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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But that does mean they won't run off in some random direction and ruin any plans you might have. You can even block the road with your units to slow them down and buy some time.

yeah, and they try to stop and heal anyone in their path. at least they know how to be a good priest


1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Get used to it, Berwick likes its Assassin's later on, almost always with loaded inventories.



2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, to be fair, if this were a normal FE the LTC pro thing to do would be to just leave. Berwick Saga is probably the only time you'll find the game actively encouraging you to be a casual and take things slower. Plus, experience is more scarce here than in FE, so there is merit to waiting out reinforcements. Therefore, technically I was right!

yeah, not to mention Faye had epic sidequest prelude here, so i cant pass up the chance to grind her lvl up 2-3 times here. 

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't feel bad. Garos is one of the hardest bounties to get, between his Hide skill, how quickly he leaves and how terrifying he is at this point of the game. Most people miss him the first time around.

speaking of which, since his bounty is very high, here comes second attempt


first hit from ward who had full health to withstand the critical, then final hit-in-the-nail courtesy of Arthur's Desperados

am i getting good at this game? the thought frighten me.. this is Dark souls flashback all over again for me.


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14 minutes ago, joevar said:


Indeed, that is the correct reaction to Berwick assassins.

14 minutes ago, joevar said:

yeah, not to mention Faye had epic sidequest prelude here, so i cant pass up the chance to grind her lvl up 2-3 times here. 

Hahaha, quite, quite.

14 minutes ago, joevar said:

speaking of which, since his bounty is very high, here comes second attempt


first hit from ward who had full health to withstand the critical, then final hit-in-the-nail courtesy of Arthur's Desperados


Way to go! Good thinking, applying some Endgame Ready Beard to the problem.

14 minutes ago, joevar said:


am i getting good at this game? the thought frighten me.. this is Dark souls flashback all over again for me.


It won't be long now till everything starts to click in your mind.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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uhh so many mercenary to recruit, so little deployment slot


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dang. Meanwhile I'm an only child with a single aunt and a single uncle lol

You got any siblings of your own, if you don't mind me asking?

oh forgot about this question: only one. people would think that someone with that many uncle and aunt from both sides means i would have at least a couple sibling myself...  nope, just 2 of us.

and i dont want to know the reason either

its not that uncommon / common practice in my country to have many children especially back in the days where the parents born before my country gain independence....

you could even say this is practically classic FE/fantasy RPG plot where humans are oppressed/at war with strong dragon or something, and the humans got numbers on their side to fight the strong (but limited in number) oppressor. heh

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1 minute ago, joevar said:

uhh so many mercenary to recruit, so little deployment slot

One of Berwick's better system's i think. 
They reward you for rotating units but they don't outright punish you for NOT doing so, either. They struck a good balance i think.

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21 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Wait... wouldn't this include Ward, though? XD

No, because Ward is balanced. And he has an Endgame Ready Beard.

...honestly though, most everyone in Berwick is balanced. I didn't use Dean because he didn't really pique my interest as a character much, but I did use him on my second run and some runs after and I was happy with him.

18 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Also Ruben, i didn't field Dean often either first playthrough, i was just trying different units for fun and he got put in that map. It was sheer happenstance.

Haha, lucky coincidence, then!

12 minutes ago, joevar said:

uhh so many mercenary to recruit, so little deployment slot

Rotate them if you want. I tried once to challenge myself to only deploy each unit once per chapter. I ended up accidentally recruiting everyone, a feat I hadn't managed until then. Promoted all but four units, too.

It's a really fun way to play Berwick, since people don't fall off from missing maps nearly as badly as they do in FE.

12 minutes ago, joevar said:

oh forgot about this question: only one. people would think that someone with that many uncle and aunt from both sides means i would have at least a couple sibling myself...  nope, just 2 of us.

and i dont want to know the reason either

its not that uncommon / common practice in my country to have many children especially back in the days where the parents born before my country gain independence....

you could even say this is practically classic FE/fantasy RPG plot where humans are oppressed/at war with strong dragon or something, and the humans got numbers on their side to fight the strong (but limited in number) oppressor. heh

Oh dear... Well, thank you for indulging my curiosity.

10 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

One of Berwick's better system's i think. 
They reward you for rotating units but they don't outright punish you for NOT doing so, either. They struck a good balance i think.

Yeah, the game's handling of mercenaries and permanent recruitment is one of the coolest things about it.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Alright i know people are gonna ask about the Three Houses dropoff. There's two reasons i feel it happened.

  1. Over the last few years, my tastes in gaming has subtly shifted a bit more towards valuing gameplay a little bit more (of course it's not a rigid system, like always, it depends). This list may change as i revisit the other games.
  2. I've come to the realization that i'd rather replay half the series before coming back to Three Houses. This isn't to say i'd never replay anything in B-tier and this isn't to say that things need to be replayable for it to go in A (again it depends) but when it comes to Fire Emblem, i'm way more willing to replay the stuff in A-tier than in B-tier. Yes even Rev feels more replayable to me than Three Houses.
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, because Ward is balanced. And he has an Endgame Ready Beard.

...honestly though, most everyone in Berwick is balanced. I didn't use Dean because he didn't really pique my interest as a character much, but I did use him on my second run and some runs after and I was happy with him.

Balanced/endgame ready. XD

They have very few chars i found not too enjoyable to field so that's a good sign!

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, the game's handling of mercenaries and permanent recruitment is one of the coolest things about it.


Just now, Armagon said:


Alright i know people are gonna ask about the Three Houses dropoff. There's two reasons i feel it happened.

  1. Over the last few years, my tastes in gaming has subtly shifted a bit more towards valuing gameplay a little bit more (of course it's not a rigid system, like always, it depends). This list may change as i revisit the other games.
  2. I've come to the realization that i'd rather replay half the series before coming back to Three Houses. This isn't to say i'd never replay anything in B-tier and this isn't to say that things need to be replayable for it to go in A (again it depends) but when it comes to Fire Emblem, i'm way more willing to replay the stuff in A-tier. Yes even Rev feels more replayable to me than Three Houses.

*Hover's over to Armagon's favorite FE*


RD still number one! lmao

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I'm reminded my dad has a lot of cousins. My grandfather had six brothers, who in turn had 6-7 children each. My grandfather only had 3, however.

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1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

RD still number one! lmao

Engage stans being oppressed by the forest (they can't select it as their favorite game yet).

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm reminded my dad has a lot of cousins.

Meanwhile my dad has several siblings and some JoJo shit happened because most of them have a variation of the same name. My grandfather on his side really liked his own name it seems.

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Just now, Lightcosmo said:

What? Why? That's silly but i did not realise that, i apologise for that!

Cosmo it's a joke, i was memeing.

It is true that we can't select Engage as a favorite FE yet. I just wanted to make it more dramatic.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Cosmo it's a joke, i was memeing.

It is true that we can't select Engage as a favorite FE yet. I just wanted to make it more dramatic.

Well... that was my mistake then! 

I guess i don't catch onto jokes all that quickly. XD

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Alright what's one of this week's film assign-

>Watch and analyze Children of Men


This is the second stupid-ass shitty dystopian movie in a row. I do not care, this genre sucks ass, it's garbage. "Oh look how shitty everything is" yeah i can do that myself, it's called "turning on the news".

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53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, the game's handling of mercenaries and permanent recruitment is one of the coolest things about it.

seems like sooner or later i need to see guides on who to pick for particular chapter sidequest..


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50 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright i know people are gonna ask about the Three Houses dropoff. T

3H has a similar funny effect on me, where at start i really loved it, and was my fav. for a while, but the more i think about it....

Especially after Copes.

Only the cast didn't go down in my eyes.

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

ve come to the realization that i'd rather replay half the series before coming back to Three Houses

Me who only replays Fates:

And hopefully Engage will join Fates. I wanna do a replay already ngl, but waiting on it a bit

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

3H has a similar funny effect on me, where at start i really loved it, and was my fav. for a while, but the more i think about it....

Three Houses is really good the first time.

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if only you need to choose who you sides with near the end of White clouds, so you only need to load Savegame that stop there rather than going through all of it again. im sure it will be more palatable

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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Balanced/endgame ready. XD

Absolutely. The very fact that this sentence is unironically true is the reason Ward is a brilliantly designed unit.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

seems like sooner or later i need to see guides on who to pick for particular chapter sidequest..


Not really. Any time you need to use a character for an objective or a sidequest, the game says it in a cutscene. There is very little guide-baity stuff in this game. The only exception that comes to mind is a single character's promotion event, which requires they be fielded in a specific map, without warning. And to be fair, that character is very well suited for that map, so you might end up deploying them yourself anyway.

...Speaking of that, want me to tell you?

47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Three Houses is really good the first time.

Little known fact: I actually loved the game for most of my first run. It was around the end of it that the issues started to become glaring, and I ended up dropping it on the final chapter. Then I came back and beat it so I could go NG+ for Maddening, the difficulty I expected to fix the game's issues for me. Maddening was a pile of shit, unplaytested difficulty and soured my opinion on the game greatly. Then any time I tried going back to it the massive problems only became more and more difficult to overlook.

The game does a good job of distracting you with lots of bells and whistles so you don't notice there is no map design. But I always find it funny when people talk about its "replayability", because if anything it's one of the least replayable FEs. Units all feel the same, the routes are identical for 60% or more of their runtime, the monastery is exactly the same every time and again, no map design. Even when it comes to story, what's the point of doing both Verdant Wind and Silver Snow? They're pretty much just copypastes of each other!

3 minutes ago, joevar said:

if only you need to choose who you sides with near the end of White clouds, so you only need to load Savegame that stop there rather than going through all of it again. im sure it will be more palatable

It would at least make replaying for the four routes reasonable. It's fine to replay the game if you liked it that much, I mean, I've played Berwick how many times? But I see lots of people actively force themselves to replay, even long after they've stopped having fun with the game, because the game says it has four routes. Gotta see all the content! Even if the changes are roughly about as impactful as Sacred Stones's route split!

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