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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Either that or since you live in Florida and don't fit the profile of Cuban-American so they default to Puerto Rico?

They even claim I have the "Puerto Rican accent" which is really weird to me because up until I started this job, I had barely any social exposure to Puerto Ricans and 99% of the Spanish I spoke was inside the house. Idk how accents develop.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:


Prequels are the biggest history revision in media ever seen. I know because I grew up with seeing people constantly bash the movies. But now the movies are "good actually".

When's the Fantastic 4 (2015) history revision arc? Because I promise you it will happen when the MCU F4 movie gets released.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

But living with Parents...is...well...yo know

Obviously it wouldn't be a permanent solution but at least until you can reorient yourself.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Ys Oath is the same.

And so is every Ys before 7 fyi

Say it ain't so.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also no way is it worse than 1 you don't miss all attacks just because you're lower lvld

Xenoblade 1 Level penalties have grace levels. Ys level penalties is like "oh you are one level below me? Instant death. Oh you are one level higher? You curbstomp me easily".

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They even claim I have the "Puerto Rican accent" which is really weird to me because up until I started this job, I had barely any social exposure to Puerto Ricans and 99% of the Spanish I spoke was inside the house. Idk how accents develop.

Accents? Isolationism, usually. With enough time the speaking patterns of groups begin to diverge if they aren't in close proximity to each other for constant contact.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Prequels are the biggest history revision in media ever seen. I know because I grew up with seeing people constantly bash the movies. But now the movies are "good actually".

When's the Fantastic 4 (2015) history revision arc? Because I promise you it will happen when the MCU F4 movie gets released.

It's just a natural course of things. Just look at how it has happened with FE, pft.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade 1 Level penalties have grace levels. Ys level penalties is like "oh you are one level below me? Instant death. Oh you are one level higher? You curbstomp me easily".

Certainly didn't felt that way in Origin's Nightmare Mode... or I was still below the threshold. But then EXP gains are that punishing at that point...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The Supreme Court Justices are so lucky they don't live in France man.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Accents? Isolationism, usually. With enough time the speaking patterns of groups begin to diverge if they aren't in close proximity to each other for constant contact.

But then in that case it becomes how did I supposedly get the Puerto Rican accent? I wasn't in any contact with Puerto Ricans either.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Supreme Court Justices are so lucky they don't live in France man.

I mean, if January 6 was any indication over what they had to fear...

18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But then in that case it becomes how did I supposedly get the Puerto Rican accent? I wasn't in any contact with Puerto Ricans either.

Maybe it's not, but is close enough to be mistaken as one?

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I'm weirdly tempted to start Radiant Dawn right now, but I'd feel guilty starting another JRPG when I still got Xenoblade to finish.

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


What an unfortunate coincidence for the both of us.😒 Although close commiseration is camaraderie. My genuine sympathies go to you.

18 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I hope it helps, as you deserve to be happy.

On 6/29/2023 at 12:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Here's hoping you continue to make a swift recovery.

Thanks y'all.

On 6/29/2023 at 12:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Of F-Zero, or Sifu?


On 6/29/2023 at 12:14 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

There's a Garon prequel mod in the works that got a full cast of voice actors. Most notably, the narrator of the trailer, who is a professional voice actor I recognize from Triangle Strategy. Y'know, triple A production by a well-known company with decades of history? He's also in Echoes as Saber. And in this mod of Fates. How they pulled that off is beyond me.

He isn't credited in the trailer which is interesting so maybe he was just brought in for that video specifically

Still imagine being the VA and getting that email.

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42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Say it ain't so.

Ys 1 has a lvl cap of 10, and you reach it by midgame

Ys 2, 3, 6 and Origin have a lvlcap of 60 iirc, and every level matters.

Starting 7 they switched to a new system where 1 lvl or even a few isn't a gigantic thing anymore. More like normal jrpg stuff

42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh you are one level higher? You curbstomp me easily".

Normal mode moment

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Supreme Court Justices are so lucky they don't live in France man

Honestly, AA sounds hella weird to us non-muricans.

Murican politics are way too race focused.

And then today the whole debt thing :facepalm:

But for companies and the rich it's fine, sure....

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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51 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm weirdly tempted to start Radiant Dawn right now, but I'd feel guilty starting another JRPG when I still got Xenoblade to finish.

The curse of the 100 hour JRPG. A game has to be really damn good to retain one's attention for 100 hours.

51 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oh, I see.

51 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

He isn't credited in the trailer which is interesting so maybe he was just brought in for that video specifically

I really doubt it's just for the video, if I had to guess he'll be the narrator of the intro and nothing else. The modder's being really secretive about it, someone asked him how he did it directly and they just went "secret."

51 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Still imagine being the VA and getting that email.

"Hey, I'm making this fanfic mod for FE on the 3DS. No, not the one you were in, the other one. No, the other one. So anyway, wanna come and voice the intro?"

...Though I suppose nobody's considered the possibility that the modder is a friend of the voice actor. When you stop to think about it, it's really not impossible.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The curse of the 100 hour JRPG. A game has to be really damn good to retain one's attention for 100 hours.

Meanwhile there is me playing Berwick Saga like 10 times in a row and counting.

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So you know the outfit I said I wanted to unlcok by getting all the high score goals in every stage? Turns out, the outfit comes with an undisplayed extra. It spawns you with a hat. This hat falls off when you take damage and doesn't come back. However, if you can keep it, it stays on the entire game, including cutscenes from what I know.

The game manipulates the subconscious of any player dedicated enough to fulfill the challenge into trying to no-hit the game next by putting a big, shining, white beacon of bragging rights on the top of their head.

That's actually fucking brilliant game design. I take my proverbial hat off. Or I would, but I lost it a few rooms into stage 1 and didn't bother to restart. I'm trying to get the good ending now.

14 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Meanwhile there is me playing Berwick Saga like 10 times in a row and counting.

Well, yeah. Berwick Saga encourages replays with its sheer amount of obscure, difficult and/or mutually exclusive content. Which is an approach I far prefer, I tend to get more mileage out of those games. For a different, very current example, Sifu has five stages and I've already gotten 30 hours out of it in three days, and I'm not about to stop because I feel like I still have so much more to do.

The stage design in this game is actually insane. The levels are so carefully designed, so full of details, so alive, that every little corner is memorable and combined with the buttery smooth combat system, I don't mind playing through it all a thousand times trying to do silly challenges. What an absolute masterpiece.

Seriously, I cannot stress it enough. Sifu has gotten me to derail the conversation away from Berwick Saga instead of into it. Like, that's just... incredible.

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The Harrison Ford discussion reminded me...


21 hours ago, Armagon said:

This is secret code that Rean the GOAT will be in Smash 6 and Deep Carnival will be one of the songs included.

Rean's trailer will just be him and Byleth exchanging stories about their students. I wonder who Sakurai paired Rean with? I'm guessing Musse.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I didn't know Neptunia had rabid fujoshis.

Which is strange, because it barely has any male characters (that aren't antagonists) for Vert to fantasize about.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Prequels are the biggest history revision in media ever seen. I know because I grew up with seeing people constantly bash the movies. But now the movies are "good actually".

When's the Fantastic 4 (2015) history revision arc? Because I promise you it will happen when the MCU F4 movie gets released.

Memes aside, I think more people are willing to appreciate their good qualities while still acknowledging their flaws nowadays (and it gave us The Clone Wars). I'm fond of this video about politics.

Fantastic Four 2005 was always good, so it doesn't need a history revision arc.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Got the Empressive achievement (three empresses in a row). Started as Matilda of Tuscany and I already have Italia

Now its time to savescum for a male heir



6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Jooooo Ys 😄

Btw, Oath is like Origin, so you might not like that much

Obviously Oath and Origin are both Top 3 after Dana, but just wanted to warn you

What about starting from the first one?

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

jooooooo i actually reread Part 3 a couple days ago lol

rip Jean

he deserved for being a traitor tho

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Just as a PSA.

SRW 30 is 50% off this sale.

You know what else is 50% 70% off this sale?????

Dragon Age Origins - Detonado - Final Faqs

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Prequels are the biggest history revision in media ever seen. I know because I grew up with seeing people constantly bash the movies. But now the movies are "good actually".

Some revisionism is good. The Thing was panned when it was released and now its (rightfully) considered the best horror movie ever.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

When's the Fantastic 4 (2015) history revision arc? Because I promise you it will happen when the MCU F4 movie gets released.

Never, unless the new movie is somehow worse.

27 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I wonder who Sakurai paired Rean with?

28 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Memes aside, I think more people are willing to acknowledge their good qualities nowadays (and it gave us The Clone Wars). I'm fond of this video about politics.

Fantastic Four 2005 was always good, so it doesn't need a history revision arc.


To both points, actually.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Supreme Court Justices are so lucky they don't live in France man.

Yeah, I've been paying attention to the proceedings of the past two days. Didn't want to bring them up. They're nothing of the happy sort.

The silver lining? The Court shot down the democracy-murdering "state legislatures can defy the voters' wills" lawsuit (6-3, shouldn't have been that scarily close given how fundamental democracy is, but such is our radicalized era). There is still a chance for things to improve. Although we'll be stuck with this court for decades to come, we'll be balding by then.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, if January 6 was any indication over what they had to fear...

You mean celebrate. You are aware the Eldritch Evil One's wife was more than a little sympathetic to the attempted overthrow of democracy?


2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm weirdly tempted to start Radiant Dawn right now, but I'd feel guilty starting another JRPG when I still got Xenoblade to finish.

I understand the feeling. I've had thoughts of starting Maglam Lord when I'm not finished with husbandoing in RF5. I've been wanting to do a second EOIV run when I never finished 2U and Nexus first runs. And I want to play 13 Sentinels as something plot-heavy on my Switch, when I've already got Triangle Strategy in that corner.

New things are always tempting and distracting, because they are new, fresh, exotic, and unknown. Familiarity can make things seem vanilla, new experiences can end up being bad, but the promise of them being good is ever so distracting.


2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Honestly, AA sounds hella weird to us non-muricans.

Murican politics are way too race focused.

I think polling puts Affirmative Action's approval rating at only ~35%. And possibly higher among white democrats than black democrats.

Affirmative Action could be seen as a necessary evil. It isn't the best way to assure racial diversity in education (and this will have reverberations in corporate hiring/promotions and the military as well), but it's the least bad option.

It is very nice for a country to say it is colorblind, to be neutral in matters of race, as well as ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, etc (aka "the French approach"). However, enshrining an ideal and insisting on  it, does not mean racism/sexism/other biases cease to actually exist. Racism, sexism, etc. can still institutionally exist, even if you don't collect data about those biases. Collecting demographic data related to those biases doesn't solve the problem either, but it at least gives you statistics, which if you say you are colorblind and forgo collecting the relevant data, doesn't prevent the biases from forming.

The ideal state of a society would be one where biases didn't exist and therefore demographic discrimination didn't have to be talked about. But that's an ideal, the reality in many societies is different, and the American approach -unless you're a 1950s-loving reactionary- is get into the messy talk than stay silent on the silently-carried-out discrimination. Even if talking about race means focusing on it when the ideal is not to think about it at all.

And it's possible to be both institutionally biased and blind to the data. Lebanon's confessional/religious situation comes to mind. The high government positions are divided according to religious affiliation, which might not be a terrible idea for maintaining societal harmony, but in practice has fueled corruption, undermined Lebanese democracy, and strengthened the confessional divide. On the other hand, Lebanon hasn't held a census in nearly a century, since that would reveal demographic shifts, which would upset the current allocation of political offices, and those who'd lose out absolutely don't want that, which could result in another civil war perhaps.


But enough about how to imperfectly address our species' imperfect nature.🤨 It ain't so fun.

53 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I can never imagine playing a game 10 times!

Hides his Fates playthroughs

I did a ton of SS, PoR, and RD playthroughs when I was younger. So much so on SS, that when I got the game on my 3DS years later, I still felt burn out of it (but did like six playthroughs again anyhow). Fates got a lotta attention from me as well. Fire Emblem ain't too long, so it's easy to replay.😄

More recently... I recall doing four playthroughs of Etrian Odyssey V, that's the EO that jived with me the very best. All ten classes used, each of their two Legendary Titles (advanced class branches) used once.

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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You mean celebrate. You are aware the Eldritch Evil One's wife was more than a little sympathetic to the attempted overthrow of democracy?

I meant about uprisings in general. Unless the other side can do better, then they don't have to fear repercussion of any kind.

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1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

What about starting from the first one?

oh god not the ds Version

Chronicles+ is the best version of Ys1/2

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Affirmative Action could be seen as a necessary evil. It isn't the best way to assure racial diversity in education (and this will have reverberations in corporate hiring/promotions and the military as well), but it's the least bad option.

is it?

From a european/non-murican point of view a much better option would be to have programs for the unpriviliged to catch up to the priviliged, instead of giving them easier access to universities. Only grades + admission tests should matter there.

Then again social programs and murica....lol

Positive discrimination is still discriminiation, imo. And even calling it "positive" might be a stretch since some minorities were hurt by it (like asians).

56 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

However, enshrining an ideal and insisting on  it, does not mean racism/sexism/other biases cease to actually exist. Racism, sexism, etc. can still institutionally exist, even if you don't collect data about those biases.

Oh, they definetly exist. And they have been on the rise again in europe lately. Actually everywhere not just in europe

However, having race play such a big role to the point it's stated in some official documents is very...iffy. When even Lefties in america want to segregate but "for good reasons" i can't help but facepalm. Goal should be for everyone to get along and to put them at equal standing, not to create parallel structures and safe spaces.

From an outsider point of view, how the race card is played in murica only creates divide. Both from racist pieces of shit and those who're meaning better.

Or idk, maybe i have too much of an "old world" view on this lol.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Interviewer: […] Do you have any stories of when you created Shinigami and Yuma’s designs?

Kodaka: Komatsuzaki probably remembers this better than I do, but Shinigami wasn’t showing a lot of skin. But I insisted rather strongly: “Make her sexier, make her sexier!” so he had no choice. I don’t completely remember precisely what I said, but I’m pretty sure I said something along those lines. (laughs)

Honesty from a video game writer. It's uh... not what you'd think someone would publicly admit to.


15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

is it?

From a european/non-murican point of view a much better option would be to have programs from the unpriviliged to catch up to the priviliged, instead of giving them easier access to universities. Only grades + admission tests should matter there.

Then again social programs and murica....lol

Positive discrimination is still discriminiation, imo. And even calling it "positive" might be a stretch since some minorities were hurt by it (like asians).

Fair fair...

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

From an outsider point of view, how the race card is played in murica only creates divide. Both from racist pieces of shit and those who're meaning better.

Or idk, maybe i have too much of an "old world" view on this lol.

...it's complicated.😐 America could very well be wrong in its approach, as it in other matters. On this topic, America Is Wrong could be the case, but it doesn't feel quite as clear-cut as usual.

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I am in Ys mood....

Ys X when

Probably 2026 english or something 😭

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honesty from a video game writer. It's uh... not what you'd think someone would publicly admit to.


Why not XD

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29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

From an outsider point of view, how the race card is played in murica only creates divide. Both from racist pieces of shit and those who're meaning better.

Or idk, maybe i have too much of an "old world" view on this lol.

It is good to remember that how the America's view on race is much different then how the rest of the world sees it because of our history

After the great reset in the 1500s, most all countries in the Americas didn't develop much of an ethno-national identity since the majority people living there weren't natives and largely spoke the same language across the board, so really all that mattered was your skin color. And unlike most of Europe specifically, slavery based on race was a homeland institution that dictated a lot of The US's economy and politics surrounding our government, it's why we had a fucking civil war over it, and the problems relating to slavery extended far beyond the war as neo-slavery forced upon by southern democrats (Soon to be republicans) lasted to as late as the 1950s. To this day when it comes to politics you can notice a very striking racial difference between Right leaning and left leaning people, it's pretty much "Most republicans are close minded white people, and most democrats consist of literally everyone else"

In the old world it may be different, but in the Americas, because we are so diverse and because many of our politics reflect that diversity, saying "You should just ignore race" to an American lefty will just make you sound to them like a centrist trying not to acknowledge the racial discrimination that happens within the government and it's communities.

Hell it wasn't too long ago that the US no-fly list was leaked and a good portion of the names there were Arab children, or even just people who had Arab names like Muhammad

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14 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

"You should just ignore race" to an American lefty will just make you sound to them like a centrist trying not to acknowledge the racial discrimination that happens within the government and it's communities.

To me "ignoring race" is less "racism doesn't exist" and more "acknowledging we are all human and should be treated equally". 

Racism won't go away if you keep dividing the people and putting them in brackets because they look different. - That's how the murican race politics look to me as an outsider.

The first time i learned that a person's race is in their birth certificate in Murica i was honestly horrified. 

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17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

To me "ignoring race" is less "racism doesn't exist" and more "acknowledging we are all human and should be treated equally". 

Racism won't go away if you keep dividing the people and putting them in brackets because they look different. - That's how the murican race politics look to me as an outsider.

The first time i learned that a person's race is in their birth certificate in Murica i was honestly horrified. 

Personally I agree with you, in a vacuum your race shouldn't matter, but here the racial lines drawn centuries ago have dictated the politics going forward for hundreds of years and it is impossible for everyone on all sides to just collectively "ignore race" overnight.

I get it, in the long term we should try and focus on making sure everyone is on the same footing and that your race shouldn't have to play into anything, but at the state we are currently at, it's impossible to be an activist and not acknowledge race when that's what half the fight is about, and laws that protect certain people is the best short term solution we have to keep more people from dying.

For indigenous people, one of the greatest moments in modern history was when the Indian Child Welfare act was introduced. It sparked genuine anxiety when the law was brought to court again this year with the possibility of being kicked out


Luckily, it was voted to stay.



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