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Well, that was fun. I am only hoping that the set-in-stone 4 chapter structure of the originla is gone now - Osvald's chapter 2 was way too short. Didn't even have a boss at the end! All chapters religiously placed a boss at the end of each chapter in OT1, even when they had to reach for it, so I'm guessing they're letting themselves have more flexibility when it comes to this.

Might tackle some more characters in the coming days. See how they handle themselves. Perhaps Ochette can win me over yet, not that I have much hope in her as a character or her story as a concept.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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I swear, every JP made FE4 mod is artiticial difficulty at every turn. Like, why? Is it fun for them to imagine the players constantly getting screwed by some BS generally speaking? 

Like, geez lay off the jankiness, please!

Edited by Lightcosmo
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5 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I swear, every JP made FE4 mod is artiticial difficulty at every turn. Like, why? Is it fun for them to imagine the players constantly getting screwed by some BS generally speaking? 

Like, geez lay off the jankiness, please!

Because there's no toher way to make Fe4 difficult

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It turns out you can buy infinite Master Seals once you reach Chapter 18, so it would be optimal to promote everyone now. On the other hand, I don't know how many free Master Seals will be available in the future, and you can't sell them so any extras bought would be wasted money. Hmm...

Also I finally met the random old man himself, though Rubenio made me think he was a Berserker by default.

21 hours ago, Armagon said:

She is. Atelier Iris doesn't actually have a character named Iris as the protagonist. Except the third game, the protagonist actually is named Iris in that one.

That's interesting, I assumed each game was named after its protagonist. So what do the Iris games have in common then, if not the main character?

21 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm fortunate to not be into Trails. Sorry to say it.

There's nothing fortunate about not being into Trails, IO.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ayy someone got it.

I'll admit I didn't take you for a Vinesauce viewer, so I wasn't sure if you were intentionally referencing Bogan or if you coincidentally came up with the same bootleg-Hulk Hogan name.

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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It turns out you can buy infinite Master Seals once you reach Chapter 18, so it would be optimal to promote everyone now. On the other hand, I don't know how many free Master Seals will be available in the future, and you can't sell them so any extras bought would be wasted money. Hmm...

I'm pretty sure that is the point you stop acquiring Master/Second Seals outside buying them. I don't recall ever gaining another of either after they became infinite to buy.

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The hardware has changed from the two-screen DS, and we have to admit that it will take more time to create a new “Etrian Odyssey.”

Atlus confirms the franchise is going to stay alive beyond ports. Good to hear it after years of silence.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oh, and I almost forgot! There's a fast-forward button in the game. Always a welcome addition in these slower kinds of games. It'll make random encounters more palatable.

What also make random encounters more palatable is the ability available from the start to set encounter rate, "normal", "low", none at all, or so high that you'd be getting into one with practically every step. No need to explore looking for chests with them bothering you, you could compensate for the lack of EXP/JP/money by setting it to "high" in a little grindfest immediately before or after. Tomoya Asano was the producer for Bravely Default, which had a such a thing, why he didn't bring this to Octopath befuddles me. Going back to a mere skill that you have to unlock lowers the encounter rate somewhat was a mistake. 


58 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Bro I played 90% of WarioWare on a single bus ride to uni.

I had the game on my 3DS, I never finished it. Some of the later microgames got too difficult for me.

Though I suppose when it's merely a minigame collection, there is only so much you can do. The Wii game probably has the most replayability, since I think it had multiplayer. 


24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Because there's no toher way to make Fe4 difficult

The map design is the victim of the sheer size and openness. The continental fields aren't impossible to weave strategy into, yet a lot of it was big battalion blobs of units, often with fancy names attached to them, marching right towards you. The solution to which would either be having a broken unit solo the horde, or if you didn't have such a unit, chipping the approaching army's fringes at it came closer, and afterwards using everyone to eradicate it in one turn.


11 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

There's nothing fortunate about not being into Trails, IO.

If you can find me a cliff from which I can view time objectively and see when this story ends in English, I'll give it try a 1 & 1/2 years before that concluding date.

11 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

That's interesting, I assumed each game was named after its protagonist. So what do the Iris games have in common then, if not the main character?

There is an Iris in each game.


But only the third one is playable. The first has been dead for centuries, the second as you see is an enigmatic child. Both are plot-important.

In retrospect, the games also represent a more "normal JRPG" turn for the Atelier franchise. Though a couple silly Atelier staples endure.

In lore, the first two games at least share an emphasis on Mana as the magical substance of the universe, and magical creatures called Mana whom alchemists require as their partners in alchemy. Their worlds are totally separate however. These first two games also have a system of 13-14 Elements used in gameplay alchemy, with a few of the Elements differing. -The third game I have only just begun, Mana and Mana beings don't so far appear to be important, although the latter were mentioned.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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20 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:




12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Atelier Iris 3

Ya know

I remember the opening of it being stuck in my head for a while


14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

he solution to which would either be having a broken unit solo the horde

Ced moment

Sigurd Moment

Any hold blood tbh

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

yet a lot of it was big battalion blobs of units

Kaga blocks ™️ 

The biggest thing i am glad we don't get much of anymore

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The map design is the victim of the sheer size and openness

The mod im playing does not have this issue, enemies (about 30 in chapter 1 lmao) are LITERALLY right on top of your home castle. 

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Why is there a goddamn lost woods section in a beat em up?

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Wii game probably has the most replayability, since I think it had multiplayer. 

The original also has it.

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ah dang. i accidentally close the emulator before sleep. now i have to repeat Berwick chapter one again and pray no one dies again... auto-save really is best invention 


6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

She is calling them "Onii-sama" and"Onee-sama" xD

bruh.. i was joking, but she really do that huh lmao. i guess her fans for this month is eating good. because now she spawn more of here


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No yeah, this isn't a game that you can expect to be an expert at from the outset. Everything starts to click as you play more. Or at least, that was my experience - and I didn't even read the tutorials!

become expert through repeat practice and failure is one thing. not telling the game mechanic even though they are deep, complex, and already in full swing is another thing.

at this point reading those not makes much different anyway. since the tutorial saying basic stuff you already can guess. this really is like playing dark soul 1 all over again.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Other weapons, marked by a "x2" symbol, grant consecutive attacks, like a FE brave weapon. However, if you take damage, you don't get an extra attack.

I am horrible at explaining things, so I can only hope this makes any sense. It's a lot to take in, I know. Berwick's a rather complex game and it can feel daunting going in. But it's well worth getting used to. In my opinion, at least.

that part about sword is understanable actually. since its actually written in the weapon. (yes, i read every weapon, any souls fan must do that much at least) just what trigger counter and cancel counter that confuse me before. since the battle forecast shows the defender has attack value but they just stood there

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Look at that beautiful cutscene. All the little soldiers, the houses and the civilians. FE has never had cutscenes this pretty. Even Engage, visually great as it otherwise is, still suffers from cutscenes consisting of models performing stock animations in front of distorted JPEGs. Then there's this game having a full-on army standing on the sidelines.

this one i must agree. i thought Engage already get rid that distorted JPEG background, but evidently not. this part of Berwick remind me of Suikoden 2. and yes thats a praise.

kinda weird IntSys never do much with their battle model + map, in terms of cutscenes. Even SRW had long scripted scenes where the model move around the battlefield/map doing stuff. maybe because they insist on portraying close up model for cutscenes

Edited by joevar
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So turns out Nintendo published their reason as to why Tears of the Kingdom is $70 and it's literally "we felt like it lol".

To be exact, they said it's a case-by-case basis. Which tbf, seeing as how the Metroid Prime remaster is $40, might actually track.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

So turns out Nintendo published their reason as to why Tears of the Kingdom is $70 and it's literally "we felt like it lol".

To be exact, they said it's a case-by-case basis. Which tbf, seeing as how the Metroid Prime remaster is $40, might actually track.

They must be confident its gonna sell!

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I beat WarioWare.

Idk how the fuck to even write a review about it, it's just games.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

She wasn't in Iris 2 BTW.

Wouldn't be the last time. She's completely absent in Dusk. Same for Hagel though he hasn't shown up in Secret either.

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You know, seeing how amazing the writing of Engage truly was I wouldn’t be surprised if this was how the villains of the Fell Xenologue showed off how intimidating they are:


Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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