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I feel better today. No real reason for it, I'm just burnt out of being in the bleak doldrums. Still sad about the fate of all, still weighed down with fear, but less, the heartbeat isn't quickened as it was, depressive thoughts aren't as effective in making me quiver. I hope I don't relapse again like... Sunday? Subjective time is long when like this, even when existence is finite even so.

I'm better enough to continue...


I thought the meme line was in BHR. Did they retroactively add it here too? Or was it always here as well? They even voiced it this time.

Kanbei's clashes begin alright with a somewhat-tight turn limit for Kanbei Arrives. Mighty Kanbei is certainly the hardest of the three, I finished on exactly the 10th turn there, so many enemies coming in from the east. Kanbei's Error by contrast is very easy, completing it in 12 turns is no problem. Well, on Classic, Advanced Campaign I know makes it much harder. Finishing all three in or under 8/10/12 turns respectively opened the way...


...to the "fogged/reflective glasses confident/diabolical smirk".

Sonja's theme retains the regality it used to. Why she was given that Frenchy(?) elegance I'm not entirely sure. It'd be befitting a princess, but despite Kanbei getting retconned in BHR into the Emperor of 'Comet, Sonja I do not believe is ever once referred to as a princess.

Sonja's trials didn't feel that difficult. Yes I was fighting against the Fog of War queen (who is otherwise very weak in AW1 and only slightly better if at all in AW2. Dual Strike fixed her with that terrain star reduction ability.), but if you don't run in blindly, these maps are easy, with generous ranking turn counts. She has the same number of troops as Max, one less than Andy, and in both of those predeployed-only maps Sonja isn't aggressively tossing her army at you. Sami's is different, but you don't have to aggressively steal any properties Sonja is guaranteed in order to win/keep her from winning. The AI has always been terrible at amphibious operations too.


This sounds like it might be old.


But this sounds new to me, Andy eagerly talking to a recording/hologram of Sonja without realizing she's fake.

I'm 99% sure Andy when isolated had the Advisor with him, and that Sonja spoke of Orange Star employing one. With the deletion of the Advisor, did they rewrite the script for this battle.


The mystery continues of how Ryo/Andy (when I remembered his Japanese name, it make me think again that 'Star is both American and Japanese).


Yep, this screams Advisor erasure, I think.


This too sounds new. I'm sure there was "Max and Sami complaining they need to help Andy get dressed in the morning", and I thought it was here. Rewrite to something slightly less absurd?

Sonja unlocked after this. Switch was down to ~30% after five battles, I'll save the Green Earth clashes for tomorrow, mental state permitting.



I wanted to see this big guy again.


Whose CO Power has been renamed from the old "Tsunami", owing I've heard to that earthquake-tsunami-nuclear meltdown that struck Japan last decade.


I never saw Drake during my earliest intro to Advance Wars. I wasn't smart enough to finish the Comet and Moon campaigns in BHR. Sometime, long after getting Dual Strike, I'm not sure when exactly, maybe when years later I finally played AW1 on GBA, I came to particularly like Drake.

There aren't a lot of nice overweight young people in video games. Zero girls, and not exactly many guys either. Xu Zhu in Dynasty Warriors suffers from speaking in an awful stupid caricature voice with a matching personality. Drake (his Japanese name of "Mop" is bad) is a nice chill guy, but he doesn't lean heavily into the gentle giant trope. Being overweight all my life, I appreciate his existence.

Drake's redesign, he looks heavier than he ever did before? And the lack of chin bothers me as I said before, WayForward's exaggerated preferences are a flaw here, but still, I like the guy. His theme giving it a quick listen has new drums, new horns, the nautical flourish is stronger than before, more strings, yet for whatever enjoyable cacophony it is, it remains decidedly not-rock, which would've been too harsh for Drake I think.

As a CO, extra defense and movement for all units a single type is unique. The problem is Landers, Subs, and Battleships ideally shouldn't be getting hit, only Cruisers, so the defense isn't very useful. Drake would rather have extra Firepower for his navy, which he did gain at the cost of his distinctive +Def & Move in Dual Strike, a generic blessing but erasure of creativity. Losing Firepower for air units is not good too.

The bigger problem for Drake is that in Advance Wars, navies have polarized importance, with little in-between. Either navies end up dominating maps with big seas -in which case Drake is awesome. Or, if navies are optional for winning a map, they end up being often ignored -in which case Drake is very weak. Land is the preferred primary form of warfare in AW, air is flexible and can supplement land, naval units can't traverse land and therefore end up being of limited use in a land-focused map. Not helping is the cost of naval units is much greater than land and also sea. And in AW1, Drake's CO Power is the only one of its kind, yet still underpowered given his mediocre/binary day-to-day abilities.


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Cold Calculating Businesswoman?


Lapras is a cop-out. It's hardly icy, you could make it pure Water quite reasonably.

But the hair and eyes are distinctive, in a good way. Good Miku, bad choice of Poke'.

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My man.

I knew I liked you for a reason.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I thought the meme line was in BHR. Did they retroactively add it here too? Or was it always here as well? They even voiced it this time.

As far as I recall, it was always here.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


But this sounds new to me, Andy eagerly talking to a recording/hologram of Sonja without realizing she's fake.

The remake seems to be pretty faithful but adding some lines in the most unexpected places. Like Lash of all people channeling me and praising Olaf's beard in the best level in the series.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I wanted to see this big guy again.

He looks like Shin Chan in this game.

16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Zero girls

Well, there's Meg.

Still, when one says "zero" in this kind of context they essentially mean "there's like, one for every few hundred games", so that's okay, I get your point. And I agree, be it age, size or otherwise, girls struggle to get any variety in their looks when most people are convinced it would be a crime if not every fictional gal was fuckable and fappable for the sake of the audience.

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Oh my God, but my allies, though. Not content with killing two people, the game is now looking for any reason it can to temporarily take allies away from me every second chapter. I mean, I like it, they aren't messing around, but I don't like it! It keeps messing with my formation!

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I thought the meme line was in BHR. Did they retroactively add it here too? Or was it always here as well? They even voiced it this time.

As pointed out, yes, it was there already. Andy would fit right at home if AW ever got a shounen adaptation.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm 99% sure Andy when isolated had the Advisor with him, and that Sonja spoke of Orange Star employing one. With the deletion of the Advisor, did they rewrite the script for this battle.

I'm pretty sure the Advisor was with all three of them for their maps, despite the trio not reuniting until after this is all over.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Whose CO Power has been renamed from the old "Tsunami", owing I've heard to that earthquake-tsunami-nuclear meltdown that struck Japan last decade.

Nah, they're just big FFVIII fans

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So I just beat a battle, real easy-like. The game once more pretended we were in more trouble than we really were, nagging me to withdraw to various parts of the map while I held the front perfectly well. Then the same shit that happened before, happened again. A guy died on the very last turn due to an oversight on my part, then the battle ended because defense mission and I can't rewind.

Fuck my fucking life, 30 minutes of my life down the drain because of this shit. Well, I refuse to go to bed without having this done. It wasn't a difficult battle, I can do that again.

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The birthday girl

"You'll never have a day off if we don't kidnap you." -Kloe

I was two days ago years old when I learned that Renne's birth name isn't Renne, thank you Beryl.

23 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me but last year. The arepas certainly don't help.

This reminds me, I found out last week that my town has a Venezuelan restaurant. I don't know what they have aside from arepas though, maybe I should try it someday...

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lapras is a cop-out. It's hardly icy, you could make it pure Water quite reasonably.

I've seen speculation that the Ice-type was added late in development, since it's internally listed after most of the other types in the data (except Rock, Bug, Ghost, and Dragon). Dewgong and Cloyster aren't really icy either, and Jynx is probably yuki-onna inspired but could pass as pure Psychic. Aurora Beam was also Water-type at some point in development while Mist and Haze were Normal, so Articuno might've been Water/Flying when it was designed. This is all just speculation, so don't take it at face value.

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And naturally, on the second attempt I lose. So you can make that an hour of my life I've lost because of a single mistake at the worst possible time, and the sheer frustration of having to go to bed with this unresolved, because there's no way I can do this for the third time tonight.

I hate videogames so much.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Yeah so in what world is this legal? Unity gonna be charging some money for every install of a game using Unity. As in, you the dev gotta pay Unity your money every time someone installs your game. Oh and it's retroactive, so devs whose games have been out for years will now owe money.


The meme is real now. Literally no one wants to deal with this, not even companies with money. Digital Devolver already announced they ain't gonna be publishing Unity-made games.

Oh and Genshin Impact runs on Unity which means i gotta side with Mihoyo on this. God save you if i'm siding with a Chinese company.

3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I don't know what they have aside from arepas though, maybe I should try it someday...

They very likely have chicha. You should get it, arepa with chicha is an indisputable combo.

Now if it's Venezuelan, it's probably just a given but make sure that it's "chicha de arroz". Cause chicha in other countries is alcoholic and it's shit.

Edited by Armagon
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Evening arrives, mind declines. Not a shock of dread, but the pervasive fear and inability to accept 💀 is palpably higher than when the day began.

Thankfully, I was able to force myself to continue with Advance Wars. Green Earth is done, all Sami. Drake 1 Sami is nice, if "normal" by the AW1 campaign's standards. Drake 2 Sami is the only battle I've failed to get an S rank on, I went about it too slowly with FoW in play, uncertain of the where the enemy lay. Eagle 3- go slowly and Eagle will throw most of his forces at you, which can be readily destroyed. Go fast, and his air force and some land units will quickly undo you. Felt like a natural progression from Eagle's second battle. Drake 3 with Sami... stupendously easy, too easy for this point in the game. Mind, Advanced Campaign isn't unlocked yet, and that's where the real challenge lay.

Will finish the AW1 campaign tomorrow.



This does not suit Kalas.


4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm pretty sure the Advisor was with all three of them for their maps, despite the trio not reuniting until after this is all over.

This line felt like a remnant of that.:



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, there's Meg.

Still, when one says "zero" in this kind of context they essentially mean "there's like, one for every few hundred games", so that's okay, I get your point.

Not sure how I forgot her.😅

I can also remember another girl in Rune Factory who was a little chubby -unless you nudged her into dieting. Then she loses the weight, and only then do you get to see her in her swimwear.


3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I've seen speculation that the Ice-type was added late in development, since it's internally listed after most of the other types in the data (except Rock, Bug, Ghost, and Dragon). Dewgong and Cloyster aren't really icy either, and Jynx is probably yuki-onna inspired but could pass as pure Psychic. Aurora Beam was also Water-type at some point in development while Mist and Haze were Normal, so Articuno might've been Water/Flying when it was designed. This is all just speculation, so don't take it at face value.

Speculation of this kind interests me.😀

As for Ice's placement. Rock is kinda redundant with Ground, not entirely ofc b/c very different when it comes to type advantages, but that could've been an after-the-fact thing. Bug as separate from Grass is reasonable -although it is a threadbare type in Gen 1. Ghost is even more threadbare with a single evolutionary line to it. Dragon too is a single lineage, with just one fixed-damage move.

I imagine Game Freak having started with a group of core types, and then they thought of other ideas and added those additional types later. Ice and Rock did well for being in this "secondary" group of types, Ghost and Dragon did not. The only issue with this line of speculation, is that Psychic's weaknesses are Bug and Ghost, but if both of these were added later, then when was Psychic created and what weaknesses were originally intended?


40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah so in what world is this legal? Unity gonna be charging some money for every install of a game using Unity. As in, you the dev gotta pay Unity your money every time someone installs your game.

I've seen this rack up the comments at faster-than-light speed today. Should I get to reading them?

Sounds like the super-simplified idea with super-lazy execution of "each install = a separate purchase, so charge per install". Except that's not true. And you imply not all games using Unity are pay-to-play, and imagine anything Unity on Game Pass/Playstation Now. So even if the per-unit cost is within reason, the gulf between actual purchases and installs is going to be waaaaaay too big. 

40 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh and Genshin Impact runs on Unity which means i gotta side with Mihoyo on this. God save you if i'm siding with a Chinese company.

It's not entirely their fault that you're saying this. The Chinese market for video games has been heavily shaped no doubt by the CCP. Console gaming was long restricted, gaming time for youths is limited. And the Chinese government has always been suspicious of any institution outside of its control, so it's not a surprise it ties strings to large tech and video game companies.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

've seen this rack up the comments at faster-than-light speed today. Should I get to reading them?

Sounds like super-lazy "each install = a separate purchase, so charge per install". Except that's not true. And you imply not all games using Unity are pay-to-play, and imagine anything Unity on Game Pass/Playstation Now. So even if the per-unit cost is within reason, the gulf between actual purchases and installs is going to be waaaaaay too big. 


This includes demos, betas, etc. They claim that games bought through charity bundles won't be affected except not even the devs themselves know if a game got sold through a charity bundle so how would Unity know?

From one of the devs


Even if it's rolled back, Unity has pretty much broken everyone's trust.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not sure how I forgot her.😅

I can also remember another girl in Rune Factory who was a little chubby -unless you nudged her into dieting. Then she loses the weight, and only then do you get to see her in her swimwear. 

FE also has Candace.

On the subject of RF, Tide of Destiny also has Beatrix de Saint-Coquille, proving that even the women follow the... family tradition once they become middle aged, it seems.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speculation of this kind interests me.😀

As for Ice's placement. Rock is kinda redundant with Ground, not entirely ofc b/c very different when it comes to type advantages, but that could've been an after-the-fact thing. Bug as separate from Grass is reasonable -although it is a threadbare type in Gen 1. Ghost is even more threadbare with a single evolutionary line to it. Dragon too is a single lineage, with just one fixed-damage move.

This reminds me how Castlevania also has separate Earth and Stone elements in some games.

Actually... yeah, this seems to be a thing. Elemental systems where you have traditional Earth, and then something like Mountain, also being an element. So the Rock/Ground split could also be related to this.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I imagine Game Freak having started with a group of core types, and then they thought of other ideas and added those additional types later. Ice and Rock did well for being in this "secondary" group of types, Ghost and Dragon did not. The only issue with this line of speculation, is that Psychic's weaknesses are Bug and Ghost, but if both of these were added later, then when was Psychic created and what weaknesses were originally intended?

Maybe "late" is relative. Like, they already thought the list, then as they were coding them in, they got further ideas. We know the Bird type was replaced with Flying, after all. So where is Flying on the order?

Hmm, Ghost coded very late... I wonder if the unintended immunity Psychic had against them despite being meant to be weak to was a result of it.

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17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


This does not suit Kalas.

Forgot to say this but yeah this ain't Kalas. The real Kalas is a massive asshole. This is not the face of "I'll loot the dead corpses of a girl's friends right in front of her".

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Finally! The Artolian Mountain Ruins, and a Save Point. Oh lol, even having the app in the background still made the playtime running, so now it's clocked at 13 hours despite still being in Chapter 0. Ah well, I don't mind. Okay, so, time to play with Another Eden for a bit and I can continue with Valkyrie Profile...

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Well, I'm managing. Though I wish I could use a controller instead. I heard it is controller-compatible, and I think I do have one that I can plug into my phone... I hope. But well, I'll try that tomorrow perhaps.

Okay, finished with the dungeon. Now I'm at Chapter 1. Fortunately, this one is simple enough, I know I can have enough periods to revisit dungeons several times for items. I don't feel too bad on not having triggered that many item drops. Might still need some practice there, heh. Anyway, that's enough for now. Will continue next time.

Hmm, the world map theme totally gives me Golden Sun vibes. Well, this is also Sakuraba's work, heh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah so in what world is this legal? Unity gonna be charging some money for every install of a game using Unity. As in, you the dev gotta pay Unity your money every time someone installs your game. Oh and it's retroactive, so devs whose games have been out for years will now owe money.


The meme is real now. Literally no one wants to deal with this, not even companies with money. Digital Devolver already announced they ain't gonna be publishing Unity-made games.

Oh and Genshin Impact runs on Unity which means i gotta side with Mihoyo on this. God save you if i'm siding with a Chinese company.

Hurrah, capitalism!

That has to be the dumbest big vidyagame corpo move I've seen in at least the last two days. This is going to murder Unity, just straight up. Literally nobody is going to use Unity ever again if they persist on this, and even if they don't it's going to hurt their reputation. Not to mention changing the contract after the fact and demanding debts that didn't exist previously is blatantly illegal. They cannot be allowed to get away with this.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Saint Rubenio you should at least get the Rayman expansion.

Also not even the funny Mario game is safe from using Spanish names for bandits but it fits with the Wild West theming of the area i suppose.

That's one hell of an ability lol

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

From one of the devs


Even if it's rolled back, Unity has pretty much broken everyone's trust.

This brings attention to yet another big problem: Every game that's currently completed and awaiting release, or close to completion, using Unity as an engine cannot be released. Not even for free or leaked - if these games see the light of day in any manner, shape or form, the devs lose everything. A bunch of games in the immediate future are straight up going to become lost media.

What an absolutely asinine move fueled purely by blind, dumb greed. Thanks, capitalism, for encouraging this shit!

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

FE also has Candace.

Coolest Fates gal. Or at last on the top 3. Not that the competition is stellar, I mean, there's pretty much Setsuna and every other Fates girl is like whatevs.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That has to be the dumbest big vidyagame corpo move I've seen in at least the last two days. This is going to murder Unity, just straight up. Literally nobody is going to use Unity ever again if they persist on this, and even if they don't it's going to hurt their reputation. Not to mention changing the contract after the fact and demanding debts that didn't exist previously is blatantly illegal. They cannot be allowed to get away with this.

They've since "walked it back" by apparently saying that only the "first install" will count. But

1. Even just having the game still counts as a "first install", not in the truly retroactive sense but like if you bought a Unity game in 2016 and you still have it, it's now a "2024" game (when the effects take place). And also how do they know it's the first time installed?

2. They also now said "devs won't be on the hook for Gamepass" who will then hmmm? Microsoft? Sony? That will affect deals anyway, they might not want Unity games on those subscription services anymore. And like Digital Devolver already cut ties like I said.

3. It's still an insane fee anyways, the whole thing and Unity needs to go.



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This brings attention to yet another big problem: Every game that's currently completed and awaiting release, or close to completion, using Unity as an engine cannot be released.

Yeah even with the "ok fine only first installs" condition, any game that gets even remotely any traction could bankrupt a dev.

Like if it was revenue share, that's one thing. That's pretty common, the game engine takes a small cut of your sales. Not your own money. But now it's gonna be your own money.

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Someone tried to argue CS I gameplay was too difficult due to not wanting to read all of the tutorial text they have.

C'mon, when should player responsibility be a thing? CS is many things but crappy tutorials is not among them, that is simply just laziness on the players part and tbh, at that point they deserve to fail. 

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Apparently they've stated that the ones who have to pay the install feed are not the devs but the distributors. So, Steam, Microsoft, itch.io, etc.

I've seen some speculation that this is the classic "say something profoundly stupid, then pretend to compromise with the thing you truly wanted all along" strategy. It honestly does seem like it, they'd have to be Elon Musk-tier imbecilic to have at any point believed they can just extort people like this.

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