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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

hence why I am an Ouroboros apologist

Xbc3 Ouroboros, right?


5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

but him admitting to making the world horrible for no reason doesn't really fit him being a manifestation of humanity's fear. Is everyone like Griss and they want to live in eternal torture?


Humanity in Xenoblade has a collective BDSM fetish confirmed?


That said, yes, that's the biggest problem

If he should be humanity's wish for an endless now, it should be something ethereal, beautiful and like a dream

Now fighting against a pleasant but fake world would make so much more sense for the whole "endless now" thing instead of endless war loop because humanity wanted it and "it amuses me".

The endless now humanity wishes for should be a beautiful lie not an eternal hell


Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

mean, if everybody rode mechs, then it's just SRW.

Next SRW game has Xenoblade X content (it's all we'll get for the next decade)

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The thing is

What is the conduit

And why did it vanish

Could've made the villains related to tmit somehow as it clearly came from somewhere



The answer is Takahashi really just likes 2001 A Space Odyssey because it's not like Xenogears and Xenosaga bothered going into what the Zohar was besides just what it did in the plot either.

Honestly i'm fine with that. The Zohar/Conduit is just this thing that's existed since the dawn of time. Going "oh it was made by so and so from an alternate dimension" would demystify it.


1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

They never explain what off-seeing actually is

They do state that it's really just for the person doing the off-seeing rather than who is being sent off.

2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Torna enhances XC2's main game, but it isn't necessary to understand anything about the plot.

I agree but also i remember there was some talk pre-Torna about how Xenoblade 2 also didn't fully explain anything. And even then, it's not like Xenoblade 2 had everything explained either. Judicium was supposedly sunk during the Aegis War but it's just mildly mentioned in Torna. It's never actually explained why Jin was collecting Core Crystals.

Xenoblade 1 is ironically the only game in the trilogy that doesn't have anything unexplained....actually scratch that, you had to go to the artbook for one thing (if you know you know).

8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Torna is like peak jrpg villainy tho

Torna is five people max, that ain't big lol.

It also has Patroka.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

is just this thing that's existed since the dawn of tim



It just kinda bothers me that the catalyst of the whole series is just a mystic unexplained thing


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's never actually explained why Jin was collecting Core Crystals.

In the base game?


To stop the bs Amalthus is pulling once you undestand what "purifying core crystal" is?


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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Next SRW game has Xenoblade X content (it's all we'll get for the next decade)

I mean, Xenosaga has already showed up in a SRW game. Spin-off, but it has.

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Ahahaha, found the infamous room. The hot spring with the Lilith and Succubus... oh lol, it really has a rubber duck. XD

Reminds me there is a 4-Koma of Soma bursting into the room and proceeds... to play with the rubber ducky. lol

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42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- ok ngl, something i said in the post looking back feels kinda rude. I'd have edited out but SF is being mean and won't let me so i apologize.

An apology on the Internet, this topic is a special place indeed.😄

-I'm trying not to pay too close attention to your exchanges, but I had to single this out. The Internet needs more of this.


28 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I saw this earlier today. Didn't care to look too closely. 

Fancy a glass to laugh under the sway of Bacchus at what the franchise has become?🍷🥴🤣


27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Next SRW game has Xenoblade X content (it's all we'll get for the next decade)

-With what you've been saying in the past day of Future Redeemed, Monolith better consider things to be settled with XBC for now. And return to XCX. You've made your Episode VI at last, now finish Episode II.

I don't mean to be a pain, but it'll be a decade in two years.😐

27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Torna is five people max, that ain't big lol.

It also has Patroka.

First, I agree on Patroka, I don't think she's bad, but she is rather "token female".

...Although I'm not exactly huge on Malos or Jin either.😅

Second, five is enough to be a video game villain group, I would say.

  • The saying goes "two is company, three is a crowd".  Yet I don't think two or three can be defined as a vg villain organization.
    • -A few of Xeno's best villains do form an unofficial at-odds trinity alliance, but that's besides the point.😆
  • Four or five members is the bare-minimum for a villain organization in a video game. That is how I would define it.
    • Four + master seems like a solid structure to me.
    • Obviously, the number of villains in a group can be larger. Again, we're talking the minimum.

If one seeks to have a certain none-too-low baseline of development per villain within a villain group, the more the trickier. Four isn't too few, since even at this small a size, it's entirely possible that writers will failure to properly characterize the cast. -You yourself have admitted in the past the four-member Testaments which I really need to get back to, is only half-good.


17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, Xenosaga has already showed up in a SRW game. Spin-off, but it has.

Ya know, if/when XS gets into mainline SRW, they ought to have one mission where Kossy is a momentarily playable not in a mech. Being the extremely powerful android she is, it'd make sense. -And technically, the first XS episode gives only half the playable heroes A.G.W.S. units. Kossy doesn't get one of them, so she canonically has fought alongside people in mechs while not in one herself. She has also canonically fought and attempted to fight against mechs while not inside one too.

16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Lubicant? Really? How did they got that one wrong too...

They never read Dante's Inferno apparently. Just be happy it's not "Lubricant" obviously a demon of the highest rank, known for making lust oh so smoother.

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It's the 21st century and only now I'm finding a gun... it's not even the best weapon, pft.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ya know, if/when XS gets into mainline SRW, they ought to have one mission where Kossy is a momentarily playable not in a mech. Being the extremely powerful android she is, it'd make sense. -And technically, the first XS episode gives only half the playable heroes A.G.W.S. units. Kossy doesn't get one of them, so she canonically has fought alongside people in mechs while not in one herself. She has also canonically fought and attempted to fight against mechs while not inside one too.

Haha, by this point it's long mundane for SRW, heh. You've seen Master Asia, after all...

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They never read Dante's Inferno apparently. Just be happy it's not "Lubricant" obviously a demon of the highest rank, known for making lust oh so smoother.

I just found a bunch of other mistraslantions in a row.

Ronginus' Spear, Tallhammer (Thorhammer), Gungner...

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44 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
It just kinda bothers me that the catalyst of the whole series is just a mystic unexplained thing




He just really likes 2001 A Space Odyssey



he just really likes it



why do you think it's called Monolith Soft?


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

In the base game?

  Reveal hidden contents

You know what true


though it's funny cause Amalthus just did it anyways.


27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-With what you've been saying in the past day of Future Redeemed, Monolith better consider things to be settled with XBC for now. And return to XCX. You've made your Episode VI at last, now finish Episode II.

Agreed. I won't lose sleep if they announce a Xenoblade 4 but now is the time for Xenoblade X2. People think Xenoblade 3 had some unexplained stuff? Ha! Hahahahahahahhahahahahhaha! It's got nothing on Xenoblade X's mountain of mysteries.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

our or five members is the bare-minimum for a villain organization in a video game

Yeah that's what i mean. Torna isn't that big all things considered. 

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...Only now am I learning this was Ichiro Mizuki's work. I fondly heard this a few times as a kid, as supremely unfiltered anime as it is. To think The Mazsinger was so close, kinda funny looking back. Also, while prolific might equal "not selective about the jobs they take", I'm still kinda impressed Konami went so far as to hire him for this (and then it again apparently).

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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And it's done! Aria of Sorrow has been finished!

Now only Dracula X remains... well, and doing the extra mode related achievements, but that's for another day.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wasn't expecting that'd you'd be able to extract a few granules of enjoyment.🤣

Neither was I lol

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-The bolded, save yerself the money and don't even think about buying the game.😉

Ahahaha, nah, don't worry. I mean, I don't even have my Switch with me.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Odd. But I don't mind any little alterations. -Partly since I played Days of Ruin and I still love that script -despite learning Nintendo of America's version can be rather unfaithful and Nintendo of Europe's Dark Conflict translation is closer to the Japanese. Reminder that Engage's questionable localization has roots that go back decades, the abhorrent seed was planted long ago. 

Never forget, three different sets of names.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And bolded, Lash is supposed to be quirky, so the added non sequitur suits her. 

Beard appreciation. Not the quirk I would've expected, but a good quirk to be sure.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for why the later games would ditch the animations. If you compare the art direction of the three pre-Days of Ruin games, I think there was a movement towards greater realism. Max's arm muscles got bigger with each game, to the point of being freakishly huge in Dual Strike, but in basically every other way, the designs became less cartoony. The world became more serious too, as ridiculous as that might sound; Dual Strike weaves in some Generic Environmentalism Message. Maybe Intelligent Systems thought that the CO reactions were too zany for Black Hole Rising and had to go.

Yeah, I did notice everyone's designs got a lot more sober going forward, to the point where in AWDS everyone's just standing sideways without an expression. And the jump from 1 to 2 was quite something. Olaf stood up!

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The irony of Days of Ruin, is that while it superficially looks grittier, it is in fact a step back towards the cartoony. Days of Ruin is anime, more than any of the prior three games! A virus that kills you by bursting flowers throughout your body doesn't change the fact that Will/Ed is 100% anime hero and Isabella/Catleia/Cattleya is 100% anime amnesiac mysterious heroine.

They missed the memo that dark is not mutually exclusive with anime

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, the CO who is basically Don Quixote in green on a WWII-Korean War battlefield. He don't tilt at windmills, he eagerly charges towards Com Towers!

And the dude is weirdly imbalanced. If he has 0 Com Towers he's extremely weak. 1 Com Tower makes his day-to-day abilities okay -but his CO Powers are still weak. If he gets 2 Com Towers, he's Kanbei without the higher unit costs but with extra indirect defense- so, strong. 3 or more Com Towers, he wins, don't even question it. There is practically no good middle ground with him.

He will conquer you like you were the Mayans.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll limitedly side with you here.😜

I don't hate on anime girls in general. But, I do harbor some mild & kept in-check resentment towards all the instances where anime girls are thrust into the limelight and you're supposed to love them instantly, primarily because they're anime girls.

That focus, which without outright saying it, is meant to invoke an "Ooooooooh my new waifu!" reaction from the presumably straight male otaku/incel players. This energy by itself fuels entire games of varying degrees of smuttiness. -Yet this shoving of anime girls into the center of the player's attention doesn't exist solely within the smut niche genre, it pervades the "anime" genres of video games in general.

Goddamn preach

It happens all the time and it's so annoying.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If you don't mind, allow me to bring in a picture from one unreleased game I've been loosely following.:


The design disparity! The five males are as plain and generic as cluck! Even the most boring of female designs has more effort put into it. I don't need to hold the developers/artist hostage to know why this is.

Ahahahahaha! Oh that's hilarious. That has to be the most Japan image I have ever seen. It's only missing the girl in the weirdly sexualized, entirely nonsensical outfit.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Shrimpy -Limited Edition- ok ngl, something i said in the post looking back feels kinda rude. I'd have edited out but SF is being mean and won't let me so i apologize.

Xenoblade fans when someone says something remotely negative about Xenoblade

Nah jk, it's actually kind of adorable you're apologizing.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:



Japan. A country that understands aging.

...the most cruel joke came to mind, but I think I will refrain.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



They should've made Rean Rum so I could sean Rean Ron in Spanish.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Humanity in Xenoblade has a collective BDSM fetish confirmed?

I just scrolled past and saw this.

Just wanted to point it out. I've got nothing much to add. Good for them!

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Xenoblade 3 post game spoilers

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fancy a glass to laugh under the sway of Bacchus at what the franchise has become?🍷🥴🤣


That would mean giving money to Falcom and i don't want that xD

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

He just really likes 2001 A Space Odyssey


So much he made 6 games out of it? XD

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I just scrolled past and saw this.

Just wanted to point it out. I've got nothing much to add. Good for them!

Of course. Of course.

Consul R confirmed?


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Ya know

With how Monolith keeps increasing exploration focus every game, to downright tying character progression  on it, i wanna see a "Ys style" adventure game from them.

Then again doesn't the rumor mill say they are working on an action game?

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...the mod that did this is a bit wonky at present, so I don't think I'll use it in this run, but next time, if it gets a few updates, hoo boy. Vandrip for all!

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
  Hide contents


Xenoblade 3 post game spoilers


Xenoblade goin' places.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That would mean giving money to Falcom and i don't want that xD

Can you imagine? You get Rean, make a molotov cocktail with him and he just transforms into Elrean.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Of course. Of course.

Consul R confirmed?

Not entirely sure what that would entail, but I mean, I am in the game. There's certainly a chance.

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Takahashi cooking

FR end of ch.3


So if i am understanding this correctly, Alpha is closer to biblical Noah with shepherding people into a new world and stuff

Question tho: Without Pneuma and Logos, Ontos is just a machine...

Does that imply Pneuma is gone?

Also this

This is a good villain motivation. I even find myself kinda agreeing lol.


20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You get Rean, make a molotov cocktail with him and he just transforms into Elrean

And burn modern Falcom down. Win-win

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am in the game.

You keep trying to escape Xeno but it keeps catching up to you Ü

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Oh my God

I suspended the game but got distracted and forgot to make the backup. Then the game crashed.

Welp. That's time of my life I'll never get back, but at least I got the chapter down pretty well. It's not that tough.

36 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

You keep trying to escape Xeno but it keeps catching up to you Ü

Here's the deal: Get me a playable Vangarre mod and I will play Xenoblade 1.

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