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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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No way.

They didn't.

They killed off a playable character in the story again

The game's primary inspiration chickened out of letting the player have a single corpse-in-the-making and made him incredibly obvious and dull in the process. This one's murdered two characters, taken another from me for like three chapters, then took another fuckin' three dudes just as that one was getting back. And I've only gotten two of them back, the third's still off on her own mission.

Jesus fucking Christ, the balls on these developers.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, now to guess what order they might do. Today's Normal.


I am surprised they used Chatot for normal type instead of flying, but it was an obvious pick in general.


6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Chatot is no surprise, the attire I wouldn't have expected though. Less airy, more painterly.

It does look like the kind of thing a Smeargle trainer would wear


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Left the non-bolded sentences in b/c "horny guy who accepts girl is ace and stops pursuing her" sounds excellently modern and consensual too.

Awww... that is really sweet.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Do you wanna get that looked at? If you're feeling the heart (you mentioned shoulder pain too earlier?) when you normally don't, well, most of the time it's nothing but if you really wanna be sure, a quick checkup could remove doubts.

I'm think I'm physically fine. I know I'm fat with too much sugar and butter intake why I'd fall off the exercise wagon at the end of March and never get back on? I was doing so well!, but this is all the mind stressed-out over its ultimate demise one day. The body merely obeys the brain's irrational commands, and fear gets the heart pumping. As I type this out, the pulse is tranquil, the mind is here, in the present, the E.M.M.I.s (dread) can't come in, though I know they are somewhere else, perhaps even one room over, in this mental map.

I phoned a psychologist today- they were already booked. Checked several other ones under my insurance who seem like they'd be a good fit- also full.😐 One emailed me a place that has seemingly an entire brigade of psyches even though none of them appear to be under insurance without asking them. I have to call them to schedule, but their response email also contained this line-

"Please note that currently, most of our therapists are experiencing very full schedules so I cannot guarantee availability."

Room for one is all I need, but I'll doubt when I call tomorrow (if I'm even covered). Apparently the world is crazy, and me.

Is the purported national "mental health crisis" not about stigma keeping people from seeking help, but a shortage of therapeutic supply? I thought I lived in a nice state with lots of professionals (imagine health -mental and physical- in rural America). Would a social worker be satisfactory? Maybe lowering(?) my standard would make a quick catch easier? (IDK what difference in treatment would exist between a psychologist and a social worker, only that a psychiatrist is the medical doctor, I don't want to go there first thing.) I dunno. I just want something now.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Maruya is particularly interesting, what nation just leaves large chunks of "unclaimed" land in it like that?

Other maps show the holes filled-in. Perhaps this one simply chose to leave areas where imperial power was quite weak and local autonomy was great -"spheres of influence" perhaps- unpainted. Which would be more indicative of how strong the empire realistically was you might say. If you want to be a glorious conqueror, you may settle for less local control if you think you can go really wide and paint the world your colors.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I like how it seems most of the empires didn't care about Sri Lanka.

You know about that island called Taiwan that our armed forces are ready to defend from Chinese invasion any day now?


I read a book called How Taiwan Became Chinese, although being a then0young scholar's first published work, the title was misleading. Sure some Han Chinese (the majority ethnicity of China when we think of "Chinese") did visit, but the indigenous Taiwanese population was mostly not-Han, who lived on the island without Chinese overlords or anything.

Then, in 1622, the Dutch East India Company (abbreviated as VOC in Dutch) established trading post that then expanded into a full-fledged Dutch colony. The Spanish established a short-lived colony on the island too, but the 1600s was the Dutch Golden Age, with modern Indonesia the VOC's Capitalism Ho! privately-owned country, so they kicked the Spaniards off. This is what the book focused on, the growth and structure of the Dutch colony.

Eventually, in 1668 the Chinese did conquer Taiwan -the Chinese pirates.🏴‍☠️ With the fall of the Ming dynasty to the Qing, the pirates led by the rather-famed "Koxinga" -Zheng Chenggong- conquered Taiwan and used it as their base of operations to supposedly fight for the fallen Ming (but they're pirates, so really they were doing it for themselves). Since Taiwan was proving to be a thorn for the Qing, they conquer it in 1683. (Not a big deal, much easier than conquering the vast barren steppes of Central Eurasia, the Qing did that too. Unusual for a Chinese dynasty, but then the Qing were Manchu who weren't nomads from the steppes as is often mistakenly thought, more a sedentary steppe-adjacent people. The Manchus had a stronger feel for their horse-loving neighbors' mindset than the Chinese did, who sometimes thought steppe barbarians were more a force of nature than humans, and you can't conquer forces of nature.)

After this... the Qing didn't really care about Taiwan, at all. Too distant, too small, the Chinese mainland has more than enough riches and is plenty troublesome enough to govern.

Fast-forward to 1894, the First Sino-Japanese War. The war begins over Korea, but in 1895 Japan proves victorious and gets Taiwan as a colony in the peace treaty. And NOW China cares about Taiwan. Any territory lost to a foreign aggressor becomes an invaluable piece of the country it turns out. (Not Taiwan's happiest days, b/c the Japanese Empire ain't very nice. There's an apparently-decent action game I've seen on the various storefronts that tells of a Robin Hood-esque figure from this era, I've considered buying it, still haven't.)

When Chang Kai-shek/Jiang Jieshi (Wade-Giles vs. Pinyin (invented by the commies) transliteration) leader of the Nationalists loses the war for mainland China, he then flees like the pirates centuries/Ming loyalists before him to Taiwan. And here we are today!

TL;DR If really big country, who cares about a few islands right off the coast?

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TL;DR If really big country, who cares about a few islands right off the coast?

Maybe not in that era. But nowadays that's not very advisable, as it's easy to do "dagger to the throat" strategies if you let a foreign power control land that close to your own over the water.

Not to mention, as you yourself pointed out, the Qing did conquered the island, even if they didn't govern it with a heavy hand.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

why I'd fall off the exercise wagon at the end of March and never get back on? I was doing so well!

Me but last year. The arepas certainly don't help.

Can't wait to lose like 20 pounds in Spain and then get them back when I get back.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe not in that era. But nowadays that's not very advisable, as it's easy to do "dagger to the throat" strategies if you let a foreign power control land that close to your own over the water.

See: Cuban Missile Crisis.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe not in that era. But nowadays that's not very advisable, as it's easy to do "dagger to the throat" strategies if you let a foreign power control land that close to your own over the water.

Well of course. Today is different from centuries ago.

Denmark-Norway and Vasa Sweden-Finland did fight over control over who would control Oresund strait for the right to tax commerce in the Baltic Sea. Not exactly the same, but control over bodies of water has been a thing some time. And millennia before that, the Carthaginians and Greeks fought over Sicily, to control Mediterranean trade.

And yep, I know islands and coastal enclaves were how so much European colonialism/imperialism began in Asia and Africa.

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Not to mention, as you yourself pointed out, the Qing did conquered the island, even if they didn't govern it with a heavy hand.

Only in the late 1600s. Which for a country with as lengthy as a history as China, is pretty late. The PRC propaganda that "Taiwan has since time immemorial been an integral part of China" is wrong.


19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Me but last year. The arepas certainly don't help.

Can't wait to lose like 20 pounds in Spain and then get them back when I get back.

Corn was a mistake.

I'd like it if my current 😔-induced fasting shedded a few pounds, except this mood is disinclined from exercise (despite the help it could be). And, someone asked today if they could pick up anything for me, as my one meal of the day, I picked Five Guys'.🍔🍟

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Feels wrong. The music, the scenery, but devoid of anything else of its kind, it comes off as hollow.



The eyes are soulless. Sagi got done dirty.

Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster developer interview (nintendoeverything.com)

Since Baten Kaitos Origins was originally published by Nintendo, did you need to work with the company in any way (such as obtaining rights) to make the new Switch release possible?

Since original titles were released on the GameCube and the remastered title on the Nintendo Switch, we have had great support from Nintendo throughout the project.

Has Monolith Soft been involved with this project at all?

The remaster is developed by a different studio, so Monolith Soft was not involved in this project. However, they supported us with information from the original game and gave us advice on the Remaster and tremendous support during the development of this game.

Some clarification. Though no fascinating tidbits or anything in this fairly short interview. Nor a 100% statement saying Nintendo has no legal rights regarding Origins.

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Well, tried to play VP through Bluestacks. Seems my computer can't handle it. Well, gotta be on mobile after all, though it's a bit more of a hassle to take screenshots. Well, I can make due with that.

I forgot there was quite some time before I could save the game, heh. I'll have to do this tomorrow after work...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Oh so Rayman is like the ultimate utility character. Bro feels like an Engage character.

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Medieval peasant woman working for business exec in an air conditioned room.

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Last time we had a rather interesting defense map. This time, a less interesting defense map that pretends we're weaker than we are. At the point the characters started talking about how desperate the situation is and how we need to haul ass and flee through an opening on the back of our fort, there were exactly four enemies left, summarily dispatched and/or stalled over the next two turns.

They gave me too good a defensive position. Enemies bunched up at a gate, my archers up in the ramparts, my mages casting AoE magic... their attempt at a flanking squad became the vanguard because the main force died too fast lol. They had a big-ass army waiting to run after us, but if the objective wasn't to run for the hills I probably could've taken them, that chokepoint is fantastic. Maybe another run, if such a thing comes to pass, I'll give routing this a shot.

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Doesn't help that this lot is starting to give me some serious Four Hounds flashbacks. We've been fighting the same group of dudes for five maps straight now. It's not quite as bad as Engage, because at least we had bossmen and other villains all the way up to chapter 20, but it seems like the lategame is going to be entirely against Team Bad and Team Bad alone. It's also for the best in terms of gameplay, since having eight bosses to throw at me with their boss buffs is better than just one and they seem to want to avoid giving the buff to generics, unlike Engage where even nobody brigands had revival stones in their possession, making the Four Hounds spam superfluous.

...Also Eden's a complete idiot and he really ought to stop being shitty to the competent woman who keeps winning him battles whenever he's not shooting himself in the foot by ignoring her. Like, for fuck's sake dude, for as brash and impulsive as she is, she's got the patience of a saint not to have mutinied on your sorry behind yet.

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