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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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Leak-kun is from Teehee.

It could be you, it could me....

It could even be Wraith!




It all makes sense now! That's why leak-kun only revealed the old folks and then disappeared! It was Wraith all along!


3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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So then we gonna have that reveal when Vander and Saphir comment they're a couple? Or dated when they were young?




So that's why Jade is so epic.

...Wait she even looks a little like Phiona if you really squint your eyes -- ahhh the parallels!


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In today's episode of Spending Too Much Time On A Silly Idea:

  • As 1st gym:
    • Remoraid (Lv.9: Water Gun - Lock On - Psybeam)
    • Remoraid (Lv.9: Water Gun - Lock On - Aurora Beam)
    • Squirtle (Lv.13: Tackle - Water Gun - Tail Whip - Withdraw)
  • As 2nd gym:
    • Poliwag (Lv.16: Water Gun - Hypnosis - DoubleSlap - Rain Dance)
    • Remoraid (Lv.14: Water Gun - Psybeam - Aurora Beam - Charge Beam)
    • Remoraid (Lv.14: Water Gun - Psybeam - Aurora Beam - Incinerate)
    • Wartortle (Lv.18: Tackle - Water Gun - Bite - Withdraw)
  • As 3rd gym:
    • Polywag (Lv.24: Water Gun - Hypnosis - Mud Shot - Rain Dance)
    • Remoraid (Lv.22: BubbleBeam - Psybeam - Aurora Beam - Incinerate)
    • Wartortle (Lv.22: Water Gun - Bite - Withdraw - Rain Dance)
    • Octillery (Lv.25: Octazooka - Psybeam - Charge Beam - Bullet Seed)
  • As 4th gym:
    • Polywhirl (Lv.28: BubbleBeam - Hypnosis - Mud Shot - Rain Dance)
    • Octillery (Lv.25: Octazooka - Psybeam - Charge Beam - Bullet Seed)
    • Octillery (Lv.25: Octazooka - Psybeam - Aurora Beam - Incinerate)
    • Wartortle (Lv.30: Water Pulse - Bite - Protect - Rain Dance)
  • As 5th gym:
    • Polywhirl (Lv.32: BubbleBeam - Hypnosis - Mud Shot - Rain Dance)
    • Octillery (Lv.30: Octazooka - Psybeam - Charge Beam - Wring Out)
    • Whiscash (Lv.33: Water Pulse - Magnitude - Rest - Snore)
    • Lombre (Lv.33: BubbleBeam - Zen Headbutt - Fake Out - Uproar)
    • Blastoise (Lv.36: Aqua Tail - Bite - Protect - Rain Dance)
  • As 6th gym:
    • Seadra (Lv.38: Brine - Twister - Focus Energy - Rain Dance)
    • Ludicolo (Lv.38: BubbleBeam - Giga Drain - Zen Headbutt - Fake Out)
    • Whiscash (Lv.40: Aqua Tail - Magnitude - Amnesia - Rest)
    • Blastoise (Lv.40: Aqua Tail - Bite - Protect - Rain Dance)
    • Polywrath (Lv.42: Waterfall - Body Slam - Hypnosis - Circle Throw)
  • As 7th gym:
    • Kingdra (Lv.40: Hydro Pump - Twister - Focus Energy - Rain Dance)
    • Ludicolo (Lv.44: BubbleBeam - Giga Drain - Zen Headbutt - Icy Wind)
    • Whiscash (Lv.46: Aqua Tail - Earthquake - Amnesia - Rest)
    • Polywrath (Lv.46: Waterfall - Body Slam - Hypnosis - Circle Throw)
    • Blastoise (Lv.48: Surf - Dragon Tail - Iron Defense - Rain Dance)
  • As 8th gym:
    • Mantine (Lv.52: Hydro Pump - Air Slash - Signal Beam - Rain Dance)
    • Kingdra (Lv.50: Hydro Pump - Dragon Pulse - Focus Energy - Rain Dance)
    • Ludicolo (Lv.52: Hydro Pump - Giga Drain - Zen Headbutt - Icy Wind)
    • Whiscash (Lv.52: Aqua Tail - Earthquake - Amnesia - Rest)
    • Polywrath (Lv.52: Waterfall - Payback - Hypnosis - Circle Throw)
    • Blastoise (Lv.55: Surf - Dragon Tail - Iron Defense - Rain Dance)

Generally based on Gen5 movesets, because that's the last generation that I've actually played, but also with some TMs (like Incinerate and Charge Beam) and at least one tutor move (Giga Drain on Ludicolo). There's some spiel for how much the later teams would use Rain Dance apart from the increased damage. I'll just put out there that Whiscash's hidden ability is Hydration :whistle:

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fair enough. Let us then agree that we are both winning and that Engage best FE.

Engage best FE.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Besides I like Leak well enough too. This one just clears her, Vandad and the rest of the cast of the game. To be worse than perfection is nothing to be ashamed of.


So true.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, FEH does have these:



Just now, Sooks said:

Engage best FE.

REALLY come a long way from "FE is dead" have I

Just now, Sooks said:

So true.

It is war, then.

We duel at midnight.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:



This picture has potential.

Imagine Byleth saying instead:

"Sorry, Edelgard, we need to win next battle. Ha Ha."


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Okay, doing my part too. Or a start at least.

1st GYM: Beldum, Klink, Honedge

2nd GYM: Klink, Honedge, Metang

3rd GYM: Klink, Varoom, Honedge, Metang

4th GYM: Klink, Varoom, Honedge, Metang

5th GYM: Klang, Doublade, Revavroom, Metang

6th GYM: Klang, Pawniard, Doublade, Revavroom, Metang

7th GYM: Klang, Bisharp, Doublade, Revavroom, Metagross

8th GYM and beyond: Klinklang, Revavroom, Aegislash, Corviknight, Kingambit, Metagross

Then again, going by how it'd be done in the games themselves, we'd only have five at most unless it's Champion spot.

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56 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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Leak-kun is from Teehee.

It could be you, it could me....

It could even be Wraith!


*Wraith rolls his eyes as he finishes A Shadow of All Night Falling*

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I just sat down and got hit with a strong urge to write. Help?

48 minutes ago, ping said:


  • As 8th gym:
    • Mantine (Lv.52: Hydro Pump - Air Slash - Signal Beam - Rain Dance)
    • Kingdra (Lv.50: Hydro Pump - Dragon Pulse - Focus Energy - Rain Dance)
    • Ludicolo (Lv.52: Hydro Pump - Giga Drain - Zen Headbutt - Icy Wind)
    • Whiscash (Lv.52: Aqua Tail - Earthquake - Amnesia - Rest)
    • Polywrath (Lv.52: Waterfall - Payback - Hypnosis - Circle Throw)
    • Blastoise (Lv.55: Surf - Dragon Tail - Iron Defense - Rain Dance)

Rip the legacy of 2 remoraids, you will be missed.



I wonder what’s gonna happen to this at the end…

Even though it probably won’t end

47 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I hope we all don't eat our words in the next couple weeks XD

The bad ending

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It is war, then.

We duel at midnight.

No, we’re civilized men. We wait until Engage releases.


Then finish the game, each of us dumping all the exp, stat boosters, and skills into our Timerra and Saphir respectively.

Next, we will single-handedly develop Engage’s online for IS including PVP, and send our Timerra and Saphir to a duel to the death.


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15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

A secret code telling us how he is the leaker hiding in the shadows of the night

*Wraith continues to roll his eyes as he picks up Tarra Khash: Hrossak!*

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I can send some ideas your way 😛 

Do it, so I may pester you to write them instead of me. Or fantasize about them and never write them.

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I just sat down and got hit with a strong urge to write. Help?

Don't fight it. Write. Or you want ideas? XD

Just a week ago I wrote almost 3000 words in a short span of time.

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I hope we all don't eat our words in the next couple weeks XD

I don't want to think about it.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I just sat down and got hit with a strong urge to write. Help?

Write about bricks.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

No, we’re civilized men.

You will not escape me with arguments like that, I am a known lover of war crimes.

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

We wait until Engage releases.

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Then finish the game, each of us dumping all the exp, stat boosters, and skills into our Timerra and Saphir respectively.

Next, we will single-handedly develop Engage’s online for IS including PVP, and send our Timerra and Saphir to a duel to the death.


You cannot win.

Besides what the heck, we're arguing about this or that character being the best as if Sommie didn't exist

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Do it

What series? I have some plot bunnies from a few different series i could send your way

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I may pester you to write them instead of me

I have too much stuff i wanna write already xD

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Or fantasize about them and never write them.


6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't want to think about it


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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

How about a dual ice/fairy gym/leader battle, as father & son? XD

The pinnacle of anti-dragon.


Er... I'm switching to Flying, though. I'll be posting my gyms later, once I'm not at work. Good news for @Green06!

(btw, 06, thanks for your write-up on Brazil a while back! I forgot to reply 'cause things've been berserk for me lately)

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