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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Lol. Lmao even.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Juuuuuust finished watching the video [well like 40 minutes ago from the time I began writing thisย ๐Ÿ˜†]. No, cornflakes were NOT invented for John Harvey Kellogg referred to as "the solitary vice"โœ‹๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฆ‹, only for indigestion (a common ailment people visited his Battle Creek Sanitarium for), and to promote the chewing of food (without the breaking of teeth). This said, his cornflakes were sugarless, saltless, and bland, stubbornly against his brother's later commercial inclinations when Post Cereals (founded by a former patient of the Sanitarium) started making big money next door.

Didn't say they were. But yeah, all part of the programme he sold to better the mind and soul I suppose.

(why is there a butterfly in the emojis don't ask why did I ask-)

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(And yes, a ten-year legal battle was waged over which brother owned cornflakes. This occurred after Will Keith Kellogg (a little brother who faithfully and silently for decades bore with the work and tedium his big brother placed on him) had pressured his John Harvey into selling him the rights to cornflakes (he then founded Kellogg's the company) after the Sanitarium had burned down then been rebuilt and John was practically bankrupt. The two brothers never reconciled, despite a letter John dictated to a secretary, who thought it beneath their boss to apologize and hence stuffed it away, Will didn't discover the letter until after John was dead.)

Not to mention supposedly that same former patient getting a look and then selling them himself, leading to that fallout.

No wonder their fallout was messy. Also that secretary was just awful.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...However, Kellogg was obsessed with "the solitary vice" (it makes little boys go blind and insane!), and generally thought sex to be the root cause of ill-health, he and his wife never having consummated their marriage (they were devout -if at times heterodox- Seventh-Day Adventists as an aside, that may have influenced their beliefs on human health). His actual treatments for the solitary vice included extreme pain to the problematic regions, or putting a cage around them.

I get that their thinking sex was the root of all ills was their strongly held belief....

....Are we sure he was anti-kink with some of these measures being used?

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You would eat a half-pint (quarter-liter) of yogurt, and then have the other half-pint inserted somewhere else.ย 

Alternatively, you could get a plain old water enema -via a machine Kellogg invented that could pump 15 liters of water per minute.

Either way, you'd have to do this three times a day.๐Ÿ˜„

Ah yes, the old "Pass the old culture batch to my ass"

True story, I went to a university which had a dedicated gut microbiome research facility. They tested fecal transfers to pass better gut microbiota between people and had results from it. So this is not as surprising, but it seems a risky play if the yogurt was made with bacteria that might make things worse.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-There was also electroshock therapy, bowel-massage machines that were intentionally painful messages, and he had a slapping machine that would slap theย ๐Ÿ’ฉย out of you. Pain also being considered by Dr. Kellogg as a perfectly normal way among others to fix your mental issues.

Ah yes, inflicting trauma to heal trauma. The most effective method /s

Still not over Dopesick and Richard Sackler going on about taking away pain sounding like a JRPG villain, this guy would have been his nemesis

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...He wasn't completely crazy. Daily exercise! Good sleep! Low-fat, high-fiber, vegetarian diet! Light machines for seasonal affective disorder! -But we can and probably should mock/lambast the bats*** stuff he did/believed in.๐Ÿ˜›

It's amazing what positive results can get lost in enforcing chastity cages and slapping machines.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That and the accompanying forced-sterilization were mentioned as practices John Harvey Kellogg later got into. Although it wasn't so much this that dragged down his business in his later years, as it was the Great Depression resulting in a decline in Battle Creek Sanitarium clientele.

Ah yes, such rich clientele as the man who stole his cereal. You'd almost not want them.

Battle Creek Sanitarium: another victim of the brokes.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah Square only relatively recently started porting to PC.

This current wave of seemingly the last 4 or so years which, yeah, kinda has issues on the regular.

9 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


Sophie, you need to watch FMA

Father: "Shh, let her cook"

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52 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I see the comments saying the IOC is corrupt. I have no idea how it is, other than "willing to cooperate with dictator countries". However, I've heard the same of FIFA (as you might know better being European), and the two do have a lot in common. The bodies that control globally-beloved sports mega-events. Since the events are so famous, it makes the institutions really big and really invincible, which means corruption can go unpunished, and the enormity & popularity assures that theย ๐Ÿ’ฐย flowing in is colossal, andย ๐Ÿค‘ย corrupts.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

(why is there a butterfly in the emojis don't ask why did I ask-)

Never heard of the vulva-butterfly imagery? Women caress too.

-Although maybe I shouldn't have thrown it in, Dr. Kellogg wrote with great concern of little boys doing it, but never of young women I think. Perhaps because acknowledging the female sex drive and the forms it takes was societally unthinkable back them? Although, I did supposedly hear that back in the late 1800s, for a time, it was possible for a reputable woman with "hysteria" (the catchall "illness" for "woman acting weird"; men, they don't even try to understand) to be prescribed regular visits to the doctor where they would receive massages down there.

56 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Not to mention supposedly that same former patient getting a look and then selling them himself, leading to that fallout.

The Kellogg brothers invented cornflakes yes, but they did not invent the first modern breakfast cold cereal.

The first breakfast cereal was invented in 1863, by Dr. James Caleb Jackson, who owned a sanitarium in New York. Dr. Jackson would bake whole wheat bread until it was extremely dry, then broken into small pieces, which were then placed in milk to soak overnight (although the bread would still be very hard). Dr. Jackson named this bland, grain-based, chewing-heavy product, "Granula". Dr. Kellogg liked everything about this, so he copied it, and, to avoid a lawsuit, named his version "Granola".๐Ÿ˜›

Despite being incredibly bland, Dr. Kellogg's patients loved Granola as much as he did. -But the bread was so hard, a woman broke her tooth on it at one point. Dr. Kellogg followed in the beliefs of a man named Horus Fletcher, whose dietary beliefs included an emphasis on chewing everything a certain number of times. Kellogg insisted his patients chew their food at least 40 times before swallowing, and if he happened to be in the room while you were eating, he would sing a chewing song he invented.๐ŸŽถ

Looking for something like Granola but not so rough on the teeth, Dr. Kellogg discovered Henry Perky and his invention- "Shredded Wheat" (turn wheat into a slurry, put through something like a pasta extruder to form little threads, form threads into little pseudo-baskets). Kellogg couldn't get the rights to Shredded Wheat, so it was only then that he decided to make his own cereal, with the flake chosen as the form to make it easy to chew.

The task of figuring out how to invent this flakey cereal falls to John Harvey's brother William, and John's wife Ella. The two spend months in the kitchen figuring out how to invent these cornflakes, and once they do, in 1895, they name them "Granos(e)" flakes. (The original 1895 patent says the flakes could be made of wheat or barely, not just maize.) Battle Creek Sanitarium is the first place they're served, either plain or in milk or yogurt (no added sugar or vanilla in this yogurt I would think). Former patients could buy Granos via mail order, and two years later, in 1897, to keep up with Granos demand, Will gets permission from his brother to open a small factory. The Lanitas Food Company and its "Toasted Corn Flakes" is born (again, no salt nor sugar on the flakes as long as Dr. Kellogg had control, this is a health food).

Given the ease of preparing cold cereal compared to other breakfast foods at the time, as flavorless as they are, cornflakes became popular. However, Will's desire to add flavor (he's the capitalism ho! brother) being squashed at every turn, leaves corn flakes not as popular as they could be. Charles Post, the former patient, fills the cereal demand void by opening his own cereal factory in Battle Creek. His cereal is based on Kellogg's Granola (which reminder- was itself IP theft), but made the pieces of bread much smaller, and, heย added sugar.๐Ÿ˜‹ย Confusingly, Charles Post named his cereal "Grape Nuts", despite having neither grapes nor nuts.

Others follow in Post's footsteps and open their own cereal factories in Battle Creek. Everyone trying to be the cereal killer who wipes out the rest of the competition. Will Kellogg sees this, asks his big brother to add flavor to the cornflakes, or at least start a national marketing campaign, the answer is always no. When John Harvey makes a visit to Europe, Will decides to attempt a cereal coup and adds salt, malt, and sugar to the cornflakes, which people greatly enjoyed. -But as soon as John gets back, he goes reactionary, and Will decides to leave his brother at last and form his own company. -This only lasts for six months -John legally harassing his brother at every turn- before the Battle Creek Sanitarium burns down. That leads to what I wrote above.

After Will squeezed the rights to cornflakes from his brother following the Sanitarium's rebuilding, he got to doing Mammon's work. He opened, in 1906, the Battle Creek Toasted Cornflake Company (renaming it "Kellogg's" only after winning the decade-long lawsuit John would bring against him). The new factory burned down early on, and Charles Post copycatted cornflakes but called them "Post Toasties", initial setbacks for this now-independent Luigi. Nonetheless, William was brilliant at marketing, so the company took off anyhow. This was one advertising campaign.:



-A free sample of cornflakes, that's what ๐Ÿ˜‰ย gets you.ย Did John s*** himself when he saw temptation! being used to sell cornflakes?

...But six months later...



Marketing campaigning too successful.

And it is Will's great success that leads him and John into their legal war.

59 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I get that their thinking sex was the root of all ills was their strongly held belief....

....Are we sure he was anti-kink with some of these measures being used?


...Whilst cornflakes weren't invented specifically to cut back on touch-feely feelings, it does seem they weren't entirely divorced from it. Gluttony and lust appear to have been interlinked for Dr. Kellogg. If you eat food that melts in your mouth, you'll feel more inclined to melt later. Bland food is healthy food, curtail your hunger and you'll curtail your thirst. Thus his insistence on keeping sugar the seed of Satan away from his cornflakes.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Ah yes, such rich clientele as the man who stole his cereal. You'd almost not want them.

Henry Ford who was pretty odious, Thomas Edison, President William Howard Taft yes the fat one, Amelia Earhart, some of the famed visitors to Battle Creek Sanitarium.ย 

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Ah yes, the old "Pass the old culture batch to my ass"

True story, I went to a university which had a dedicated gut microbiome research facility. They tested fecal transfers to pass better gut microbiota between people and had results from it. So this is not as surprising, but it seems a risky play if the yogurt was made with bacteria that might make things worse.

It is weird to think that maybe Dr. Kellogg wasn't entirely off-base in putting yogurt up the posterior. But the health benefits of yogurt for the microbiome are indeed coming to light in the present day.๐Ÿ˜†

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Excited for the Canadian women's soccer match! Let's see if the drone gambit paid off...

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I did wonder why that diner's portions were as big

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I see the comments saying the IOC is corrupt. I have no idea how it is, other than "willing to cooperate with dictator countries". However, I've heard the same of FIFA (as you might know better being European), and the two do have a lot in common. The bodies that control globally-beloved sports mega-events. Since the events are so famous, it makes the institutions really big and really invincible, which means corruption can go unpunished, and the enormity & popularity assures that theย ๐Ÿ’ฐย flowing in is colossal, andย ๐Ÿค‘ย corrupts.

There's the usual blatant corruption in bidding, you know, brown envelopes and all (I'd happened to see a video discussing the topic, but I'd rather not link because it's an ongoing series and they're certainly not what I'd call moderate), much as that has changed in current bidding with the whole system altered to prevent the opportunity arising (they now have a subset of IOC members select from bidding cities and there's a vote on the choices one at a time in order of preference on the criteria. There's apparently scoring data left for public perusal, wouldn't know that link).

I'm not fully knowledgeable on much of the issues, so I'll leave it there for now. And yeah, those who partook in corruption rarely received punishment for it, only encouraging them one might argue.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Never heard of the vulva-butterfly imagery? Women caress too.

-Although maybe I shouldn't have thrown it in, Dr. Kellogg wrote with great concern of little boys doing it, but never of young women I think. Perhaps because acknowledging the female sex drive and the forms it takes was societally unthinkable back them? Although, I did supposedly hear that back in the late 1800s, for a time, it was possible for a reputable woman with "hysteria" (the catchall "illness" for "woman acting weird"; men, they don't even try to understand) to be prescribed regular visits to the doctor where they would receive massages down there.

I didn't hear about the connotation between the two.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

...Whilst cornflakes weren't invented specifically to cut back on touch-feely feelings, it does seem they weren't entirely divorced from it. Gluttony and lust appear to have been interlinked for Dr. Kellogg. If you eat food that melts in your mouth, you'll feel more inclined to melt later. Bland food is healthy food, curtail your hunger and you'll curtail your thirst. Thus his insistence on keeping sugar the seed of Satan away from his cornflakes.

๐ŸŽถJohn Kellogg longed to purge the world of vice and sin

Sugar as the devil, probably would have agreed with Lulu Hunt Peters on a few things.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Henry Ford who was pretty odious, Thomas Edison, President William Howard Taft yes the fat one, Amelia Earhart, some of the famed visitors to Battle Creek Sanitarium.ย 

I'd say Edison was a pretty massive asshat too, aside from Tesla he certainly used his own power to his advantage. Plus a friendship with Henry Ford is arguably an indicator of those in high places and all, but Ford is certainly a choice of lifelong friend.

I see Taft I think of a webcomic from long ago where some 'mon representing Reoosevelt Sr shouts at Taft and punches them

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Kellogg brothers invented cornflakes yes, but they did not invent the first modern breakfast cold cereal.

The first breakfast cereal was invented in 1863, by Dr. James Caleb Jackson, who owned a sanitarium in New York. Dr. Jackson would bake whole wheat bread until it was extremely dry, then broken into small pieces, which were then placed in milk to soak overnight (although the bread would still be very hard). Dr. Jackson named this bland, grain-based, chewing-heavy product, "Granula". Dr. Kellogg liked everything about this, so he copied it, and, to avoid a lawsuit, named his version "Granola".๐Ÿ˜›

Despite being incredibly bland, Dr. Kellogg's patients loved Granola as much as he did. -But the bread was so hard, a woman broke her tooth on it at one point. Dr. Kellogg followed in the beliefs of a man named Horus Fletcher, whose dietary beliefs included an emphasis on chewing everything a certain number of times. Kellogg insisted his patients chew their food at least 40 times before swallowing, and if he happened to be in the room while you were eating, he would sing a chewing song he invented.๐ŸŽถ

Looking for something like Granola but not so rough on the teeth, Dr. Kellogg discovered Henry Perky and his invention- "Shredded Wheat" (turn wheat into a slurry, put through something like a pasta extruder to form little threads, form threads into little pseudo-baskets). Kellogg couldn't get the rights to Shredded Wheat, so it was only then that he decided to make his own cereal, with the flake chosen as the form to make it easy to chew.

The task of figuring out how to invent this flakey cereal falls to John Harvey's brother William, and John's wife Ella. The two spend months in the kitchen figuring out how to invent these cornflakes, and once they do, in 1895, they name them "Granos(e)" flakes. (The original 1895 patent says the flakes could be made of wheat or barely, not just maize.) Battle Creek Sanitarium is the first place they're served, either plain or in milk or yogurt (no added sugar or vanilla in this yogurt I would think). Former patients could buy Granos via mail order, and two years later, in 1897, to keep up with Granos demand, Will gets permission from his brother to open a small factory. The Lanitas Food Company and its "Toasted Corn Flakes" is born (again, no salt nor sugar on the flakes as long as Dr. Kellogg had control, this is a health food).

Given the ease of preparing cold cereal compared to other breakfast foods at the time, as flavorless as they are, cornflakes became popular. However, Will's desire to add flavor (he's the capitalism ho! brother) being squashed at every turn, leaves corn flakes not as popular as they could be. Charles Post, the former patient, fills the cereal demand void by opening his own cereal factory in Battle Creek. His cereal is based on Kellogg's Granola (which reminder- was itself IP theft), but made the pieces of bread much smaller, and, heย added sugar.๐Ÿ˜‹ย Confusingly, Charles Post named his cereal "Grape Nuts", despite having neither grapes nor nuts.

Others follow in Post's footsteps and open their own cereal factories in Battle Creek. Everyone trying to be the cereal killer who wipes out the rest of the competition. Will Kellogg sees this, asks his big brother to add flavor to the cornflakes, or at least start a national marketing campaign, the answer is always no. When John Harvey makes a visit to Europe, Will decides to attempt a cereal coup and adds salt, malt, and sugar to the cornflakes, which people greatly enjoyed. -But as soon as John gets back, he goes reactionary, and Will decides to leave his brother at last and form his own company. -This only lasts for six months -John legally harassing his brother at every turn- before the Battle Creek Sanitarium burns down. That leads to what I wrote above.

After Will squeezed the rights to cornflakes from his brother following the Sanitarium's rebuilding, he got to doing Mammon's work. He opened, in 1906, the Battle Creek Toasted Cornflake Company (renaming it "Kellogg's" only after winning the decade-long lawsuit John would bring against him). The new factory burned down early on, and Charles Post copycatted cornflakes but called them "Post Toasties", initial setbacks for this now-independent Luigi. Nonetheless, William was brilliant at marketing, so the company took off anyhow. This was one advertising campaign.:

ย  Reveal hidden contents


-A free sample of cornflakes, that's what ๐Ÿ˜‰ย gets you.ย Did John s*** himself when he saw temptation! being used to sell cornflakes?

...But six months later...



Marketing campaigning too successful.

And it is Will's great success that leads him and John into their legal war.

A great series of events to be sure, but my heart's not a response here.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It is weird to think that maybe Dr. Kellogg wasn't entirely off-base in putting yogurt up the posterior. But the health benefits of yogurt for the microbiome are indeed coming to light in the present day.๐Ÿ˜†

The point was bringing in gut bacteria associated with healthier guts compared to the recipient, not sure what a commercially made yogurt would provide in comparison (But considering putting in the usual way would be unlikely to succeed.....)

46 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:


Why does the outfit work for Alcryst?

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I binged on Megaton Musashi today b/c I had the chance.๐Ÿ˜„ Didn't opt to watch too much plot though, mostly doing story-free side missions, just to load up on new gear. Did the three Shelter Quests that unlocked after what plot progression I did do, this optional set of what will amount to nine little stories (which seem interconnected) are grim, yet interesting.

...Now my eyes are tired, with a serious headache.๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I did wonder why that diner's portions were as big

Can confirm. The calzone -I ordered a large- from a local pizza joint I ordered the other day? Reached almostย diagonally from corner-to-corner of a pizza box, maybe 22in/56cm in length? Still delicious the second day. And usually if I get a hot sub from the place, there'll be a half or quarter left for tomorrow's lunch.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

There's the usual blatant corruption in bidding, you know, brown envelopes and all (I'd happened to see a video discussing the topic, but I'd rather not link because it's an ongoing series and they're certainly not what I'd call moderate), much as that has changed in current bidding with the whole system altered to prevent the opportunity arising (they now have a subset of IOC members select from bidding cities and there's a vote on the choices one at a time in order of preference on the criteria. There's apparently scoring data left for public perusal, wouldn't know that link).

Thank you for the info.๐Ÿ˜€

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

I didn't hear about the connotation between the two.

Just something I saw once or twice in modern art.๐Ÿ˜…ย 

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

A great series of events to be sure, but my heart's not a response here.

No need to. Just me stating the clarifying facts.๐Ÿ˜…

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

The point was bringing in gut bacteria associated with healthier guts compared to the recipient, not sure what a commercially made yogurt would provide in comparison (But considering putting in the usual way would be unlikely to succeed.....)

Not if you believe the advertising.๐Ÿ˜›

Though I am aware that scientists are realizing that what you eat does affect your gut bacteria- what nutrients you bring into it, and not all microbes die from stomach acid. So maybe quality yogurt is good for the microbiome?

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@Acacia Sgt

Just got translated. Dice-rolling Compati Hero board game.


And seeing the boxart:


How did Daltanious get in here 11 years before SRW?๐Ÿคจ

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

@Acacia Sgt

Just got translated.


And seeing the boxart:


How did Daltanious get in here 11 years before SRW?๐Ÿคจ

...Does this board you?๐Ÿ˜›

Interesting. Hmm, hard to say what they were considering for the roster. I mean, you also have Dragonar, which also took a while to get into SRW. Emperor God Sigma took even longer, since it wasn't until Z1 where it debuted.

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8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Life is a comedy


3 hours ago, Dayni said:

I'd say Edison was a pretty massive asshat too, aside from Tesla he certainly used his own power to his advantage

Edison is the reason why Hollywood exists in the first place. Guy was holding a massive monopoly (read: intimidating and destroying anyone who wasn't aligned with him) on the film industry but his reach only existed on the East Coast. So everyone moved to California and that's how we got Paramount and Universal and Warner Bros.


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It's uncanny, my ability to not see a snake until it's inches from my feet. I get away, and then I'm always left with the nagging uncertainty for the next few hours whether or not I might've gotten bit and not felt it. Man, I wish I could just know for sure.

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Boxing the drama


Not in a good place with family at the minute, as much as they'd argue it's in my head my issues I'm having with them are from them, but trying to keep at an arms distance is also an issue, hmph.

Doesn't help I've walked myself into another stay at home next week. My brother's also an ass, whatever about priorities there's no point in talking with him about those issues because he's the dumbass saying just leave. When it's so much easier for him to do so.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not if you believe the advertising.๐Ÿ˜›

Though I am aware that scientists are realizing that what you eat does affect your gut bacteria- what nutrients you bring into it, and not all microbes die from stomach acid. So maybe quality yogurt is good for the microbiome?

I probably should have clarified that I was on about the microbes in particular, especially as said fecal transfer isn't having to deal with that factor by design.

(And wouldn't the yogurt advertising be mainly about the nutrients anyway?)

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Can confirm. The calzone -I ordered a large- from a local pizza joint I ordered the other day? Reached almostย diagonally from corner-to-corner of a pizza box, maybe 22in/56cm in length? Still delicious the second day. And usually if I get a hot sub from the place, there'll be a half or quarter left for tomorrow's lunch.

That's not a small pizza box that's for sure.

Can't even think of a place selling 22" here

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Underground battle for once, and they had to bore thoughts of Getter-2 into my skull -thoughts that were already there ofc.

It's just a normal knuckle-type weapon this time, drills have been available since the game began. Bit of a letdown it isn't a Special Move, but I appreciate the obvious referencing anyhow.ย 

-And Yamato disagrees about the awesomeness of drills, no surprise, given he's 10000% Getter-1 material.๐Ÿ˜„

Plot was decidedly quiet here, though I wouldn't call it a worthless filler chapter at all. Some character development (cliched for sure, but enjoyable and charming IMO), some backstory details revealed, some buildup made. I liked it.


1 hour ago, Dayni said:

Boxing the drama

Not a problem. Vent as needed.๐Ÿ™‚

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

saying just leave. When it's so much easier for him to do so.

In an acrimonious moment or two I've had the same thrown at me. -But said moments are fortunately very rare in my case and I know my family is much too kind to ever actually follow through with that.

1 hour ago, Dayni said:

That's not a small pizza box that's for sure.

Can't even think of a place selling 22" here

-That was the length of the calzone inside, not the box itself.๐Ÿ˜‰

...I was reminded that the US didn't invent "it's perfectly acceptable to bring food home". Islamic Golden Age and Ottoman Empire banqueting did permit guests to bring a bag or large wrapping cloth into which they could place food to return home with, perhaps as a sign of the host's wealth and magnanimity. There's even a -probably false- story of a man who was so focused on filling his bag, that he never turned his eyes away from the food to make sure he was putting it in his sack. Instead, he threw it in the bag of another guest, who didn't realize it was full and food was spilling out as he left the banquet. Though this comical tale ends well, with the man who was so narrowly focused on bringing back leftovers to his family, being politely informed of his mistake and allowed to load up successfully this time.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Underground battle for once, and they had to bore thoughts of Getter-2 into my skull -thoughts that were already there ofc.

It's just a normal knuckle-type weapon this time, drills have been available since the game began. Bit of a letdown it isn't a Special Move, but I appreciate the obvious referencing anyhow.ย 

-And Yamato disagrees about the awesomeness of drills, no surprise, given he's 10000% Getter-1 material.๐Ÿ˜„

Reminds me how noticeable the lack of Getter in SRW X is. But then, our drill needs are covered by Gurren Lagann, pft. XD

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Wow, that's discomforting

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In an acrimonious moment or two I've had the same thrown at me. -But said moments are fortunately very rare in my case and I know my family is much too kind to ever actually follow through with that.

Thing was he was saying it as a practical answer to the situation, that if you can't get over their mean takes then it's easier to just leave (which is a great take in a world where increasingly hateful views are being left unchallenged /s). Family is messy at the best of times and he could stand to be better with me as well.

Needless to say my mind has been on letting them be the ones to initiate, but considering chances are they won't as long as they don't need something (except for my mother but that's another kettle of fish), I feel like they won't understand why I'd feel hurt that it feels like I'm mainly to be useful and that any contributions they disagree with are my fault, that they're perfectly fine and no, they don't need to ask if they might have done something wrong. It's a mood, is what it is.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-That was the length of the calzone inside, not the box itself.๐Ÿ˜‰

Figured, but more commenting I can't think of any place selling above 18" here,

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