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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pft. Which manga is that one from? XD

It's a one shot made from the 3 pages i posted above lol.


4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

“Kris, you’re my other half” Marth no! Caeda is in the room!

Poor Caeda

First Kris, then Alear

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10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Soooo you just don’t win if you didn’t train Marth and get Falchion? I mean manaketes don’t wreck Medeus like in the last game so I’m not sure what your other options are.

In the harder difficulties it would be.... problematic, yes.

11 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wouldn’t that depend on killing Medeus in that one turn?

You rig a crit, anew/dance for Marth, finish.

10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Need to get that C support rolling

If you say so.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

“Kris, you’re my other half” Marth no! Caeda is in the room!

There's some of that wonderful pandering. I'm in team Kris Isn't That Bad, but there are a few places where I do feel the complaints are justified, and Marthipan delivering a speech about how important and awesome player-kun is is one of them. I really don't understand why, when this moment exists, people insist on zeroing-in on Kris "stealing" Jagen's finest moment, even though he... doesn't? He perks up, delivers an unmemorable line, then Jagen still gets his moment immediately afterwards.

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The part at the end where everyone gets a line was probably not designed for 70 something characters… and the character endings… that stuff took a while lol. The part where everyone got a second line but they were talking to each other was cool.

25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Poor Caeda

First Kris, then Alear

Can’t forget Lucina

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You rig a crit, anew/dance for Marth, finish.

I got really lucky with my crit.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's some of that wonderful pandering. I'm in team Kris Isn't That Bad, but there are a few places where I do feel the complaints are justified, and Marthipan delivering a speech about how important and awesome player-kun is is one of them.

It doesn’t even make sense, because the specifics are Marth going “Kris!!!! The people are saying your accomplishments were actually mine! I have to correct this at once!” but like… what did Kris do? I mean Marth led the army and all that, but Kris is just one of many soldiers. I mean maybe you had them kill some important bosses and everyone’s saying Marth struck them down, but you could just as easily not use Kris. Like this ties back into the opening of the game like “the hero of shadow who was forgotten to history” or whatever but… they’re just a dude. Unless this is because they carry the entire game, but in that case, Palla should also be worshiped as a hero of shadow.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I really don't understand why, when this moment exists, people insist on zeroing-in on Kris "stealing" Jagen's finest moment, even though he... doesn't? He perks up, delivers an unmemorable line, then Jagen still gets his moment immediately afterwards.

What moment? I heard that Kris stole multiple lines. Implied to be good and important lines, but I can’t remember Kris saying anything other than “yes sire”

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So since the FE6 brainworm settled in I've been working on this doodle on and off.


It's the first time I've done blut, and also knees. The blut's not too bad. The knees shouldn't support him, but it is what it is. Maybe that's why he's sitting. At least I didn't horribly butcher Hugh's hands. Lemme tell you, it took a few attempts to get there.

I fucking hate taking pictures of art, it's so difficult to find good lightning and also hold the book while keeping both hands on the phone so the stupid thing focuses properly.

12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

The part at the end where everyone gets a line was probably not designed for 70 something characters… and the character endings… that stuff took a while lol. The part where everyone got a second line but they were talking to each other was cool.

Pretty sure that didn't happen in the original, so... Yeah. They invented it for the 70-something characters.

Also, all of FE should do stuff like that. It feels so much better than just bland ending cards. Imagine my annoyance when Engaeg did it... but only for the marketing gimmicks, so instead of neat little farewells for the characters I'd grown fond of, it was just more forced references. Hardy har har Corrin said fate, go fuck yourself game. But at least there were those nifty CGs in the credits, those were ample compensation.

Anyway, Berwick Saga doesn't do ending cards, instead every character* gets an extended ending sequence if you recruited them and saw their arcs through.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Imo, the worst Kris scene is the one in the prologue with Elice, who basically tells a random soldier that his liege isn't actually an authority figure, but a fragile, traumatised child. The "OMG player-kun, you're so awesome" scenes are annoying, but I guess you can't have an avatar without those.

In the "best avatar" thread, I wanted to nominate Mark (because you can choose to remove them from the story) and Roy (who's a better self-insert than any of the actual avatars and it's not even close), but I decided that I didn't want to That Guy

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If you say so.

"Saint Rubenio and Shrimp kun attained support level C"

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

That probably explains why their entire personality “yes sire! All for lord Marth!”

I don't know how to describe it but Kris looks like future Marth if future Marth traveled back in time to meet his past self in a sci-fi film.

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2 hours ago, gnip said:

Imo, the worst Kris scene is the one in the prologue with Elice, who basically tells a random soldier that his liege isn't actually an authority figure, but a fragile, traumatised child. The "OMG player-kun, you're so awesome" scenes are annoying, but I guess you can't have an avatar without those.

In the "best avatar" thread, I wanted to nominate Mark (because you can choose to remove them from the story) and Roy (who's a better self-insert than any of the actual avatars and it's not even close), but I decided that I didn't want to That Guy

Ah yes, yelling at an old man who is wrong: Truly the real life gamer experience. So relatable.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

"Saint Rubenio and Shrimp kun attained support level C"

Oh dear. We got stat bonuses now. I am even more powerful. At recommending Berwick Saga, hopefully!

32 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Let's be honest here, we all know this is how it really happened.

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I love and hate fe12. Like it has some great stuff, that bridge map was wonderful, and a lot of the early game had some really cool stuff. Every map was seize, but the creativity in enemy placements, side objectives, and anti-turtling objectives made this feel like Conquest lite. Kris is the most customizable avatar in the series, which makes them fun. As far as FE stories go, it’s actually better than most and does the whole standard FE plot thing better than most, so it’s definitely top 3 FE stories. The fact that you get to fight dragons as regular old enemies, and for a consistent portion of the game fe6 is cool. The game also has small, tiny maps like the prologues and some of the gaidens that play out more like puzzles and are pretty fun and unique compared to the rest of FE.

But man do I hate ambush spawns. And 12 move ambush spawns happen several times, as well as the chapter 19 shitshow and other “great” fun times (including effective weapon ambush spawns and siege time users hiding behind locked doors). The gaiden chapters also have some fog of war BS because of course they do. The early game also has some maps that are walking simulators (chapters 3 and 5). There’s more stuff but this is all that’s coming to mind. Also while I do love the idea of the absolutely massive cast, especially since they actually do get some characterization, at least half the cast is so bad, at least on the higher difficulties with increased enemy growths, that it just makes me feel like not bothering with them and sort of undermines the whole ironman idea which presumably led to all these dudes being here in the first place. Btw getting supports from deploying units together is probably my favorite way of it being handled without a base/castle/monastery/somniel to help in, and while I do wish there were more non-Kris supports, I do understand why they handled it this way.

I’m not even sure if I like this more than fe11. It has the classic sequel problem of “higher highs but lower lows” which I never really know how to handle. It’s like they polished fe11 to a shine and that it set on fire to see if that would make it brighter. If there was one FE that I would most want to mod/hack, it would be this one. But of course I would have to learn to do that, and idk how feasible and easy DS modding is…

Anyway… I’m gonna tentatively place this in A-tier. I really wanted it to go higher because there are many places where you can find that tight, challenging, and fun gameplay that I love from this series, but it’s also bogged down by a lot of other quirks you can find elsewhere in the series. Plus that’s why I put Shadow Dragon before, and they probably shouldn’t be in different tiers. Maybe. Tier list subject to change.


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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Anyway… I’m gonna tentatively place this in A-tier. I really wanted it to go higher because there are many places where you can find that tight, challenging, and fun gameplay that I love from this series, but it’s also bogged down by a lot of other quirks you can find elsewhere in the series. Plus that’s why I put Shadow Dragon before, and they probably shouldn’t be in different tiers. Maybe. Tier list subject to change.


Ahh, a fellow FE12 enjoyer. With caveats, but frankly, caveats I can agree with. Still hurts me physically to see the game at the top, but different strokes for different folks. I am proud of you, Sooks.

Now do Berwick Saga.

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