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Just now, Sidereal Wraith said:

Sommie follows Alear around the Somniel? 
*Wraith falls to the ground clutching his heart*

Wraith appreciates Engage arc

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And what happened, then? Well, in TeeHee they say – that the Wraith's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Engage came through, and the Wraith found the strength of ten Wraiths, plus two!

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I agree. The map design did not work in the enemy's favor.

Bridge map moment.

3 hours ago, joevar said:

martial master?


Reclassing to unrelated classes feels like a hassle tbh.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So if i understood this correctly, Promotion doesn't decrease exp gain/internal lvl stays the same?

Oh so that's not reason why Vander hasn't leveled up at all in my run then?

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also is there a way to turn off ep music

Imagine not skipping EP entirely.

3 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So? If the story is crap, which it is, the game’s going to have very little if any longevity or lasting impact.

And yet Kingdom Hearts is a successful franchise...

3 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

When I can see the plot twists coming from orbit from simply watching the trailers that’s not a good thing.

A good plot twist isn't one that you can't see coming, it's one that's executed well.

Ngl I'd rather have a predictable but we'll executed story over an unpredictable one that doesn't always land. 

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Benice, Engage is a JRPG, a part of a genre where a game lives and dies by its story.

Kingdom Hearts really having it rough then...

40 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Benice PokĂ©mon is maybe an exception but it doesn’t disprove the rule. Most of the famous and well known JRPGS I can think of off the top of my head (Persona, Tales of Series, Trails, Final Fantasy, Chrono series, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts etc.) place a large emphasis on story (world building, plot, characters/characterization etc). Hell, if you look at the most famous western RPGs (Kotor, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Baldur’s Gate, Fallout) most of these series are famed for either their stories and/or player agency in affecting the story and the game world. Certain genres of games do place greater emphasis on certain aspects of video gaming then others. As I said before this doesn’t mean that platformers, beat-‘em ups, arcade style games or others can’t also have a good story along with good gameplay. RPGs as a whole have always placed a greater emphasis on player agency and choices to effect the game world and story since the inception of D and D in back in 1974. It grew out of massive war gaming as a way to tell more individualized and story driven tales with individual characters instead of simply having large scale armies. Not all JRPGS have great or engaging stories, but as a rule most try to be story driven and many in not most of the most famous examples tend to be remembered because of them.

Ok but buddy, it's still a *video game*. Persona 5's writing is decent enough aside from poor In Medias Res and the whole endgame. I wouldn't call Persona 5 a good game because*playing* it made me fucking miserable.

Same reason why I trash Judgral every now and then. Cause gameplay doodoo.

Games can have the best story in the world but if it sucks to play, it doesn't matter. Xenosaga Episode II is awful not because the story sucks, it's actually pretty good, but gameplay-wise it's horrendous.

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:


I haven't messed around with this at all haha.

I should.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

A good plot twist isn't one that you can't see coming, it's one that's executed well.

Ngl I'd rather have a predictable but we'll executed story over an unpredictable one that doesn't always land. 

*Groans of increasing discomfort*

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1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

*Groans of increasing discomfort*

So we have Garuben and now Garowraith?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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@Sooks watched the trailer. You're right, not the most interesting characters to me, but I did dig what they said at the end. Hope they don't half-ass it.

47 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Alright let’s use an example. Final Fantasy 7, Rubenio what is the most famous thing about this game which most people know about? 

Apples and oranges, Wraith. FF7 is a game where you click through menus with a thin veneer of strategic decision-making. Of course nobody's going to remember it for its gameplay. At its best, FE is a lot more enticing, challenging and deep than traditional JRPGs, which is why I find it rather odd to refer to it as such.

But, well, in the end, it's all subjective. You could find me people who enjoy traditional JRPG gameplay. I could find you people who enjoy Engage's story. Live and let live.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:


I cannot wait to start doing nonsense like this myself.

13 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Sommie follows Alear around the Somniel? 
*Wraith falls to the ground clutching his heart*

Youth, old man.

Sommie's cuteness is healing your soul.

Now put a tiny top hat on his head and feel revitalized.

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I don't think my brain is working properly.


Haha... (though I still used Sommie)

Incidentally, I found out who Rubenio has been simping over for the past few days (because their VA tweeted about it). I'm not too surprised about it.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

JRPGs like Pokemon generally are fairly light on the story, yet do extremely well on the basis of visual design, concept, and gameplay.

I thought Pokémon did well on the basis of brand recognition.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

And for that matter wasn’t the complex world building, character interactions and plot twists (I.e elements of the game’s story) the main selling point for the Trails series?

No, the main selling point is Rix- I mean, of course you're right.

24 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Sooks, how could you betray Timerra like this? Unless you just didn't recruit her yet.

I wonder what I'll do when I unlock that mechanic...

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Persona 5's writing is decent enough aside from poor In Medias Res and the whole endgame.

When Armagon says something not entirely negative about Persona 5

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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I cannot wait to start doing nonsense like this myself.

It’s just going to be a picture of Vander and Sommie with stamps of Vander and Sommie on it.


Well, for now, anyway.

But I’m just waiting for Timerra myself.


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1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Benice Pokémon is maybe an exception but it doesn’t disprove the rule.

How does it not disprove the rule? It proves that an effective and popular JRPG does not need a major story to become what it is. It also proves that style, music, and visuals all play a major role in defining games.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Kotor, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Baldur’s Gate, Fallout

Is it bad that I only know Fallout out of all of these, and I only know that from Country Roads

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Most of the famous and well known JRPGS I can think of off the top of my head (Persona, Tales of Series, Trails, Final Fantasy, Chrono series, Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts etc.) place a large emphasis on story (world building, plot, characters/characterization etc).

Many famous JRPGs put lots of stock into story, as do many famous games. It isn't a distinct requirement either for being well-known or "good". I only know much about one game on this list too, so I can't actually speak to their qualities.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Not all JRPGS have great or engaging stories, but as a rule most try to be story driven and many in not most of the most famous examples tend to be remembered because of them.

I don't actually understand what your point here is, and I apologize; all I got from this is "J/RPGs normally have a lot of story". Which... Yeah, there's no point in arguing that, since it's true that many J/RPGs do put a lot in their stories. This doesn't mean anything for Engage, though. Engage not being a standard JRPG doesn't make it bad, since it has never at any point purported to be a standard JRPG: It's also an SRPG at the very same time, and it's leaning into the S a lot; we've known this for a long time. You're looking at a penguin and criticizing it for being a bad bird because it doesn't fly.

53 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And the devs confirmed as much in the interviews.

Ah, phew.

10 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I thought Pokémon did well on the basis of brand recognition.


32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok but buddy, it's still a *video game*. Persona 5's writing is decent enough aside from poor In Medias Res and the whole endgame. I wouldn't call Persona 5 a good game because*playing* it made me fucking miserable.

I'd also note that what most people love about is the music and style: It's not just a story that makes a game.

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Ch.8 done. Ivy definitely took a few rewinds to figure out whew.

I did not get a single Support Convo out of that. IntSys why did you make the gains only between units that are immediately next to each other?

We march on Elusia when I get back from work.

Also I'm hearing horror stories about Ch.11


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