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Y’all please forgive me if I stay outta the political talk, since in that regard I’m way at the other end of the spectrum from all of you folks 

“But Captain... you like VGs”

And?? 🤔

Last I looked those were for anybody to enjoy

Anyhoo...Dammit, I tried. I really tried. I TRIED to give Wendy the benefit of the doubt. I figured “maybe she’ll be like Lilina or Madam Sophia the Squishy and start off weak but hit like a truck once she gits a few levels. Well it aint workin that way. Got her up to lv 7 and she STILL cant hit diddly squat. So, THATS IT. Wendy, YOU OFFICIALLY SUCK ROYALLY 🤬

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No longer shall the public be able to behold this relic of gaming.🙁

Because the screen, the only part of this that got replaced after surviving a bombing in the '90-91 Gulf War, has deteriorated too much. I'll count my blessings that I got to see this in person. Back when portable electronics were made with real durability.

...Artifacts of this sort aren't exactly common in the video game world when you think about it. Prototypes versions and limited editions of various consoles and controllers, but I dunno, how many museum-worthy "relics" do video games have? -Even less as digitization has increased I'd say.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



No longer shall the public be able to behold this relic of gaming.🙁

Because the screen, the only part of this that got replaced after surviving a bombing in the '90-91 Gulf War, has deteriorated too much. I'll count my blessings that I got to see this in person. Back when portable electronics were made with real durability.

...Artifacts of this sort aren't exactly common in the video game world when you think about it. Prototypes versions and limited editions of various consoles and controllers, but I dunno, how many museum-worthy "relics" do video games have? -Even less as digitization has increased I'd say.

I still got my Atari 2600... somewheres

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1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Y’all please forgive me if I stay outta the political talk

You arent the only one, I dislike that talk since it generally leads to arguments and clouded emotions.

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Bro did Biden just bait the Supreme Court? Cause they shot down the student loan forgiveness under the HEROES Act and Biden immediately decided to do it under the Higher Education Act of 1965. Which he could've done earlier but the fact that he's doing that instead of just giving up like i assumed he would......ngl i respect it.

Anyways regarding the revelation of my family history i learned this morning. Unfortunately my mom isn't actually that interested in finding out what tribe great grandma came from so i guess it's up me to figure it out. I don't have any direct leads tho, great grandma passed away and i never met her.....i mean i did but i was three, i don't remember it. Grandpa passed away a few years ago. I'll have to go through his side of the family.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe it's not, but is close enough to be mistaken as one?

I guess.

Maybe it's also living in Florida that has something to do with it. Large number of Caribbean Latinos.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm weirdly tempted to start Radiant Dawn right now, but I'd feel guilty starting another JRPG when I still got Xenoblade to finish

Radiant Dawn is technically shorter but it's still the longest FE game even counting FE4.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Starting 7 they switched to a new system where 1 lvl or even a few isn't a gigantic thing anymore.

But that's also the one where boss HP makes inflation fetishists blush.

Still though, i'll still try the older ones. I'm not turned off by the series like i am with Tales and the Zelda-like element should resonate more with me now (even if i doubt the puzzles have anywhere near as much prominence).

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Memes aside, I think more people are willing to appreciate their good qualities while still acknowledging their flaws nowadays (and it gave us The Clone Wars)

I can acknowledge that the Podrace and The Duel of the Fates goes hard while also acknowledging that the rest of the movie puts me in a coma.

Clone Wars is it's own thing. It's incredibly based but telling a Prequel fan to judge the movies as movies without any supplementary material that came after the fact and they'll think you just told them to sacrifice their firstborn.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Never, unless the new movie is somehow worse.

You underestimate the power of Twitter.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although we'll be stuck with this court for decades to come, we'll be balding by then.

I mean if someone decided to give the fascist judges *ahem* term limits, i wouldn't lose sleep over it.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

From a european/non-murican point of view a much better option would be to have programs for the unpriviliged to catch up to the priviliged, instead of giving them easier access to universities.

You'd think but America isn't as common sense as it likes to think it is.

Legacy admissions are fine tho!

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

am in Ys mood....

Ys X when

Probably 2026 english or something

Play through all the games again to prep.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The first time i learned that a person's race is in their birth certificate in Murica i was honestly horrified. 

Ah that's not a thing that happens in the rest of the world huh.

Fun fact: school documents kept saying i was white. *Looks at my own skin* literally how?

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

For indigenous people, one of the greatest moments in modern history was when the Indian Child Welfare act was introduced. It sparked genuine anxiety when the law was brought to court again this year with the possibility of being kicked out


Luckily, it was voted to stay.

Honestly shocked it's kept in place. You'd think that the Supreme Court would easily throw it out given that Republicans have once again declared war on children but a broken clock is right twice a day it seems.

43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No longer shall the public be able to behold this relic of gaming.🙁

I got an idea for a new National Treasure film.

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Supreme Court when crazy today eh

Now I do leave when I become an adult or do I attempt to make things better here

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

To me "ignoring race" is less "racism doesn't exist" and more "acknowledging we are all human and should be treated equally".

That’s true but ignoring race will not lead to everyone being treated equally in this country with the way things are (as GuardianSing put so well). The only thing that would realistically accomplish without major reform is preserving the status quo, which definitely wouldn’t help. But honestly, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson put it best in her dissenting opinion: “With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces ‘colorblindness for all’ by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life. … The takeaway is that those who demand that no one think about race (a classic pink-elephant paradox) refuse to see, much less solve for, the elephant in the room— the race-linked disparities that continue to impede achievement of our great Nation’s full potential.“

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Racism won't go away if you keep dividing the people and putting them in brackets because they look different. - That's how the murican race politics look to me as an outsider.

True but in the short term it’s better than nothing.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The first time i learned that a person's race is in their birth certificate in Murica i was honestly horrified. 

damn didn’t know this

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Bro did Biden just bait the Supreme Court? Cause they shot down the student loan forgiveness under the HEROES Act and Biden immediately decided to do it under the Higher Education Act of 1965. Which he could've done earlier but the fact that he's doing that instead of just giving up like i assumed he would......ngl i respect it.Anyways regarding the revelation of my family history i learned this morning. Unfortunately my mom isn't actually that interested in finding out what tribe great grandma came from so i guess it's up me to figure it out. I don't have any direct leads tho, great grandma passed away and i never met her.....i mean i did but i was three, i don't remember it. Grandpa passed away a few years ago. I'll have to go through his side of the family.

Ancestry.com or whatever that site is... Would that work for ya at all?

Got a uncle poked around on there for a while and was able to trace our clan back to a coupla presidents

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1 minute ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Ancestry.com or whatever that site is... Would that work for ya at all?

>$40 just to access records outside of the United States

I feel like i could just do this for free.

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7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

here the racial lines drawn centuries ago have dictated the politics going forward for hundreds of years and it is impossible for everyone on all sides to just collectively "ignore race" overnight.


The goal should be, over time, to "ignore race"

Sadly it seems humanity is going backbin time in that regard

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

the state we are currently at, it's impossible to be an activist and not acknowledge race when that's what half the fight is about, and laws that protect certain people is the best short term solution we have to keep more people from dying.


4 hours ago, Sooks said:

True but in the short term it’s better than nothing


Problem with politics that short term solutions tend to be long term ones and later replaced with shittier versions 😞

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Indian Child Welfare act

*reads on it*

"ICWA was enacted in 1978 because of the disproportionately high rate of forced removal of Native children from their traditional homes and essentially from Native American cultures as a whole.[3][4] Before enactment, as many as 35 percent of all Native children were being removed, usually forcibly, mostly from intact Native American families with extended family networks, and placed in predominantly non-Native homes, which had no relation to Native American cultures."

Wtf Murica

What law allowed them to do that in the first place before the act?

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

ro did Biden just bait the Supreme Court? Cause they shot down the student loan forgiveness under the HEROES Act and Biden immediately decided to do it under the Higher Education Act of 1965. Which he could've done earlier but the fact that he's doing that instead of just giving up like i assumed he would......ngl i respect it.

Can't they just sack it later?

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

But that's also the one where boss HP makes inflation fetishists blush.

Thankfully the only one

Aside from Ys 8 final boss xD

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

even if i doubt the puzzles have anywhere near as much prominence

Yeah there are some, but Ys is much more action/combat focused

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

You'd think but America isn't as common sense as it likes to think it is.

Have been learning that more and more since Trump

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Legacy admissions are fine tho!

Yeah these are bullshit as well.

And the fact that the court only sacked AA but not LA says everything

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah that's not a thing that happens in the rest of the world huh.


4 hours ago, Sooks said:

damn didn’t know this

Well, atleast not over here, and not in countries i visited or lived in either.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Fun fact: school documents kept saying i was white. *Looks at my own skin* literally how?

Even in school...

Like why

It really feeld like it defines your whole life...

Also afaik race in murica is not based on skin color but country of parents/ancestors?

A black person from the mediterranean/mid east would be considered white for example, and the country of origin won't help here since it most likely doesn't record race.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

without major reform i

Time for major reforms then!

Alas if only it was so easy...

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5 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I dislike that talk since it generally leads to arguments and clouded emotions.

I get it, conflict is uncomfortable and in general we try to avoid it, but personally I think we should address it when it arises instead of leaving it to fester and grow

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

That’s true but ignoring race will not lead to everyone being treated equally in this country with the way things are (as GuardianSing put so well). The only thing that would realistically accomplish without major reform is preserving the status quo, which definitely wouldn’t help. But honestly, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson put it best in her dissenting opinion: “With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces ‘colorblindness for all’ by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life. … The takeaway is that those who demand that no one think about race (a classic pink-elephant paradox) refuse to see, much less solve for, the elephant in the room— the race-linked disparities that continue to impede achievement of our great Nation’s full potential.

In short, apathy on politics may absolve guilt from personal involvement but they do not absolve consequences

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

*reads on it*


"ICWA was enacted in 1978 because of the disproportionately high rate of forced removal of Native children from their traditional homes and essentially from Native American cultures as a whole.[3][4] Before enactment, as many as 35 percent of all Native children were being removed, usually forcibly, mostly from intact Native American families with extended family networks, and placed in predominantly non-Native homes, which had no relation to Native American cultures."

Wtf Murica

What law allowed them to do that in the first place before the act?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

"...That being said, we don't consider non-white people as men"

Yeaaah, the reason why US lefties don't like the term "All Lives matter" is because historically when the US has tried to use a broad term to put people under, it has often come with a huge president sized asterisk.

In the beginning it was with enslaved Africans, who were considered closer to monkeys than men and so not part of the constitution. Same goes with natives, they weren't men, they were savages, and not included in this proclamation including "all men"

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Time for major reforms then!

Alas if only it was so easy...

The Black Panther Party tried back in the 60s but the CIA shot that down (Literally) pretty quickly

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8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

In the beginning it was with enslaved Africans, who were considered closer to monkeys than men and so not part of the constitution. Same goes with natives, they weren't men, they were savages, and not included in this proclamation including "all men"

I am trying to imagine how they wrote that into law


"All men are equal*"

*Men: Only whites?

Or did everyone just accept that as a matter of fact for a big as while without any written law?

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11 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

What about starting from the first one?

I clicked on the video, hit the timeline at a random point and I was greeted with TLP music.

That's about all I have to add. I thought it was funny.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Interviewer: […] Do you have any stories of when you created Shinigami and Yuma’s designs?

Kodaka: Komatsuzaki probably remembers this better than I do, but Shinigami wasn’t showing a lot of skin. But I insisted rather strongly: “Make her sexier, make her sexier!” so he had no choice. I don’t completely remember precisely what I said, but I’m pretty sure I said something along those lines. (laughs)

Honesty from a video game writer. It's uh... not what you'd think someone would publicly admit to.

Yes, it would certainly have been such a tragedy if Shinigami did not show a lot of skin. How would I get a hard-on during cutscenes if she didn't? What would I do with myself them, become immersed in the action? Pfft, that's just silly.

8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Y’all please forgive me if I stay outta the political talk, since in that regard I’m way at the other end of the spectrum from all of you folks

Well, of course. You're old.

8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Anyhoo...Dammit, I tried. I really tried. I TRIED to give Wendy the benefit of the doubt. I figured “maybe she’ll be like Lilina or Madam Sophia the Squishy and start off weak but hit like a truck once she gits a few levels. Well it aint workin that way. Got her up to lv 7 and she STILL cant hit diddly squat. So, THATS IT. Wendy, YOU OFFICIALLY SUCK ROYALLY 🤬



Weaker than weak sauce!


Look at those numbers against the tankiest enemies in the game! If only I could go back in time and not soften them up. It kinda ruined the vibe, considering she could've just one-rounded Zeph at full health.

Now writhe in regret of your foolishness and keep giving that girl her levels.

6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now I do leave when I become an adult or do I attempt to make things better here

Come to Spain. I will make you play Berwick Saga for rent.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

In the beginning it was with enslaved Africans, who were considered closer to monkeys than men and so not part of the constitution. Same goes with natives, they weren't men, they were savages, and not included in this proclamation including "all men"

That's just vile.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Interviewer: […] Do you have any stories of when you created Shinigami and Yuma’s designs?

Kodaka: Komatsuzaki probably remembers this better than I do, but Shinigami wasn’t showing a lot of skin. But I insisted rather strongly: “Make her sexier, make her sexier!” so he had no choice. I don’t completely remember precisely what I said, but I’m pretty sure I said something along those lines. (laughs)

Honesty from a video game writer. It's uh... not what you'd think someone would publicly admit to.

Well, we are talking about the folks who compared Camilla to a cow and then quoted it in that The Making of Fire Emblem book.

Kusakihara (Art Director): Camilla’s crown is kinda cow (牛) like, isn’t it.

Kozaki (Character Designer): I feel that it’d be nice if it looks like animal’s ears. A bit like horns. That kind of image.

Kusakihara:  In combination with her big breasts, I thought that if she’s probably designed with an image of Holstein (ホルスタイン).

Kozaki: I never thought of that (lol). Then, I wonder if I should have had made her cloak with cow-spot pattern as well.

Kusakihara: That’s just going too far, isn’t it (lol). 

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Well, we are talking about the folks who compared Camilla to a cow and then quoted it in that The Making of Fire Emblem book.

Kusakihara (Art Director): Camilla’s crown is kinda cow (牛) like, isn’t it.

Kozaki (Character Designer): I feel that it’d be nice if it looks like animal’s ears. A bit like horns. That kind of image.

Kusakihara:  In combination with her big breasts, I thought that if she’s probably designed with an image of Holstein (ホルスタイン).

Kozaki: I never thought of that (lol). Then, I wonder if I should have had made her cloak with cow-spot pattern as well.

Kusakihara: That’s just going too far, isn’t it (lol). 

Not the same people or the same franchise, but still

Gotta love how Kozaki is like "I wanted to give her a neat little animal motif" and then the art director instantly stampedes to "HAHA BOOB COW"

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not the same people or the same franchise, but still

Gotta love how Kozaki is like "I wanted to give her a neat little animal motif" and then the art director instantly stampedes to "HAHA BOOB COW"

Ah crap. That's what I get for not paying attention to what any of the new characters are called. No wonder I couldn't find any images on Google.

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I slept decently, so why does waking up like three hours earlier than usual result in waking up overcome with a feeling of primordial fear and dread? I don't recall having a nightmare. Not the first time this has happened. Why that and not some other sort of feeling? Curious what kind of brain activity triggers that reaction, and if it has any logical basis in the evolution of humans as animals.


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, it would certainly have been such a tragedy if Shinigami did not show a lot of skin. How would I get a hard-on during cutscenes if she didn't? What would I do with myself them, become immersed in the action? Pfft, that's just silly.

The developer's inclinations don't always win out. I can actually name one example.:


Taken from Okami's official artbook (a digital copy of which is unlocked in the game itself once you've finished it).

I'll assume the Japanese block of text here explains what I've been told. The cherry blossom goddess Sakuya begins the game in that bright pink appearance at the top of this page. Later, she does get a wardrobe change to something skimpier- the bikini/underwear design shown in the lower left. However, that surrounded-in-censorious-mist nude design in the lower right never made into from the final game, and we only know about because it's included in this artbook, along with plenty of other scrapped designs of more innocuous things.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gotta love how Kozaki is like "I wanted to give her a neat little animal motif" and then the art director instantly stampedes to "HAHA BOOB COW"

I've actually two h-games that have men with cow motifs. Hopefully that balances the scale ever so little. I'll spare you any more details.

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've actually two h-games that have men with cow motifs. Hopefully that balances the scale ever so little. I'll spare you any more details.

When in doubt there is always Jojo.


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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I get it, conflict is uncomfortable and in general we try to avoid it, but personally I think we should address it when it arises instead of leaving it to fester and grow

probably, but my parents schredded any chance I might have had to enjoy politics when I was way too little. Now I just compare it to tools used to bully others, Im sorry. 

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Omg if the leaks are true OnK fanbase will explode

This will be one of the biggest meltdowns in a big while lmao

It won't be as big as AoT or Rental, but man will it be big

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Can't they just sack it later?

I think the Higher Education Act gives him more direct authority over it.

4 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

get it, conflict is uncomfortable and in general we try to avoid it, but personally I think we should address it when it arises instead of leaving it to fester and grow

The United States also has this really funny thing where our politics bleed into the rest of the world and if we go down, we take the whole world with us.

For all the talk that the country could collapse in the coming years, feels like no one is acknowledging the sheer worldwide ramifications of that actually happening. The Great Depression would be a drop in the bucket.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I am trying to imagine how they wrote that into law


"All men are equal*"

*Men: Only whites?

Or did everyone just accept that as a matter of fact for a big as while without any written law?

So what happened iirc is that it originally was going to include actually everyone. But the Southern States threatened to revolt and not sign the constitution if black people were granted equality. The Revolutionaries couldn't afford to lose allies so they agreed. And that's a good chunk of Americans history. "Let's do progress, oh no, the Southern States are threatening to revolt again". You know the breaking point.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Now I do leave when I become an adult or do I attempt to make things better here

Other countries do look enticing ngl but keep in mind grass isn't always greener on the other side. They got their own problems.

This all assumes you can even make it there in the first place.

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Great Depression would be a drop in the bucket.

Not to mention China's greater influence then

Not fun

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But the Southern States threatened to revolt and not sign the constitution if black people were granted equality. The Revolutionaries couldn't afford to lose allies so they agreed.

Some nice allies there

19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Other countries do look enticing ngl but keep in mind grass isn't always greener on the other side. They got their own problems.


Heck with the current rise of Nazis i  am starting to make plans (which will take a while, min. a year) to leave Germany on a moment notice if needed....

The problem is, where to? Extreme right are everyfuckingwhere in the world on the rise. There's literally no escape.

I hope this trend is stopped before we reach the point of no return....

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Some nice allies there

If we had gotten France earlier in the fight, we probably wouldn't have had to. But France didn't come until late game.

It's honestly wild that the US ended up fighting a whole war over slavery when basically every European country figured it out peacefully way earlier.

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

hope this trend is stopped before we reach the point of no return....

The silver lining is that a lot of them are old people. The new generation has just had enough bullshit, I think that's why the alt-right is getting so desperate. They know their time is approaching.

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