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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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So far I've been completely avoiding any news relating to Engage in hopes that when I'd finally play the game myself I'd be pleasantly surprised at the story or at the very least think "Oooh, cool" when I encountered a new game mechanic I like.

But you know what? After hearing the recent reviews that confirmed what we all thought to believe, I don't care anymore so lay it on me folks! What Engage news have I missed out on? I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game anyways.


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25 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But if the devs actually manually set levels for everything (which now that I type, seems a little unrealistic), then that’s actually a little boring.

Could also mean they balanced it that way, which would mean super tight level design.

I don't like fixed growths myself, but using avg growths for balance doesn't seem like a bad idea

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22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So far I've been completely avoiding any news relating to Engage in hopes that when I'd finally play the game myself I'd be pleasantly surprised at the story or at the very least think "Oooh, cool" when I encountered a new game mechanic I like.

But you know what? After hearing the recent reviews that confirmed what we all thought to believe, I don't care anymore so lay it on me folks! What Engage news have I missed out on? I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game anyways.





That's about all I care to share, the rest can give you more.


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So, some things before I get pulling back. For the people in the ironman, I should still be able to link up and I'll make sure PMs do give me email notifications so I should be able to keep up and keep playing the SoV leg at least. As an apology, SS's lord beating the villain of her game.

For those who are interested in such, apparently there's Baten Kaitos remake talk in some leaks. Now, if it'll happen's another question.

Also, a message I can follow:

Yes my lord

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah no, you're right. Didn't even cross my mind that this could be considered a spoiler by someone.

Guess we'll see you again when you are well into Engage! Glad it at least happened with good news lol

Like I said, not even the first time this has happened, just knowing that I've ran into stuff a couple times already just made it apparent that I can't go around the entire fanbase, shush them and say "no spoiling" for however long it takes for me to get it.

2 minutes ago, ping said:

Hope your 5G is properly in order now 🤖

I wish, the phone doesn't get it consistently and I bet if I head home I won't be a 5G source for it either.

1 minute ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Wait, the entirety of Engage actually straight up leaked online, I can't believe I missed that.

Wish I'd been you 😛

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I am a creature of the night forest. And someone who prefers having the posts centered, not aligned to the left. The post images tab to the right... oh dear. Better I best not include anything too risky here now.😅

Still, I'll adjust, and this site needs time to make a few more adjustments. It's nice that someone still considers it important enough to be worth tuning, the halycon days of peak forum being long past.

Hopefully by the time I'm back that shouldn't be an issue, but it's uncomfortably bright for now.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

We all have our different degrees of spoiler tolerance, and whether it applies to just story/characters or gameplay as well. This isn't a serious blow to me, though hearing about an issue with the localization does still put a little taint in the clear waters free of unformed personal opinion on the product. And I'd rather have learned of this issue after than before.

Personally, the leak was a hard cutoff as someone who'd mainly been following gameplay.

1 minute ago, Loliko said:

However I'll still post updates about my FE6 playthrough. Currently at chapter 20 , and they're spoiling me ! 2 Bolting sages right at the front door , and several ballistas ! thanks god I kept my longbows intact

Ah yes, the fun of that chapter.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Me without SF.


Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Really, most here used the darker themes?


1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


That took 45 minutes of searching and 5 Ultra balls but it was worth it

Man, it is rough trying to find Sigilyph.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

What a good quote to take out of context.


4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, God.

You knew this'd be coming.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Also, please be Friday.

Best I can do you is Wednesday.

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.


"Alright, camera rolling. Here we go with a test of the capability of Engage rings, as someone who isn't getting the game at the moment I decided I'd test how they function with an actual ring. No need to cut anyone down in this part of the woods or anything, so hopefully this should be a safe test."


"Ehem. As one, EMBLEM, ENGAGE-"


*ding, ding, ding


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Yep, most reviews are “Gameplay good, story and characters bad, but muh 3 Houses”


All I want to know about at this point is maddening.

5 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

So, some things before I get pulling back. For the people in the ironman, I should still be able to link up and I'll make sure PMs do give me email notifications so I should be able to keep up and keep playing the SoV leg at least. As an apology, SS's lord beating the villain of her game.

Oh right, that ironman.

Whatever happened to it?

5 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.


Farewell Dayni!

5 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

"Alright, camera rolling. Here we go with a test of the capability of Engage rings, as someone who isn't getting the game at the moment I decided I'd test how they function with an actual ring. No need to cut anyone down in this part of the woods or anything, so hopefully this should be a safe test."


"Ehem. As one, EMBLEM, ENGAGE-"


*ding, ding, ding



Let’s go, Dayni Emblem best Emblem (you can get out of there, right? If not, not let’s go)


Edited by Sooks
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12 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.


don't be a stranger!

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yep, most reviews are “Gameplay good, story and characters bad, but muh 3 Houses”


"Engage is the SMT of 3H"

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

All I want to know about at this point is maddening.

Some people who finished early game confirmed Ambush spawns aren't a thing 😄

atleast for the early game

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Everyone else who didn’t use light mode is suffering… but me, I am rejoicing.

My son is slay.


Shout-outs to that one review that said that the story is apparently good, it means I will have mild validation when I like the story.

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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Some people who finished early game confirmed Ambush spawns aren't a thing 😄

atleast for the early game



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11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.

See you soon!

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Some people who finished early game confirmed Ambush spawns aren't a thing 😄


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So having played through Leliana's Song after she told her backstory in the main game...


...I think I actually remember some discourse about the betrayal way back when, with people being genuinely shocked when it happened, presumably because they played it before going into the main campaign. I obviously was spoiled about it coming, since Leliana spells it out in her dialogue with the main character, so I wonder how 'obvious' it would've been without that. With the power of hindsight, Marjolaine comes across pretty manipulative towards Leliana and she's conveniently absent during the entire heist, but I don't know if my dumb ass would've picked up on these red flags.

I googled for advise when to do which DLC, which is why I did Leliana's Song at this point, and it seems that checking out at least Warden's Keep and Stone Prisoner isn't a bad idea at an early point, so I might do those next. Or maybe do one of them, then another main story segment, and then the other one.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Shout-outs to that one review that said that the story is apparently good, it means I will have mild validation when I like the story.

The entire internet when Benice thinks the gameplay of Engage is garbage but it has the most gut wrenching characters and story he’s ever experienced

I stole this clip from someone here but I forgot who

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13 Sentinels


Also while I am looking forward to Engage, I don't feel like I'm as "hyped" for it as everyone else. Maybe that's not a bad thing, since it helps keep my expectations in check. I need something to hold me over until Trails to Azure releases, anyway.

11 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


"Ehem. As one, EMBLEM, ENGAGE-"


*ding, ding, ding

No way... I can't believe Dayni was a genie all along. Wait, are all the Emblems genies? Hopefully he'll get out of that ring sooner or later.

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Shout-outs to that one review that said that the story is apparently good, it means I will have mild validation when I like the story.

Now, just because a story isn't conventionally good doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. I didn't mind Fates's plot...

Just now, Sooks said:

I stole this clip from someone here but I forgot who

It was Armagon who first posted it I think.

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24 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.

Bye bye!

14 minutes ago, Benice said:

Shout-outs to that one review that said that the story is apparently good, it means I will have mild validation when I like the story.

I for one, am hoping for maximum cheesiness. Like Saturday cartoon vibes.

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The entire internet when Benice thinks the gameplay of Engage is garbage but it has the most gut wrenching characters and story he’s ever experienced

Me going to use Engage as the work of literature in my AP English final:

9 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Now, just because a story isn't conventionally good doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.

Well, considering that there's been a fair amount of bellyaching over it not being TH, I think I might actually really enjoy it because I detested TH's story. A fun, high-fantasy adventure is certainly more than good enough for me right now!

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1 minute ago, FlyingKitsune said:

for one, am hoping for maximum cheesiness. Like Saturday cartoon vibes.

Exactly, especially with the really high fantasy setting I think Engage has going on. Plus, if TH showed anything to me... Well, I have extremely little faith in IS' ability to tell a good serious story.

Plus, it's only one route, so PRAISE BE TO SOMMIE

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I kept instinctively klicking at serenes at working during dead time lmao


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't we all? XD

I'm glad I'm not alone on this!😆

It's a positive feedback loop. Each new post, a potential nugget of goodness. Or perhaps the human brain craves new information of the kind and from the sources it likes, that'd also explain it. Whatever it is, it's not exactly the best thing for our brains, but it's fine in moderation, right?😅


3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Social sims becoming mainstream will never not be a mistake

This quote + Engage reviews today + P3 & P4 port reviews today = irony.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If there's one thing I envy from digital art, is the ability to just go... boop, and move everything one centimeter to the right if need be.

Fuck my life, I guess Vandad'll have half a shoulder, then.

Reminds me of what I had seen of the Langrisser I & II remake's artwork compared with its original 90s stuff. Some comments criticized the modernized artwork as too smooth, too polished, too symmetrical. The cause being that digital art is easy to edit and correct, overcorrect to the point of banality perhaps, while hand-drawn art, requiring more effort to fix or outright start over, is able to have more realistic roughness and distinctive flavor.

-So half-a-shoulder ain't so bad. It's unrefined, but diamonds in the rough can still sparkle.


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game anyways.

I wish I was you. I very rarely forget spoilers that I learn before I play a game, even years later.


50 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:


I was joking, somewhat. And it is rather commonplace nowadays to have a bit of a social media addiction, it's like how smoking in America used to be. Although unlike smoking, social media has a higher inherent social aspect so it does fulfill a basic human desire/need. Since there are so many of us like this worldwide, well there's a silver lining in that, like climate change, global economic issues, political dysfunction, pandemic, etc., we'll all burn together!🔥😁 -Unless you're rich.💰😑

...Unless that emoji is referring to yourself. I'm sorry, and my sympathies then. Again, the feeling is likely relatable for upwards of billions worldwide.

50 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

For those who are interested in such, apparently there's Baten Kaitos remake talk in some leaks. Now, if it'll happen's another question.

Why this before Xenosaga? 'saga has the Xeno name to it, it could draw a ready crowd that way, even if it's nothing like Xenoblade at all.

-Unless Nintendo b/c it published Origins is the company pushing for it, not Namco. Yet, Ninty hasn't shown a willingness to release its old catalog the way Square has been resurrecting a great chunk of its old 16/64-bit JRPG gameography. You'd think Nintendo would do their 1st-party GameCube classics before Baten Kaitos (Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean being Namco-published).

That makes me a bit suspicious. And I remain firmly in the "All leaks are fake, until proven real" camp, with a high burden of proof requirement. I don't care if Engage "should" make me more flexible here, it doesn't.

This said, if this were true well I can't hide my fluttering heartwings, can I?🕊️😄 With sobriety, these old games couldn't possibly -assuming minimal QoL improvements and nothing more- score more than a 7, 8 for reviewers who really enjoy it. Possibly digital-only, definitely to low sales, I'm realistic. Nonetheless, I welcome any opportunity for these b-team Monolith fossils to be put on display again, and to see Guillo-awareness spread through the universe once more.

50 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.

Enjoy your absence and Engage!😀

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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32 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

13 Sentinels


So true.

Have you acknowledged Kisaragi and Ogata superiority yet?

32 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also while I am looking forward to Engage, I don't feel like I'm as "hyped" for it as everyone else. Maybe that's not a bad thing, since it helps keep my expectations in check.

Yes, it is good to keep expectations in check.

Unfortunately, I’m too drunk on all the reviews saying gameplay good. And Timerra. There is no saving me.

32 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

 I didn't mind Fates's plot...

Oh no

22 minutes ago, Benice said:

Me going to use Engage as the work of literature in my AP English final:

“We’ve all heard the classic meme, what did the author mean when they said ‘the curtains are blue’? But, today I’m here to discuss a much deeper question: what did the author mean when they said ‘the hair is blue














and red’?”

17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Lmao kino mountain pass

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's a positive feedback loop. Each new post, a potential nugget of goodness. Or perhaps the human brain craves new information of the kind and from the sources it likes, that'd also explain it. Whatever it is, it's not exactly the best thing for our brains, but it's fine in moderation, right?😅

I mean what else to do at dead time at work. Can'T exactly play with my switch

Or can i

I just hate interrupting game time lol


7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This quote + Engage reviews today + P3 & P4 port reviews today = irony.

Mainstream won't stop until they turn every game out there into a Persona clone


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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Lmao kino mountain pass

Preparing us for the absolute Kino that's about to come.

The author is making the prequel arc the time travel arc wew. This is gonna be good

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Reading all the Hard Mode impressions has me very pleased.

Sounds like a good sweetspot challenge and the fact that several are saying that they actually needed those 10 rewinds is *chef's kiss*.

And I retract my earlier statement about having both rewinds and battle saves being overkill. Considering I'm taking four classes this semester+work, I will appreciate those saves.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Three Houses really is the new Persona 5 in which it's going to be constantly compared to.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So far I've been completely avoiding any news relating to Engage in hopes that when I'd finally play the game myself I'd be pleasantly surprised at the story or at the very least think "Oooh, cool" when I encountered a new game mechanic I like.

But you know what? After hearing the recent reviews that confirmed what we all thought to believe, I don't care anymore so lay it on me folks! What Engage news have I missed out on? I'm sure I'll forget by the time I play the game anyways.


Tl;Dr gameplay unironically looking to clear the series. Maps may be a teeny bit worse than Conquest but mechanically the game looks to be better.

None of the Three Houses team was actually involved (100% IntSys this time) and the director of this game has gone on record saying that he isn't very good at strategy games, which is really funny when you consider how much this game is looking to clear.

If you're curious about the game length


26 main chapters and 15 paralouges, quite a meaty game.


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

For those who are interested in such, apparently there's Baten Kaitos remake talk in some leaks. Now, if it'll happen's another question.

I honestly find it hard to believe Namco would greenlight a Baten Kaitos remake over Xenosaga.....and they didn't even greenlight Xenosaga.

Anyways take care. We'll be here when you get back, hopefully.

47 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

13 Sentinels


What did you see?

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


  Hide contents


That's about all I care to share, the rest can give you more.




1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

And with that, I bid a farewell, hopefully not too long.



"Alright, camera rolling. Here we go with a test of the capability of Engage rings, as someone who isn't getting the game at the moment I decided I'd test how they function with an actual ring. No need to cut anyone down in this part of the woods or anything, so hopefully this should be a safe test."


"Ehem. As one, EMBLEM, ENGAGE-"


*ding, ding, ding


I commend you for this bit.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tl;Dr gameplay unironically looking to clear the series. Maps may be a teeny bit worse than Conquest but mechanically the game looks to be better.

None of the Three Houses team was actually involved (100% IntSys this time) and the director of this game has gone on record saying that he isn't very good at strategy games, which is really funny when you consider how much this game is looking to clear.

If you're curious about the game length

  Reveal hidden contents

26 main chapters and 15 paralouges, quite a meaty game.


Alright, interesting.

Part of me wonders if I should halt my current CF run when it releases since most folks here will probably be too focused on the game to respond to my Three Houses inquiries but I'm sure it'll be fine.


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