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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Reddit put Catria in S tier in an fe12 gameplay tier? Fucking why?? Caeda can wing spear, unlike her, and she’s in A.

And what do you mean Est in F tier, yes she’s an investment but does she really go alongside Astram and the wolfguard?

Draug and Luke A-tier is pretty unexpected but I didn’t really use either of them so… although you would’ve expected Luke to end up with Roderick and Cecil.

Wingspear isn't really the "I Win" button that it is in Shadow Dragon, and Catria does have better stats all around. 95% Spd growth sounds great, but it's not like Catria has any trouble capping it well before Lv. 20 unpromoted, or very quickly as a Falcon Knight, nevermind Dracoknight. And at Lv. 20/1 (or 15/6, given that early promotion is generally a good idea in this game), Catria's at roughly +5 HP, +3 Str, +1 Def, which isn't too shabby. That plus availabilty makes a tier difference reasonable, imo. Est in F seems way overzealous to please the LTC crowd, though. :lol:

I haven't used Doga a whole lot, but Luke honestly is just a bit better than Rody and Cecil. Not by a mile, personally, I'd probably put him in A and the other two in A-, but I think his stat distribution (higher HP/Str/Def, especially compared to Cecil) works a bit better, even though iirc his total growths are slightly lower. And fwiw, I prefer his sword rank over Rody's lance rank, since as a lance user, one competes with Palla and Catria, and that's a losing battle. And unlike Cecil, whose problems only become worse as a Myrm, Luke works pretty well as a Mercenary, if you have full reclassing unlocked.

Edited by gnip
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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

wew that's alot

The only time i spend so much when getting skills for the whole team, and i do that like twice a run or something

Yeah see, the thing is, I wasn't that organized. I got ideas for a skill or two between each chapter. So I ended up visiting the arena almost every time and growing beyond sick of those pointless battle animations.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wait, why?

TearRing is... fine. Unlike Berwick, there are no surprises in the core gameplay there, it's just Fire Emblem on the PS1, which is why Armagon prefers it. The story is completely bonkers, massive, even wordier than Berwick. Also falls prey to Kaga's bad habits in a few places, but it's still good overall, I'd say. Nowadays I can't really stomach the gameplay, though. Used to really love it, but at this point I think I'm too good to properly enjoy the game.

It's not bad, and I would recommend giving it a shot at some point, but Berwick's the superior game in every single aspect, in my humble opinion at least.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Reddit put Catria in S tier in an fe12 gameplay tier? Fucking why?? Caeda can wing spear, unlike her, and she’s in A.

And what do you mean Est in F tier, yes she’s an investment but does she really go alongside Astram and the wolfguard?

Draug and Luke A-tier is pretty unexpected but I didn’t really use either of them so… although you would’ve expected Luke to end up with Roderick and Cecil.

Pros really, really hate Ests lol

Draug has a sky-high speed growth and immense availability. Luke has solid stats all around and near perfect availability. Rody has shittier bases than Luke, which makes him have more difficulty keeping up, and Cecil is made of wet tissue paper.

As for Catria and Caeda, Ping Backwards explained it fine.

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52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah see, the thing is, I wasn't that organized. I got ideas for a skill or two between each chapter.

do you even have enough SP to do that?


53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ut at this point I think I'm too good to properly enjoy the game.

suffering from success XD

That said understandable lol

I mean

I kinda feel the same towards more than half the series kek

48 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

But why not Jack Vance’s Lyonesse trilogy?

I don't speak boomer

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40 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I don't speak boomer

A seminal work of fantasy fiction that won the World Fantasy Award and is considered by many to be an underrated masterpiece? Yeah that sounds about right for Shrimp-kun.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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56 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

do you even have enough SP to do that?

The well helped.

56 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

suffering from success XD

That said understandable lol

I mean

I kinda feel the same towards more than half the series kek

Sometimes I feel I'm unfair towards PoR, because the thing is, PoR never had a chance with me. Back when I was bad enough to enjoy the easier games in the series, I didn't have a system that could comfortably run PoR with the level of emulator throttle it needs. Now I do, but now even with throttle the game's just too boring to me. Which is why I look back fondly on TRS and SS but PoR... Well, not so much.

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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sometimes I feel I'm unfair towards PoR, because the thing is, PoR never had a chance with me. Back when I was bad enough to enjoy the easier games in the series, I didn't have a system that could comfortably run PoR with the level of emulator throttle it needs. Now I do, but now even with throttle the game's just too boring to me. Which is why I look back fondly on TRS and SS but PoR... Well, not so much.

yeah same here. Just switch PoR with GBA games and you get the gist lol.

I doubt i can enjoy the Radiant games nowadays honestly, and it's why i am very hesistant to revisit them

Well...i did try to revisit RD once on Hard, but then nope'd out because it was bullshit lol

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9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wait, why?

Well you seem to be going first game -> sequel and TearRing came first.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also falls prey to Kaga's bad habits in a few places,



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49 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well you seem to be going first game -> sequel and TearRing came first.

Except Berwick Saga is a sequel to TRS in the same way Awakening is a sequel to Mystery, only even more loose. There's exactly one (1) reference to TRS in the entirety of Berwick Saga, and it's just that, a reference. There's no gameplay progression either, TRS is Bootleg FE while Berwick is its own beast.

I'm not saying he can't play TRS first, there's just no particular reason to do it, really. You might as well do it the other way around, they're completely different games with zero real connection to each other. There's no more reason to start KagaSaga with TRS than there is to start FE with FE1.

All that, and having a moderate idea of Sooks's preferences at this point, I really feel he'll enjoy Berwick Saga a lot more than TearRing. I could be wrong, of course, but that's my hunch.

49 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Good ol' milk. Kaga's biggest mask off moment. Until VS2, where the entire lategame is littered with them.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I doubt i can enjoy the Radiant games nowadays honestly, and it's why i am very hesistant to revisit them

Play the RD mod i did!

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Remember when I got a platinum card on Steam and sold it for two games that I never played? Well, I finally got around to playing one.

Braid's a pretty unique little puzzle platformer. Implementing rewind into a game and making it into a gameplay mechanic is not something you see every day, much less back when this game first came out. I beat it in just four hours. Wasn't that difficult, a couple of the puzzles left me stumped for a while, and a good portion of it had me going "wow okay that's genius." The final "boss", as it were, culminates in a pretty awesome moment.

There is a secret ending, but that's where the dev decided "yeah you know what, Imma make a S T A T E M E N T" and one of the McGuffins you need to collect for the ending requires you idle for 90 minutes. Actually idle, minimizing the game apparently slows this down. Also another one can be permanently missed, so I just looked up the ending. The statement was made.

All in all, it got its fame as one of the first truly big indie games back in the day for its deep story shenanigans, its statements and its uniqueness, but leaving all that aside, it's a still quaint little puzzle platformer that's fun and will get you scratching your head for an afternoon or two. For five bucks, I'd say it's worth a purchase if you feel like doing something like that.

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8 hours ago, gnip said:

Wingspear isn't really the "I Win" button that it is in Shadow Dragon, and Catria does have better stats all around. 95% Spd growth sounds great, but it's not like Catria has any trouble capping it well before Lv. 20 unpromoted, or very quickly as a Falcon Knight, nevermind Dracoknight. And at Lv. 20/1 (or 15/6, given that early promotion is generally a good idea in this game), Catria's at roughly +5 HP, +3 Str, +1 Def, which isn't too shabby. That plus availabilty makes a tier difference reasonable, imo. Est in F seems way overzealous to please the LTC crowd, though. :lol:

Huh. The more you know.

I benched Catria the second I got Palla.

8 hours ago, gnip said:

I haven't used Doga a whole lot, but Luke honestly is just a bit better than Rody and Cecil. Not by a mile, personally, I'd probably put him in A and the other two in A-, but I think his stat distribution (higher HP/Str/Def, especially compared to Cecil) works a bit better, even though iirc his total growths are slightly lower. And fwiw, I prefer his sword rank over Rody's lance rank, since as a lance user, one competes with Palla and Catria, and that's a losing battle. And unlike Cecil, whose problems only become worse as a Myrm, Luke works pretty well as a Mercenary, if you have full reclassing unlocked.

Okay, thank you.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Draug has a sky-high speed growth

lol they put him in knight

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