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Voting Gauntlet: Shrouded Skirmish!

Voting Gauntlet: Shrouded Skirmish!  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Which army will you support?

    • Líf: Lethal Swordsman
    • Marth: Enigmatic Blade
    • Black Knight: Sinister General
    • Death Knight: The Reaper
    • Legion: Masked Maniac
    • Gerome: Masked Rider
    • Conrad: Masked Knight
    • Sirius: Mysterious Knight

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  • Poll closed on 06/05/2020 at 02:59 AM

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I totally didn't realize this was happening.

The only unit of these that I've actually built is Masked Marth, though only with a support build. I'll probably go with Marth, and if she loses, I'll switch to Black Knight if he's still there.

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Round 2 will apparently be Marth vs. I LIVE Death Knight and Legion vs. Sirius.

Yeah, my VG winning streak dating back to the A Hero Rises VG just had to end here. Fortunately for me, Lucina managed to advance so I'll be joining her with BK eliminated.

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2 hours ago, SockPuppet said:

Masked Marth welcomes all new supporters 🙂 

well since Lif lost i did the most logical thing, since i cant be bothered with this mode. I joined Lucina. Not because i want to support her, god no. But she is the only female so she prolly will wind then next 2 rounds...

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Well. All 3 of the ones I wanted to support the most are out. Okay, then. Guess I'll be joining Death Knight since he's preferable to the other three to me.

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Well, Death Knight lost. Now it's just Masked Marth vs Sirius. Masked Marth is probably the easiest hero to +10 (at least for long-standing players.) That, plus she's a girl, is why I think she'll probably win. That said, I'm going to support Sirius. I don't dislike Lucina, exactly. I just can take Sirius more seriously or something.

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25 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Pun intended? 😄

lol; the pun wasn't intended, but I did recognize that it was there. X3 Heh, those jazz hands... Okay, I can't take him as seriously anymore. XD (At least, outside of his story context.)

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Gazing at Siriuu.

So I might have picked the winner first round, that's rare.

I'm still amazed BK got knocked out. What went wrong?

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5 minutes ago, Daysi said:

Gazing at Siriuu.

So I might have picked the winner first round, that's rare.

I'm still amazed BK got knocked out. What went wrong?

Multiplier caused BK to be knocked out.  Not surprising since it happens a lot to popular characters.  I gave up caring who wins these things long ago.

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9 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

Black Knight losing to Diet Black Knight was gross.

Honestly I hate all the comparisons between the two just because the names are similar. BK and DK couldn't be more different.

One is a serious, refined villain who incites fear with their mere presence and a few words. The other is a deranged serial killer who has completely lost their marbles.

Even the way they go about the "twist" of who is behind the helmet is completely different. With Black Knight we are first introduced to the enigmatic figure and only way later we meet the person behind the helmet. With Death Knight it's the opposite. We met the person behind the helmet near the beginning of the game and only after a while we discover that a weird knight is kidnapping people.


I know asking people to stop comparing characters in the new games to characters in the old games is too much, we are the FE community after all, we invented archetypes exactly to compare every villain with a shred of honor to some blond dude in the first game who ironically was the original Black Knight.

But atleast let's compare them to the right character. If DK is similar to anyone in personality and role, that someone is Valter from SS.


So Death Knight is Diet Valter.

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5 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

Honestly I hate all the comparisons between the two just because the names are similar. BK and DK couldn't be more different.

One is a serious, refined villain who incites fear with their mere presence and a few words. The other is a deranged serial killer who has completely lost their marbles.

Even the way they go about the "twist" of who is behind the helmet is completely different. With Black Knight we are first introduced to the enigmatic figure and only way later we meet the person behind the helmet. With Death Knight it's the opposite. We met the person behind the helmet near the beginning of the game and only after a while we discover that a weird knight is kidnapping people.


I know asking people to stop comparing characters in the new games to characters in the old games is too much, we are the FE community after all, we invented archetypes exactly to compare every villain with a shred of honor to some blond dude in the first game who ironically was the original Black Knight.

But atleast let's compare them to the right character. If DK is similar to anyone in personality and role, that someone is Valter from SS.


So Death Knight is Diet Valter.

He's a little of both. For you to deny any similarity between two fully armored, enigmatic figures who are seemingly loyal to the main villain but whose sole motivation is to validate themselves through overcoming a strong opponent is... disingenuous. His personality is more similar Valter, but his role is more like that of BK.

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11 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

He's a little of both. For you to deny any similarity between two fully armored, enigmatic figures who are seemingly loyal to the main villain but whose sole motivation is to validate themselves through overcoming a strong opponent is... disingenuous. His personality is more similar Valter, but his role is more like that of BK.

There are some similarities, but there are just as many differences. 

For example a similarity between the two is that in their first appearance on a map they have to be pretty much avoided because of how strong they are, they show up multiple times and they always say something along the lines of "we are not ready/the moment hasn't come yet" until the final battle.

But a thing that makes them very different is that you feel a personal connection between the BK and the protagonist, like they are designed by fate to be eternal rivals (and in a sense they are, twin swords and everything).

With the DK you at best feel like they have an interest in the protagonist, not a connection/shared destiny. Valter had a creepy interest in the protagonist, in a similar way to the DK IMO.


I guess we could argue about this for hours, and it's not the place for it.

What I'm trying to say is that in a series that actually recycled the name Black Knight two times (Camus, Ares and then BK) and has some actual clones of previous characters (Bord and Cord from Archanea/Wade and Lot from Elibe. Cordelia, Gaius and Tharja/Caeldori, Asugi and Rhajat) it's to be expected that some characterization and story will be recycled from time to time, and that's fine as long as you change enough to be compelling and unique.

Which they did with the DK, IMO. You can tell that they took inspiration from the BK, and a bunch of other villains, but they also did enough unique stuff to make them not a carbon copy. Which is why I don't like to see them called a carbon copy, it's just not true.


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3 hours left: Same;
2 hours left: Sirius gets a Multiplier;
1 hour left: Marth gets a Multiplier;
Final hour: Sirius gets a Multiplier.

Masked Marth wins this Voting Gauntlet because the final multiplier will not be enough for Sirius to reach Marth.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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I'm somewhat surprised Masked Marth/Lucina managed to win this gauntlet. I thought for sure that the recency of Three Houses would give Death Knight an edge, and I know Lif and Black Knight have tons of supporters. But, hey, happy for Marcina, and not just because I was on her team from the beginning!

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