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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's the problem with RD's proc skills and not the concept of skills

But you have to consider that as the system there isnt an "in theory" since thats what we are stuck with. And giving every enemy Nihil would make they system pretty boring haha.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is why you mug everyone.

The pain of getting Osvald last from where you start. It's not even mugging that that's painful, it's no evasive maneuvers. I wonder if having had it the whole time would have made me less overleveled.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



Ā  Hide contents


Unless proven otherwise, I think the collar is just a symbolic thing. She needs to kill Mother and Father because if she doesn't, they'll come after her. To earn her freedom, the Blacksnakes have to disappear.

I mean, that makes more sense, they just lean into the collar a lot.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh God kill it with fire

Idk who you're talking about but the girl with the teddy bear is a ghost so she's already dead technically.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

They have arguably the WORST gap of broken/useless skill overall. XD

Radiant Dawn skills are so funny because they have a side-effect just in case the enemy lives.

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Honestly speaking, the only mastery skill i would keep around (in their current states) is probably Astra. It can miss, it consumes up to 5 weapons, no critical hits ever. It has more negatives than positives! XD

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1 hour ago, joevar said:

the impostor finally get rekt by cute loli apostle .

Real men kill Jacharam with Derrick.

38 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The pain of getting Osvald last from where you start. It's not even mugging that that's painful, it's no evasive maneuvers. I wonder if having had it the whole time would have made me less overleveled

Yeah, there's a pretty good case to make for Osvald as the best starter, just because of evasive maneuvers. Let me tell you, it makes traveling so much more enjoyable. Now if only Square would just ditch this anachronistic mechanic already

40 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean, that makes more sense, they just lean into the collar a lot.

That is true.

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Idk who you're talking about but the girl with the teddy bear is a ghost so she's already dead technically.


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Played a tiny bit more last night. I noticed the Extra section was already unlocked on the title screen menu.:


I didn't realize the academy was so aloof. Proto-Elysium?


Well this is new. The characters in the back (Support) can either jump in and do a basic attack after a front (Vanguard) character has finished attacking, or they can jump in take the damage when a character is about to be attack. Reminds me of SRW's Support system, but the characters swap Vanguard and Support positions after doing it. Characters now swapped into the back (even if it was done simply by selecting the character switch option on a character's turn) need time to recharge before they can be chained into the front again. So sorta like XC2 Blade-switching as well.

Delegating gathering/synthesizing/search doesn't actually take said character out of combat. So there's no reason not to assign tasks it turns out. Curiously, the scheduling board has eight name slots on it, the game's opening showed seven characters. Is there a spoiler-playable they can't show?

Also on characters, there are little optional scenes I've triggered outside of Character Quests that further embellish them. And sometimes they show up after you first synthesize something and make suggestions that unlock another recipe (like Jessica providing the recipe for black powder -she has a tendency to make her alchemizing attempts accidentally go BOOM!).


11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Interesting. I've known that's her last name but is Mana Khemia the first time it's stated?

I didn't see it in either Iris 1 or 3, and 2 doesn't have her (although Tolena greatly resembles her visually and in demeanor, if alive). So there is a good chance it is. She didn't say her last name aloud, but it's there on Pamela's status screen page in the menu. All the heroes are given a last name in Mana Khemia.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

So of the 25 Atelier games, 9 have had time-limits. 15* have not.

You might be able to fluff up the time-limit count by at least one, possibly three.

Although they count as spinoffs, Gust chose to make a trio of Atelier games featuring brand-new protagonists on the Nintendo DS, what we might able to call the "DS Trilogy" for lack of a shared titular location (although they do seem to share a world). This was unlike all Gust's prior spinoff games, which seem to have been Salburg derivatives. And I know Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island does have a time limit.

-I mention this more b/c I just wanted to say that it was *takes my daily old-person medication* Annie that actually made me aware of the Atelier franchise. Back when I saw the game described in Nintendo Power magazine loooooong ago. Oddly, only Annie, the middle game of the DS trio, got officially translated and released abroad; Lise of Orde the alpha and Lina of Strahl the omega remain Japan-only.

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

I have seen some older Atelier fans lament the lack of time-limits in the newer games, which is very interesting when the games that don't have them outnumber the ones you do. To be fair though, Lilie and all of Gramnad is essentially uncharted territory for anybody who doesn't know Japanese. And Iris is considered to be an outlier in the series because of, you know.

....nah but for real, i remember looking up pre-release reactions to Atelier Lulua, since at the time it was unprecedented. Mostly positive but i saw a few people who were genuinely mad that they would "do this to an Arland title", referring to the lack of a time-limit.

I guess this says something about when the international fanbase began taking off? Since you can't assume people will go back and check the circumstances of the games they haven't played.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Real men kill Jacharam with Derrick.

i guess im not real men then. just a fake, imaginary man.


there, another one. you cant stop the loli cute apostle now.

real talk tho, Saphira really get the same Roy syndrome huh. get stunted growth due to promotion thats dictated by plot, and a late one at that. Despite the rather high ceiling of growth and rather good Prf weapon. (her magic is the highest of all my unit in the end of the game) *yes, i use her to sweep the gigas knight too along the other mage girl.

Edited by joevar
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I already know Smogon is gonna ban this one, the cowards.

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The characters in the back (Support) can either jump in and do a basic attack after a front (Vanguard) character has finished attacking, or they can jump in take the damage when a character is about to be attack. Reminds me of SRW's Support system, but the characters swap Vanguard and Support positions after doing it. Characters now swapped into the back (even if it was done simply by selecting the character switch option on a character's turn) need time to recharge before they can be chained into the front again. So sorta like XC2 Blade-switching as well.

There it is, the progenitor of the Escha & Logy/Shallie battle system. I think Lydie & Suelle and Lulua use variants of it as well but not as robust.

Also worth noting, in these games, there is no recharge after swapping.

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oddly, only Annie, the middle game of the DS trio, got officially translated and released abroad; Lise of Orde the alpha and Lina of Strahl the omega remain Japan-only.

I knew of Annie's existence but I didn't know about the other two.

Wonder how they fare.

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14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Unlike your Boy, your girl still has staff ultility and silence

true. the moment she promoted, i perma bench izerna. altho that silence is just way too stingy. 1 turn use for 10 turn cooldown is just mean. when the razite priest at this point keep appearing each turn or theres just outright a bunch of them already present ready to use their orb from far away.

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Berwick Saga chapter 11 & 12:Ā Turning Point

Yet another "hold this place for a while then retreat before the enemy overrun you" map. And this ch.11 is the worst one so far. Not because of the map design itself, or even the objective. Its just that the Reinforcement at the start of turn 20 are just ridiculously strong and numerous, delaying it like similar maps before this just become nonsense. Fortuantely ch.12 is interesting, finally Reese and us player get to take the initiative and score big time. In a sense still trying to fix someone else problem/mistake, but hey this time its taking one of big bad with its sizeable territory instead of just repelling enemy like usual.

Gameplay are very challenging for the most part. And funnily enough, both the main story chapter kinda tame compared to the extra, smaller, but also essential inter- chapter map. Opposite of the usual where main story is where the frustration lies. Ch.11-1 and Ch.12-1 is just race against time with limited option, bad terrain, and nasty hidden enemies. Personally i find 12-1 final leg way harder than 11-1, due to high amount of Assasins and debuff user that you just cant avoid. While 11-1 is harder at the start before crossing the cliff.

i mean.. i even forgot to take proper Screen-capture for both the main story chapter. just shows that im not that excited about that map. altho its not bad either.

Story started to get even more juicy and very delicious. The kind of plot that i really dig in this kind of setting, with the correct amount plot twist and great pacing too. Nothing can be said other than Very Great!

chapter(s) extras



that dragon is cheating.. why the hell it has almost all resistance. with the lowest being fire (iirc) and enid not promoted yet to use fire orb...


then she promoted after that sidequest... BRUH MOMENT.Ā 


i like how the princess actually very decisive, unlike her brother.


what the.. we going robin hood now?!

oh wait, the one chasing the robin hood is now the one who wield bow, not the other way around, lol


i didnt see this coming, decent soap opera at least. also gotta love their portrait must be intentionally switched by the designer. the one with douchebag face is the one who's actually the good guy, while the gentle face is the freak one.


at this point, WHO IS NOT Tianna acquaintance/friend within the whole narvia...



i spent 3 hours retrying... even backtracking from this 15 turn save point to the 10 turn save point, then reach another 15 save point to figure out the optimal route... when turns out the very first time i reach turn 15 and made a save , i can already use Reese to went past through Saphira and just kill Rasputin with Gram. why did i even bother do anything else.. sigh.Ā 

sylvis always guaranteed dying in every map from this point onward, why do people like her so much

Chapter 11-12;Ā Ā StoryĀ 9.5/turning point,Ā GameplayĀ 8.5/assassins ass

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

So are you saying they should basically make their mobs "puzzles"? Rather than just having them placed randomly on the map?

More or less. Since Engage just dumped shit on me that was incredibly easy for me to bait without an lot of consequences or it was slightly mixed without any red flags. To be fair, I did run into an guy with an Ridersbane; but that Royal Knight (I think) was part of an wave of reinforcements and he actually killed himself to someone that had an Ridersbane on. It was kind of funny, but still.


I know that they can't really provide an lethal combination of skills or an rallybot in Engage; but so far, it's mostly just using an slightly mixed group of generics with either an Qi Adept to prevent me from quickly cutting through them or being overwhelmed by chain attacks. I was kind of expecting something more than the silver weapons and the occasional spear, but I'm slightly past the halfway point, so who knows?

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How do cheats on games even work on modded DS systems, like what other buttons can you press that don't already have a function in the game?

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just now you're asking where is the color in the region that names its cities after colors?

I'm talking about the plant

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Just wrote a paper on Kino in Boots: The Last Wish. I love it when the professor says "pick a film" for the weekly writing assignment, cause i get to do it on an actually good movie and not the boring one we watched on Monday (Halloween 1978).


I still haven't watched this film yet but I want to just to rub it into Avatar: The Way of Noble Savage archetype over here.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't believe you would say such a controversial thing.

Heads up, we'll be seeing the last of her today and tomorrow.

7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The lighter shade of purple on the roofs there look fairly close to Lavender, unless you meant the flower.

I grew up around that plant which is why I was disappointed to see it not in the town itself, it has such a lovely smell.

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11 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

I'm talking about the plant


I grew up around that plant which is why I was disappointed to see it not in the town itself, it has such a lovely smell.

Ah, I see.

Yeah, if you want towns named after plants/flowers, that's Johto. Kanto is colors.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Got something against Teddy Bears?

No, not teddy bears. Teddy bears are cool.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

i guess im not real men then. just a fake, imaginary man.

Too true. The Joevar is a lie.

1 hour ago, joevar said:


there, another one. you cant stop the loli cute apostle now.

She's not even half as cute as Derrick, I'll have you know.

1 hour ago, joevar said:

real talk tho, Saphira really get the same Roy syndrome huh. get stunted growth due to promotion thats dictated by plot, and a late one at that. Despite the rather high ceiling of growth and rather good Prf weapon. (her magic is the highest of all my unit in the end of the game) *yes, i use her to sweep the gigas knight too along the other mage girl.

Well, she does have the ability to heal and be a distraction thanks to her casual mode. That's not much, but it's more than Roy can say lol

28 minutes ago, joevar said:

Fortuantely ch.12 is interesting, finally Reese and us player get to take the initiative and score big time. In a sense still trying to fix someone else problem/mistake, but hey this time its taking one of big bad with its sizeable territory instead of just repelling enemy like usual.


Yeah, one of the things I love about Berwick's story is how it manages to raise the stakes gradually while firmly keeping Reese irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

28 minutes ago, joevar said:

Story started to get even more juicy and very delicious. The kind of plot that i really dig in this kind of setting, with the correct amount plot twist and great pacing too. Nothing can be said other than Very Great!


29 minutes ago, joevar said:

that dragon is cheating.. why the hell it has almost all resistance. with the lowest being fire (iirc) and enid not promoted yet to use fire orb...

The devs probably intended for the player to run from it.

30 minutes ago, joevar said:

i like how the princess actually very decisive, unlike her brother.

Sienna is awesome. If she had just a bit more screentime, she'd be perfect.

30 minutes ago, joevar said:

i didnt see this coming, decent soap opera at least. also gotta love their portrait must be intentionally switched by the designer. the one with douchebag face is the one who's actually the good guy, while the gentle face is the freak one.

You know, I had never stopped to think about it, but... yeah, you're so right.

31 minutes ago, joevar said:

at this point, WHO IS NOT Tianna acquaintance/friend within the whole narvia...

The queen probably has tea parties with her.

31 minutes ago, joevar said:


i spent 3 hours retrying... even backtracking from this 15 turn save point to the 10 turn save point, then reach another 15 save point to figure out the optimal route... when turns out the very first time i reach turn 15 and made a save , i can already use Reese to went past through Saphira and just kill Rasputin with Gram. why did i even bother do anything else.. sigh.Ā 

Yeah, at this point I would've simply rushed Rasputin, personally. All those garbage bags just aren't worth the effort.

31 minutes ago, joevar said:

sylvis always guaranteed dying in every map from this point onward, why do people like her so much

I mean, if you're getting her attacked it's your own fault, she's an archer lolololol

All jokes aside, she does fall off a bit in the lategame, compared to the other archers, but she's so much better than her competition - and just amazing in general - for like 80% of the game that it just doesn't matter much.

24 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Heads up, we'll be seeing the last of her today and tomorrow.

The end of Three Homes. No more homes. Everyone is homeless now.

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jokes aside

Shes certainly better than other archer, but somehow she keep getting bad luck and ruined my run by dying in the most... how do i say explain it..

Oh. Lets just say my whole rant before happen because of sylvis. Yes, all because of trying to save her.

I just use faramir in the end for archer. Not enough spare bow for 2nd archer anyway.

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

to run

Yeah, considering the dragon even show up outside the cave chasing player after picking the sword.. thats pretty much theĀ  intention here

30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

while firmly keeping Reese irrelevant

Ah this. I just know the game will end without the player participating in retaking capital and striking back the empire.. this is one of theĀ  unintentional spoiler i was talking.

Basically i get spoiler that i wont see the razite (extremist) suffer

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