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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok @Saint Rubenio YMMV on this but biggest culture shock so far is all the power outlets only allowing for one device to be plugged in. Like back home it's common for power outlets to allow two devices by default but here it seems like (where my cousin lives anyway) you need an adapter of any kind to plug in more than one.

Yeah, that's true. Our sockets tend to be singular use. Power strips are a common sight even in run-of-the-mill households.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh the bathroom doors don't lock......

Actually none of the doors have a lock switch except the front door. Could just be this apartment tho.

All the homes I've been to have locks on the bathrooms, as far as I can remember. Must be that apartment that's weird.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, that's true. Our sockets tend to be singular use. Power strips are a common sight even in run-of-the-mill households.

Yeah I knew they were gonna be different, I just didn't expect for there to be only one socket.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All the homes I've been to have locks on the bathrooms, as far as I can remember. Must be that apartment that's weird.

I mean maybe there is a lock somewhere but I don't see it.

Cousin's husband was saying this is one of the newer apartments (I have zero frame of reference for this).

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Idk my dad was like "they didn't even ask any questions".

at most the questions will be "What's the purpose of your visit/how long will you be staying" and that's it.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Then the clerk tells him he doesn't care why they're coming through, stamps the things without a second thought and duly dispatches them.

2real XD

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I mean if you have a weapon that never breaks, then there isn't really a reason to use anything else.

considering half my inventory is stronger than the Master Sword...

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Most intelligent Twitter users.

Twitter was a mistake

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I forgot to mention that all the plants were specially imported from elsewhere. For the sake of decorating an airport terminal.

this sounds dystopian af


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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah I knew they were gonna be different, I just didn't expect for there to be only one socket.

We can't all be as blessed as the United States.

2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

at most the questions will be "What's the purpose of your visit/how long will you be staying" and that's it.

Nothing I loved more than when they screwed up the purpose of visit. Then I could just stamp them away and move on to the next. Until some journalist dickhead filed a complaint and the bossmen forced me to provide a reason for denial. Then it just wasted some extra time. Fucking assholes... This is why I let you fucks get your precious wall bombed in my first run, all those years ago.

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Spain Day 1: Barcelona


Found @Saint Rubenio's favorite spot to damage his liver.



I just know dystopian fiction writers are showing up there. 



We will go there tomorrow. But let me tell you, you don't appreciate the size until you see it in person.


Capitalism in one picture


My first time seeing the Mediterranean irl.




We were driven back to the apartment by cousin. I don't know what building that is tho.


To be fair, cousin's kids wanted it so we were like "eh might as well". So we grabbed some on the way back home.

Public transit thoughts: it's clean as well and good. Some streets do get kinda cramped tho. But between the tram and the bus, we got to the beach within an hour.

Tomorrow we'll tour Barcelona proper.

Also Catalan is like the weirdest language cause it's like Spanish but not quite and it also reads like Portuguese but not quite.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

considering half my inventory is stronger than the Master Sword...

Master Sword+fused Silver Lynel Horn.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We can't all be as blessed as the United States.

Yeah like i got a crispy chicken sandwich and the size of that is like a kid's meal in America.

At least the fries actually did come "extra large".

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Found @Saint Rubenio's favorite spot to damage his liver.

There it is.

Luigi's Mansion in real life.

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:


lol dick building.

25 minutes ago, Armagon said:


You see these things in most major cities. I wish I'd gotten to play in one as a kid. Then again, I probably would've broken my neck.

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:


To be fair, cousin's kids wanted it so we were like "eh might as well". So we grabbed some on the way back home.

Very good taste, yes.

26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also Catalan is like the weirdest language cause it's like Spanish but not quite and it also reads like Portuguese but not quite.


26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah like i got a crispy chicken sandwich and the size of that is like a kid's meal in America.

And that's why y'all are fat.

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Strive to be as dedicated to your job as this man. Nothing fazes him. Truly an inspiration.

15 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Especially with the lag lol

Don't tempt me, I diss Ninty on this topic enough as it is

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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My Twitter timeline this past day


On 10/6/2023 at 7:31 PM, Lightchao42 said:

Did you encounter the Blue Badger yet?

Yep, he appears early, in the first day. Just like this guy

On 10/6/2023 at 9:06 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And because i am into a ship atm more than i was into EH and that ship has a 70% chance of sinking lol

Rooting for you rn

On 10/7/2023 at 6:19 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Isn't that the truth. Also, I hope you are enjoying Ace Attorney, as it is a series I rather like.

Been replaying it since last week, the PS4 version was on sale. The DL-6 still hits hard...


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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very good taste, yes

Burger King is actually good here.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Whoevet designed the water temple boss should never work on boss design again

What an annoying pos. Especially with the lag lol

Splash Fruits make the fight way more smoother but I still hate the second phase. Easily my least favorite boss in the game. Octorock-themed bosses have never been good now that I think about it.

(Also what lag).


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Spent the entire day and part of the prior one bingewatching a longplay of the JRPG Suikoden V.🥱 Not sure why I got into the mood of watching these games, but in the past week or so I've watched the entireties of 3-5 now. Didn't make me feel normal again or abolish the thoughts, but it did numb the dread's effects. Weird, since I certainly don't feel like playing a lengthy JRPG in a melancholic state, yet I have no qualms watching them.😅 Well, there's only Tierkreis left from this franchise to see.

Also, Suikoden reallllllly loved its tacticians, sickeningly so in terms of how perfect they could be. FE's Robin -peak FE strategist- is a noob by comparison. The franchise named itself after one of the major classic Chinese novels, adoration it gave to military masterminds smells strongly of another. How was Konami responsible for this series and not Koei?

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, Suikoden reallllllly loved its tacticians, sickeningly so in terms of how perfect they could be. FE's Robin -peak FE strategist- is a noob by comparison.

Reminds me of this anime I watched, Arslan Senki or something. The strategist guy there was so smart, his plans worked even when they didn't.

And like you're never told about this until after they happened. Like there's a scene where the enemy is tricked into attacking itself at night but like you think it's the good guys vs the bad guys and then it's revealed that they were fighting itself and then the strategist goes "ah yes, all according to my expectations" and you never even heard about this before then.

Actually Clone Wars had a similar scene with the reveal of who did it coming after except it was the good guys fighting themselves and the impact was way better


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9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Yep, he appears early, in the first day. Just like this guy

Ah yes, it's... man.

Gant is decidedly the more memorable character.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Rooting for you rn

Look at all that incest. You can smell the Japan in the air.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Burger King is actually good here.

You mean these franchises are even worse in the country they come from?

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

(Also what lag)

Nintendo fan when confronted with the fact that the Switch can't run Pong (he can't see FPS)

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Spent the entire day and part of the prior one bingewatching a longplay of the JRPG Suikoden V.🥱 Not sure why I got into the mood of watching these games, but in the past week or so I've watched the entireties of 3-5 now. Didn't make me feel normal again or abolish the thoughts, but it did numb the dread's effects. Weird, since I certainly don't feel like playing a lengthy JRPG in a melancholic state, yet I have no qualms watching them.😅 Well, there's only Tierkreis left from this franchise to see.

Also, Suikoden reallllllly loved its tacticians, sickeningly so in terms of how perfect they could be. FE's Robin -peak FE strategist- is a noob by comparison. The franchise named itself after one of the major classic Chinese novels, adoration it gave to military masterminds smells strongly of another. How was Konami responsible for this series and not Koei?

Hey, that reminds me of Exit Fate - oh right, that game was blatant about drawing stuff from Suikoden. That one also had some pretty kickass tacticians playing mindgames on each other.

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At a pizza place rn. Grabbed two slices and two drinks for 8€.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You mean these franchises are even worse in the country they come from?

Burger King is like the place you go to when there's nothing else but in Spain it seems like it has actually good standing.


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I'm uploading pictures in a bit but actual culture shock is that Spaniards will assume you're looking for room temperature milk and not refrigerated pasteurized milk a.k.a the stuff normal people drink. Apparently they sell the former too in America but you have to look for it, because the store employees you're looking for the latter.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm uploading pictures in a bit but actual culture shock is that Spaniards will assume you're looking for room temperature milk and not refrigerated pasteurized milk a.k.a the stuff normal people drink. Apparently they sell the former too in America but you have to look for it, because the store employees you're looking for the latter.

...I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

...I have no idea what you're talking about.

"Why is that, though? Did you know that America actually differs from the usual norm in this regard? We are one of the only countries in the world that partake in the practice of putting milk in the fridge. You may not have realized that Europeans actually buy and store their milk outside of the fridge. The reason is a simple one: Europeans rely on a completely different pasteurization method.

Canadian and American milk manufacturers utilize high-temperature, short-time pasteurization. This method is one of the best ways to kill off sizable amounts of bacteria. While the method is one of the most efficient ways to manufacture milk, it does lead to rapid expiration. Within seven to ten days of opening the milk, it will be time to throw it away

If milk is able to hang on for a long enough period of time, the bacteria are given a chance to return. The HTST method may work well enough for Americans, but the Europeans rely on the UHT method instead. The milk is exposed to much higher temperatures for just three seconds. After being exposed to the temperatures, the milk is completely free of bacteria for at least six months.

Since the bacteria are all gone, the milk becomes more shelf-stable. This milk also has a much different flavor because most of the sugar that American milk contains has been burnt off. Companies have attempted to convince Americans to make the switch but there has been no luck so far. We are bound and determined to continue placing our milk in the fridge"

The article mentions Canadian and American but i know for a fact that at least in Venezuela, South America also does the first method. Stores will sell both usually, but depending on which part of the world you live in, you're gonna have to look for the other method.

Of course regardless once you open the milk, it has to go on the fridge anyways.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"Why is that, though? Did you know that America actually differs from the usual norm in this regard? We are one of the only countries in the world that partake in the practice of putting milk in the fridge. You may not have realized that Europeans actually buy and store their milk outside of the fridge. The reason is a simple one: Europeans rely on a completely different pasteurization method.

Canadian and American milk manufacturers utilize high-temperature, short-time pasteurization. This method is one of the best ways to kill off sizable amounts of bacteria. While the method is one of the most efficient ways to manufacture milk, it does lead to rapid expiration. Within seven to ten days of opening the milk, it will be time to throw it away

If milk is able to hang on for a long enough period of time, the bacteria are given a chance to return. The HTST method may work well enough for Americans, but the Europeans rely on the UHT method instead. The milk is exposed to much higher temperatures for just three seconds. After being exposed to the temperatures, the milk is completely free of bacteria for at least six months.

Since the bacteria are all gone, the milk becomes more shelf-stable. This milk also has a much different flavor because most of the sugar that American milk contains has been burnt off. Companies have attempted to convince Americans to make the switch but there has been no luck so far. We are bound and determined to continue placing our milk in the fridge"

The article mentions Canadian and American but i know for a fact that at least in Venezuela, South America also does the first method. Stores will sell both usually, but depending on which part of the world you live in, you're gonna have to look for the other method.

You Americans and your obsession with being the odd ones out. American exceptionalism, I think some call it? Do let me know how that "different flavor" works for you when you try it.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course regardless once you open the milk, it has to go on the fridge anyways.

I was about to say, I do have milk in the fridge. It stays outside until opened though, that is true. I'll try to remember in case I ever go to the States - that sounds like a nice way to lose a bunch of milk.

...Hey, I just realized, the milk must take up a lot of room in the fridge, no? Pretty sure if I tried to shove the entire six-packs of milk we buy at the store in the fridge, I'd lose half a shelf, at minimum!

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

You Americans and your obsession with being the odd ones out. American exceptionalism, I think some call it?

Hey now, Canada does it too, but they sell it in bags. They are the real heathens, not us.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll try to remember in case I ever go to the States - that sounds like a nice way to lose a bunch of milk.

I mean like i said, they sell the one you're used to too, you just gotta look for it. But like you can find it in a Walmart.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

..Hey, I just realized, the milk must take up a lot of room in the fridge, no? Pretty sure if I tried to shove the entire six-packs of milk we buy at the store in the fridge, I'd lose half a shelf, at minimum!

Europe (Spain) milk size is nothing. By default, people get the 2 gallon. Spain, the biggest one i saw was 1.5 liters.

There are smaller milk sizes if you want. But 2 gallon (7.57 liters) is the default, especially if you got a big family.

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30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Europe (Spain) milk size is nothing. By default, people get the 2 gallon. Spain, the biggest one i saw was 1.5 liters.

There are smaller milk sizes if you want. But 2 gallon (7.57 liters) is the default, especially if you got a big family.

Holy shit no but seriously. Are all food rations in the US whale-sized?

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