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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

nce most of the time I'm done with the work of the day up to hours before the workday ends


1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

think I've given up on trying to write fanfiction. -snip-

While i haven't given up, it seems i am incapable of writing more than one-shots.

Which is fine, but my ideas tend to have bigger scopes lol

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:




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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We've been robbed

As long as we still had the option to turn them off. At first I was onboard with the idea, but then I watched a couple levels' worth of leaked gameplay and I kinda feel like I'm probably going to turn the flowers off when I play this. There's way too many of them and most of the commentary is so saccharine. Then again maybe Tsundere mode would've fixed that

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Talk of fanfiction-writing led me to have some literal shower thoughts. Of what? Xenogears/saga (either one or both, both being its own can of worms to reconcile) in SRW.😆

I'm still in the process of assembling the thoughts if anyone were curious. Few solid ideas, mostly just considerations of how things could hypothetically go down/get integrated.


58 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We've been robbed

I don't know why, but talking flowers in the background reminded me of this.

Skip the Tsundere mode, give us an 80% irrelevant chatter mode.


35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again maybe Tsundere mode would've fixed that

There's this one simple multiplayer platformer game called Runbow. The game has a variety of insults which it will randomly choose from every time you die.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Talk of fanfiction-writing led me to have some literal shower thoughts. Of what? Xenogears/saga (either one or both, both being its own can of worms to reconcile) in SRW.😆

I'm still in the process of assembling the thoughts if anyone were curious. Few solid ideas, mostly just considerations of how things could hypothetically go down/get integrated.

Oh, I'm looking forward to that, heh.

As for my front of fanfic writing... still stuck on writing that battle. I should consider if to skip it, but I do feel I must include some bits of it. Hmm...

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On the flip side, I already have over 1.3K words, and the battle itself would be the final scene of the chapter. Thing is, I am set with my minimum requirement of 2.5K words per chapter, and I feel I already stretched things a bit for the scenes before, so it's either put effort for the fight scenes, or have the chapter end up shorter.

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, I'm looking forward to that, heh.

-Admittedly, I'm not thinking too much on specific licenses to pair with 'Gears/Saga right now.😅 As I haven't watched anime, and I need to play more SRWs. I'd be looking mostly for aliens (so I'll be looking forward to meet the Muge Empire in GC, and the GGG baddies in W, -also for reasons of meeting Dan' and GGG in J/30 removed their (old) narratives), which would naturally pair with Gears and or Saga. Not everything needs to interact, but at least one strong license-linking, though two good connections would be better, three would be plenty.

(Speaking of playing SRW, maybe 4th J after the first run of W. To go back and compare different versions of the storylines that the two games share. That, and like the third run, the 4th will be all Reals from a gameplay perspective, minus the battleships and the Vorlent/Raftclans. So the significant spacing will be appreciated. Maybe I'll start GC in like December of this year? *Backlog stares angrily at me.* ...Only after I complete a long JRPG or something.😅)

-And good luck with your fanfict-writing.😀

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9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And now Israel does that to others. Truly moral people

Btw, Jews =/= Israel. Very important distinction to make.

Some of the strongest anti-Israel politicians are Jews themselves.  Just to make it clear i am only talking about the state of Israel and not Jews.

The worst thing about humans is how they can face horrific generational oppression and trauma and yet fail to use that as a chance to question hierarchies, discrimination, the things that create oppression and genocide as long as they can further their own power.

Persecuted religious and racial groups in England fleeing to the Americas only to do the same thing to Native Americans. Oppressed Muslims in Arabia in the earlier days of the faith only to conquer the regions there and beyond by force, oppressing religious minorities as far as Iberia, those oppressed Christians in Iberia under Islamic rule only to impose that same religious absolutism decades later once they gained freedom. the Mexica groups fleeing the Yucatan to escape racial discrimination only to found the Aztec Empire and conquer the surrounding native peoples, and then that same empire destroyed along with nearly the entire continent's people by those same Christians in Iberia.

The history of most countries is one of oppressed turned into oppressor without any questions of whether or not that authority should exist for any people. So it goes again with Israel.

This more than enough proof that racial, religious, and national identity can be anything and it wouldn't matter, a human is human regardless and is just as able to fall victim to corruption and bigotry as they are to being the target of said corruption and bigotry. Our empathy as humans is only matched by our selfishness.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good on them for trying.

I've heard marches going on in Boston as well. I'm surprised my city of Portland has gotten to it yet as we're usually the first to protest about these things. Organizations may already be underway and with little power I have over the situation I plan on going.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I should stop news'ing for a while. And away from any internet comment section because it makes me lose all faith in humanity and honestly feel utterly uncomfortable with how disgusting many are being.

Problem is, what else to do during work. Internet is what keeps me sane

I feel you there. The toll this has all taken on my mental health is already staggering.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

We've been robbed

BS Super Mario collection remake when?

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Admittedly, I'm not thinking too much on specific licenses to pair with 'Gears/Saga right now.😅 As I haven't watched anime, and I need to play more SRWs. I'd be looking mostly for aliens (so I'll be looking forward to meet the Muge Empire in GC, and the GGG baddies in W, -also for reasons of meeting Dan' and GGG in J/30 removed their (old) narratives), which would naturally pair with Gears and or Saga. Not everything needs to interact, but at least one strong license-linking, though two good connections would be better, three would be plenty.

Yeah, that's always the tricky part, but fortunately there's plenty of leeway room. SRW has had even entries in games that are mostly standalone. Like Megazone 23 in SRW D. What little plot interweaving there is very minimal. Though of course, cast interactions is a different matter. But yeah, it's tying the plot elements together that is the harder part.

Still, it's a testament to my long-time experience with SRW that I could come up with I have for my own SRW fan idea, heh. Even if, admittedly, a few are retreads of things SRW already did. But then that's fine, since SRW isn't above repeating some stuff every now and then.

Of course, then you have the times SRW goes for very wild ideas. Like Master Asia being an alien in Shin SRW, or Hokushin (from Nadesico Prince of Darkness) being a Meganoid in SRW V. That kind of stuff.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(Speaking of playing SRW, maybe 4th J after the first run of W. To go back and compare different versions of the storylines that the two games share. That, and like the third run, the 4th will be all Reals from a gameplay perspective, minus the battleships and the Vorlent/Raftclans. So the significant spacing will be appreciated. Maybe I'll start GC in like December of this year? *Backlog stares angrily at me.* ...Only after I complete a long JRPG or something.😅)

Ah, yes, those pesky backlogs. XD

Don't know if you know already, but in order to see everything in W, you only need two playthroughs, I believe. Only two-way route splits, and the final stage also deviates after the first playthrough.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-And good luck with your fanfict-writing.😀

Thanks! I want to finish it before the month ends. I already failed my goal of writing a chapter per month since I didn't finish during September. So I better not delay it for another month.

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Laptop probably gone, but at least an old PC with no adequade internet connection (tl;dr: needs a USB stick to use WLAN, and the signal in my room is a bit weak, so it doesn't work and I have to use my phone, or somebody else's PC, to access the internet) is still functioning. It also still had Civ5 installed, so that was a nice comfort game available to play. This time, as a pre-Columbian American civ that isn't the Inca:


The Aztecs, which are nucking futs if you get a nice start without too much jungle. 75 base food production? You mean +82 food surplus.


And the Aztec Petra dream might be even dreamier than the Incan... nah, this city would've been equally insane as Pachacuti.


Going from 41 pop to 42 in 5 turns. Why not.


And the resulting little empire. 139 pops in four cities. Floating gardens are fun.


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2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

This more than enough proof that racial, religious, and national identity can be anything and it wouldn't matter, a human is human regardless and is just as able to fall victim to corruption and bigotry as they are to being the target of said corruption and bigotry. Our empathy as humans is only matched by our selfishness


It's sad,  how we never learn.

And honestly, times like these made me doubt the ideals and values i grew up with, with how fast they are thrown to the wind...

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, that's always the tricky part,

And now I've realized I've fallen into a spe-cial rabbit hole.🥴 Attempting to SRW-style naturally integrate Xenogears and Xenosaga together (I'm not going to go with a merging of two dimensions, that's the easy cop-out). Given the sheer amount of shared terms, concepts, and objects 'Gears and 'Saga have, with the need to recalibrate backstory, characters, and events into a single narrative as a result... 🤣. The neurons in my brain are going into overdrive trying to figure out how to reconcile everything. It's better than being lost in melancholy though.

I need to get back specifically their inclusion in SRW. -I mean I certainly had SRW in mind while writing the above, but it's also a bit of an island, because the hypothetical pipe dream XS & XG could be done outside of SRW.

Oh, and constantly rechecking Xenosaga Wiki for refreshers and explainers on everything for both games, Fei Fong Wong's -Xenogears's main character- Japanese VA happens to leave a windy yet lasting impression.😜

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Like Master Asia being an alien in Shin SRW

...Is that supposed to be a bad idea? I'm not entirely sure ATM. -I'll explain once I've sorted everything out.😅

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

or Hokushin (from Nadesico Prince of Darkness) being a Meganoid in SRW V.

I can't wait for W to finally see the other part of MSNadesico. I'm plenty curious at this point.🧐

-Being a Meganoid doesn't sound like the most outlandish thing. Sounds more like somebody looked back at A and decided to go a little further with that.😄

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Don't know if you know already, but in order to see everything in W, you only need two playthroughs, I believe. Only two-way route splits, and the final stage also deviates after the first playthrough.

J4 and then W2 I think it'll be.

GC I see is a single playthrough game (barring the choice of which OG unit to use), which is nice, if a little longer than J to compensate.


1 hour ago, gnip said:


The Aztecs, which are nucking futs if you get a nice start without too much jungle. 75 base food production? You mean +82 food surplus.


Every time I tried the Aztecs and rolled a really good capital, getting the Hanging Gardens if possible, I ended up with a one-city challenge because somehow I had no good spots to expand to.

I've been wanting to pick up Civ6 again to try the Leader Pass leaders, but the Switch version of the game crashes too much, has too much load time, and I'm always hesitant to rebuy it on Steam for $30 on sale.

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Oh God, it's this feeling of wanting to throw up but I don't know if it's real or if it's just a normal bad stomach.

Should've known Ruben would hit me with the Spanish Flu. I will mail an anime body pillow to his house as retaliation.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

10 Minutes later*

Link, Zelda

Get a room

Spirit Tracks, Skyward Sword and Wild era are where Link and Zelda are at their most romantic so if you want more of that.....well there's really only one game left lmao.

Minish Cap in the manga too I think.


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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Is that supposed to be a bad idea? I'm not entirely sure ATM. -I'll explain once I've sorted everything out.😅

Well, no, but it was certainly a weird one. XD

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can't wait for W to finally see the other part of MSNadesico. I'm plenty curious at this point.🧐

W does have something going for it thanks to the fact it uses both the TV series and movie in the same game. Not the first, as R did it before, and its approach was quite unique there. Still, W gives it own more conventional spin, so it's something to look forward to.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-Being a Meganoid doesn't sound like the most outlandish thing. Sounds more like somebody looked back at A and decided to go a little further with that.😄

Or perhaps to R, as explained above.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

J4 and then W2 I think it'll be.

GC I see is a single playthrough game (barring the choice of which OG unit to use), which is nice, if a little longer than J to compensate.

Yeah, GC is one of the few completely linear games, trading route splits for the sub-scenarios.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh God, it's this feeling of wanting to throw up but I don't know if it's real or if it's just a normal bad stomach.

Should've known Ruben would hit me with the Spanish Flu. I will mail an anime body pillow to his house as retaliation.

Cue Ruben be like:

Say, you didn't happen to hear any... whistling, did you?

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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh God, it's this feeling of wanting to throw up but I don't know if it's real or if it's just a normal bad stomach.

Should've known Ruben would hit me with the Spanish Flu. I will mail an anime body pillow to his house as retaliation.

I wish you a swift recovery.

20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Cue Ruben be like:

Why is the villain of that movie an egg?

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