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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

It’s good to see that Rubenio has been hitting the sauce more then I have been recently.

Surely you jest.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah you have a meeting in Gamelon next.

Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon. I'm going to Gamelon to aid him. Dramatic hand gestures.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Surely you jest.

Rubenio listen to yourself:

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon. I'm going to Gamelon to aid him. Dramatic hand gestures.

You’re clearly as drunk as a skunk.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon. I'm going to Gamelon to aid him. Dramatic hand gestures.

But what if something happens to you?

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3 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Is…is this really happening right now? Gentlemen, 2008 was 15 years ago.

Some things are just timeless.

Also, thanks for reminding me 15 years ago I was already here, lurking the forums.

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... woah. In a few months, I'll have spent more time in my life knowing Serenes Forest than I was without...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ya know, as nice as this looks, the game screams "7/10 budget Japanese game". No opening no matter how good will be able to save it from that, even if a 7/10 ain't a bad score IMO. At least it has Woolies.

Also, when is Marvelous going to explain why it's "Silent Hope" internationally, but "Frederica" in Japan? What a strange, strange name change.



All the talk of nukes here reminds me of two things: Shin Megami Tensei, and SRWJ (SEED had a bombastically wonderful finale, and the GZ combined nukes with earthquakes, that was transcendently deadly.)


6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

if the fiscal year is from march to march that the main game (without DLC Wave 4) + whatever other ninty projects they worked on


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

My guess it's March 2022 to March 2023. Xenoblade 3 launched July 2022.

...And it looks like you're right. I didn't read it the article closely enough.😅 


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

A manga that only adapts the main story of Xenoblade X would be vastly inferior to the game's way of storytelling.

TBF, that's because the core story is pretty limited for XCX. Other media in service of XCX would be better for... I'm not entirely sure what exactly.🤔

Part of the issue is I don't feel like we can readily explore things off to the side or that weren't covered in full detail in the actual Xenoblade Chronicles X game. Because X2 hasn't happened yet, wherein a *bleep*ton will be unloaded.

I could see perhaps a series of relaxed one-shots each focused on each of the playable BLADEs, most of whom wouldn't mind the extra attention. No Cross getting involved this time, just select days in their lives, perhaps featuring minor NPCs whom they did or didn't interact with in the actual game, to enrich that Affinity Chart. Could vary from serious to silly. I'd consider tossing in an extra chapter or three for some important NPCs.

Alternatively or in addition, an expansion on the game's opening events would be good. Start with preparations for what most people think is a harebrained remote possibility- leaving the Earth, while those who know prepare the technology and procedures for when the alarm will go off. Feel the minute-to-minute chaos of the escape, come up for a cold, depressing silence during the solitary wandering in the wilderness of space, then drawn-out objectively-brief chaos again as the 'Whale crashes. Perhaps with the last page or two a post-denouement wherein humanity starts assessing the post-impact situation, chipping away at the solidified cushioning gel, the manga ending as soon as the gates creak open for the first time and humanity beholds what lay beyond- Primordia, Mira, their new home.😁


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sometimes I think I may have been the one being unfair on Symphony, actually.

No, I don't blame you. Symphony has some rough edges, Alucard's immaculately animated sprite isn't one of them, but Symphony, being the first Igavania isn't as smooth as Ecclesia or quality Metroidvanias in general since. Rarely are things perfected on the first try, no surprise.

One minor point for instance- the pause menu. Iga himself casually said in an interview wherein the game was being played as they chatted that the menu looks the way it does -very plain (almost debug-basic)- because they ran out of time/resources to make a stained glass aesthetic they were considering for it.

I played Symphony of the Night to completion, twice, I enjoyed it, but I'd be lying if I thought it was the greatest Igavania/Metroidvania of all time. Most impactful historically? Sure! But even someone like myself with a degree in history can readily admit that historical events might no longer be so entertaining.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

No, I don't blame you. Symphony has some rough edges, Alucard's immaculately animated sprite isn't one of them, but Symphony, being the first Igavania isn't as smooth as Ecclesia or quality Metroidvanias in general since. Rarely are things perfected on the first try, no surprise.

Alucard does have quite the fantastic sprite.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

One minor point for instance- the pause menu. Iga himself casually said in an interview wherein the game was being played as they chatted that the menu looks the way it does -very plain (almost debug-basic)- because they ran out of time/resources to make a stained glass aesthetic they were considering for it.

Oh yeah, I knew that. The menu did throw me for a loop when I played the game. It's ugly and honestly kind of clunky.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I played Symphony of the Night to completion, twice, I enjoyed it, but I'd be lying if I thought it was the greatest Igavania/Metroidvania of all time. Most impactful historically? Sure! But even someone like myself with a degree in history can readily admit that historical events might no longer be so entertaining.

Well, it's not impossible to enjoy these old fossils of gaming. Acacia did say he had a lot of fun with Symphony. Heck, I enjoyed FE1. Ultimately, to each their own.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Like, She probably has a hidden Aqua x Ruby stash somewhere

wait a sec.


She already drew Aqua x Ruby in one of her many former manga

…You could be reading the Zimiamvia, Lyonesse or the Gormenghast trilogy Shrimp-kun, but instead this hogs your attention.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Careful, the Ocarina purists will crucify you for that.

I feel like more and more these days I'll see people within the Zelda community say Ocarina is mediocre while it's people outside of the community who haven't played Zelda since Ocarina who adorn it as the best game ever created.

Not to throw any shade of course, what people like is there own deal. I'm not gonna gate keep game opinions like that, but when it comes to purists who shame the future games for going in the wrong direction, they are significant in just because how massive the following for Ocarina is, it's like Star Wars.

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Wind Waker? That game is so linear, it feels strange that the key display even has a number attached to it instead of simply saying "Yes" or "No". There is literally no point in the game where it's possible to carry more than one key at a time.
Sadly that game is really only carried by it's amazing visuals and the fact that the sea is actually quite cute. Too bad it takes ages before the game actually allows you to freely cruise around.

I don't recall it being much more linear than Ocarina of Time, especially when you have the entire sea to map out in Wind Waker and I found Ocarina's scattered key system more annoying than anything, but I guess I haven't played in a while.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I have been informed against my will that "nukes aren't real" conspiracy theorists exist


I want off this planet.

I mean the crux of the matter is that people like this have always existed they just now have a platform to voice their opinions.

It's the sacrifices we make for free speech

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I don't think Majora's Mask purists exist the same way Ocarina purists do.

Majora's Mask sold significantly less than Ocarina so while there is a cult following, it is much smaller compared to previous Zelda titles.

I've never come across a "Majora purist" and in general I can't imagine a purist for that game would be any more significant than the purists that exist for literally every video game, since you know, toxic people exist in all communities.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, thanks to your pfp, I'm kinda picturing Garon instead doing something like that, pft.

Someone make a CDI Garon right fucking now.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I'll take it.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, when is Marvelous going to explain why it's "Silent Hope" internationally, but "Frederica" in Japan? What a strange, strange name change.

Shit feels like the 80s.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TBF, that's because the core story is pretty limited for XCX. Other media in service of XCX would be better for... I'm not entirely sure what exactly.🤔

I used it as an example, my point is when there is significant side story existing along the main one, it's impossible to adapt it within a book, movie or show. It's the same reason why Majora's Mask's manga actually doesn't enhance the original story.

11 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

feel like more and more these days I'll see people within the Zelda community say Ocarina is mediocre while it's people outside of the community who haven't played Zelda since Ocarina who adorn it as the best game ever created.

It also tends to be people who started with Ocarina too. Like, I get it, it left a strong impression but I also started with Ocarina and I really liked it back then but now I don't really care for it beyond Gerudo Valley and the final battle.

13 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

found Ocarina's scattered key system more annoying than anything, but I guess I haven't played in a while.

Oh my God, IT'S NOT JUST ME!

"Because the dungeons in Ocarina of Time are quite frankly probably the most boring dungeons out of any (at least 3D) Zelda game that i've seen. The reason? Keys. There's so many fucking keys. Almost every dungeon in this game does not challenge you with puzzles to solve, instead, it wants you to find the hidden key so you can open the door to the next room.

Keys are a constant thing in Zelda, yes, but i've never seen a game this obsessed with it. There are times in this game where you would unlock a door, walk like two seconds and then, oh no, another locked door. Time to backtrack to find another fucking hidden key. The final dungeon literally has you enter a small, narrow path with a locked door and the Triforce insignia on the floor so you can play Zelda's Lullaby and make a chest with a key appear next to you. Why? What's the purpose? Why is this game so fucking obsessed with keys?" -excerpt from my Ocarina of Keys review on Backlogged.

17 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I've never come across a "Majora purist" and in general I can't imagine a purist for that game would be any more significant than the purists that exist for literally every video game, since you know, toxic people exist in all communities.

Well Majora purists generally act like the 3DS remake broke into their house and murdered their entire family.

"Nooooo you can't improve my archaic systems, I need it for my *themes*".

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All this Zelda talk is making me want to play Wind Waker again, this is fantastic.

15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It also tends to be people who started with Ocarina too. Like, I get it, it left a strong impression but I also started with Ocarina and I really liked it back then but now I don't really care for it beyond Gerudo Valley and the final battle.

Ocarina of Time was also my first Zelda game I really got into and made me play the other games, though funnily enough I never beat it back then and only beat it for the first time a year or two ago on the 3DS version.

I did gain an appreciation for it on an aesthetic level when I beat it, like I mentioned earlier about the Civil War history and the Middle Eastern inspirations sprinkled throughout not seen again till Breath of The Wild, but as I game and story plot I still vastly preferred Wind Waker and Majora's Mask

...Which yes, I beat Majora's Mask before Ocarina of Time.

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh my God, IT'S NOT JUST ME!

"Because the dungeons in Ocarina of Time are quite frankly probably the most boring dungeons out of any (at least 3D) Zelda game that i've seen. The reason? Keys. There's so many fucking keys. Almost every dungeon in this game does not challenge you with puzzles to solve, instead, it wants you to find the hidden key so you can open the door to the next room.

Keys are a constant thing in Zelda, yes, but i've never seen a game this obsessed with it. There are times in this game where you would unlock a door, walk like two seconds and then, oh no, another locked door. Time to backtrack to find another fucking hidden key. The final dungeon literally has you enter a small, narrow path with a locked door and the Triforce insignia on the floor so you can play Zelda's Lullaby and make a chest with a key appear next to you. Why? What's the purpose? Why is this game so fucking obsessed with keys?" -excerpt from my Ocarina of Keys review on Backlogged.

Oh thank god I'm not the only one, I thought I was going crazy.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well Majora purists generally act like the 3DS remake broke into their house and murdered their entire family.

Imma be honest, my only memory of the 3DS version at this point is when I had to redo the Kafe quest over and over again because I kept panicking and fumbling the reaction timing of the last bit and it was only on the fourth attempt I think that I remembered "Oh yeah I could just reload the earliest owl save and get immediate retries"

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Contrary to popular opinion, I'm actually finding it to be rather gorgeous.

...You know, when it's looking more like this


and not so much this.


You may be tempted to think I'm trolling you here but no I legitimately started a playthrough of Faces of Evil for fun, the fanmade remaster does wonders for the game it's actually kinda fun like this

Though I'll admit the prospect of proudly announcing I've started a Zelda game only to reveal it's the funny King game was too much to resist, too

Like I said, as drunk as a skunk.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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33 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh thank god I'm not the only one, I thought I was going crazy.

Core memory: in the Fire Temple, there's that room with the big wooden bridge right? Well i got the key, went through the door that leads to the room with the big block you gotta push onto the fire geyser to rise up, i do that, get to the top and.....locked door. Like bro i just go here.

34 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

"Oh yeah I could just reload the earliest owl save and get immediate retries"

Me with the Goron Races. If the Gorons want to cheat, then so will i. I will have that Gilded Sword.

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Perhaps I should try beating Ocarina of Time again. I have tries like three times, but I always grow boarded with it before I get to the end, I think the closest I ever got was the...the...Spirit Temple? Whatever the one in the well with the Lens of Truth nonsense was.

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