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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She moves if you enter her range, yes. I'm assuming what Shrimpy means is that she charges alongside the rest.

Yup. While still dealing with the damn Wyrms

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Lana and Lene are two different characters, not two different spellings of the same name.

Yeah I know, one is the main and the other is the substitute. 

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Me On The Treadmill Listening To VG Music: 😤


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Castti 3 is the best chapter in the game so far.

I’ll go ahead and leave a spoiler tag here, but no one should really read it (y’all should play this game first).


No like seriously, this story is unironically pretty good. The music is phenomenal as always, the gameplay is quite fun, the art style is gorgeous, some of the characters are pretty cool… yeah. Anyway.


I thought Castti’s first chapter made it overly obvious that Eir’s Apothecaries were connected to a disease that wiped out a town. I did not expect it to have not really been a disease, but a bio-weapon manufactured by a former Eir’s Apothecary turned terrorist. So that was something pretty cool. It’s not that different from a disease, but it does still make this the 2nd time I thought the game was being overly obvious and was just wrong.

The 3rd time… I was right, however. Trousseau was the plague doctor. I guess if I’d done the routes in the other order I would have recognized his VA. But despite that, they made way too big a fuss about him before. If him pre-terrorism was explored more he could’ve been a pretty good villain, but we don’t really get that. Just tiny little pieces. But it makes sense, the game can’t spend forever in Castti’s memories.

Getting to walk around in a Castti flashback was insanely cool. I like how all of the apothecaries got some characterization, except Elma. It made it feel worse when they all died. And then you realize Elma died so the horse could live longer, and it hits the hardest. RIP.

I find it ironic that Malaya ends up being to Castti basically what Ruben predicted Harvey would be to Osvald. This does make sense, because thinking back, no one really acknowledges Malaya in chapter 1 (she shows up without anyone around in chapter 2 tho). There were group discussions around her, but she never contributed or was acknowledged. And imo, this retroactively fixes the problem of Castti remembering who Malaya was but then getting hit with plot convenient headaches so strong they knock her on the ground and she can’t catch up to Malaya as she leaves, or call out to her. Malaya was just a projection from Castti’s fragmented memories, so this was likely just a physical representation of her beginning to remember stuff with Malaya but not getting past that initial point, no matter how hard she tried.

Watching Malaya fade to dust Infinity War style was rough tho. RIP.

The poison rain was kind of weird just because it led to Castti’s amnesia with no indication it could do that. I mean I get Malaya’s medicine stopped Castti from dying like everyone else, but the poison just happens to take your memories on the off chance you survive?

Also, when they realize the rain is dangerous, Castti remarks that they should wear their hoods… and literally no one does until Malaya puts hers on before getting on the horse, but that’s after she walked down the entire mountain with it off. Why, Malaya?

Since the white flower has been set up as a cure for the poison, it’s my prediction that Castti won’t actually be able to stop Trousseau from making poison rain a second time, but will instead make white flower rain and save everyone. And then beat up Trousseau but forgive him, because it’s implied that is where this is going.



Edited by Sooks
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14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, why only now TIL...? XD LOL


I think I posted an image of this once before (I forget when) within this very topic.😆

Oh Japan. And I mean it lovingly without any biting sarcasm.😄

As an aside, I was randomly hopping down the Wikipedia rabbit hole last night, and...


Vitis aestivalis.

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Throné 3 father is also quite good. They went a direction with her “dad” that I wasn’t expecting, although I do like it. His boss sprite is… super ugly, for some reason, so RIP.

Having done both chapters, I can kind of see how players would view them differently as they go through them depending on the order they chose… if they didn’t make one aspect of it so obvious.


Like if you’re gonna do stuff with Throné’s biological mother but want it to be a “twist” in one route that that’s who she is… don’t make them look exactly the same.

Also at some I did Ochette 2 Tera. It was… uneventful and quick, once again. Taking a step back, I can kind of see where Ochette’s story is going and it’s likely that the next chapter will also be pretty eh and the chapter after that could be interesting… or also eh. Time will tell.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:



Last run showed me how terrifying these things are so now it's my turn.

Enemy flier (namely Peg/Falcon) overstating has been a thing since Awakening. Xd

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Emojis translated- I'm not saying it's doomsday right now, a stray storm cloud doesn't mean it's going to pour.⛈️ We'll have to wait and see.


And now, some self-critical rambling of mine, the likes of which has been seen plenty before here.:


I wish that I didn’t put Xenosaga on a pedestal. I wish I treated like any other game. By treating this space opera as space grand opera, I’ve made it less approachable. All I want is to clear the mind and take a deep breath before I ever play it. -Except if I took a deep enough breath for that idealized state of zen, every other organism on this planet would be suffocating for lack of oxygen. I do this because I wish to respect the game, I really do, but it’s reverence gone too far. Yet because it’s out of love, it feels wrong, inconsiderate to change course.

Heck, getting back to the phrase “space opera”, I’m sure that for the centuries when Europe’s elite enjoyed the non-spacey kind, that they didn’t dump all their distracting thoughts at home. They were only human. No doubt they chatted with each other before every opera began, couldn’t help but whisper a remark to each other during the performance even though others would shush them out, and then resumed idle conversation during intermission. Perhaps they even partook from their snuff box during the opera if we speak of the era where such a drug would be societally permissible. -Then why do I feel compelled to be unrealistically formal?

There is a possibility this is why I don’t watch movies too. It could be I don’t have the attention span for them. Or it could be my attention span is normal, and what’s at fault is my tolerance for what should be considered an acceptable degree of “deviations of the mind” from a film. If you happen to be reading this rant, Armagon, how do you simply watch?

I also admit that when I sit down and read an academic book or magazine article, I have from time to time lightly tapped myself on the head for getting distracted by other thoughts when I should keep my mind in the text. With the instance of having my hands cleaned before picking up the literary article, which gets undermined by the fact that I routinely sneeze as I am about to read and have to reach for a tissue, thereby undermining the ritualized cleanliness. Like trying to zone into the readings triggers some kind of reflex.🤧

Maybe it’s a good thing I tend to play things where it’s nice if the story is nice, but gameplay is key too. How could I play any visual novel if I set such a high standard for engaging with a story-focused JRPG? -How am I going to handle 13 Sentinels then?🤨 Will I be fine with it? It is specifically those four letters- X-e-n-o, that hold me back on ‘saga? Or will I find myself in the same situation? I could start 13S now to see, but then I not too long ago foreswore touching that game in the name of finishing Episode III. -Which hasn’t worked at all so far. I don’t have this issue with SRW, which is also writing-heavy, but then its writing is on the lighter side, Xenosaga is serious. Seriousness demands sobriety.

This is pathetic beyond pity. If I wasn’t so lucky to have all the free time in the world, I would not have this problem. I would -hopefully- try to fill the time simply by playing video games because my time would be so precious. Instead of wasting HOURS over DAYS not playing anything or really doing anything “productively enjoyable” because I’m overthinking everything. I have to overthink in silence now, because I find that music does absolutely nothing to prepare the mind for the desired engagement, no amount of it is ever enough to achieve zen and it becomes a time sinkhole into itself. I can’t enjoy it knowing this.

Omniscent idiot.😣

-Thinking and then writing all this out alone has squandered a perfect two or three hours I won't be getting back. Not for Ep. III, nor anything else.☠️


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