 50-ish years ago. Considering that the general populace isn't racist and the treatments of African Americans and others has improved in the US in that short amount of time is insane. Racism was so ingrained in the average person's conscience in the 60s and it essentially disappeared overnight.

Is there room for improvement? Obviously. Non-whites are still at a disadvantage in a lot of places. But things absolutely changed for the better.

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>Engage has fog of war

#manga cap from THE BELOW PLACE

It's over...

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I just read about the craziest yandere you could ever imagine

So yandere, she got HER OWN SISTER  door 15'd

....not what i wanted to read while trying to sleep...

Thanks Marie route for the nightmares

>door 15

You have my attention. Elaborate.

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Oh yeah, there's something that it seems I've been forgetting to comment in regards to SRW T.

So, Mr. Zone is voiced by Toru Furuya. As in, the same person who voices Amuro Rey himself.

And yes, he legit has a battle quote where he says his Photon Battleship "isn't just for show".

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Has this.....not been done before?

Guess not.

The PSP remake has an official English localization, but I guess they wanted to make a fan-translation of the original.

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Racism was so ingrained in the average person's conscience in the 60s and it essentially disappeared overnight.

Well, not quite, for the movement was still quite controversial: I think the fact that in major cases like the trial of the Chicago 7 not only included Bobby Seale as a defendant (when he basically had nothing to do with the trial), but also saw him bound and gagged in a court of law says a lot. It certainly helped, but unfortunately, neither the hundreds of individual activists, nor thousands of demonstrators, nor a speaker as powerful as MLK can simply end racism.

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12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Guess not.

The PSP remake has an official English localization, but I guess they wanted to make a fan-translation of the original.

Trust me, it was necessary.  The official English translation read more like "let's shove these lines into a machine translator".

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On 1/4/2023 at 4:25 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Join us, Boi. Join us in our Engage hype and our teeheeing.

Oh Engage Hype for sure. I don't see many tee hees however. Also, might rebrand soon so no longer will I be boi.

On 1/4/2023 at 6:36 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Could be worse


You could be the girl that says Tee Hee in the Dark Souls franchise

That sounds awesome minus living in the Dark Souls world.

Also don't expect me to be active every waking hour of this thread, I'll like, glance at it every few occassions.

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4 minutes ago, This boi uses Nino said:

Also don't expect me to be active every waking hour of this thread, I'll like, glance at it every few occassions.

'Tis fine. Just don't become a stranger if you plan to be a regular!

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On 1/4/2023 at 4:25 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Join us in our Engage hype and our teeheeing.

I know I’m hyped for Engage after thinking I heard one of my favorite voice actresses in one of the voice clips. Obviously I can’t prove that she’s in because of the Non-Disclosure Agreements, but we’ll have our answer to whether or not she’s in it when the game launches

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

Atatürk, for his sweeping reforms that modernized Turkey, greatly improved women's rights, and fostered positive relations with neighbouring countries

At the same time, he wasn't exactly democratic, to put it mildly. "Enlightened despot" perhaps, which... well it's not surprising a country in the 3rd decade of the 1900s would fall into that when all it had before it was the Ottoman Empire. Realistic outcome, and "enlightened" in certain aspects in a certain capacities is better than nothing. But far from perfect.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Aung San Suu Kyi, constantly fighting bravely for democracy in a troubled country.

She kinda fell out of her once-immaculate reputation as things went on. IIRC, Suu Kyi did basically nothing to alleviate the Rohingya persecution. The Rohingya being a Muslim minority living in Burma/Myanmar that the Buddhist majority deemed not-Burmese and discriminated against, forcefully expelled, murdered in what some might deem a genocide.

One article I had read years ago said the military had basically harmlessly accepted her without truly undermining the existing system -until they overthrew her anyhow. 

1 hour ago, Benice said:

Ghandi, for obvious reasons

He never actually held the reins of government. Peacemonger for independence, but he was assassinated shortly after independence began. 

Jawaharlal Nehru was India's first Prime Minister, and he was Gandhi's father  -Indira Gandhi, who also became PM (and was assassinated).


19 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Trust me, it was necessary.  The official English translation read more like "let's shove these lines into a machine translator".

I've played a game to completion that was stated to have been more or less machine translated with a little editing by fans (blame childhood memories, and curiosity about a rare m/m ship option in a DS game).

As a matter of last resort, it's tolerable, you might even find a few moments of intended emotional seriousness or humor that click. Yet the edges take you out of the game when they're blatant. Certainly probably undermined the intended charm of some personalities, even if a handful remained surprisingly good.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've played a game to completion that was stated to have been more or less machine translated with a little editing by fans (blame childhood memories, and curiosity about a rare m/m ship option in a DS game).

As a matter of last resort, it's tolerable, you might even find a few moments of intended emotional seriousness or humor that click. Yet the edges take you out of the game when they're blatant. Certainly probably undermined the intended charm of some personalities, even if a handful remained surprisingly good.

I could figure out what was going on, but man the NPC dialogue was hard to read.  Tear of Vermilion is still a solid story despite that.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At the same time, he wasn't exactly democratic, to put it mildly. "Enlightened despot" perhaps, which... well it's not surprising a country in the 3rd decade of the 1900s would fall into that when all it had before it was the Ottoman Empire. Realistic outcome, and "enlightened" in certain aspects in a certain capacities is better than nothing. But far from perfect.

I would still make the argument that he did a good job of improving the lives of his people and his country, not to mention setting it up for a democracy by granting women full suffrage early on.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She kinda fell out of her once-immaculate reputation as things went on.

True. I admit I didn't know about where she defended the military's actions, though.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He never actually held the reins of government. Peacemonger for independence, but he was assassinated shortly after independence began. 

I think it's hard to argue that he didn't have any power, though. If he didn't, I don't think he'd be as famous as he is.

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I'd like to imagine Byleth is radicalizing the students behind the church's back.



I'll it slide...for now.


Aren't people with anxiety funny?


So when Byleth had a fireball thrown at her, why was her first instinct to slash her new sword at it as if that would do anything?




That is a very cool character design.


Holy shit she actually can move her face.


Oh... Oh...

On 1/3/2023 at 9:49 PM, Edelguardiansing said:

Yes, a very simple life of watching your siblings die of starvation and illness because your lord is a dick.



Well anyways, after that incredibly dark and heavy conversation, lets look at some more wacky hijinks with Hubert.


Now I'm just curious on how the place was built.


That's also a very cool character design.


No, the dancer outfit stays.


That's pretty much how I feel, Raphael.


Self aware wolves.




"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"

"This one?"

"You're all set!"


Three Houses not allowing you to pet the cats is the sole reason I hate this game.


Welcome to the ADHD club, bud.


This is the deadest mom in dead mom history.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

And thus human civilization collapsed.

We kinda deserve it tbf.

Nah but for real, not only has there always been someone in power since the stone age but this sort of hierarchy has been observed in other species of primates, as well as other animals entirely. Animal heiarchy+human intelligence is honestly an unbeatable combo but this isn't just something we came up with. The first kings (and i mean the first kings) did not wake up one day and go "hmm imma just rule because i feel like it". Realistically, they had to convince a bunch of people that they were fit for the job. Several thousand years of snowballing later and well, we know what happens.

I don't believe in complete anarchy, I believe in thinning the lines as much as possible so that no single person can have power over so many people.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It....took us until like the 1900s for safety building measures to be put in place for anything. Before then, it was "just don't die bro". The ancient Egyptians did get paid for building the pyramids but like


people definitely died doing this. Not that people don't die building stuff today but a lot of it is usually preventable.

Even in the days of old construction methods, the estimated millions of deaths that occurred during the building of the wall was outrageous and cruel. It is no excuse.

1 hour ago, Benice said:
  1. Nelson Mandela ending apartheid peacefully
  2. Any number of abolitionist politicians
  3. Joaquim Chissano for pulling Mozambique out of civil war and turning it into a democracy
  4. Atatürk, for his sweeping reforms that modernized Turkey, greatly improved women's rights, and fostered positive relations with neighbouring countries
  5. Ghandi, for obvious reasons
  6. Aung San Suu Kyi, constantly fighting bravely for democracy in a troubled country.
  7. Jose Ramos-Horta and many others like him who take up the torch for cultural minorities.
  8. Tawakkol Karman and many others who fight for women's rights
  9. Medha Patkar and many others who fight for the poor
  10. Celebrities like Paul Newman who use their platform to help people
  11. Environmentalist leaders like Chico Mendes
  12. Rigoberta Menchu, advocate for indigenous peoples
  13. Youth advocates like Kirthi Jayakumar

Authority is a tool for education, administration of goods, and empowerment. While it is often used to cause harm, authority as a whole is not bad; without it, we don't have things like hospitals, schools, transportations, etc.. Additionally, people like MLK are people with power; even if they're not politicians themselves, they certainly hold great sway over happenings. Power builds platforms. You can also see this in a negative light with stuff like the NRA.

It's very easy to rue the damage caused by those in power, but what we can do as a society can only be done if we are indeed a society.

Yes, YES! Oh it is so good to actually get a list instead of deal with folks dancing around the subject.

However legally speaking, many of these people did/do not have power and their ideals and actions came from their impoverished experience. Many of these people were also assassinated, imprisoned, or pushed back in some way by the people who were legally in charge. Many were/are leaders in activism, they have power in the eyes of the people, and as you may recall my problem was power over people, not power in it of itself.

And as I've mentioned, I agree society can't function without some kind of structure but surely the lines shouldn't so strict and enforced, even among those few good leaders.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yeah like MLK's power was so great, it extended posthumously and led to quick signing of the Civil Rights Act. And while racists and white supremacists still exist in the US today, think about it. MLK was like 50-ish years ago. Civil Rights were passed 50-ish years ago. Considering that the general populace isn't racist and the treatments of African Americans and others has improved in the US in that short amount of time is insane. Racism was so ingrained in the average person's conscience in the 60s and it essentially disappeared overnight.

Is there room for improvement? Obviously. Non-whites are still at a disadvantage in a lot of places. But things absolutely changed for the better.

That is a gross white-washed children's retelling of the conflict. It should not be understated the push back MLK got during his protests from both the government and the racist populous, so much so that he was assassinated on April 4th 1968. He did not end racism, I wouldn't even go as far as to say he largely ended racism, he was one of many Civil Rights activists that help progress be made, but it wasn't such a peaceful and easy-going conflict like we're taught in schools.

Modern American schools like MLK's story because it paints the conflict in a very simplistic and patriotic way. Black people and white people had segregated water fountings, MLK said some cool things, the nice and good president listened to him, and then racism was ended forever, end of story. That's also not to mention that his protests were very religious, patriarchal, and not explicitly anti-government, so it's a good story to teach American kids to get the idea that racism is a thing of the past.

Fred Hampton and Medgar Evers were much more anti-government and anti-capitalist in their protests, they didn't just believe in racial equality, they believed that the capitalist system should be torn down and were fiercely against any and all imperialism. They of course were both assassinated as well and because of their much more radical ideals, they were safely swept under the rug along with the rest of the Black Panther party.

Did they make progress? Absolutely, but it's not as much progress as you seem to believe.

It's not that there's "room for improvement" racism is still very much integrated into our society. Black neighborhoods are still among the poorest in the country, they are filled with poverty and gang violence with the rich whites in charge seemingly not in any rush to fix or even do anything.


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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I'll it slide...for now.

Is this the power of simping at work?

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Aren't people with anxiety funny?

I'm always ready for some self-depreciation.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So when Byleth had a fireball thrown at her, why was her first instinct to slash her new sword at it as if that would do anything?

In this world? Might as well able to counter magic with a weapon slash. More so since the sword ain't exactly normal.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Self aware wolves.

No, those are the DLC group.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Three Houses not allowing you to pet the cats is the sole reason I hate this game.

Oh no, you can... in the DLC, if I recall. Yes.


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On the subject of cats, I remember that stray cat had a... brother? Littermate? They looked too similar I doubted they weren't related. Anyway, that other cat was kinda chased away by the late one (territory dispute, no doubt) and it had been months since I last saw it. Though my mother said she saw him today, actually. I wonder if he might come back to this street now that... well, his relative is gone...

On the other hand, since it's very likely the cat was killed, I wouldn't want him to come over and suffer the same fate.

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