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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I did not expect any problems before turn 20.

On my first clear, most of my infantry ended up having to hole up on that hill and got captured. With the benefit of hindsight I do know of course to set up the escape in advance and to not get too greedy.

Though presumably you are meant to have your infantry run through the difficult terrain south of the hill, so that the enemy cavalry cannot effectively utilize canto against you. Getting on top of the hill was likely the wrong move because then the lancers will stay on the road and remain in the perfect position to rip you to shreds if you try to make the run from the hill to the exit.

Edited by BrightBow
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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Arena goo brrr

Solo'ing Gen 1 go brr

Meanwhile Seth has the game already completed lol

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

when I get computer access again I'm checking. I need to know if I hallucinated my entire FE4 run

skill issue


17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Old People Squad time

also ironman time

I am also adding Fates weapon triangle mod and more skill inheritance to spin it up a bit

15 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Meanwhile Seth has the game already completed lol

by warming the bench? 😛

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The best thing about FE3 is that Bantu, Wendell and Boah all kick so much ass. Wendell and Boah might have been hit with the nerf stick compared to FE1, but they are still plenty awesome and being joined by Bantu more then makes up for it.
Lorenz is also fine while he is around. It's nice that he got buffed.

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49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I'll just say, hey if it ain't your jam, it ain't your jam. No shame in it.

-But I don't want this to be the case! I was curious, eager about this game for years! I should be able to finish at least one run of it.

How simple and convenient it would be if I thought "This is a PoS game, bleh." and moved on. But I don't feel that way towards the game at all.

...I'll give it another clean try tomorrow, or something. Things didn't reach the point of predicting total failure until like Turn 17 I think -although my insistence on completing all the civilian requests means I'd expect to have to wait another turn or two past 20 for the other (no indication whatsoever which enemy he is, annoying) refugee to flee.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I swear to God. Tonight I'm spending the night at my family's but when I get computer access again I'm checking. I need to know if I hallucinated my entire FE4 run

SF has some enemy data for FE4 -but not the Prologue (I haven't DL'ed a SNES emulator, so I can't check ingame myself ATM).

Still, an early Chapter 1 Axe Fighter is listed on SF at 8 Str 3 Skl (we don't need to know their durability in this case), the class base minimums. An Iron Axe is 14 Mt, 70 Hit. This equates to 22 Atk and 76 Hit. We deduct 20 Hit afterwards because Sigurd will have a sword equipped, so 56 thanks to WTA.

Sigurd has 35 HP, 9 Def. He has 9ASx2 + 7 Luck + 20 Authority = 45 Avoid. 

Without terrain, Sigurd has an 11% chance of being hit (21% on Road/Bridge), and takes 13 damage per hit. A 4HKO.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Without terrain, Sigurd has an 11% chance of being hit (21% on Road/Bridge), and takes 13 damage per hit. A 4HKO.

So statistically it will take around 37 attacks for Sigurd to die - and enemies don't really get stronger through the game while Sigurd just snowballs

Pretty easy to see why "Sigurd solo" is a common experience

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Why would deployment even count against Seth? He is a ch1 recruit who has little restrictions (CH5 Eph being the exception) And besides that, 0 reason not to deploy him lol

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25 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Hey, could be worse. Your ending could be about breaking your leg in the bathtub and needing rehab.

... no joke, that's an actual character ending in SRW 4. GoShogun's Shingo, which is taken straight from his epilogue blurb in the actual anime...

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And here's the proof...

Oh lol, one of them has "and then disappeared" as an ending! XD

So sorry, but Kaga did not did this first.

Actually, in general, the heroes got worse endings than the originally-bad guys, pft.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I am once again approaching Ryza 3's endgame. Haha what if i reset agai-no! Damn it, i have to finish this game. But i don't wanna. Why must games have an ending?


Honestly i know part of it is the uncertainty of an Atelier game in 2024. I know they said they were working on it but.....

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Actually, in general, the heroes got worse endings than the originally-bad guys, pft.

That one guy should've just been left at "he is currently unemployed" because that's funnier than "he tripped and fell".


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Okay, gave it another try because I had no desire to play anything else. Swapped Faye for Volo, very much an improvement replacing a tickler with a killer. But, by turn 10 I had overextended Ward and he was stuck near-death, having to choose between death-dodging multiple enemies (which he seems surprisingly good at) yet chatting to the hunter, or instead letting the old coot move away -delaying the chat by at least one turn- and healing up the injuries.

5-turn saves are feeling like an essential trap. Can’t win a battle without them, that’s for sure. Yet, they lead me, mistakes having been already made, to load and repeat the same or similar motions again and again, praying the RNG doesn’t kill anyone this time. Groundhog Saga.

…If I started the map over again… You’ve done every other civilian request so far, you have to get this one because it wouldn't feel right otherwise. …Ditch Axel then, I know I can’t craft all the items already. Looks like I’d actually be able to use up both Meteoric Irons, but the Greatlance wouldn’t do me much good (not like the Brionac seems amazing either). The pirate papa is mediocre past the earlygame, too squishy and inaccurate, replacing him here would let me bring out Sherpa or Clifford.


4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So statistically it will take around 37 attacks for Sigurd to die - and enemies don't really get stronger through the game while Sigurd just snowballs

Pretty easy to see why "Sigurd solo" is a common experience

To use the other situation Ruben mentioned, the initial Axe Knight assault of Chapter 5. SF lists those as 12 Str 11 Skl with Steel Axes- 18 Mt, 70 Hit. In total, 30 Atk and 92 Hit.

Does their 2 Authority Star commander Slayder move before or after them? I forget whether field commanders are selfish cowards or foolhardy in Genealogy. If before, that's another 10 Hit. Slayder himself has 40 Atk (18 Str and 22 Mt Silver Axe) and 13 Skl and that aforementioned Authority, which means 106 Hit.)

While Siggy hitting level 30 by this point seems entirely feasible, let's throttle him back to 25, exactly 20 levels over his base. He'll have on average gained 20.2 HP, so 55 HP total. His Def will have gained 8 points, so 17 Def total. On Spd, another 6 brings up to 18, and Lck has also gained 8 for 15 Lck total. 6 AS and 8 Lck increase Siggy's earlier Avoid value by 20, to 65.

For the Axe Knights 30 - 17 = 13 damage dealt. 92 Hit - 20 WTD - 65 Avoid = 7% chance of hitting, or 17 if their commander is providing his Authority. Slayder would deal 23 damage with a 21% chance of hitting.

Do you our royal aquatic insect win again? Smells like it.

Yet, I'll sympathize with Ruben once more on this. Personal Experience Negates Investigated Statistics.


36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I am once again approaching Ryza 3's endgame. Haha what if i reset agai-no! Damn it, i have to finish this game. But i don't wanna. Why must games have an ending?

I'm feeling a touch of irony right now. You smoothly enjoy, yet seek not to finish. I cut my tongue on one jagged lollipop (sweet with artificial cherry goodness, but hey is that blood pooling in the sugar-sphere's indentations?), and struggle to reach the much-desired end.😄

36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly i know part of it is the uncertainty of an Atelier game in 2024. I know they said they were working on it but.....

How I've been feeling about SRW for the past year or so. 2023 went by with nothing for the once-annual franchise.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How I've been feeling about SRW for the past year or so. 2023 went by with nothing for the once-annual franchise.

At least we got Reideen's glorious return in SRW DD.

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Okay, reached the Village of the Ancients. Will stop here for tonight.

Ah, the mechanics are quite interesting. My Monk has the highest Attack Power thanks to all the Job Levels accrued so far, yet it can't do as many Hits as the other party members, so its damage isn't the highest. Funnily enough, it's my Red Mage right now who is the heavy hitter on average.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Do you our royal aquatic insect win again? Smells like it.


why insect tho

Also if we add Rings to the mix, or weapons with 100 kills for crits, etc, and use terrain...the chance become even lower

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet, I'll sympathize with Ruben once more on this. Personal Experience Negates Investigated Statistics.

Oh definitely

you can't deny tho he is quite teaseable regarding this topic

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Falcom, please bring back dual crafts from Zero, thank you. It was an obvious but awesome idea that should have been a standard past that point. 

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The closest we have is Kuro 2's team crafts when an enemy is broken, but it's not -quite- the same as Zero's sadly.

No, i don't count the CS III Stahlritter, as the player can't use that in any way. XD

I would also be fine with CS II Overdrive returning, albeit balancing it out a bit

Edited by Lightcosmo
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14 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

skill issue

Shut! Shut!

13 hours ago, BrightBow said:

The best thing about FE3 is that Bantu, Wendell and Boah all kick so much ass. Wendell and Boah might have been hit with the nerf stick compared to FE1, but they are still plenty awesome and being joined by Bantu more then makes up for it.
Lorenz is also fine while he is around. It's nice that he got buffed.

Old people shine in these games, to be sure.

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But I don't want this to be the case! I was curious, eager about this game for years! I should be able to finish at least one run of it.

How simple and convenient it would be if I thought "This is a PoS game, bleh." and moved on. But I don't feel that way towards the game at all.

...I'll give it another clean try tomorrow, or something. Things didn't reach the point of predicting total failure until like Turn 17 I think -although my insistence on completing all the civilian requests means I'd expect to have to wait another turn or two past 20 for the other (no indication whatsoever which enemy he is, annoying) refugee to flee.

I wish you the best of luck. And as always, don't hesitate to ask if you need help in any way. We know a bit of Berwick round here lol

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

SF has some enemy data for FE4 -but not the Prologue (I haven't DL'ed a SNES emulator, so I can't check ingame myself ATM).

Still, an early Chapter 1 Axe Fighter is listed on SF at 8 Str 3 Skl (we don't need to know their durability in this case), the class base minimums. An Iron Axe is 14 Mt, 70 Hit. This equates to 22 Atk and 76 Hit. We deduct 20 Hit afterwards because Sigurd will have a sword equipped, so 56 thanks to WTA.

Sigurd has 35 HP, 9 Def. He has 9ASx2 + 7 Luck + 20 Authority = 45 Avoid. 

Without terrain, Sigurd has an 11% chance of being hit (21% on Road/Bridge), and takes 13 damage per hit. A 4HKO.

See? See?! It's possible! It's god damned fucking possible!

13 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

So statistically it will take around 37 attacks for Sigurd to die - and enemies don't really get stronger through the game while Sigurd just snowballs

Pretty easy to see why "Sigurd solo" is a common experience

Statistically my luck is bad and so is Sigurd. It takes Seth six chapters to even have an existing chance of death, and once you neutralize the one guy he goes right back to having no chance of death until like, Valter. Sigurd is ALWAYS gambling with his life, the useless fuck.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:


For Knoll it's sadder than that. Consider his mental state, it's quite probable that he committed suicide after he felt there was nothing more he could do.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Okay, gave it another try because I had no desire to play anything else. Swapped Faye for Volo, very much an improvement replacing a tickler with a killer. But, by turn 10 I had overextended Ward and he was stuck near-death, having to choose between death-dodging multiple enemies (which he seems surprisingly good at) yet chatting to the hunter, or instead letting the old coot move away -delaying the chat by at least one turn- and healing up the injuries.

5-turn saves are feeling like an essential trap. Can’t win a battle without them, that’s for sure. Yet, they lead me, mistakes having been already made, to load and repeat the same or similar motions again and again, praying the RNG doesn’t kill anyone this time. Groundhog Saga.

…If I started the map over again… You’ve done every other civilian request so far, you have to get this one because it wouldn't feel right otherwise. …Ditch Axel then, I know I can’t craft all the items already. Looks like I’d actually be able to use up both Meteoric Irons, but the Greatlance wouldn’t do me much good (not like the Brionac seems amazing either).

Oh dear...

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The pirate papa is mediocre past the earlygame, too squishy and inaccurate, replacing him here would let me bring out Sherpa or Clifford.

Pirate Papa isn't the best fighter, to be sure, and his utility stops being as needed as the game goes. But we love him anyway, because he's the coolest dad.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

For the Axe Knights 30 - 17 = 13 damage dealt. 92 Hit - 20 WTD - 65 Avoid = 7% chance of hitting, or 17 if their commander is providing his Authority. Slayder would deal 23 damage with a 21% chance of hitting

See?! See?! There's a chance!

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yet, I'll sympathize with Ruben once more on this. Personal Experience Negates Investigated Statistics

Sigurd is pitiful. A pathetic wretch. He would never have left Chalphy alive had he not Arden at his side.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh definitely

you can't deny tho he is quite teaseable regarding this topic

Confounded Shrimplord. How dare you?!

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It takes Seth six chapters to even have an existing chance of death,

With the stat boost items, is this even fesable? XD

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3 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

With the stat boost items, is this even fesable? XD

He doesn't need anything. He gets 50 experience from unpromoted boss kills and he has the third best growth rates in the game, behind only Myrrh and the twins. He could get zero help and he'd still be leagues ahead of the rest of the army. Minus maybe like, Duessel, and Duessel has far less availability and crap movement.

Which is, of course, why...

14 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

by warming the bench? 😛

All that said, I very much agree with this sentiment. Fuck Seth, he makes FE8 boring AND he is boring. I'd kill him off if there were enemies that could kill him.

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