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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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22 minutes ago, Benice said:

We just wanted to make sure that your players were independent from the outcome of the rest of the tournament.

It's ok, both our journeys end with Argentina.

23 minutes ago, Benice said:

and the feckin' walls at the residence were paper-thin so I could hear EVERYTHING my neighbours did at night, and man do I wish they weren't so socially successful

Oh my.

23 minutes ago, Benice said:

do want to do a huge bike trip all the way across Europe at some point- Azerbaijan all the way to Ireland!).

Finally, Doggerland.


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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've heard of Georgians supposedly thinking of themselves as Europeans, I guess I can see their mutual bad-blood neighbors then qualifying too? It is west of the Urals, and further north than Turkey. But let's abolish the fiction that is Europe as its own geographic continent and just say "Eurasia".

...The Black Sea and Caspian Sea leave Georgia and Azerbaijan in a weird geographic situation.

I think it applies to the Armenians too. It goes all the way back to Roman Empire times, since they did held parts of the Transcaucasia/SouthCaucasus. But yes, the area has always been complex to define. Some place the Caucasian mountain range as the border, just like with the Urals. Which would put them as being Asian, being south of it.

But yes, it's just all Eurasia at the end of it. Heck, why stop there? Africa is also physically connected, canal or otherwise. Why not just call it all Euroasiafrica.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But yes, it's just all Eurasia at the end of it. Heck, why stop there? Africa is also physically connected, canal or otherwise. Why not just call it all Euroasiafrica

And if we want to go even further, the Americas and Eurasia are connected, albeit that connection is a few miles underwater.


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And if we want to go even further, the Americas and Eurasia are connected, albeit that connection is a few miles underwater.


Might as well add Oceania, since the continental shelf isn't that far off, since Indonesia is atop it.


Yeah, also added Antarctica there, just for kicks.

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Nah, too much of a mouthful. Needs a simpler name. Hmm... ah, I know!

It's all just the same piece of dirt, just with a lot of water covering most of it. So let's just call this... Earth.


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And if we want to go even further, the Americas and Eurasia are connected, albeit that connection is a few miles underwater.

And during the last Ice Age, the Bering Land Bridge existed.

*Looks for a map of sea levels at that time*



Juuuuuust maybe Australia had a tiny dry land connection to Asia?

-Somebody call the International Olympic Committee, we need only 1 ring. Which gets redesigned to have multiple colors in it, colors which softly blur from one into the others surrounding it. A better representation of humanity.

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Posted (edited)

Ah fuck it, @Codename Shrimp i know Florida won't be your first destination in the new world but as much as i complain about it, there is some good stuff here worth checking out (and @Interdimensional Observer you too, since you're always sharing about New England, let me return the favor):

St. Augustine




oldest city in the US, so it's worth visiting for that alone.  The Castillo de San Marcos is the highlight obviously but you got the historic district (which includes the country's first schoolhouse), the lighthouse, tours. the Fountain of Youth (they call it that for tourism but there is legitimate archelogy going on there) and of course, several museums. Also home to Flagler College.



ok first off, if you're coming for the World Cup, you'll likely be here. Second, museums. You got the Perez Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, etc. Miami is the hotbed of the state's Latino community, especially Cubans. So expect good food. Also, i've never really been much in Miami so that's why this is short. But it's one of Florida's bigger cities.

If you like nature, there's the Everglades


I'm not gonna say anything about Orlando because Orlando is tourist city central. Like i'm trying to think of cool Orlando stuff that doesn't immediately and solely exist for the sake of tourism. Uhhhhhhhhh i mean i guess we do have the world's biggest McDonald's


this McDonald's does actually have a unique menu and you can get quite a few things you can't anywhere else. There's also an arcade iirc.

But like this is square in the middle of International Drive which is tourist city central inside the tourist city central. And it's also still a McDonald's

Actually i suppose we do have a few museums



that's the Orlando Science Center


Orlando Museum of Art

And i struggle to think of anything that isn't just the theme parks and their related areas lol.

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Okay, had Bellri defeat Mask. He retreats... and certainly vows to defeat Bellri come next time.

So, the full group boards the Megafauna, where they're given the crash course. The G Reco guys, hailing from the Reguild Century. They are aligned with Ameria (what North America is called by the time of Turn ∀... which yes, G Reco takes place even longer than that; for record, the Capital Army hails from Capital Territory, encompassing northern South America, now called Eulraidan). As the talk goes on, they receive a transmission from a Lieutenant Klim, who is actually the son of Ameria's president. He also ended in Al-Warth, alongside an Amerian battalion. He confirms about the Capital Army's presence and alignment with Misurugi, and basically tasks the Megafauna to investigate as to why. Klim and his troops will cause a diversion, allowing them to sneak into the Empire. So, it's off to the Land of Mana...

With the scenario cleared, two DLC maps have opened up. Same routine as V, the DLC maps unlock after reaching certain points of the game. Well, gonna do them first before moving on with the main story.

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So, first DLC map. Hanson and Sanson seem to have a bone to pick regarding Ryujinmaru. And... huh, Kurama actually reveals he's actually human but cursed into his birdman form? Didn't thought it'd happen this early (already knew thanks to DD), but I guess being a DLC map... Anyway, the Gratan squad are shown next on recon duty. Still feeling down, the two more or less reveal to Grandis that compared to everyone else, they are starting to feel a bit inadequate, specially next to Ryujinmaru. Though before the talk goes further... oh goodie, our old pal Schwarvenegger shows up. He laughs at the Gratan, calling it inferior to his own tank squad. Alone and with little option for retreat... the only way forward is to fight! Which does seem to bring them back to their spirits. Okay, let's go!

A turn later, Wataru shows up. Oh lulz, the conversation somehow turned into Ryujinmaru making a bunch of puns. All voiced, naturally. XD Still, the ice is broken between him and the Gratan pair. And now Shibaraku and the OG protagonist show up. Pft, ahahaha, Shibaraku trying to make a bishounen face, trying to act all cool before Grandis. I don't know if the guy actually tried to hit on someone in the original series, but seeing him having a crush on someone not from his cast is still cool. Crossover! Okay, let's continue.

Alright, I routed. Schwarvenegger retreats. With this ordeal behind them, everyone leaves in full spirits. Back at camp, Shibaraku then tries to show Senjinmaru off as well... but apparently he can't come, pft. Well, it makes the trick in surprising everyone either way, heh. So the stage ends...

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Posted (edited)

Second DLC map. Bellri's love life seems to have become the topic of gossip aboard the Megafauna, heh. Though it gets interrupted by news of some of the girls (Himiko, Marie, and Raraiya) going missing. Elsewhere, turns out they were captured by Capital Army soldiers. However, the heroes aren't far behind. With Bellri and Aida causing a distraction for the others to sneak into the enemy camp. But now the matter is gonna be resolved through battle.

Okay, so just a couple Mobile Suits, led by Barara. Hm? The defeat condition is Grandis being defeated, but Gratan isn't deployed. Hmm...

So, once routed, Barara withdraws. Back at the ship, the Captain is trying to scold the girls for sneaking off... without much luck, heh. However, Noredo has a better plan, and declares that they all, plus Nadia and herself, will now be helping out on various jobs aboard the ship. A way to keep them occupied, basically. I'm guessing if X had the Supporter system, some of them would've indeed been part of it. Well, not all, considering things. Anyway, haha, that makes Aida declare herself as commander of the battle group. The others have... mixed reactions on this. XD

And thus ends the stage.

Okay, will stop now, and resume tomorrow.

Some last notes. Megafauna's performance as a battleship... no Post-Movement weapons, but has a Sub-Pilot, and can Resupply.

Bellri has a skill simply named ??????. In V, that was how the game gated Shinn's SEED skill, before it unlocked after a story event. Seems it's the same for Bellri, then? Hmm... well, I'll find out in due time, I gues.

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19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I know how autistic it is to go on & on like that, some would also say that's a behavior of children that adults grow out of. -But it does spark joy in me.😆 

Do I have to bring out the classic CS Lewis quo-

18 hours ago, Dayni said:


I was originally going to quote CS Lewis on it, but I realised I'd misremembered it and it was much longer.

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"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." - The one thing I agree with CS Lewis on for sure.

Oh, I guess I don't as Dayni did it for me. Great minds think alike as they say, but the point is that being selectively childish is a very adult practice, and don't let anyone shame you for it. I often don't comment on it much, but I love seeing you share your recent history stories.


14 hours ago, Dayni said:

They're further than they were, so that's nice. 🙂

I hope they get there eventually, as I have never had a PS whatever at the right time to play this classic From Soft game, and it feels like a notable hole in my gaming repertoire


11 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

(although it's looking like Canada might get first pass at his majesty the Emperor of the Shrimps)

If you do, I suggest you pick up some Ice Wine while there. A Canadian friend of mine always bring some back whenever he goes there, and it is both a bit of a specialty for the region, and my favorite kind of wine.


8 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

so no horror 20% i keep hearing about?

What I was always taught about tipping, 15% is normal, 20% is a way of emphasizing how good of service you are receiving, and 10% is for when you are a starving student, although in practice things tend to be more flexible then that, and I tend to get it into the right ballpark and round it to the nicest number I can for the total bill.

I might also shill my state eventually, but it is one of the ones bigger than Germany, and with vastly differing massive regions, which I am feeling a bit too lazy to go over at the moment.


8 hours ago, Benice said:

Nah, we'd win.



7 hours ago, Benice said:

Also, coming out of high school I scored the highest grade possible on both of the AP English exams for NA, so that made me feel proud!

Seems all that practice with the Write Your Butt Off competition coming in clutch 😛 


7 hours ago, Benice said:


Hobby-wise, I decided that I didn't want to be happy and started playing chess, and now I'm kinda obsessed.

Have fun, I enjoyed the game back in elementary school, but got way more into other board games in Jr High and high school. 


7 hours ago, Benice said:

I've also barely played video games this year, but I've had a ton of fun with the Elden Ring DLC so far.

I haven't gotten around to it yet (on principle I always wait for a Steam Sale to get such things), but my brother has been loving it, and it looks really fun.


Random side note, while I am years behind it, I recently heard about the sequel to 17776 (AKA What Football will look like in the future), 20020 (AKA The Future of College Football), and decided to reread  (actually I am not entirely sure if read is the right verb, as some important aspects of it are told in gif and Youtube form, but most of it is reading) the classic 17776 before moving onto 20020, which I am a few "chapters" into at this point. It is a fun little sci fi story, but I would rather not spoil too much as I love the intro to 17776 and would rather not accidentally ruin it.

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

I can already imagine the outrage if a country that calls the sport "soccer" wins the tournament

Joo welcome back!

Tbh i think a North-American team wining the copa might be more of a heresy xD

But first, you need to beat the current football GOAT.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Florida pics


These look really cool. Looks like a proper holiday town

48 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

If you do, I suggest you pick up some Ice Wine while there. A Canadian friend of mine always bring some back whenever he goes there, and it is both a bit of a specialty for the region, and my favorite kind of wine.

Yh Canadian friends of mine told me about it, and telling me i have to go to the winery near Niagara falls

There's one caveat tho - i don't drink, on Doctors orders even xD


50 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

and I tend to get it into the right ballpark and round it to the nicest number I can for the total bill.

That's what i usually.

For example if something is 18.5 i round to 20, 32 to 34, 51 to 55, etc.

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Biblically accurate legendary

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Come during the 2026 world cup as an excuse.

Maybe after, for a quieter time?

Think I've passed the stadium the final would be in, some scale to the whole thing.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It does have the slave quarters intact, and the slave cemetery, and the modern addition of a slave memorial. And the information you'll read along the way on a visit will include talk of slaves. -But you could very easily remain lost in the historic beauty of the plantation. -Though we should remember how that came to be, wealth and inhumanity. An all too common combination historically.

Fair enough that it has to acknowledge it.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Hello! I'd actually meant to do a big post that said "The Bitch Is Back" a couple of weeks back, but it was the same day Dayni was resurrected and I didn't want to be a copycat.

Hold on, you should have.

That would have been great.

Hello again by the way Benice!

7 hours ago, Benice said:

I've been good! I'm mostly the same, I think. Uni is soooo much better than high school, though! I'm literally the only oboist at UVic, so even though I was a first year student I had to be the principal oboist for the orchestra already (Basically every other section leader is either 4th year or a grad student). Victoria is incredibly beautiful, I could see Mt. Baker from my bedroom window, and I get to study music education- I am so grateful. Also, coming out of high school I scored the highest grade possible on both of the AP English exams for NA, so that made me feel proud! A bit of a shame I'm likely not to go into any field where my prowess in the subject is useful...

It's not all rosy of course, (and the feckin' walls at the residence were paper-thin so I could hear EVERYTHING my neighbours did at night, and man do I wish they weren't so socially successful) but overall I am good! I'm rather cross with myself right now because I left my job and was supposed to finish my lifeguard training this week, but it turns out I forgor to do all the prerequisites and now I'm just unemployed and not in training. My boss is gonna hire me back because he's still understaffed and I've worked there for a long time, but it's kinda cringe nevertheless.

Hobby-wise, I decided that I didn't want to be happy and started playing chess, and now I'm kinda obsessed. I've also been thinking of travel a lot lately, though I'm sure it's many years off until I'll actually go anywhere (I do want to do a huge bike trip all the way across Europe at some point- Azerbaijan all the way to Ireland!). I've also barely played video games this year, but I've had a ton of fun with the Elden Ring DLC so far.

It's good to be back!

Good to hear you're making things happen. Being principal Oboist by default still means you're in there performing, so that's good.

Unfortunate with the prerequisites, but at least it's not been all consequences from that. As for the neighbours, you could do payback but I assume not everyone is at it, so maybe avoid that for the sake of dealing with everyone else.

  Not going to recommend much on the biking,

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I think it applies to the Armenians too. It goes all the way back to Roman Empire times, since they did held parts of the Transcaucasia/SouthCaucasus. But yes, the area has always been complex to define. Some place the Caucasian mountain range as the border, just like with the Urals. Which would put them as being Asian, being south of it.

But yes, it's just all Eurasia at the end of it. Heck, why stop there? Africa is also physically connected, canal or otherwise. Why not just call it all Euroasiafrica.

I mean, from there to Arabia (which I mistakenly though was Asia Minor, but that's just Anatolia) as a whole is in an interesting position as a connecting point to Africa and the rest of Asia and Europe. One could argue outside of the continental shelves it's own distinct geographic formation that makes it a point all it's own and history would certainly paint it as such.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Hmm, bit long there. It's all the continents, Earth is something in the right direction but we could go with something invoking that.

How about Pangea?






Someone took that one.


I suspect that's a bad call, too much discourse over the Latin-Greek messing.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

i know Florida won't be your first destination in the new world but as much as i complain about it, there is some good stuff here worth checking out

*sigh, add it to the pile for returns.

The last time I was there was before the millennium and I definitely don't recall a St. Augustine.

25 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

32 to 34


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16 hours ago, Dayni said:

Thanks for the future tip, just in Tourian.

It can be a bit tricky to get right, so it may take some practice!

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3 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Yh Canadian friends of mine told me about it, and telling me i have to go to the winery near Niagara falls

Canadian side of Niagara looks like a trip


Basically a mini Vegas.

American side is more of a state park if you want the nature.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

The last time I was there was before the millennium and I definitely don't recall a St. Augustine.

Tbf St. Augustine is really small and despite being the oldest city in the country with a lot of history, it's not a place that receives much traffic. Enough to be sustainable but cities like Orlando, Tampa and Miami soak up most of the people coming here.

A comparison would be like, if you're in Italy, you're probably hitting up places like Florence, Naples, Milan, etc. But then there's San Marino (which I know is technically an autonomous state), the oldest continuous country in the world and a mere two hours away from Florence. Yet San Marino isn't gonna be on most people's radar.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

oldest city in the US, so it's worth visiting for that alone. 

Indeed, I wouldn't mind putting on my list.😄

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Also home to Flagler College.

Named after Henry Flagler -a Standard Oil founder and thus extreme millionaire- who had the Hotel Ponce de Leon constructed. The Ponce's opening in 1888 began Florida's resort state days, trains apparently ran from NYC to St. Augustine, but that was the literal end of the line.

...Until Flagler decided to extend the railroads.🛤️🤑 His interest in expanding Florida's tourism industry led him to realize further south = more sun & warmth. Palm Beach was another major patronage project of his. Flagler wasn't as in love with Miami, but he did eventually lay down trackage and add a hotel there.

Flagler's last contribution to the Florida coast was the Florida East Coast Railway connecting Miami to Key West. In 1905, 4000 men started on 128 miles (206km) and 34 islands. When the FECR was finished in 1912, Flagler, age 82, became the first train passenger to arrive in Key West, and he reportedly said "Now I can die happy, my dream is fulfilled.", he died the next year. The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 rendered the railroad inoperable, and so it was abandoned. Later replaced by the modern highway that's runs parallel to its remaining ruins.

-Did you already know all this?😅 -Or did I just give you somebody (other than Disney) to hate for all the darned tourists?😆

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

If you like nature, there's the Everglades


I wouldn't mind seeing the Everglades in person, but methinks family would be like "the boat breaks down, alligators/crocodiles will eat us".🐊

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

since you're always sharing about New England,

Boston yes, but New York is not New England.😆

Named after a place in England? Yes. Part of the Dominion of New England? Yes. Part of the modern megapolis that runs from Boston to Washington DC? Yes.

-But, the colonial Dominion of New England lasted only three years b/c everyone hated it.😝 If you forget your public school history textbooks, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, were the Middle Colonies. Why these colonies were founded, and the social and economic conditions of them, differed substantially from New England.

As for modern terminology "the Northeast" is a better choice of phrasing for the area from Maine to at least Pennsylvania, maybe DC or even Richmond.😀 


4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I often don't comment on it much, but I love seeing you share your recent history stories.

Thank you!🙂


2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Biblically accurate legendary

I will have Mewtwo and Genesect obliterate the lab that created this monstrosity.

But modern art doesn't have to be about beauty, which is totally fine!😀

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What is Meta Ridley?

It looks like he's been made into a full robot, but that contradicts with Super, never mind Samus Returns and I'm not even taking about Prime/Other M as I haven't a notion. Is it a big metal cast of sorts to allow him to recover? Awkward that he's still kicking my ass then, sounds like when he loses that's a bitch to take off. Could it be just a robot being controlled remotely? Maybe?

20 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

It can be a bit tricky to get right, so it may take some practice!

Got through it to Pirate Ship, gotta say some of these item puzzles are the real final bosses of Metroid games.

10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Tbf St. Augustine is really small and despite being the oldest city in the country with a lot of history, it's not a place that receives much traffic. Enough to be sustainable but cities like Orlando, Tampa and Miami soak up most of the people coming here.

A comparison would be like, if you're in Italy, you're probably hitting up places like Florence, Naples, Milan, etc. But then there's San Marino (which I know is technically an autonomous state), the oldest continuous country in the world and a mere two hours away from Florence. Yet San Marino isn't gonna be on most people's radar.

Can believe that, places can end up bypassed by larger areas diverting attention all over.

28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for modern terminology "the Northeast" is a better choice of phrasing for the area from Maine to at least Pennsylvania, maybe DC or even Richmond.😀 

Still not over the Tristate area being an actual area (NY-NJ-CN if I'm recalling right), I just imagined it was some vague term in kids shows for some reason.

37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Flagler's last contribution to the Florida coast was the Florida East Coast Railway connecting Miami to Key West. In 1905, 4000 men started on 128 miles (206km) and 34 islands. When the FECR was finished in 1912, Flagler, age 82, became the first train passenger to arrive in Key West, and he reportedly said "Now I can die happy, my dream is fulfilled.", he died the next year. The Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 rendered the railroad inoperable, and so it was abandoned. Later replaced by the modern highway that's runs parallel to its remaining ruins.

I heard about this. The fact it was opened to begin with at least, it had issues in being built and of course it would be destroyed by the hurricane.

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I will have Mewtwo and Genesect obliterate the lab that created this monstrosity.

He's planning Gen 3 next apparently

2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


In case of emergency, break Stamina Flask

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What is Meta Ridley?

It looks like he's been made into a full robot, but that contradicts with Super, never mind Samus Returns and I'm not even taking about Prime/Other M as I haven't a notion. Is it a big metal cast of sorts to allow him to recover? Awkward that he's still kicking my ass then, sounds like when he loses that's a bitch to take off. Could it be just a robot being controlled remotely? Maybe?

Mecha Ridley. NOT Meta! 

Meta = Prime cyborg Ridley. Mecha = Zero Mission robot that isn't actually Ridley himself.

11 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Got through it to Pirate Ship, gotta say some of these item puzzles are the real final bosses of Metroid games.

The harder Shine Spark puzzles I just flat out don't even try. Too much for me.😅

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Still not over the Tristate area being an actual area (NY-NJ-CN if I'm recalling right), I just imagined it was some vague term in kids shows for some reason.

Sometimes includes and or swaps out CN for PA. From Philadelphia to NYC with NJ between them.

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40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The harder Shine Spark puzzles I just flat out don't even try. Too much for me.

Have faith!

I felt the same as you did!

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Dayni said:

Biblically accurate legendary

That's just Giratina Altered Forme.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Looking at the text, is this AI generated?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Mecha Ridley. NOT Meta! 

Meta = Prime cyborg Ridley. Mecha = Zero Mission robot that isn't actually Ridley himself.

So option 3 it is!

Well it's a pile of scrap now, that's for sure. I don't even get why they put all the work into a metal bird that looks like it'd be chumped in 3D. But I have to admit I'd be fucked trying to zero damage it let me tell you, got beaten several times because I wasn't getting my shots through and just kept letting that arm wail on me.

@Armagon Two of the black pirates at the end was shockingly mean when they just block missiles from the front. Well, for some reason they're also pushovers in Super, so what can I say?

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sometimes includes and or swaps out CN for PA. From Philadelphia to NYC with NJ between them.

And it shifts? It technically is the Quad State area?

Nope, that's it, I demand Tristate be limited to fiction only. Can't be trusted to keep the number accurate.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Looking at the text, is this AI generated?

Sounds like it.😐

25 minutes ago, Dayni said:

And it shifts? It technically is the Quad State area?

Wikipedia lists several.😛

And I might've been wrong about Philly and NYC sharing one, but that's been my personal definition over the years.😝 A singular central economic metropole defining the term I was not aware of.

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Okay, Winter 14, and... hmm. I could harvest a Level 4 Hot-Hot Fruit, for the Winter Festival. Or can I get it to Level 5 on time?

Hot-Hot Fruit's growth time is 31 days, but I just used a Formula C, so Growth Rate on the soil is at x3. Festival on the 28th. Sounds like it will be ready on time, but we'll see...

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