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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Look guys look.

America is about to become 0.02% cooler.

(Ignore the fact that the devs are African)

In slightly related news, another thing that got updated was the Those Who Rule demo. It's interesting seeing how the game evolves from having strictly-functional menus to a more elaborate interface that's closer to what you'd expect from a finalized game. The prologue was also changed. It's a lot more intense now.

3 hours ago, gnip said:

Eh, to be fair, it's only their head honcho who was a shithead (and you even get to beat him up a little in the "golden" route and he's the one casualty in the end (nameless werewolf mooks don't count)). He's the one who initially cast the werewolf curse without an expiration date, and nobody in the tribe knew what was really going on. For all they know, they were just being attacked by surprisingly cunning werewolves.

Oh, it would absolutely have been a better path to try and find the good path.

But, I wanted my genocide, and it's rare that you are allowed to side with the murderous mythological creatures. They're such realized villains that when you hear stuff like werewolves is present it doesn't even cross your mind that they might be anything but the threat. So I was never going to refuse the chance to go with them.

3 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Huh, so that’s the Spanish slang for boobs.


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30 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

For the last time Rubenio I don’t speak Romanian.

Romanian? Listen here, you old fossil--

30 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

For the last time Rubenio I don’t speak Romanian. I can also post random TF2 videos as well.


About time you started speaking my language.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Romanian? Listen here, you old fossil--

About time you started speaking my language.

Încă vorbesc doar o singură limbă Rubenio.

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6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Her actions in CF don't feel like a good character going bad for no reason but rather a morally grey character who was at least always on the tipping point reacting to one hell of a trigger and going insane. The weight of her trauma and her actions feel consistent.

I agree but the game doesn't do a good job of showing that. I don't blame people for thinking it just looks like she went evil so Edelgard could be justifiable.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

can't say for Azure Moon as I've never played and have only seen story summaries but I have heard the idea that Edelgard becomes...whatever that thing is because she didn't have Byleth around to calm her down which is a pretty shitty reason I'll give you that.

Byleth isn't around in the other routes too but Edelgard goes ooc in Azure Moon by becoming whatever that is. She wouldn't willingly use Slither tech like that.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

So I'd still say he's interesting on the basis of mysterious implication.

Show not tell.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ponspectors, eh.

Yes, let be the growing Nopon army! Ahahaha.

The Ponspectors walked so Xenoblade 3 could run.

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31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Okay, explored as much of the Bionis' Shoulder as I could. Now, on to Alcamoth!

Either a mistranslation or intentional corruption. I saw that "Achamoth" is Hebrew for "wisdom", and sometimes used as another name for Sophia (which is Greek for "wisdom"). Sophia being the last Aeon of Gnosticism, the sinful creator of the Demiurge and the physical world in which it was hidden, she too is the female companion to the Gnostic Christ. Some Gnosticism variants split Sophia in two- the half which committed the sin of acting independently of the other Aeons by creating material existence and the Demiurge- was labeled "Sophia Achamoth".

Achamoth is also one of ten Sefirot in Kabbalah. Given Xeno has borrowed from both Gnosticism and Kabbalah before, either works as an explanation. -Though I don't understand why it's the city in the head of the Bionis that got the name if it's a reference to the Sophia.

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Either a mistranslation or intentional corruption. I saw that "Achamoth" is Hebrew for "wisdom", and sometimes used as another name for Sophia (which is Greek for "wisdom"). Sophia being the last Aeon of Gnosticism, the sinful creator of the Demiurge and the physical world in which it was hidden, she too is the female companion to the Gnostic Christ. Some Gnosticism variants split Sophia in two- the half which committed the sin of acting independently of the other Aeons by creating material existence and the Demiurge- was labeled "Sophia Achamoth".

Achamoth is also one of ten Sefirot in Kabbalah. Given Xeno has borrowed from both Gnosticism and Kabbalah before, either works as an explanation. -Though I don't understand why it's the city in the head of the Bionis that got the name if it's a reference to the Sophia.

Maybe it has to do with how it's the home of the High Entia,


which, while not just wisdom, but were still granted higher cognitive functions by Zanza. Maybe.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

t Edelgard goes ooc in Azure Moon by becoming whatever that is.

It's not really OOC. 

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

She wouldn't willingly use Slither tech like that.

Nah she would

She 100% would. She already did at ch.11.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Edelgard, just like Rhea, does snap somewhat to Byleth's rejection, best I recall.

Of course, neither in SS or VW she goes Hegemon Husk, so there must still be something different. Maybe since you kill Arundel in AM before her...

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34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ahahaha, is that Rotbart in the Ponspectors' attack? XD

Rotbart is eternal.

32 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's not really OOC. 

29 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Edelgard, just like Rhea, does snap somewhat to Byleth's rejection, best I recall.

Of course, neither in SS or VW she goes Hegemon Husk, so there must still be something different. Maybe since you kill Arundel in AM before her...

Yeah that's like the thing, there's only one timeline in which she goes Hegemon. Why? Who knows. Maybe they just needed a final boss for Azure Moon.

It's not even like with Rhea, where the contexts are different. SS, AM, VW, Edelgard meets her end at the capital, it's just in one of those routes she decides to go scorched earth.

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33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

here's only one timeline in which she goes Hegemon. Why? Who knows.


Claude she knows shares her ideals, Dimitri doesn't. And the discussion they had at the end.

Also Arundel as Acacia pointed out

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Okay, there's something so... hilarious about Riki introducing guns (well, their own version of) to the Nopon, pft.

*walking through Grand Dell doing sidequests*

*spots a green Nopon named Bama*

I get the feeling things just got Nopontimes better...

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First labyrinth boss of EOIV is slain until I complete the 2nd labyrinth, then it'll respawn, and respawn again every two ingame weeks after each subsequent murder.😤 I don't really remember how things went ages ago, though I think my victory thrillingly hung by a bloodied thread. This time, it was fairly easy, the boss could hit for big damage, but Berserker Rage gives you two turns to prepare and it didn't really pound on the pain outside of that. At level 19, I was totally over leveled for this, perhaps from doing too much material gathering, though IIRC I slew the final boss at the pre-postgame level cap, so perhaps it's just easy to overlevel in IV.

It almost feels like I never left. Etrian is embedded in my cellular structure, I only needed a bare minimum of adjustment to return.


16 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I'm nearly done with Year 3.

RNG events are fRustratING?

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You know, it's incredible that a year ago i got the double-whammy of masterpieces


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

RNG events are fRustratING?

For a game where you're supposed to plan things out ahead of time because of the time limit, yeah. Granted, i'm playing on Unlimited Mode but even then, it's like come on bro.

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