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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You implied I don't know how to read, Wraith. With allies like that, who needs enemies?

Still, I suppose it's the thought that counts. Thanks, old timer.

Ever is it my fate to be so ridiculed ere the sun sets on another day.

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57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You literally only need to beeline Elincia to the boss and murder him with her effective sword. Two turns is all it takes. And that's if you don't have Haar to add insult to injury.

Yeah, but that's not as fun.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, but that's not as fun.

Fair enough, but my point is, that map works on the honor system. Even if the loss of one unit (extremely low-impact unit at that) did give Quetzal trouble, at 2-E he'd just have to not show the map the mercy it begs for.

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3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If you're not rushing to play SRW again,


I decided not to overthink it and just go with what I urgently felt like. Was that the wisest idea? Not sure, maybe this was more a "sounds awesome in planning, not in practice" situation.😅 Played a couple battles, but then stopped. Largely owing to having at least six flies buzzing around me very annoyingly. (I have the reflexes of a dead rat, so no choice but to bear with the pests.) But eh, today feels transitory, I'm not in the mood to break ground on anything new. And this is something I could drop and continue at will quite freely.

Since I've seen all the plot, twice for all the shared scenarios, I can skip through text as I want to. And given my team (Bellzelute+Brain+Blade) is going to include eight units with identical animations, I can skip over a lot of them. Things ought to move faster this time.

I've been curious about the Bellzelute from an aesthetics perspective. The Orgone Rifle's Mode A stands for "Arrow" I guess, I wasn't expecting a bow. Second Banpresto Original to use one I see, seems a little weird since bows seem more like a Super weapon. Mode N and Mode B though, "Normal" or "Neutron" maybe, and definitely "Buster". The Shot Launchers combining with the Orgone Rifle for the A Mode is neat, and as a pair of sidearms they're nice. As for the sub-pilot, I've seen the Touya fourth ending, I won't try for it again, probably will field Katia all the time, though Festenia does have Strike and will probably be slotted in instead every so often (+200 attack is the same amount the true final attack has over the upgraded J Original's penultimate attack, so it won't be an issue not having it when using her).

Also, I have really been wanting to give an all-Brain team a try. Which will also let me to see how an All-Real Regiment feels compared to a Super Robot Army in J. Certainly won't be as fast later on without the Zeo around (I'm so gonna miss it). Knowing the J AI's preference for hitting things, I expect Nadesico and Archangel will be taking on even more of the enemy phase than usual, thankfully they're both incredible here, especially Nadesico. Since Brain Powerd and Tekkaman Blade both have their rosters fill in later, I'll probably end up getting the captains to Great Ace in no time. Without Rust Hurricane for the Armor debuff, next to no subpliots, and a decline in the number of Strike possessors, big baddies are going to take longer to destroy for sure.

...What does it say that I'm actually feeling more eager about getting to the fourth playthrough?😅

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I decided not to overthink it and just go with what I urgently felt like. Was that the wisest idea? Not sure, maybe this was more a "sounds awesome in planning, not in practice" situation.😅 Played a couple battles, but then stopped. Largely owing to having at least six flies buzzing around me very annoyingly. (I have the reflexes of a dead rat, so no choice but to bear with the pests.) But eh, today feels transitory, I'm not in the mood to break ground on anything new. And this is something I could drop and continue at will quite freely.

Well, more SRW never hurts, heh.

47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've been curious about the Bellzelute from an aesthetics perspective. The Orgone Rifle's Mode A stands for "Arrow" I guess, I wasn't expecting a bow. Second Banpresto Original to use one I see, seems a little weird since bows seem more like a Super weapon.

Well, the Angelg is a Super Robot... or which other mech you're talking about?

47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, I have really been wanting to give an all-Brain team a try. Which will also let me to see how an All-Real Regiment feels compared to a Super Robot Army in J. Certainly won't be as fast later on without the Zeo around (I'm so gonna miss it). Knowing the J AI's preference for hitting things, I expect Nadesico and Archangel will be taking on even more of the enemy phase than usual, thankfully they're both incredible here, especially Nadesico. Since Brain Powerd and Tekkaman Blade both have their rosters fill in later, I'll probably end up getting the captains to Great Ace in no time. Without Rust Hurricane for the Armor debuff, next to no subpliots, and a decline in the number of Strike possessors, big baddies are going to take longer to destroy for sure.

Well, putting some pilot points on Accuracy could help out. If not, Concentrate does a good job on its own to sub for Strike. I think you can rely more on support attacks and Buddy/Love bonuses, specially with the Brain swarm, haha.

47 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...What does it say that I'm actually feeling more eager about getting to the fourth playthrough?😅

Hahaha, certainly speaks more about me. Even liking SRW so much, don't know if I could do the four playthrough thing myself, just to unlock the fourth mech.

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It's kinda funny. She got an arts weapons... but classified as a dragon breath, without transforming to boot.

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Leave it to Russia to show that even a democracy can become autocratic.

Though honestly I'm torn because I've been trying to play by at least partly concerning my actual morals and going for a republic only to immediately go back to dictatorship makes my tummy hurt

...Buuuut I'm not sure what the hell else I'm going to do for the next 200 years aside from producing more vodka.

10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Remember: Good Tsar (Elincia), Bad Boyars (Ludveck).

And today at work as I was listening to a podcast about the Russian Revolution, how very interesting.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well....it's Radiant Dawn so a single loss is gonna make later parts of the game trickier.

Oh now you tell me.


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47 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, which is faster. This or Falcom localizations?

Metroid Prime 4 release

22 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Leave it to Russia to show that even a democracy can become autocratic.


22 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh now you tell me.

I mean, i did mention several times that Radiant Dawn is not a game to be iron-manned, especially on your first run.

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, the Angelg is a Super Robot...

That's what I meant. Besides Phantom Phoenix being majestic, even a laser bow isn't exactly "practical" for a mech. Leans into the fantasy/Super side IMO. The Rising Gundam also kinda makes me think that, but, Love Love Tenyouken aside, it doesn't really come off as overly Super, more "Real with a pinch of fantasy on top".

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hahaha, certainly speaks more about me. Even liking SRW so much, don't know if I could do the four playthrough thing myself,

Well, first playthrough was a blend of everyone. I liked doing themed subsequent runs in Fire Emblem, SRW is open to the possibility too. After four runs, I'll have brought everyone to the final battle, except...

  • Akatsuki- An Aesti without any combinations is pretty bad, no bonds with the other Nadesicoians either.
  • Gale/Julia- Bloodykaiser has Repair, so not entirely worthless. Gale's Commander aura isn't that valuable though, the Greimkaiser has no Repair and realllllly could have used a combination attack with Layzner.
  • The Boss Borot- Alright support, but you know well its stats and substance is mostly junk. Juuuust ran out of room on my Super Robot team to field it. It was the only Super I couldn't. Boss got deployed yeah, but not his signature machine.
  • Cagalli- The Skygraspers are weak, the Strike Rouge is still mediocre even with the IWSP.
    • Thanks to the Swap feature of battleships, I can deploy Final Dancouga and Blade+Pegas, separate them, and Swap them in on turn 1 of a battle for four other units- Akito & Gai and Dearka & Yzak. That'll let me slip in the latter two, who are still weak, but at least come with some upgrades inbuilt so they cost less than combat-capable Cagalli.

...And that'd be it.😄

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

just to unlock the fourth mech.

I'm doing four clean no-NG+ runs b/c I prefer it that way, I'll cheat to use the Vorlent after the third.

And Vorlent sounds fun! Orgone Cloud + EN Regen (M instead of S) from the start instead of waiting 4/5ths of the game to get it is cool! Infinite nonstop barrier action ought to compensate for 500 less HP and 200 less Armor than Granteed (an extra 2 Movement is another nice benefit). Long Range Beam is 3-8 range, Will-free, only 10 EN, 3500 attack is on par with the strongest attacks of Coustwell and Bellzelute. For the Raftclans's F Mode, probably will go with Green-Impact Cannon because the Raftclans vaguely reminds me of the Huckies, and I just think it's the coolest/most befitting the Raftclans/Calvina.

26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

So, which is faster. This or Falcom localizations?

TBF, I think it's because of that Starfield thingy releasing in seven days. Bethesda has poured everything into it and Microsoft wants it to succeed to give people a reason to buy Xbox. I'm not sure of the context of the 2018 announcement, but I think it might've been a very casual "reveal"?


2 hours ago, Armagon said:


There was no need for this

But subscription services I've been told are struggling to turn a profit anywhere and everywhere, not even Disney can put them deep in the black. Do you want to the board of directors at Sony to have to visit turtle soup kitchens?


20 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh now you tell me.

Actually you'll be just fine. RD has enough failsafes so to speak. I won't say more.

Neph in RD is usually considered a nice investment unit, but by no means mandatory. She also reallllllly benefits from PoR transfer bonuses (Str and Spd specifically), mostly because of her first battle and being shackled with that heavy Steel Greatlance for it. The only character who possibly gets greater benefit from transfer bonuses is Jill.

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I just found out about the philosophical belief of anti-natalism and it's so fundamentally flawed, i can't believe it even took off in the first place. And that's considering flat-earthers exist.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But subscription services I've been told are struggling to turn a profit anywhere and everywhere, not even Disney can put them deep in the black. Do you want to the board of directors at Sony to have to visit turtle soup kitchens?

On one hand, it's $135 per year.

On the other hand, it's $135 per year.

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I just found out about the philosophical belief of anti-natalism and it's so fundamentally flawed, i can't believe it even took off in the first place. And that's considering flat-earthers exist.

Misanthropist villains in every work of fiction you've ever experienced and more you haven't- 😃.

There was an American Protestant group commonly known as "Shakers". I say was because their belief in mandatory celibacy and not enough converts eventually led to their demise. All they have left behind is simple, practical, quality furniture. They were relatively egalitarian when it came to gender, that's another positive.

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51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Misanthropist villains in every work of fiction you've ever experienced and more you haven't- 😃.

Yeah but like the point of them is that they were wrong. I didn't realize that there were people who unironically subscribed to this belief.

But like also i think there's a difference between misanthropists and anti-natalists. The former just hate humans specifically, the latter hate being alive and go as far as to even say animals existing is wrong.

I will now post this scene from peak fiction showcasing the indomitable will of the human spirit, the will that triumphs over everything.

Yes i know The Doctor is an alien shhhhh, it's still a powerful speech.

This too



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Trails into Reverie: The Fallen... well actually I think the title of this Daydream is a spoiler.



Cedric might not have been C, but I'm glad he got a Daydream to himself. He even gets to be playable for two battles! Getting to see some of the Enforcer training process was interesting, though Shirley's main point was to teach Cedric that he can't rely on his royal status in Ouroboros. Cedric demanding a maid to clean his room and remembering "oh wait, they don't have those here" was pretty funny. Meltgunner is a friend.

For his efforts Cedric is inducted as Enforcer No. XIX by the time of Olivert's wedding, though his title isn't revealed yet. While never explicitly stated, it's likely the numbers reflect the order in which the Enforcers attained that rank. If there will end up being 22 Enforcers in total, that means half have been introduced already (0, I, II, VI, VIII, IX, X, XIII, XV, XVII, and XIX). Getting roughly one new Enforcer per game, as has been the case since Cold Steel I, is a decent rate if Falcom wants to introduce them all by the series' end. I think the Calvard arc continues that trend from what I've heard. And of course, there are still four unseen Anguis as well.

On 5/11/2023 at 12:16 PM, Newtype06 said:

You're in for a surprise, haha...

Also, now I know what this was referring to. I think I previously heard somewhere that No. XIX would be introduced at some point, which is why I thought it would be Shirley's number.


On 8/29/2023 at 9:41 PM, Sidereal Wraith said:

You monster! How dare you make fun of Rubenio like this! 

I enjoy the implication that Rubenio is the only Fire Emblem fan on this forum. Or maybe him being a FE fan is the insult...?

20 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Honestly I'm surprised FE hasn't really done the "FE lord is so overwhelmed by their job that they just break down." as much, but it's great to see it here.

List of Fire Emblem games that involve the lord actually ruling their country:


Heck, Chrom becomes the ruler of Ylisse halfway through Awakening and he still never does any ruling.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Clearly they do since the majority prefers story to gameplay

I'm guessing people just like the pictures.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:


Someone in one of my college classes said he once visited Bethesda's studio and saw the next Elder Scrolls in development, I knew he was lying.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That's what I meant. Besides Phantom Phoenix being majestic, even a laser bow isn't exactly "practical" for a mech. Leans into the fantasy/Super side IMO. The Rising Gundam also kinda makes me think that, but, Love Love Tenyouken aside, it doesn't really come off as overly Super, more "Real with a pinch of fantasy on top".

Another Super Robot with a bow and arrow attack is, as a matter of fact, Reideen.

Yeah, if I recall, Rising was repurposed to be a regular combat unit, not just the Gundam Battles. So it might seem more grounded, while still sporting stuff like a version of the Shining Finger. And the bow is there for the same reason the naginata is. It's patterned after a Samurai's wife, since it was meant to be the partner/support unit of Shining Gundam.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, first playthrough was a blend of everyone. I liked doing themed subsequent runs in Fire Emblem, SRW is open to the possibility too. After four runs, I'll have brought everyone to the final battle, except...

  • Akatsuki- An Aesti without any combinations is pretty bad, no bonds with the other Nadesicoians either.
  • Gale/Julia- Bloodykaiser has Repair, so not entirely worthless. Gale's Commander aura isn't that valuable though, the Greimkaiser has no Repair and realllllly could have used a combination attack with Layzner.
  • The Boss Borot- Alright support, but you know well its stats and substance is mostly junk. Juuuust ran out of room on my Super Robot team to field it. It was the only Super I couldn't. Boss got deployed yeah, but not his signature machine.
  • Cagalli- The Skygraspers are weak, the Strike Rouge is still mediocre even with the IWSP.
    • Thanks to the Swap feature of battleships, I can deploy Final Dancouga and Blade+Pegas, separate them, and Swap them in on turn 1 of a battle for four other units- Akito & Gai and Dearka & Yzak. That'll let me slip in the latter two, who are still weak, but at least come with some upgrades inbuilt so they cost less than combat-capable Cagalli.

...And that'd be it.😄

I'm doing four clean no-NG+ runs b/c I prefer it that way, I'll cheat to use the Vorlent after the third.

I see. Yeah, to think that even with four playthroughs you still can't use every unit at least once for the endgame. XD

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Vorlent sounds fun! Orgone Cloud + EN Regen (M instead of S) from the start instead of waiting 4/5ths of the game to get it is cool! Infinite nonstop barrier action ought to compensate for 500 less HP and 200 less Armor than Granteed (an extra 2 Movement is another nice benefit). Long Range Beam is 3-8 range, Will-free, only 10 EN, 3500 attack is on par with the strongest attacks of Coustwell and Bellzelute. For the Raftclans's F Mode, probably will go with Green-Impact Cannon because the Raftclans vaguely reminds me of the Huckies, and I just think it's the coolest/most befitting the Raftclans/Calvina.

Yep. Not for nothing it's gated behind three playthroughs, hahaha.

25 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I enjoy the implication that Rubenio is the only Fire Emblem fan on this forum. Or maybe him being a FE fan is the insult...?

I don't know you, but I'm a SRW fan just chilling here.

25 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

List of Fire Emblem games that involve the lord actually ruling their country:


Heck, Chrom becomes the ruler of Ylisse halfway through Awakening and he still never does any ruling.

To be fair, a ruler ruling is one who's not on the battlefield, where the actual gameplay happens.

Now, if this was Crusader Kings, on the other hand...

25 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm guessing people just like the pictures.

They play them for the articles.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Sea of Stars demo impressions

  • Looks neat
  • Sounds neat
  • Battle system is Paper-Mario-y, with the timing inputs and whatnot (but unlike Paper Mario it's not required).
  • Demo itself doesn't really show anything beyond just mechanics 
  • Why in an RPG made in 2023 can i not see what the enemy's HP is?
  • Turn-based RPG with free turn orders is not something i think i've seen a lot. Trying to think but nothing comes to mind.

Might get this later.

11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

You know, a part of me does worry he could actually die on-camera.

Maybe it'll convince Congress to finally pass term limits.

Not that it will. But the reporters really asked him "do you plan to run again" like he isn't in his 80s.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Maybe it'll convince Congress to finally pass term limits.

Not that it will. But the reporters really asked him "do you plan to run again" like he isn't in his 80s.

And of course, at the same time we have the accusations that "Sleepy" Joe should just retire...

Then again, the Democrats also have Feinstein still refusing to step down...


I'd be plenty surprised the day they do impose term limits, or at least an age limit. If that ever happens in our lifetime...

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