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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Saint Rubenio


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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

think of it a living daki.


Friend, i already find Dakis creepy, and now you telling me living Daki?


2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Something to rest your head on and wrap your arms around (and or have their arms wrapped around you, whichever you'd want

Not in this weather

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Based Shrimp-kun.


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10 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I like Kingdom Hearts and all but...

I don't know what my favorite silly KH scene I've seen is: The extremely dramatic death scene of Goofy, Donald Duck warning Sora of Sephiroth's presence, or all the kindergarten-level disses the characters keep throwing about.

I think I'm going with this.

10 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Well dayum... 😳

Step out a minute to get some work done and they changed the name of the place

Caught us all by surprise.

10 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Anyhoo.... Ch 11A of Sacred Stones. I got me a guiding ring, elysian whip, a hero crest, and a mess of folks demanding promotion. Lessee... who to give em to? 🤔

You must promote Moulder.

10 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Ok, Artur gets the guiding ring, and methinks I’ll give the other two to the cute ladies. That would be Marisa and Tana 😁

No, Moulder.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, reading the reviews, I thought it was said that the game consisted of only five levels.

Oh, it is, but they're the kind of levels that just feel so right to replay. They're large, sprawling, full of life and details, alternate routes, things to find and enemies to whack. Plus, this game barely has a plot and it's basically just a stereotypical martial arts revenge B-flick. It's not a game you play from start to finish to get the full story experience. The true Sifu experience is learning the gameplay and becoming a true martial master. When you beat the final boss for the first time, you're just getting started.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That, and at the time of release, any free DLC additional content didn't exist yet, in case that's the origins of some of the extra fun.

I haven't even touched the arenas yet.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Both, or neither. Or dunno.

More the 2nd one.

Although can work kill me if i am already dead inside lol.


Didn't sleep a wink and i was already absolutely done with the week yesterday. Now i am feeling absolutely murderous ngl.

But nah, i won't take the coward's way out.

But i wonder how long i will be able to stick to that

I think it's time to quit if you're seriously starting to get these kinds of thoughts, man. Easier said than done, I know, but unemployment is preferable if working this job's going to make you do something stupid. Because once you do, there is no turning back.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Parents: "you need a woman in your life"

As if i need more shackles right now.

Companionship can be welcome to brave the pains of mundane life, but it's not something you can just force.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Remember the thing I made for that one contest at FEUniverse? Turns out I got disqualified because it kept crashing for people.

Welp. That's what I get for using SRPGStudio, I guess. What a waste of money buying that thing was...

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know what my favorite silly KH scene I've seen is: The extremely dramatic death scene of Goofy, Donald Duck warning Sora of Sephiroth's presence, or all the kindergarten-level disses the characters keep throwing about.

I think I'm going with this.

Try this one, Ruben! 


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Easier said than done, I know, but unemployment is preferable

Here's the thing

Unemployment either means:

A) living with Parents


B) Dealing with the state

Neither sound attractive

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Turns out I got disqualified because it kept crashing for people.

Din't i report that as well?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What a waste of money buying that thing was...

Yh tell me about it

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's the thing

Unemployment either means:

A) living with Parents


B) Dealing with the state

Neither sound attractive

Perhaps a different job would be at least a bit more manageable? I don't quite remember what your current job is, but it sounds like it's going to end up driving you to do something you'll instantly regret.

If leaving the job is not an option, please, seek psychological help as quickly as possible. Mental health's no joke and yours doesn't sound like it's doing so good.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yh tell me about it

You did, yes. I had hoped it would just be your system. Turns out no, the thing was just broken. Like my FE8 hack where a bunch of people reported having the convoy glitch out for no reason or turns ending when units waited in some chapters, or my new FE6 hack where the Sommie animation doesn't work properly even though when importing it to FE8 it does work fine.

Eh. Live and learn, I suppose. The lesson here is: I break everything I try to create. Life is unfair.

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Perhaps a different job would be at least a bit more manageable?

Yeah i will start the search soon

Although the problem is less the job itself (even if it's boring) and more the routine. Everyday just being the same.

An eternal Cycle.

An endless now.


Even back then when i worked on something i super loved the routine problem was too real.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

seek psychological help as quickly as possible

Yeah thinking about it.

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The lesson here is: I break everything I try to create


Tbf SRPG studio is hard. It's very flexible

But it also uses Java so....

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know what my favorite silly KH scene I've seen is: The extremely dramatic death scene of Goofy, Donald Duck warning Sora of Sephiroth's presence, or all the kindergarten-level disses the characters keep throwing about.

I think I'm going with this.

I might have mentioned it before, but...

  • "Who are you?"
  • "I'm what's left. Or . . . maybe I'm all there ever was."
  • "I meant your name."

...is actually Garon-tier writing. If all of KH is like that, I might even like the story.

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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I know how this feels! See?



Ain't technology awesome-

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yeah thinking about it.

Please do, and good luck.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

I might have mentioned it before, but...

...is actually Garon-tier writing. If all of KH is like that, I might even like the story.

Garon-tier seems like an appropriate description for all of it.

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I remember reading the Steam Summer Sale would begin today... I think.

In exactly 1 hour and 43 minutes. The website is usually accurate, in my experience.

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24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I remember reading the Steam Summer Sale would begin today... I think.

Should be, although it might take a little time for everyone to get their sales up, and for Steam to advertise "SUMMER IS HERE!"

I don't know if I'll be purchasing anything from it, I already have a big enough backlog to complain about. Get the deals while they're here yeah, but it feels wrong to collect and not actually play. 

That and *sigh*, want I really want isn't short-term earthly delights, but long-term existential improvement. As it stands, I will one day die thinking "How can anyone NOT die with dozens of regrets?", as I know I would be going that way. But, I'll be attending an earthly delight a little over a week from now, and my fellow attendee is getting excited for it, which means I can't bring up the psyche thing that I was intending to today. I'm so utterly timid to ask for no reason, except for that of not wanting to draw attention to myself, and I don't want to kill their mood. I'm not actually depressed or anything at the moment, I haven't had a serious bout since last year. I'm enjoying my daily existence, I'll be enjoying the coming expensive event for sure, I'd make this clear to them. But three decades will soon complete for me and I don't feel existentially satisfied, as much as I can effectively bury that feeling each day, as much as it would take real effort to change that, I know it. Every month, I try not to be a downer and don't ask about the psyche b/c it's too close to a good time approaching, and I don't want to ask in the days immediately following such a thing either. I always make an excuse not to ask. I'd make the appointment myself, I am an adult, but going behind their back like that would possibly draw more attention to myself b/c why would I be doing something so unusual like that?

Sorry.😔 I was about to actually restart RF5 after delaying b/c I was in the mood to colonize Mars after SRWJ and then I slipped in some DW8. But once I was in control of Ares at his bedside around midnight, I had to stop myself from continuing. I wanted to vent these feelings that were getting in the way of continuing. Not sure if I actually will today, if I'll spend it criticizing myself for not continuing for such petty reasons.


8 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Nothing like waiting ~1 hour after work for the train


At least you live somewhere where trains for the daily commute is feasible.

I'd think I'd like that, but then during my most recent visit to a city I got on a packed subway. I know that's just how they are, but someone my size being packed like a sardine in one of those tubes... not the kind of daily train experience I'd want.😵 I'd prefer something akin to the Excess Express, minus the Smorgs and resident ghost who will send you to Hell if you look at their diary.

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I've certainly worried about my own backlog...

But as it stands, I have worked on it more than I ever did this past two years, so I'm not as worried.

As it stands, if it means I'll finish it when I'm in my 50's or so... well, that means I'd still have new stuff to play as I get older.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 I'd prefer something akin to the Excess Express, minus the Smorgs and resident ghost who will send you to Hell if you look at their diary.

But that was the best EXPerience of the trip!

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I'm getting flashbacks to F-Zero GX.

I've spent five fucking hours trying to get the high score goal for level 2. Closest I've gotten, missed it by 1000 points because I choked in two different areas.

Ah, fucking Christ. And all of this, so I can unlock an outfit. Damned vanity...

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Finally, shadow dragon but not bad

Why are the portraits so ugly, though? I know people don't like SD's portraits, but removing all shading and turning Navarre's jacket into a blotch of red is not the way to go about "fixing" them. That just looks plain bad, they should've just used the FE12 portraits. Tweak the colors some more if you don't like them still, but don't do... well, that.

Still, bad portraits aside, that looks like it had a ton of effort put into it. Custom models, custom map sprites, custom maps... And of course, those sweet sweet Fates mechanics.

7 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Brilliant. I love these kinds of meme mods that nobody ever installs, but they're neat to see.

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