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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Fire Emblem should have a mechanic where if you get a critical hit on the final boss, it takes a minute for its health bar to go down.

13 hours ago, Sooks said:

I don’t get the joke here.

Uhhh, Shirley bad.

It's because


he tried to kill Altina.

I ended up developing a semi-ironic appreciation for Shirley when she isn't inappropriately touching anyone, partially because she enables Rixia's character development and because they don't try acting like she isn't a horrible person. Also, her voice acting is fun to listen to.

When I saw that Trails to Azure was rated T for "sexual themes" I wondered what deep, dark themes it would have, and then it turned out to be just because of Shirley.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Lmao “three powerful lords”. Someone needs to break the news about Lyn and Eliwood.

Lmao “unravel the mystery of the black fang” NO DONT PUT THAT IN THE TRAILER, PEOPLE WILL ONLY BE UNDERWHELMED

B-but I used Lyn and Eliwood... I never got past Sonia's chapter though.

Where does "the assassination order was taken over by an evil sorcerer" rank on the list of Fire Emblem twists?

10 hours ago, Armagon said:


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Rufus' backstory kinda lost weight when he said "actually i'm not your brother, i'm your cousin" as if that actually changed anything. Just felt like Kondo being like "what if i made something up".

CSIII ending stuff


I think the point isn't how Jusis and Rufus are related, it's mostly how Duke Albarea raises a son that isn't his to keep up appearances while ignoring his actual son because his mother is a commoner. It explains Rufus's distain for the nobility other than "Osborne is pretty cool".

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3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Fire Emblem should have a mechanic where if you get a critical hit on the final boss, it takes a minute for its health bar to go down.

Or maybe like the Mother series rolling HP bar, where even if the hit is fatal, if you're quick you can heal the character without a KO.

3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Where does "the assassination order was taken over by an evil sorcerer" rank on the list of Fire Emblem twists?

Not high, actually. Since if I recall, this is part of what Leila tells us in Caelin. So we learn this quite early.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Lisa: The Painful is getting a grand update with new quests, character interactions, UI clean-up and more! Next month!

This is amazing. Last year I ate well as a Live a Live fan. This year I'll eat well as a Lisa fan! Most welcome news in a year that has otherwise been incredibly dry for me.

I shall also use this opportunity to remind y'all that Lisa: The Painful is one of the best, most unique, wackiest, darkest, most sheer fun RPGs ever made and that you should all play it. It may not have bulldozed my heart like Omori did, but it came very close, it's really funny when it wants to be, the gameplay is insanely enjoyable and between the short-ish length and the massive cast, replayability is much greater than most RPGs. And that massive cast is going to get more detailed interactions, so there's about to be even more reason to replay! If there ever was a time to delve into the world of Lisa, next month will be it. Although you'd probably want to get it before then, the price is likely to increase due to this

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56 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

It's because

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he tried to kill Altina.

Oh yeah, that fun little romp.

What if I told you that Cedric is one of the better villain’s and his motivation makes sense?

56 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Also, her voice acting is fun to listen to.

Oh yeah, she does actually have the best voice acting.

56 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

B-but I used Lyn and Eliwood

And I’m using Jubeln fe12.

56 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I never got past Sonia's chapter though.

Nooooo Nino, the actual best unit in the game noooooo

56 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Where does "the assassination order was taken over by an evil sorcerer" rank on the list of Fire Emblem twists?

Pretty low, I was more shocked when I found out that Lord Nergal awaits us at the Dread Isle. Pretty bone chilling stuff.

18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Neither me, of course. But it's still funny that he's arguably better as a fighter than a mage lol

Missed this but isn’t his personal strength growth like super low? Wouldn’t it be much better to keep him as a mage where he could actually gain magic and enemies don’t have that high resistance anyway, even if his base is low, instead of switching to a physical class?

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Missed this but isn’t his personal strength growth like super low? Wouldn’t it be much better to keep him as a mage where he could actually gain magic and enemies don’t have that high resistance anyway, even if his base is low, instead of switching to a physical class?

Not really. It's as high as the rest of the mages, meaning it's 0%, but if you make him a fighter, it shoots up to 40%, which is... okay. However, keep in mind that as a mage, his magic growth is 50%, only 10% higher. Then you promote him and it goes down to 40% because the growths of the magic classes are hilarious. Considering the fact that he has -2 base magic, but a 0 base strength, it'll take him very long time for his magic as a mage to overtake his strength as a fighter - heck, it might not happen at all, depending on when you promote him. Then you add to that the class bases, and he ends up having 1 magic as a mage but 7 strength as a fighter with a whole lot more defense on top. Yeah.

It's a super memey strat, and it requires unlocked class sets which means it can't be done in a first run anyway, but the fact that it can legitimately work better than remaining in a magical class (exhibit 1: My sig) is just wonderful.

Anyway go play Lisa: The Painful Sooks

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not really

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but if you make him a fighter, it shoots up to 40%, which is... okay.


19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then you promote him and it goes down to 40% because the growths of the magic classes are hilarious.

Damn rip

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Considering the fact that he has -2 base magic, but a 0 base strength, it'll take him very long time for his magic as a mage to overtake his strength as a fighter - heck, it might not happen at all, depending on when you promote him. Then you add to that the class bases, and he ends up having 1 magic as a mage but 7 strength as a fighter with a whole lot more defense on top. Yeah.

Damn rip

Well, the more you know.

19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway go play Lisa: The Painful Sooks

But RPG gameplay

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Lisa is a painful Sooks?


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21 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, the more you know.

FE12 works in mysterious ways sometimes.

21 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But RPG gameplay

Unlike Omori, this is an RPG that I 100% can recommend as a fun gameplay game. Primarily because, unlike most RPGs where you spend more of your time facing triffling encounters on your way to a boss that's actually fun and challenging to fight, almost the entire game is unique encounters. To varying degrees of difficulty, of course, but unique. And the very few respawning enemies that do exist reward so little experience that they are intended as an obstacle to avoid or a deterrent, rather than something you want to face.

Thus, in order to level up your party, you want to explore and engage with the world to find more of these encounters, as well as items, equipment and additional party members. The result is that the uninteresting filler is cut and all the game is comprised of the actually interesting stuff of RPGs. Traveling is also a lot more fluid, since you aren't stopping every ten seconds to fight an encounter. Of course, this impacts the length of the game, because it doesn't make you meander as much as other RPGs, but personally, I find that to be an upside.

Add to that the large cast of 30 characters, all of which have wildly different combat styles and abilities, and the large amount of secrets and side content you might not find on a first run, and the hard mode which brings about more side content and secrets, and this becomes an RPG that's not only really fun, it's also really replayable. And like I said before, it's about to become more replayable, with extra quests and character interactions!

Youtuber NitroRad put it into words better than I ever could. Believe me, I've not played this RPG three whole times - and looking forward to a fourth for the update! - for no reason.

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That was so fucking difficult. Out of all of Fates's incredibly complex and difficult designs, why did I have to go with the one that has a fucking hand on top of that?!

...oh right, because the hack doesn't have a valkyrie and Daniela has one of the top 3 female designs in the game. Not that the competition is stellar.


That's the best I could do. GBA hands are always janky, but that's just a bit worse than Narcian's hand, so... eh, good enough, I guess.

Now to put her in chapter 12 with her uber growths because all of this hard work for a character that joins when Juno/Dayan does would be a massive waste.

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Chapter 15 is… interesting. How do I even approach this?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unlike Omori, this is an RPG that I 100% can recommend as a fun gameplay game. Primarily because, unlike most RPGs where you spend more of your time facing triffling encounters on your way to a boss that's actually fun and challenging to fight, almost the entire game is unique encounters. To varying degrees of difficulty, of course, but unique. And the very few respawning enemies that do exist reward so little experience that they are intended as an obstacle to avoid or a deterrent, rather than something you want to face.

Thus, in order to level up your party, you want to explore and engage with the world to find more of these encounters, as well as items, equipment and additional party members. The result is that the uninteresting filler is cut and all the game is comprised of the actually interesting stuff of RPGs. Traveling is also a lot more fluid, since you aren't stopping every ten seconds to fight an encounter. Of course, this impacts the length of the game, because it doesn't make you meander as much as other RPGs, but personally, I find that to be an upside.

Add to that the large cast of 30 characters, all of which have wildly different combat styles and abilities, and the large amount of secrets and side content you might not find on a first run, and the hard mode which brings about more side content and secrets, and this becomes an RPG that's not only really fun, it's also really replayable. And like I said before, it's about to become more replayable, with extra quests and character interactions!

Youtuber NitroRad put it into words better than I ever could. Believe me, I've not played this RPG three whole times - and looking forward to a fourth for the update! - for no reason.

That… sounds fun, actually. But wasn’t I supposed to be playing Exit Fate?

Edited by Sooks
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11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Chapter 15 is… interesting. How do I even approach this?

With care.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That… sounds fun, actually. But wasn’t I supposed to be playing Exit Fate?

I loved Exit Fate to death, but it's a far larger time commitment and I'm not as certain about it as a recommendation. Lisa is a highly regarded game that tells a much more interesting story and does much more unique things. Exit Fate's cast is wild, but in gameplay it's more traditional, even if I find the things it does there neat too.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nah, you're suppose to be playing a SRW game.

Hey now

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Theodel and Emilia are so wholesome. Sure hope that relationship doesn't get ruined in a way that is as predictable as it is tiresome.

Not to worry. Karajan has sworn to protect her. He'll chase Kaga away with a water spray bottle and let Theo stay a good boy.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:


Oh dear, that last one...

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This made me feel ever-so-slightly smart.😄

I disliked the Tekkamen showing up on the beach battle (fumoffu!) on the first run, four of them, a shortage of enemies when the ships deploy, and having several forced deployment slots wasted on awful units made this battle bothersome. Now on the second run, 2xRouse from Sayaka on the Nadesico, charge it forward into the Radam horde to get Ruri to 140 Will, the Tekkamen (minus Evil, whom Blade dispatched as required) then move and gather close enough. Strike + Valorx3 (needed Minato to cast Aid on once the Nadesico for the last Valor) + Zealx2 + Phase Transition Cannon = quickly slain. Needed only a few additional chips before the third, Blessed + Cheered PTC to destroy all three at once. Used the Phase Transition Cannon to the same effect against the also low relatively-HP, high evade boss Gradosian boss group in the following battle. The handful of other SRWs I've play never made this seem feasible. Praise to the technology of Nergal Industries and the Nadesico's capable crew!✌️

...Speaking of MAPping-to-win...


Spec-hell delivery!

Now let's compare this esoteric tuneup to the base model.:



The Great Zeorymer has...

  • +1800 base HP (which with 10 upgrades becomes a 2600 lead.)
    • 8800 is the highest base HP of any non-Nadesico/Archangel/Eternal/Al-Van's Raftclans playable unit. I don't think anything else has more than 7500 base.
    • Still retains the nice HP Regeneration S of the regular Zeo.
  • +30 EN.
    • Lower than the Nadesico's but tied for the highest of any mech. The rivals are God Gundam and oddly the Bolt Gundam, not sure why these two have such high EN.
    • Still has EN Regeneration L.
  • +5 Mobility, lol!
    • Maybe a slight disadvantage even, the J AI loves targeting things it can actually hit.
  • +200 Armor
    • Same as the normal Granteed, but lower than the 1700 of Mazinkaiser and Great Mazinger. -But neither of those has an inbuilt barrier like the DCS, and Mazinkaiser has but one precious Part slot. I'll take a 1500 Armor base.
  • +1 Move
    • Still sluggish, but Miku has Accel, as much as I'd like to save her SP for maximum Zeal.
  • A Air terrain rank!
    • Fixes one oddity of the Zeo, which was ironic, given this translation mistakenly calls it "Zeo of the Skies".
  • +4000 Repair cost.
    • Like I'd let this secret baby be destroyed. ...Actually, the chance is non-zero, given I'd be sending this out on solo operations, surrounded by enemies.
  • -1 Part slot.
    • Only one Part slot for the Great Zeorymer unlike the regular Zeorymer. That's a shame and a precious loss. But then it does get all of the above upgrades to compensate.

And design-wise, I might prefer the vanilla Zeo, the Great Zeo doesn't look as majestic with the horn, shoulder-wings, and knuckle-orbs buried. The Great says "Full Armor Zeorymer" to me, like this heavyweight has gone from Great Knight to General, to speak in Fire Emblem terms. Slow and bulky either way, but the Great doubles-down on the Zeo's strengths and ignores the costs of doing so, visually if not actually in gameplay.

As for weapon situation.:


And the individual version of Hades Attack is 5500 Attack, 80 EN, +0 Hit, 1-5 Range, and 140 Will requirement.


Completely revamped attack lineup. Wind, Earth & Mountain (so the nuclear missiles are included after all), Fire & Water, Moon, Thunder. I've never seen an overhaul of a mech's weaponry quite like this.😄

The cheapest and weakest attack of the Great Zeorymer is 200 stronger than the second-strongest non-MAP of the base model. That in itself is good. Twin Lords matches ComV's Super EM Spin, but cheaper with more range.

The weird thing here- the Great Zeorymer lost access to a Combo attack. Practically every mech in J has one, what a disappointment. How will the Great possibly deal with multiple eni-



+500 power, +1 Range for both versions of the reborn Hades. The slight range increase could easily snag a few extra grunts with the MAP version.

Infernal Hades is probably the strongest non-Combination attack in the game, and Combinations in J can't be followed by a Support Attack, which is to the Great Zeo's benefit in terms of total per-action damage.

If there is any true problem with this overhauled arsenal, it's that everything costs EN. With the Zeorymer, I could Melee things for free; D. Dragon Tornado is 5 EN. Even with 120 EN regen per turn, maybe an EN-boosting/EN Chip Part would be ideal. -Or I could actually do something with my decision to Favorite Hades Project Zeorymer at the start and see if adding the extra +5 EN upgrades comes cheap.

Overall, one sweet upgrade!😁❤️ It doesn't change what Zeorymer does, but it already was very strong when used properly. I don't know if this would compare with the fabled Alpha Gaiden Thrudgelmir, and its HP isn't as comically high as Betterman Cataphract -but that don't got no tactical Weapon of MASSIVE Destruction.

Banpresto, you did wonderfully with this one. Even Shu must've been jealous and quietly begging for a Neo-Neo Granzon. (If HPZ and Shu haven't interacted in X-Omega, I would be quite disappointed. The Granzon aesthetically seems most similar to the Zeorymer of any licensed mech -albeit my mecha knowledge is very limited. That, and Shu knows a thing or two about being a genius doctor, being controlled by one who isn't yourself, and dealing with Masakis. A short little event between the Dark Prisoner and the King of Hades seems so appropriate. Euzeth might also want to squeeze a word in with Kihara, to exchange notes on a certain form of biotech.)


I made separate save here, just in case I ever want to mess things up with this hidden toy ever again, without needing to no-life for a week to obtain it.😛

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12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


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  • -1 Part slot.
    • Only one Part slot for the Great Zeorymer unlike the regular Zeorymer. That's a shame and a precious loss. But then it does get all of the above upgrades to compensate.

Well, not a full loss if you remember the Part Slots glitch...

Actually, what did you had it equipped in that second part slot?

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Banpresto, you did wonderfully with this one. Even Shu must've been jealous and quietly begging for a Neo-Neo Granzon. (If HPZ and Shu haven't interacted in X-Omega, I would be quite disappointed. The Granzon aesthetically seems most similar to the Zeorymer of any licensed mech -albeit my mecha knowledge is very limited. That, and Shu knows a thing or two about being a genius doctor, being controlled by one who isn't yourself, and dealing with Masakis. A short little event between the Dark Prisoner and the King of Hades seems so appropriate. Euzeth might also want to squeeze a word in with Kihara, to exchange notes on a certain form of biotech.)

Hmm, now that's a good question, heh.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Teehee, i would like to know your opinion about this situation i randomly found on the net

Is that the title of what you're reading or an actual question?

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