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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is that official memes?

...Yeesh, some serious "hello fellow kids" energy there. The messages are nice though.

I believe we had similar things here in Spain. Apparently the leftmost party Sumar started releasing some memes prior to the election. I didn't see them, but a friend told me that they even used TF2 memes. He expected me to become enraged, but frankly, I just found it rather flattering that ancient relic TF2 is so big that political parties use it for their lame campaign memes lol

¿Qué, enseñan matemáticas?

54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Binding Blade Japan: 29 Mar 2002
  • Smash Melee North America: 3 Dec 2001

Why do I bring these dates up? I'm being reminded of another GBA SRPG.

  • Super Robot Wars Original Generation Japan: 22 Nov 2002
  • Super Robot Taisen (IDK why they left "war" untranslated) Original Generation North America: 8 August 2006

Massive regional release date gap. Yet they did it anyhow. Binding had no "too late" excuse.

From my understanding, they wanted to avoid legal troubles with the Robot Wars series.


54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't feel too much "national original sin" weighing down on you. Just think of how it came to be that the British love curry. Or, how the US's film industry is centered in Los Angeles.

We can blame Edison for that last one. lol

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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Saint Rubenio


  • Armagon


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Binding Blade Japan: 29 Mar 2002
  • Smash Melee North America: 3 Dec 2001

Why do I bring these dates up? I'm being reminded of another GBA SRPG.

  • Super Robot Wars Original Generation Japan: 22 Nov 2002
  • Super Robot Taisen (IDK why they left "war" untranslated) Original Generation North America: 8 August 2006

Massive regional release date gap. Yet they did it anyhow. Binding had no "too late" excuse.

Stupid, stupid IntSys.

Then again, Gringe has done a better job with FE6 than Treehouse would've so maybe we just dodged a bullet.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I also don't think when Kaga called Manster District/North Thracia Italy, that he meant Rome. I think Kaga meant Medieval/Renaissance Italy instead. Why? Well, Med-Ren Italy would've been contemporary with Spain, the Holy Roman Empire (Grannvale), France (Augustria), and post-Vikings Scandinavia (Silesse). The Roman Empire preceded all of these by centuries of course.

Also, Renaissance Italy was divided into various city-states (and coincidentally, the powerful city-states were all in the center or north of the country, and economically Italy to this day  has a strong north and weak south)  that competed with each other as much as they did external threats. What's the fatal weakness of the Manster District? Quan! Autonomous small kingdoms in political disunity. ...Admittedly, that is also the weakness of Grannvale, but only because that was true of the Holy Roman Empire as well. The Unholy Roman Empire -for all the would-be usurper emperors who gathered an army and marched on Rome- hadn't the same kind of normalized disunity as post-Roman Italy and the HRE, it just died instead.

Yeah that makes a lot more sense.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't feel too much "national original sin" weighing down on you. Just think of how it came to be that the British love curry. Or, how the US's film industry is centered in Los Angeles.

Well, that's nice of you to say, I suppose.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Water doesn't count.

Well, no, but the Spanish empire did have like, half of America.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

But yes the Romans were definitely the most influential.

I mean, the Spanish empire did basically create America as we know it today, but I suppose by some metric...

Anyway that's enough of that. Empires suck, embrace democracies.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Biden has fully embraced the Dark Brandon persona.

Radical communist rebel Joe Bydin.

34 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

¿Qué, enseñan matemáticas?

Más bien economía.


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47 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

We can blame Edison for that last one. lol

Now that I think about it, in an era where Teddy Roosevelt was cracking down on monopolies, how did Edison get away with it?


Well it turns out he didn't get away with it in the end but this happened in 1915. Wilson was in charge then.

13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

mean, the Spanish empire did basically create America as we know it today, but I suppose by some metric...

The Spanish were huge Catholics (and still are I think), which they got from the Holy Roman Empire. So by association...

(Now I think there's a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire but one wouldn't exist without the other).


Edited by Armagon
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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Spanish were huge Catholics (and still are I think), which they got from the Holy Roman Empire. So by association...

(Now I think there's a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire but one wouldn't exist without the other).

Fair enough. Honestly, I'm on history buff, I shouldn't say anything on this topic. I suppose I had an odd patriotic moment there.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose I had an odd patriotic moment there.

I mean, it's fine to be patriotic here and there.

For example, I'm American. Nobody gets more patriotic than us. What the fuck is a kilometer?

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, it's fine to be patriotic here and there.

For example, I'm American. Nobody gets more patriotic than us. What the fuck is a kilometer?

Something that did not fluctuated across the centuries because a mile was "a thousand paces of whoever made the count at the time".

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

(Now I think there's a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire but one wouldn't exist without the other).

Note that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire (credit to Voltaire for that quip). In fact, it co-existed with the (eastern half of the) actual Roman Empire for half a millenium or so. I'm almost certain that the Papal States never were part of the HRE, either.

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, it's fine to be patriotic here and there.

For example, I'm American. Nobody gets more patriotic than us. What the fuck is a kilometer?

No but listen when you do it it's wrong

Also a kilometer is something that's better than a mile

...I will give you that, in expressions, the imperial system is like, more catchy. "I saw it coming a kilometer away" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...I will give you that, in expressions, the imperial system is like, more catchy. "I saw it coming a kilometer away" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Well, duh, it'd have to be "I saw it coming one point six oh nine kilometers away".

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In German, "meilenweit" - miles away - still is a common expression. It's "Millimeter daneben!" if a shot in footsoccerball barely misses, or "meterweit drüber" when it goes way too high.

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The year is 1608. The Holy Roman Empire has been thrown into a war against Austria, known as the War of the Protestant League. In this corner of the world, there are three distinct major powers. Delhi, The Ottomans, and last but not least... Poland.

...Don't be fooled by the size, the commonwealth has been kicking my ass because I've spent the last 10 years more focused on Vodka production than army maintenance.

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2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

...Don't be fooled by the size, the commonwealth has been kicking my ass because I've spent the last 10 years more focused on Vodka production than army maintenance.

That's an excellent Russia gameplan, right there

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No but listen when you do it it's wrong

Silly Spaniard. Don't you know that America is the greatest country on the planet? We have things no one else has. For example, we have air conditioning and we actually put ice on our drinks. You silly European's definition of "ice cold drink" is a mild temperature drink with one small ice cube.

We can use the bathrooms without having to pay for them and we have the greatest universities in the globe (this one's not a joke). My country's mascot is the bald eagle, a majestic animal with a powerful cry that definitely wasn't taken from a completely different bird. 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

America's powerful military is a force for good. Your precious European naval trade routes depend on our generosity (also not a joke, I found out the US navy patrols like 80% of the world's shipping lanes). Other countries may have landed probes on the moon but they aren't as great as 🇺🇲 because only 🇺🇲 has landed a man on the moon! Several times!

Americans make more money than anyone else. The average American living in Mississippi, the poorest state in the Union, is still making more money than the average person in Germany (actually not a joke, i was genuinely surprised by that but obviously it's a lot more nuanced than this).

America is the greatest nation in the planet, our only regret is that President Polk's grand ambition was thwarted by a sabotage. But don't worry! When I become President, I will finish what Polk started


I will Manifest all the Destiny. 

America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

will give you that, in expressions, the imperial system is like, more catchy. "I saw it coming a kilometer away" just doesn't have the same ring to

Something I've noticed is that Americas will use kilometers but only if the distance is far enough lol.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Spanish were huge Catholics (and still are I think), which they got from the Holy Roman Empire. So by association...

That isn't exactly correct. The strength of the Catholic identity in Spain came from diversity. Al-Andalus was the problem, Christians, Muslims, and Jews living together on the same peninsula. This did well for the spread of knowledge, and nowadays can be appreciated as a historical period where there was a relatively for the premodern day high level of religious tolerance.

However, having the heathen Other next door, with whom you're frequently at war, also sharpened the Christian identity in northern Spain. As Spain was ultimately cleansed of Islam after centuries, the belief that God was on Christianity's side, was seemingly validated and the assertion The One True Religion alone must guide society became unshakeable. When Al-Andalus existed, I might've read once that Spanish Christians were actually looked down on by other members of Christendom. Living with the Moors contaminated the Spaniards.

On the flip side, when the Protestant Reformation occurred, Spain was probably the country least affected I'm told. Northern Europe with bumps along the way became Protestant. Poland had its "Golden Liberty" which included religious tolerance and though it remained mostly Catholic it didn't fuss over any Protestants it had. The Holy Roman Empire split into a Protestant North and Catholic South, which included violence ending with the Thirty Years' War. France ultimately stayed Catholic, but had its internal French Wars of Religion and King Henry IV was assassinated. Italy had the Papacy in it, so that very quickly squashed any Protestant rumblings on the Italian Peninsula. Spain had even less than Italy, because of how firm anti-Everything-Not-Catholic it had become over the centuries.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

(Now I think there's a difference between the Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire but one wouldn't exist without the other).


  • Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    • As Rome retreats from Gaul, the German tribes move in. The Franks were a leading German tribe.
  • Frankish Empire-
    • Merovingian Dynasty (400s AD- 751)
      • They conquer Gaul and its Gallo-Roman inhabitants, plus other German tribes in Germania, control the Benelux area as well, and even a little bit of northern Spain.
    • Carolingian Dynasty (751-840)
      • Named after Karl/Carolus/Charles Martel (Martel means "the hammer"). He overthrows the Meroviginians and his son Pepin the Short take over the Frankish Empire, they continue to expand it, including northern and central Italy.
      • Charles Martel's grandson is Charles the Great- "Carolus Magnus- Charle-magne". In 800AD, on Christmas Day, Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans".
        • Context- The Eastern Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire, still very much alive (it doesn't completely die until 1453), had seen its Emperor die and his mother Irene tried to get herself crowned, but Western Europe didn't recognize this.
        • Charlemagne is technically the first Holy Roman Emperor, but nowadays his empire is usually called the Frankish Empire.
        • The Eastern Roman Empire continued to allow the Franks to call themselves Roman -not like Constantinople had the capacity to stop the claim- but preferred to refer to these westerners as "Emperors of the Franks"
    • Three Francias
      • The Carolingians practiced "partible inheritance", each surviving son gets a share of their father's land.
      • Charlemagne had only one son, Louis the Pious, who inherited the "Emperor of the Romans" title, and the entire Frankish Empire.
        • Louis the Pious had three sons who reached adulthood, which later became four. He struggled to the end of his life (840) to create a fair splitting of the Empire that his sons would all agree with.
      • In 843, the three surviving sons of Louis the Pious -the grandsons of Charlemagne- stop fighting and split the Frankish Empire in three.:
        • West Francia- becomes modern France.
          • The turning point from Western Francia to France can be defined as 987AD. When the Carolingian Dynasty dies out as Kings of West Francia, and the Robertians become known as the Capetians and Hugh Capet becomes king.
        • East Francia- becomes modern Germany.
        • Middle Francia- Benelux, the Bottomless Canyon parts of eastern France and western Germany, Corsica, and Italy.
          • Middle Francia had both Rome and Aachen, the latter was Charlemagne's choice of the unofficial capital of the Frankish Empire.
          • Thus, it was given to Louis's eldest son Lothair I. He got the Emperor of the Romans title.
          • Lothiar dies in 855, splits Middle Francia among his three sons, the eldest Louis gets the Emperor of the Romans title and the Kingdom of Italy. His successors in the Kingdom of Italy keep using the EotR title until they die out in 924 with Berengar I.
    • East Franca > Holy Roman Empire
      • The Ottonian Dynasty of East Francia, under Otto I ("the Great"), invades and conquers northern & central Italy in 958AD.
      • Otto I forces Pope John XII to crown him in Aachen (East Francia had conquered it, Middle Francia was doomed to get gobbled up) as Emperor of the Romans in 961AD.
      • With Otto I, East Francia/Germany becomes the Holy Roman Empire as it is usually defined. Which lasts until 1806.
        • While "King of West Francia/France" became a hereditary title, "King of East Francia/Holy Roman Emperor" remained an appointed position.
          • In practice, it was hereditary. Usually it went father to son until a male had no surviving sons, then some first cousins to the deceased line pressed their ambitions and claimed the title for themselves. However, the possibility of appointing an alternative to the status quo was always there.
          • The Pope was supposed to do the crowning, and do it at Aachen, b/c Charlemagne's favorite city. Otherwise, for the next four centuries, there were no formal rules for acquiring the title.
        • The rules for who got to be Holy Roman Emperor were not codified until the Golden Bull of 1356 (an Imperial bull, not Papal). Which stated...
          • When the current Holy Roman Emperor dies, the seven Electors...:
            • Three religious:
              • The Archbishop of Mainz (ceremonial leader of all the Electors)
              • The Archbishop of Cologne
              • The Archbishop of Trier
            • Four secular:
              • The King of Bohemia (Which is now the Czech Republic, wasn't ethnically German but was part of East Francia/the Holy Roman Empire anyhow.)
              • Georgia The Count Palatinate of the Rhine
              • The Duke of Saxony
              • The Margrave of Brandenburg
          • Would meet in the city of Frankfurt, where they would choose the next Holy Roman Emperor. If the Electors could not agree within a certain number of days, they would be locked up and given only bread and water until they reached their agreement.
          • Once chosen, the new Holy Roman Emperor would be crowned in Aachen (initially usually by the Pope, until Maximilian I in 1508, when the Papacy ceased to be part of the ceremony). The first meeting of the Imperial Diet under each new Emperor would be held in Nuremberg.
            • Later, during the Thirty Years' War Bavaria would take the Palatinate's Elector status b/c the latter was deemed treasonous. Although an eight Elector title would afterwards be invented for the weakened Palatinate, as would a ninth for Hanover near the end of the 1600s. Bavaria and Austria were intense rivals in 1356 and both were intentionally snubbed from being Electors despite geopolitical clout worthy of the titles.
            • Austria never got Elector status, but the Habsburgs managed to get themselves elected Kings of Bohemia, which they later made officially hereditary. The Habsburgs used that as a springboard to monopolize (with one three-year exception) the title of Holy Roman Emperor from 1440 to its ultimate demise in 1806.
          • A Holy Roman Emperor could designate an heir, if the Electors appointed someone as "King of the Romans", they automatically became Emperor of the Romans when the current one died.
          • For allllll the effort spent on getting the title, the title of Holy Roman Emperor came with no territories, limited income, and because "to define is to limit" its powers -in theory absolute and unlimited- were vaguely defined within the unwritten imperial constitution.
Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I can't fucking wait till Victoria 3

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I will Manifest all the Destiny. 

America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Amerikas styrke

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For example, we have air conditioning and we actually put ice on our drinks. You silly European's definition of "ice cold drink" is a mild temperature drink with one small ice cube.

...Wait, you need more than one cube? "Mild temperature"? It's called "wait one minute before drinking", you impatient fucks--

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

we have the greatest universities in the globe (this one's not a joke)

Greatest student debts, too. But hey, you can say you got the best education as you spend the rest of your life paying up! Woo!

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

America's powerful military is a force for good. Your precious European naval trade routes depend on our generosity (also not a joke, I found out the US navy patrols like 80% of the world's shipping lanes).

That's more scary than anything else

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Americans make more money than anyone else. The average American living in Mississippi, the poorest state in the Union, is still making more money than the average person in Germany (actually not a joke, i was genuinely surprised by that but obviously it's a lot more nuanced than this).

And the cost of life?

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I will Manifest all the Destiny. 

Nuevo León hahahahahahahaha! Oh, that's good.

Well, I do wish you the best of luck in becoming the real life's Kingdom of Bern.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

Fuck yeah!

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Something I've noticed is that Americas will use kilometers but only if the distance is far enough lol.

Well, yeah, imagine trying to wrap your mind around large distances with the completely arbitrary measurements.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That isn't exactly correct. The strength of the Catholic identity in Spain came from diversity. Al-Andalus was the problem, Christians, Muslims, and Jews living together on the same peninsula. This did well for the spread of knowledge, and nowadays can be appreciated as a historical period where there was a relatively for the premodern day high level of religious tolerance.

However, having the heathen Other next door, with whom you're frequently at war, also sharpened the Christian identity in northern Spain. As Spain was ultimately cleansed of Islam after centuries, the belief that God was on Christianity's side, was seemingly validated and the assertion The One True Religion alone must guide society became unshakeable. When Al-Andalus existed, I might've read once that Spanish Christians were actually looked down on by other members of Christendom. Living with the Moors contaminated the Spaniards.

On the flip side, when the Protestant Reformation occurred, Spain was probably the country least affected I'm told. Northern Europe with bumps along the way became Protestant. Poland had its "Golden Liberty" which included religious tolerance and though it remained mostly Catholic it didn't fuss over any Protestants it had. The Holy Roman Empire split into a Protestant North and Catholic South, which included violence ending with the Thirty Years' War. France ultimately stayed Catholic, but had its internal French Wars of Religion and King Henry IV was assassinated. Italy had the Papacy in it, so that very quickly squashed any Protestant rumblings on the Italian Peninsula. Spain had even less than Italy, because of how firm anti-Everything-Not-Catholic it had become over the centuries.

Today we are a firmly catholic country still. I'm not sure if protestantism is even a thing here, and if it is, it's very niche. The catholic church still has so much sway that there's a dedicated box in your tax forms where you can choose to donate a tiny bit of your returns to the church. There's still a "religion" subject in elementary schools that's actually just "Catholic Christianism," although it does become weaker and weaker with each education reform. Church schools enjoy public funding while public schools get squeezed as much as they possibly can.

This is all fucked up and should not be allowed. But, well, we also have an ambassador with a lifelong salary of over 250k per year as well as immunity to the law, and the only entry requirement is that he's born from the right dick and vagina, so.

Franco did so much fucking harm.

5 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Amerikas styrke

Go get 'em

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, sorry, not even as a joke...

Speaking real for a second, there was no way it was ever gonna happen. Taking half of Mexico means more slave states, which was like the last thing Congress wanted. Not to mention the US would have a very hard time putting down the obviously angry Mexicans. It'd be like if Argentina took Falkland. Even if they somehow managed it, they wouldn't be able to hold on to it for long. Basically, maximum Manifest Destiny America would only happen in those sim games where I can do really funny things like what if France didn't exist.

On that note tho, California did try to break in half. The southern portion even passed a referendum that the Governor signed off on and sent it to Congress for approval.....the week the Civil War broke out. Whoops.

10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On the flip side, when the Protestant Reformation occurred, Spain was probably the country least affected I'm told.

I think the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation was pretty funny. I forget which came first, Luther or the Church of England but the latter literally only happened because fatass King Henry was misogynistic and really wanted a son but his wife kept giving birth to girls. He couldn't divorce her so he said he'd do it himself.

And after all that time and effort, even sending Anne Bolyn to the chopping block because she wasn't giving him boys, after finally having a son through another wife......he gets succeeded by Queen Elizabeth anyways (well there were others but they didn't last very long).

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Charlemagne had only one son

Didn't Charlemagne have a lot of sex? What's the thing where everyone in Europe is related to him if you go back far enough?

Thanks for the history btw.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nuevo León hahahahahahahaha! Oh, that's good.

Hey, you named that one!

Still, funny how of all the "New X" we had, that one was the only we didn't change. Nuevo Reino de León just became Nuevo León.

Nueva España? Mexico.

Nueva Galicia? Jalisco.

Nueva Vizcaya? Durango.

Nueva Navarra? Sonora.

Nueva Filipinas? Texas.

Nuevo Santander? Tamaulipas.

How original, pft.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Speaking real for a second, there was no way it was ever gonna happen. Taking half of Mexico means more slave states, which was like the last thing Congress wanted. Not to mention the US would have a very hard time putting down the obviously angry Mexicans. It'd be like if Argentina took Falkland. Even if they somehow managed it, they wouldn't be able to hold on to it for long. Basically, maximum Manifest Destiny America would only happen in those sim games where I can do really funny things like what if France didn't exist.

On that note tho, California did try to break in half. The southern portion even passed a referendum that the Governor signed off on and sent it to Congress for approval.....the week the Civil War broke out. Whoops.

That, and the racism. Now way they wanted all those "filthy brown papists" as citizens of the "glorious" United WASP's of America.

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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

President Polk's grand ambition

...you want to sell Alaska back to the Russians?

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

The year is 1608. The Holy Roman Empire has been thrown into a war against Austria, known as the War of the Protestant League. In this corner of the world, there are three distinct major powers. Delhi, The Ottomans, and last but not least... Poland.

...Don't be fooled by the size, the commonwealth has been kicking my ass because I've spent the last 10 years more focused on Vodka production than army maintenance.

Meanwhile, I am awed by Genoa taking over all of Tunisia without getting Ottomaned. Burgundy still existing is interesting, too. Are they under sombody's PU, as they usually are? Otherwise France hasn't been beating them up as much as they tend to do with an independent Burgundy.

The amount of Danes in NA is funky, too. I think I usually just see a little bit of Norwegian Canada, which Denmark then inherits most of the time, not widespread holdings in the other colonial regions.

23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Just leaving my appreciation for your history dumps, too.

How dare you make me and my little Voltaire quote look inadequate by comparison, though

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hey, you named that one!

Still, funny how of all the "New X" we had, that one was the only we didn't change. Nuevo Reino de León just became Nuevo León.

Nueva España? Mexico.

Nueva Galicia? Jalisco.

Nueva Vizcaya? Durango.

Nueva Navarra? Sonora.

Nueva Filipinas? Texas.

Nuevo Santander? Tamaulipas.

How original, pft.

Man, our ancestors were very original people, weren't they. Some serious imagination going on there.

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