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5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Should I buy Trails into Reverie

If you do, they have a bug where none of the new chars have any link abilities. 

So till it updates or i could send you a fixed ver, I recommend waiting.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What the fuck is wrong with that country and why aren't people rioting yet???

Hard to do so when healthcare is tied to the workplace.

If we do a general strike, we could achieve something but a lot of folks are living paycheck to paycheck.

But mark my words, there will be a tipping point. We can only take so much and that tipping point is getting closer.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What the fuck is wrong with that country and why aren't people rioting yet???

I got a big problem with that one too, especially if your talkin bout a case where DNA evidence can exonerate somebody

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6 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

I got a big problem with that one too, especially if your talkin bout a case where DNA evidence can exonerate somebody

There was an innocent man on death row last year who, thanks to DNA evidence and other new things even discovered some years prior, even the prosecution who put him there in the first place was calling for him to be released.

Texas still executed him anyway.

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In uplifting news, to balance this out, Minnesota passed a new law making all public colleges and universities in the State free for Minnesota residents, Wisconsin's governor tricked the State's Republican legislature into increasing funding for public schools for the next 400 years, Michigan passed red-flag laws on guns and banned "conversion therapy", California is California.

4 minutes ago, LadyGrima said:

I have played 1,2 and 3 and shamelessly bawled my eyes out on all three

Now you need to play Xenoblade X.

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There was an innocent man on death row last year who, thanks to DNA evidence and other new things even discovered some years prior, even the prosecution who put him there in the first place was calling for him to be released.

Texas still executed him anyway.


And this is why i am against executions.

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2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Actually no, wait for me to catch up first, if you can resist the temptation of HD Rixia.

HD Rixia with no link abilities

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I saw I review say that it's a decent entry point

I’ve seen that too, but like, there’s no way. They have to just be saying that.

And even if you don’t need a ton of prior info to follow the story, it still serves as the epilogue to 2 different arcs and has to spoil the shit out of them. Why would you choose an entry point that gives away the gist of 70% of the series? Especially because 2 out of 3 of the platforms with Reverie also have all of Cold Steel and Crossbell. Just buy yourself CS1.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

She will never leave my party.

What literally just happened?

On she doesn’t have a romantic event, btw.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

There will be no Xenoblade moments here.

If this is in reference to the meme I keep seeing, you should play Octopath 2. It has an even more Xenoblade moment than Xenoblade (probably).

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Unless Rean returns in Kuro 3 with all eleven of his wives.

Rean and Van go to war but their harems fight for them. Lloyd and his harem show up as a third faction halfway through.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

There are two dozen of those at this point, surely you can't expect me to remember everything that happened in them.

I mean it was like the only memorable part of Doll Knight. But fair enough. Anyway, the point is, the black workshop has been set up since SC.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have to get up at 4:30 to get a friend from the bus station. To avoid death, I went to bed super early, like bit past 21. That's the earliest I've gone to sleep since... ever, actually, even back in school I went to bed at 22.

I proceeded to spend six hours turning around and looking at the hour on my phone until now. I've admitted defeat, time to play videogames for two hours and hope I don't keel over at any point of the rest of the day.

The trying to go to bed early experience. I feel for you. I would grab a coffee, if I were you, but only if that would help, of course.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I don't have Berwicksigns surrounding my home. It won't be that easy.

yeah that’s just me after the last discussion

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wraith, be honest now. Did you actually watch all two hours of that video?

He let it play for all 2 hours but drank so much he passed out at around 30 minutes.

43 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

If you do, they have a bug where none of the new chars have any link abilities. 

So till it updates or i could send you a fixed ver, I recommend waiting.

Yeah I saw, lol rip. Surely that warrants a quick update. If only we got a day 1 apology letter.

54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What the fuck

Literally what is the point of this specific ruling? Who benefits from this?

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And this is why i am against executions.

Based as always

Edited by Sooks
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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What the fuck

Literally what is the point of this specific ruling? Who benefits from this?

Prisons i guess. Cause our prisons are for profit, like we legit had state officials in some state worried they'd have to close down a prison because the number of incarcerations was dropping.

The current Supreme Court is just jacking off to the conservative wealthy right now. They're gonna take up a case that would allow them to declare taxing the rich "unconstitutional". Did you know all the conservative judges are really good friends with some of the nation's wealthiest individuals?

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Prisons i guess. Cause our prisons are for profit, like we legit had state officials in some state worried they'd have to close down a prison because the number of incarcerations was dropping.

True, forgot about that.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The current Supreme Court is just jacking off to the conservative wealthy right now.


6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

They're gonna take up a case that would allow them to declare taxing the rich "unconstitutional".

Of course they are.

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Did you know all the conservative judges are really good friends with some of the nation's wealthiest individuals?

Like everyone in positions of political power…

That’s not a defense of the Supreme Court, that’s just me being cynical

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Like everyone in positions of political power…

That’s not a defense of the Supreme Court, that’s just me being cynical

Difference being that Supreme Court judges are seated for life. We literally cannot get them out....well not legally anyway.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

He'll know I'm close by when he starts hearing 

It won't overshadow the Berwick Saga music I listen to at all times. Or my tinnitus.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Dread it, run from it, anime arrives all the same.

I'll believe it when I see it.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yeah it aint for everybody, but I been doin it too long to hate it. It’s nothin for me to jump in my pickup and drive 900 miles to Florida. Done it before 😎

Plus we got the loading and unloading every so often, and that can get kinda adventurous at times

Not a bad way to make a decent living for those of us who are kinda anti-social

The right job for the adventurous sort, seems like. Say hi to Armagon while you're in Flowerland!

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What the fuck is wrong with that country and why aren't people rioting yet???

Every day it becomes harder and harder to pretend "land of the freedom" holds any meaning, don't it.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Well I’ll be hornswoggled. Just got a msg sayin “your now a collaborator” 🤔

Whatever it is, I didnt do it 😳



It is too late, Fargus. You have been chosen.

We depart at sunrise.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

There was an innocent man on death row last year who, thanks to DNA evidence and other new things even discovered some years prior, even the prosecution who put him there in the first place was calling for him to be released.

Texas still executed him anyway.

That's just terrifying. Why would they even do that. What the fuck.

1 hour ago, LadyGrima said:

Woooooo nice to meet you !

Hello! You'll fit in well with the rest of the Xenofolk. I am not one of them, but you can try to convince me if you like. In return, allow me to tell you about a certain game called B. Saga--

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

The trying to go to bed early experience. I feel for you. I would grab a coffee, if I were you, but only if that would help, of course.

Ehh, some water on the face did the trick for the time being.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

yeah that’s just me after the last discussion

Do it dammit. Play it. Don't make me add more signs.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do it dammit. Play it. Don't make me add more signs.

Please do, I’d be more impressed by your ability to defy the laws of physics if you could find room for more signs. I haven’t been able to leave in days.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wraith, be honest now. Did you actually watch all two hours of that video?

For the most part yes I did. The only part I skipped was the 15 minutes or so when the video creator started to give her own revised version of the story.

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23 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What the fuck is wrong with that country and why aren't people rioting yet???

The good thing about modern American activism is that protests and movements don't have central leading organizations so it's hard for the government to kill off steam in a movement when in the past they would just assassinate leaders of the organizations.

The bad thing about modern American activism is that protests and movements don't have central leading organizations, so it's really easy for them to lose steam on their own without accomplishing much.

22 hours ago, Armagon said:

Hard to do so when healthcare is tied to the workplace.

If we do a general strike, we could achieve something but a lot of folks are living paycheck to paycheck.

But mark my words, there will be a tipping point. We can only take so much and that tipping point is getting closer.

I fantasize about teachers striking all the time, the domino effect on that could be beautiful.

Edited by GuardianSing
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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Prisons i guess. Cause our prisons are for profit, like we legit had state officials in some state worried they'd have to close down a prison because the number of incarcerations was dropping.

The current Supreme Court is just jacking off to the conservative wealthy right now. They're gonna take up a case that would allow them to declare taxing the rich "unconstitutional". Did you know all the conservative judges are really good friends with some of the nation's wealthiest individuals?

Capitalism moment

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Difference being that Supreme Court judges are seated for life. We literally cannot get them out....well not legally anyway.

who thought that's a smart idea

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The good thing about modern American activism is that protests and movements don't have central leading organizations so it's hard for the government to kill of steam in a movement when in the past they would just assassinate leaders of the organizations.

The bad thing about modern American activism is that protests and movements don't have central leading organizations, so it's really easy for them to lose steam on their own without accomplishing much


doomed from the start eh

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:

Rean and Van go to war but their harems fight for them

Van doesnt really have that problem the way Rean does. He has friends that can be just that, to be fair. 

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Thanks to the kindness of Bandai Namco, the world I worked so hard to create, and the maps I worked so hard to draw twenty years ago have been resurrected! Incidentally I was the one that named the title ‘Baten Kaitos’, but there was a lot of opposition from higher-ups at Namco to the name…we got it passed though!

In order to create a real sense of grandeur for the game with a limited budget and specs, I had to create and specify a lot in advance, such as the number of maps, NPCs and even enemies, details of playable characters as well as story and character design. And because of that there were no delays. Thanks to the understanding of each staff member; Kato-san – story and Nippori-san – character design.

The very first thing we named was the intercontinental airship. And then the world grew based on that keyword, expanded further by the story writer, and that was the flow. Using the names of constellations also helped localization as the words are universal, and that’s how it started.

Just another tweet Yasuyuki Honne has put out, certainly this time owing to the BK HD remasters coming later this year. 

Oddly, the Goldoba isn't named after a star (not the only place- Anuenue, the locations within Mira but not Mira itself), I don't think its name is borrowed from anything.

As for Namco's opposition to the name, I don't exactly blame them, adding the subtitle and BK:EWatLO is a mouthful that begins with what sounds to the uninformed like utter nonsense.😛

The early heavy outlining in detail doesn't sound like a bad planning decision. Limits organic flexibility and deviation later perhaps, but more direction isn't a terrible thing in the world of gaming development.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Every day it becomes harder and harder to pretend "land of the freedom" holds any meaning, don't it.

But hey, at least we're not potentially banning Wikipedia

(This hasn't happened yet, and it won't maybe, but UK's new online safety bill of currently puts Wikipedia in a bit of jeopardy).

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's just terrifying. Why would they even do that. What the fuck.

Well the man was black and this is Texas so....

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

who thought that's a smart idea

In the past, none of the Big Three offices had any term limits. George Washington didn't even want to do a second one, he only caved due to popular support but he said no more after that. Up until FDR, every President has followed that tradition, no more than two terms. FDR served three and a bit of a fourth, because he got hit with the double combo of Great Depression+WW2. After that, Congress passed a law preventing Presidents from serving more than two terms.

They didn't limit terms for themselves tho and still decided that Supreme Court judges get to be there forever unless impeached and convicted (lmao).

Side note, Washington actually hated political parties and warned against them. Not that the seemingly did anything about it but this was the 1700s. I guess he just assumed people would heed his words.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


doomed from the start eh

There's going to be a point where the dam bursts. I mean, that's probably why Republicans are getting so desperate right now.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for Namco's opposition to the name, I don't exactly blame them, adding the subtitle and BK:EWatLO is a mouthful that begins with what sounds to the uninformed like utter nonsense

And yet still more legible than Light Novel titles.

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I can't believe Rean got broken up with in a romantic event, you hate to see it.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm now imagining Armagon (he's Malos, it's the only point of reference I have) running around shoving a picture of some scantly-clad waifu in the face of every bearded man he comes across.

Until he is arrested.

Armagon will use a giant mech to laser every town he comes across until he finds you. Fortunately there's a method to keep him at bay, just talk about how much you love Persona 5.

10 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

The reviewer said it, not me. They meant it in the sense of "this was my first Trails game and I enjoyed the experience".

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

On she doesn’t have a romantic event, btw.

I knew this already but


9 hours ago, Sooks said:

I mean it was like the only memorable part of Doll Knight. But fair enough. Anyway, the point is, the black workshop has been set up since SC.

Wasn't The Doll Knight originally from the Legend of Heroes V? I can't believe Falcom was setting up Cold Steel before Trails in the Sky was even made.

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