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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Adana? Iskamba? Or just classic Kebab?

I believe I've tried out all three of those already. I've tried a good bunch of what the restaurant offers, but I believe I've a couple dishes left yet. So we'll see when the time comes!

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Drinking some Sahlep as well?

Sadly, I don't believe that's available here. How does that go?

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's a milky drink with coconut, cinnamon and nuts. I love it.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salep more infor on the orchids used in the powder

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that sounds so good! Such a shame it's not a thing in this restaurant, and there's like, no more in this city. Oof...

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know. It looks good for me and I have nothing much else to play (lol Gaiden, it's not as surprisingly all right as FE1 was I'm afraid), but 60 bucks with no possibility of Carrefour Gaming because lol playing the inferior version on the Switch makes me hesitate. It seems there's actually going to be a Steam sale right on top of Octopath's release, but I somehow doubt a triple A game made by Square is going on sale at release.

I suppose we'll see. There's still a good 12 days left.

What else would you be spending 60 bucks on? Not Castti, that’s what. For shame.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I kinda like how anachronistic his tale seems to be. Other characters are in your usual fantasy middle ages, meanwhile Partitio is living the industrial revolution. In America! I wonder if he can use guns for the true America experience.

Partitio’s latent power is Second Amendment, which lets him use all gun skills for 0 SP. If someone calls bullshit, they are deported and can no longer enter his starting area.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I actually missed the fact that she was missing, then saw her in the list the next time I looked at it and assumed she had always been there haha.

She wasn’t missing, I switched her and Partitio.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Castti is "doctor who lives to save others" that is also an amnesiac with a (likely dark) past

Can confirm.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

that could go in any direction. Temenos is "asshole detective" of sorts with an interesting relationship with his religion. Partitio is "slimeball salesman" who is also a genuinely generous man who wishes to save others from poverty.

By contrast, Hikari seems like a bog standard stoic samurai type, Agnea seems like a bog standard cheery performer type, and Ochette seems like a bog standard cute-and-quirky animal waifu. No other side to these ones... Again, at first glance. I'm going to give them their chance. I mean, duh, there aren't that many characters in the game.

You skipped Throné in this little write up.

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If nothing else, they should be fun to use in combat. After seeing sorcerer's shiny new skill list, I look forward to inspecting the other jobs. Especially since I just discovered that a never-before-seen job can already be found in the demo.


32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's way too early for the super jobs, so perhaps there's more jobs than playable characters this time around!

Inb4 they lied to us and this game is Nonopath Traveler.


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I believe I already saw that you mentioned not using Sylvis at one point because she was "way ahead", I'm assuming in experience? Which is not only inadvisable, it's also flat out wrong. Sylvis's class may be "sniper", but promotion doesn't affect experience gains, and in fact you want to level Sylvis to 10 sooner than later.

Objectively speaking, Volo is way better, yes. He's more expensive to compensate, but he's one of the best combat units in the game, and Deathmatch only makes him even better. Faye needs a TON of work to get to his level.

Reese has his moments.

To be fair, Gariad is weaker than the other two in combat, even if his level is higher for some reason.

You do that and you are dead. I will kill you myself.


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Good Joevar. Good Joevar.


Well, that's great!

I suppose that's fair enough. It's a game that takes some getting used to. It's not that much of a problem for me, but then, I will admit I liberally use emulator speed-up whenever it's an option. I am not a patient man.

Pretty sure i said volo, not silvis. Because i always use sylvis to the point her compact bow breaks quite early. I mean, the ability to cripple in a a game where crippled enemies mean experience and gears , is tempting.

Edit: just remembered "way ahead" as in she's already near where valentin position while zallius just pop out in that turn. So by the time silvys backtrack, either he already dead or someone else died to him

But alright i will use ward, volo, and stop using shitty country knight anymore. Especially a horseman that dont have horse.. pfft

Maybe its because they are not in fancy getup, that i fail to pick objectively better unit to sortie. Unlike in SRW where the objectively better unit usually ride the most fancy robot with long animation attack

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What else would you be spending 60 bucks on? Not Castti, that’s what. For shame.

I can have



Or I can have



2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Partitio’s latent power is Second Amendment, which lets him use all gun skills for 0 SP. If someone calls bullshit, they are deported and can no longer enter his starting area.

That's what his shared sidequest with Osvald is actually about. Osvald says gun control and gets sent to prison again.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

She wasn’t missing, I switched her and Partitio.

Oh. Yeah, didn't notice that... Oof.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Can confirm.

You skipped Throné in this little write up.


I mean, she's kind of a bog standard femme fatale too, but the whole "go up against her own family" thing seems rather interesting, so it's okay.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Inb4 they lied to us and this game is Nonopath Traveler.

lol if only.

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3 minutes ago, joevar said:

Pretty sure i said volo, not silvis. Because i always use sylvis to the point her compact bow breaks quite early. I mean, the ability to cripple in a a game where crippled enemies mean experience and gears , is tempting.

Sylvis is the character everyone falls in love when they play Berwick. I include myself here. Coolest bow user in any FE or KagaSaga.

3 minutes ago, joevar said:

Edit: just remembered "way ahead" as in she's already near where valentin position while zallius just pop out in that turn. So by the time silvys backtrack, either he already dead or someone else died to him

Ahh, all right. Forgive me, I misunderstood.

3 minutes ago, joevar said:

But alright i will use ward, volo, and stop using shitty country knight anymore. Especially a horseman that dont have horse.. pfft

I mean, I'm not saying to just use prepromotes either. Just know when to take potshots with your lesser units and when to unleash ragnarok. Fleeing thieves are enemies you want accurate options against. There's where you want a Volo, Dean or Ward lying around.

Also, don't underestimate Sherlock. His start is dreadful, but that's more because early bows suck and Sylvis exists with all her exclusive high-tier gear. If you stick with Sherlock until he promotes, he actually becomes a super powerful unit.

3 minutes ago, joevar said:

Maybe its because they are not in fancy getup, that i fail to pick objectively better unit to sortie. Unlike in SRW where the objectively better unit usually ride the most fancy robot with long animation attack

Hahaha, characters in Berwick do look more mundane, for the most part. They're just people.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can have



Or I can have


They say money can’t buy happiness, but, well, they didn’t know about Osvald Octopath.

Also I’m just now noticing that the guy he mugged is on the ground in his nighttime artwork. And getting a proper look at his outfit. He is quite the interesting combo of traits, isn’t he. He kinda feels like what Walter White would be in a fantasy setting. Now I can have Breaking Bad and Omori on my team!

50 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, she's kind of a bog standard femme fatale too, but the whole "go up against her own family" thing seems rather interesting, so it's okay.

Yeah, pretty much.

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Oh wait, that's so good.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

So, what are you fine gentlemen going to be up to this coming Singles Awareness Day?


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe what happens is, Dean's leg is bent the wrong way, so when Izerna uses her staff on him, his bones are repaired but they're still bent the wrong way, so Dean merely suffers agonizing pain while still being severely impaired.

That's..... actually a really good explanation.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Singles Awareness Day is on the 15th.


Then I am at uni.


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's what his shared sidequest with Osvald is actually about. Osvald says gun control and gets sent to prison again.

The funniest part of this joke isn’t even the punchline, it’s me struggling not to make a way too dark joke in response to this hypothetical.

Edited by Sooks
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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage fixing Fates cast??

Like i am even liking Corn here wtf

…I…I want to…say…Shrimp…SHRIMP…!


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45 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage fixing Fates cast??

Like i am even liking Corn here wtf

The crossover effect: characters are better somehow outside their own game.

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I think Engage Chapter 21 got a liiiiiittle too enthusiastic about reinforcements. You should try to gun for the boss as soon as possible if you don't want twenty enemies showing up in one turn. As for the plot:


I never thought I'd be sad about Marni dying... She did her best, Lumera bless her soul. I will destroy Zephia with the force of a thousand suns.

So Alear died, but they had a clever way of reviving her instead of using "the power of friendship" or something. Veyle previously mentioned that she was better at making Corrupted than Sombron is, but I didn't think that would come up again. When you introduce a special power in the first act, you have to fire it by the third... or something like that. It's basic writing! If this was Trails, it would be fired two games from now.

In another twist, it turns out Alear was good and Lumera's "daughter" before she got amnesia. Maybe she was a psychopath then, but she only liked murdering evildoers?

Lastly, while I haven't started Chapter 22 yet, it seems Veyle will keep both of her personal weapons when she becomes playable, which I wasn't expecting. She truly is a chad.

I will do Chapter 22 tomorrow, since I feel like a did a lot in the past few days.

22 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Do you all think the Engage manga may actually go as far as introduce the Pact Ring? If so, would Alear actually give it to someone...?

IS would rather go bankrupt than make a canon pairing nowadays, so probably not.

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The duality of memes.

2 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Lucina is better in Awakening than Engage imo. Xd

I agree but you know, there's precedent.

Like Tharja is a better character in TMS than in Awakening.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

agree but you know, there's precedent.

Like Tharja is a better character in TMS than in Awakening

I thought it would be fair to say that not every character improved. Xd 

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