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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>Negative: Due to still being niche JRPGs still take years to localize

Yes or no?

Yes, if it prevents another Cold Steel. Three Houses I like, and I couldn’t care less what reviewers prioritize in games, but…

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Officialy sanctioned NTR?


No this isn’t what I meant

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Armagon ready to save gaming but in process dooms the world to Science Cult-kun dystopia with a Mecha dragon behind it


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Three Houses fans malding


40 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Hang in there

And you will get the right job eventually. It takes time, but you will do it!

37 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yikes. Hopefully things turn out better.

35 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I hope everything works out for the better.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Jesus Christ. Hang in there man.

Thank you. I'm just feeling overwhelmed atm

40 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Treehouse while localizing FE4 remake:

"Any younger Gen1 romance turns platonic, and let's use outrealms and storks to explain babies! Genius!"

Eldigan and Lachesis bout to become childhood friends or something lol.

Arvis got Loptous blood through a transfusion

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We're going back in time to 2006 to get Persona 3 off the menu. That's right, we're going back in time to 2006 to get Persona 3 off the menu

You should save Xenogears instead

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ngl I honestly fail to see what's wrong here. It's toned down but not in a way that the meaning is completely lost.





Edited by Green06
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'Ey, Engage OST is finally leaking! Awesome!

This shouldn't be too spoilery.

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18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>JRPG Genre saved

>No stupid Mainstream'ers

>Climate Change averted

>Negative: Due to still being niche JRPGs still take years to localize

Yes or no?

I feel like once Nintendo and other companies started ww localizations it was only a matter of time.

Conclusion: changing the timeline will not affect JRPG release schedules.

9 minutes ago, Green06 said:







Call me a dumbass or whatever but I genuinely do not see the issue. All it is is that apart from "love" not being explicitly mentioned, it isn't 1:1. And not being 1:1 is the least of my concerns.

Also, spoiler that.

10 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Ey, Engage OST is finally leaking! Awesome!

Does the OP have a full version?

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18 minutes ago, Sooks said:

No this isn’t what I meant

This is exactly what you meant, grandson


18 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Three Houses fans malding

For real wth

And i used to be on their side...

18 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Arvis got Loptous blood through a transfusion

When Seliph first looks at Julia, he feels a sense of disgust in the english version.

18 minutes ago, Green06 said:



Some lines feel ok, others feel like they wanted to heavily focus on something while downplaying the other thing for no reason at all. Like English version focuses much more on the jealousy thing, even when sometimes it isn't there in the jp version

It does still feel a bit romantic, even if less so, and the way they skirt around it is comedic more than anything tbh


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Does the OP have a full version?




Pick your language.

Also, interestingly enough, they primarily use Female Protag in the English one, but the Male Protag in the Japanese one, but that could be random.

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57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

F-Zero comes back but it's social sim.

...F-Zero does have a large, underdeveloped zany cast. I am under no illusions that trying to flesh it more would make F-Zero seriously profitable, but it is an avenue it could take to expand it's mega-niche appeal to include a few casuals. -Just as one element of a package largely catering to the hardcore audience I would hope.

43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If only you could go up. I still don't know why they don't let you.

It would make a lick of sense if other players could see what the highest difficulty you've completed the game on is. Not allowing down-to-up would be an easy way of preventing someone from playing the game on a lower difficulty and then doing just the final battle on Classic Merciless Maddening Abyssal Lunatic+.

Although, an alternative solution would then be to make an a second version of the highest difficulty that is identical to the first, except locked-in no changing it ever.


43 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or, do it like Thracia said and gets turned to stone, but is unpetrified just in time for Gen 2, so they can have a shot at romancing the kids of their former comrades!

...When Ayra's 3rd bun in the oven is younger than Larcei's first child.

Not like this doesn't happen IRL as is. Still would be weird in the circumstances.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

When Seliph first looks at Julia, he feels a sense of disgust in the english version.

Star Wars is making me think that meme with The Last of Us in it. All we need is Oifey to be unkillable, take him out of the marriage pool, and redesign him to look like Harrison Ford in his prime. There, it's acceptable now.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I feel like once Nintendo and other companies started ww localizations it was only a matter of time.

Conclusion: changing the timeline will not affect JRPG release schedules

Plot twist: Only pokemon keeps the fast schedules due to popularity, and later FF.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There, it's acceptable now.

Net in 2025: And i took that personally.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And i used to be on their side...

Are you ready to fight them until the next FE cycle arrives?

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It does still feel a bit romantic, even if less so, and the way they skirt around it is comedic more than anything tbh

They took KINO from us and I'll never forgive them




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Somehow I still had my FE Heroes ID in my profile despite not having played it in years. RIP.

Also I deleted the 3x3 favorite characters thing I made years ago on Imgur without noticing. Oops.

Lotta cleanup to do, it seems.

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9 minutes ago, Green06 said:

Are you ready to fight them until the next FE cycle arrives?

Aye, i could do that!

9 minutes ago, Green06 said:

They took KINO from us and I'll never forgive them

This confuses me, but i will wait until i play the game to get the memo 


That said, Veyle is one of the ones i am more interested in, and i've seen conflicting spoilers about her, so..

Don't confirm, wanna stay a bit surprised, even if i got a bit of the gist XD


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19 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:




Pick your language.

Also, interestingly enough, they primarily use Female Protag in the English one, but the Male Protag in the Japanese one, but that could be random.

Nice. I'll check them out later.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It would make a lick of sense if other players could see what the highest difficulty you've completed the game on is. Not allowing down-to-up would be an easy way of preventing someone from playing the game on a lower difficulty and then doing just the final battle on Classic Merciless Maddening Abyssal Lunatic+.

This would only matter if you get something out of i-oh wait, the growths thing is tied to beating it on certain difficulties.

14 minutes ago, Green06 said:

It would make a lick of sense if other players could see what the highest difficulty you've completed the game on is. Not allowing down-to-up would be an easy way of preventing someone from playing the game on a lower difficulty and then doing just the final battle on Classic Merciless Maddening Abyssal Lunatic+.


06 when he doesn't get to bang his sister


SF doesn't embed again awesome 


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29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Don't confirm, wanna stay a bit surprised, even if i got a bit of the gist XD


42 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

When Seliph first looks at Julia, he feels a sense of disgust in the english version.


18 minutes ago, Armagon said:


SF doesn't embed again awesome

I'm mad about the censorship.

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20 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I see.

Meanwhile I take advantage my digital copy is still locked to look up any piece of info I can get. Either way, I'll be Engaging this weekend.

... well, weekends are SRW T time, but I guess it can be time for both now. Also, still need some time out after playing through Rayearth's S1 finale. 

i can spoil share it for you if you want here heheh... with spoiler tag ofc


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also gotta love how you came back and the forum instantly went down for a big update haha

for real. i wrote several reply in other thread, then the site goes down making all my comment not sent and also not saved...

dang it

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh god playing with JP voices is gonna be awkward.

YES. even more so if you already know some general/common words meaning your brain become conflicted.


dunno if this count as spoiler or not, about Emblem Sigurd 


apparently he knows it well that he died while leaving his child behind. he made the comment himself when "traditional FE tragedy" happen.

so at least for sigurd he basically is a ghost of already dead Sigurd.

BUT i forgot to check the japanese voice if its really worded like that or not.


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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Welcome back!😃

For me, I learned to stop "overfollowing" long ago. Super Smash Bros. Brawl actually, I followed the Smashdojo's(?) daily or weekly official updates, whatever they were, and visiting forums talking about them. I think I got kinda prematurely burned out of the game doing that, and it was an endeavor that I suppose I found tiring.

I don't truly remember how I felt, but I do know that I've since developed disinclination towards doing intense following of games prerelease. Incidental side glances are the most I usually get of major games of personal interest nowadays. Doing the -not true at all- ostrich behavior of sticking my head in the ground and avoiding all the headlines is too much effort, not clicking on any of those prerelease articles is easy enough though.


it sure feels weird when i know i love FE series but somehow always seen 3H with discontent when trying to play it. because all the good things already known to me down to the plot and its twists, so the not-so-good stuff become more apparent instead

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Be more creative with your nicknames Dorothea, call him Bertie or something.




Alright so here's a thought, and I thought about saving this for the end review but since it has little baring on how I actual feel about this game I might as well throw it in here.

In Fire Emblem, and in fantasy media in general, the class distinctions are incredibly simplified, it usually just presents Royals and Farmers with not much in between, the few in between being common soldiers and noble knights.

Fire Emblem Three Houses being the complicated game that it is expands on this a little by adding more nuance to the identities. Nobles are no longer just princes and princesses, they are nobles with their own purpose and place in the countries that they inhabit, Claude is not just the prince heir to the Leicester Kingdom, he's the grandson to the current Duke a part of the leading noble family in the Leicester Alliance. There's a lot more nuance and dynamics added to the noble class in Three Houses.

Realizing this I thought "Well it must go both ways, right?" And in a sense it sort of does, but something struck me as interesting. TH doesn't have many commoners but the few it does fit in very different situations from each other, Leonie is an impoverished subsistence peasant, Ignatz and Raphael are apart of two large merchant families, Dorothea is a performer.

Also Ashe and Mercedes exist but I don't know where they come from or what they do.

From the ones I've mentioned it feels a bit odd to throw them all under the term "commoner" giving how different standards of living are between the three. The merchants in particular make a living off of buying and selling the labor of other people so it feels odd to call them simple peasant commoners.

And that's another thing too, FE and the larger fantasy genre doesn't spend much of it's time looking at the working class of the time period. There aren't any urban city laborers in FE that come to mind and that got me thinking into a larger point about how we often look at certain settings and attribute certain things to them. Putting the idea of the broad fantasy genre into someone's head and they probably will think of things like nobles, knights, farmers, merchants, and so on.

This is the case and yet that is not because the medieval period lacked in more dynamic class distinctions. There were always carpenters, factory workers, engineers, and other local business people who gave certain services for a price.

Funnily enough, the closest we've ever gotten to this in FE is with the maids and butlers in Fates, though those characters were more about fulfilling a servant fantasy for players than looking into that line of work for the characters and how it affected them which...now that I type that makes me realize just how fucked up it is that they went for the former.

I understand why TH doesn't have as many commoners, with the context the game gave itself they pretty much have to have the cast be mostly nobles, but it makes me long for a game that gives much more nuance to the commoners and focuses on them for the narrative.

We'll likely never get to that point as FE has gone the way where it wants to tell stories about kingdom rivalries and royal heroes slaying dragons but I can always dream.

Anyways, what was I doing?


Petra against capitalism.


Sigh I really need to do a playthrough where I recruit these two against the Empire.

I might do something like that in a VW run in my off time.


As someone who frequents around many LGBTQ spaces, I can confirm that this is a very common sentiment.


What does charm even do on the battlefield?


The amount of time these idiots stand around and look at the chaos just so everyone can get a line in is killing me.


Imagine that, a group of able fighters observing the conflict instead of jumping into it.



Everytime something like this happens in an FE game I always just imagine


The tonal whiplash between the genuinely horrifying state of the village and the cartoonishly evil bad guy leading it is a big Three Houses moment.


So like, do you just carry an extra bag filled with the Flame Emperor costume wherever you go just in case?


Welcome back to another episode of "Why the hell are you going to give me the choice if you're just gonna choose for me anyway"


I feel like Hubert of all people would recognize Edelgard's voice.


You can't change what wasn't there in the first place.



The game feeling the need to tell me this is exactly the reason I don't believe it.


Sothis should've been the main character.





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6 minutes ago, joevar said:

i can spoil share it for you if you want here heheh... with spoiler tag ofc

It's fine either way. Feel free to post.

Picard Engage GIFs | Tenor

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Dew It GIFs | Tenor

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Petra against capitalism.

Anna in shambles.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Sigh I really need to do a playthrough where I recruit these two against the Empire.

I might do something like that in a VW run in my off time.

You're best next bet is get them to A, naturally.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

What does charm even do on the battlefield?

It's for Gambits. They get better Might, Hit, and Avoid the more Charm the character has.

Hopes gives it a different purposes, as it were.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The amount of time these idiots stand around and look at the chaos just so everyone can get a line in is killing me.

I remember seeing this kind of meme with Golden Sun Dark Dawn too, heh.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So like, do you just carry an extra bag filled with the Flame Emperor costume wherever you go just in case?

Do you see when you promote units? Just carry the promotion item and you're golden.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I feel like Hubert of all people would recognize Edelgard's voice.

Or he's in on the act.

Actually, I don't remember, so that's a genuine joke/question.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The game feeling the need to tell me this is exactly the reason I don't believe it.

"What a coincidence once you stopped killing people every day and now it's only every week/month."

Maybe Byleth was just so done and the change of scenery really did wonders.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I will say tho, the RPG Sites review has me curious. They mention how you can battle save on Normal and Hard....but not Maddening. Radiant Dawn did this same thing but since New Mystery, battle saves whenever have been a Casual Mode thing only, yet the review doesn't mention that.

hard is hard. at least for me. and i play FE6 on hard. dunno if my skill get rusty or no. but it provide enough challenge as is for 1st playthru, IMO

you can also turn down the difficulty, but not turn it up. did not test on maddening yet, but you can lose a map, but retain its exp and levels you gain before retry... if this option also available in maddening (which i think it should imo, given how "hard" is enough to gang kill your units in early chapter) then it has potential abuse.

which makes you wonder why they dont try to remove Rewind feature. theres too many option for difficulty it should be fine without it

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1 hour ago, FlyingKitsune said:

Also, interestingly enough, they primarily use Female Protag in the English one, but the Male Protag in the Japanese one, but that could be random.

i can confirmed theres at least two version of the opening, but they play at random, regardless of voice dub you choose. If you boot the game and see male Alear first, then next time it play (from idling in Main menu or reset) it will show the one with Female Alear first. either way both videos feature both version

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8 minutes ago, joevar said:

If you boot the game and see male Alear first, then next time it play (from idling in Main menu or reset) it will show the one with Female Alear first.

I see, it really is random. Guess that was needless speculation from my part!

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Okay, I finally find out why it wasn't registering I had linked FEH with my Nintendo account. I had to play through the Prologue. Because I actually no longer have what few progress I did back then. Shouldn't take long...

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